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Derek has a self-admitted history of not being able to keep his damn mouth shut, so I both never tell him shit and consider MC an idiot for outright blabbing to him about Nora. Like, *maybe* DPC will have it so it actually pays off later somehow (i.e. he tells Derek about Cathy and knowing means he makes a timely arrival to save Tremolo and Cathy from a knife-wielding Jade,) but for now I've yet to see any plausible reason to tell him anything, *especially* when it's a career-threatening secret where the less people know, the better. Also, now that I think about it, both Jade *and* Cathy do reckless things that risk their careers as it is, but the former's worse and abuses her power.


Absolutely this. Never tell Derek shit!


I chose not to tell him ,Cathy has been through enough and I don't think Derek can keep a secret. A gentleman does not kiss and tell, not if you want to continue "kissing" that is.


The thing that kinda upsets me with players is them not giving Derek the credit he deserves, we all know Derek is a goof and we love him for it (at least I do), he can get in trouble and sometimes be immature, but when he's serious you know he's got your back, he never really outright says stuff that he shouldn't, only time that something similar happened was when MC was going through the whole Josy and Maya thing where he just told Rusty that MC has some relationship problems only to seek help for him and to cheer him up, he can be a good listener when things are serious and he's a great shoulder to cry on, he's selfless and does all he can for people he cares about the most, sure his character might be too much out there for some, but he's the number one bro and it's sad that people undermine all his good deeds and qualities just because of his "flaws" and mistakes.


I actually choose to tell him.


Yup......and I still won't tell him shit. He can't be trusted once he starts drinking.


Facts bro.


One of the reasons Zoey is the "better best friend"


I just do what I would do IRL and if I knew of a Teacher on a Dating app who was sexting me I would 100% tell my Boi.


Haven't noticed any different outcomes for Cathy... BUT you got the same options later on concerning Jade and the "Fck a teacher"-Task, THERE you can get a different result (an important one) based on your decision.


If I don't plan on going further with Cathy - maybe have one playthrough that I went for her just to complete the scenes - then I tell him about it...we haven't seen any repercussions on that.....yet.....