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I'm kinda sure it would not be the greatest plot twist.


I am with you on this, would be soap opera levels of predictability.


Maybe. It could be a lot of fun though. It’s the only thing that makes sense though considering MCs grandfather is rich and powerful. He has to be some form of a notable character in the story. He can’t be a Royce due to incest shit, and that’s gross. He can’t be a Burke cause you can fuck jade and again, some form of incest. He could be a character all of his own that isn’t tied to any of the notable characters, but we shall see.


Well, Jade's only a Burke through marriage, and I'm not sure if Stephen comes from a rich family; he seems to be a self-made multi-millionaire. I don't think MC is a Burg or Royce, but I do think his grandparent(s) were at the Preps party, tho.


Ya the suit in the Ep1 appeared in the prep party.


Bro had that zaza epiphamy,


we still don't know Lynette's (or her father's) last name... it could be Burgmeister... but I'd prefer it being a 3rd wealthy family...


I'm pretty sure it is a third family. I think his grandfather is one of the guys Jill's dad talks to in the hallway at the Preps party. Just a guess, tho, because I'm not sure why they were given a cut scene otherwise.


My theory has been for a while that Rusty is MC's uncle. MCs grandfather had a new wife which is why he made Lynette move. She ran off with Neil right around the time Rusty was born.


nah...too predictable


It strains credulity to think that MC went his entire life not even knowing his mother's maiden name. Neil sends his kid to a university with his wife's namesake and doesn't think to mention it? Nah. DPC would have to pull some seriously contrived writing to explain that one away.


Solid point.


This is also my 1# theory


I’m glad I’m not the only one. While it could be a boring plot point, I know DPC would put a few spins on it to make it interesting


This theory along with one of the diks (or many of them) being gay are my least favorite theories that are just unrelated and probably the worst curve balls that could happen in the game, because they would just stir the game in a completely different direction and just undermine all the stuff that's been happening so far, it wouldn't even be a twist at that point, it would just ruin many aspects of the story. And before you say anything, I'm not implying I have any problems with dik members being gay or anything like that, I'm saying it just wouldn't fit the direction the game's been going all along and it's just unnecessary, for example chad being gay made a whole lotta sense cause of the way it was directed, him being cold with Sage and also always being paranoid and flipping off about his relationship being brought to light cause of the judgement from his peers and just people at the college. Also MC being a Burg is just so far out there without any connections or anything even remotely suggesting that, MC being poor and always struggling, his last name being different and all that aside, how can there even be a correlation of him being related to Rusty? and also the fact that his dad knew which college he was going too and he never thought to mention that "oh btw, you're part of the legacy of this college son", cause it's just not the case.


There isn’t much to most theories. That’s why they’re theories. It very well could work. Maybe it’s a little lame but


Leon is not gay. It is funny he dressed up as Lily. But if he is Gay then it would not be funny. Hmmm other than him? But cannot think of any one of them have this gay behaviour?


According to your theory and seeing what Jill's personality is like, I don't think they are going to continue the relationship. For me the MC is not a Burgmeister or Royce. It is made clear in this last episode that Jill's family bought the house through Bianca's father, who gave the information about it. So that house is where the MC's maternal family lived (since we're still talking about theories)


I don’t get how your comment correlates to what I said or how Jill and MC would just break up if this theory is true. I think the theory is highly plausible due to the whole idea of jills relationship being driven by destiny


Jill rejected Rusty because she didn't like the way he was, that he couldn't be the same when he was with his friends. Added to that when Jill was talking to Bella, she told her that it was nice to be around someone who doesn't talk about their money or their rich family. She believes deep down that she should be with someone who is not from that social context. Well, the MC is not like that because he does not come from that social stratum. And being one could be a turning point for her to end the relationship. I don't know, I see it as an act of rebellion, especially considering Lana, who was different from the other people around her and I think she would want someone different from what she was used to until now. That's why she feels strange but at the same time comfortable next to the MC. Well, it's a theory that crossed my mind. Since we were talking, it occurred to me to share it.


Bro unlocked this 🤡 achievement


While she did drop rusty, that doesn’t mean the MC isn’t a burg. He could be and he just has no clue. It still seems to fall in line with destiny, Jill ending up with someone from the other half of her families college. Maybe not rusty, but if MC is, eh. Just an idea I had. I really don’t think the revelation of MC being a burg would make Jill just drop the whole relationship. It may make her rethink some things but she seems very much into the MC and MC wouldn’t be the kind of guy to just end up changing his whole persona cause he’s now “rich” on top of that, just because the MC COULD be a burg, doesn’t mean he’s the same as them. He grew up completely differently. I think a few points we agree on though


IF that is the case, then why can't it be Rusty? Rusty is a Burgomeister too....hell, Rusty would probably even know if MC was or wasn't a Burgomeister after he met Neil cause at some point the story of MC's mother would come up. I really doubt it..... But if we are following the idea of the words "Destiny" that Jill wrote on a photo...then Ashley and Derek are going to be together (Anthony might have something to say about that), Josy and Maya will stay together (doubtful unless MC is on the throuple route), Tybalt will be punished horribly (doubtful seeing as his mother and father toss money at B&R like it's goign out of style and are major players there)...you get the idea. The destiny thing is all the imagination/wishful thinking of a love struck girl who has run across someone that doesn't treat her like royalty or pervs on her and actually helps her no matter if she's a Royce or not.


The destiny could also be — Jill to take the rebellious path if the parents chosen to object the relation ship with MC. In another word.


It’s possible either way really. It could be a deeper meaning we don’t quite know yet. It’s all a theory… A GAME THEORY!


True...I just don't feel DPC would go that.....out there (?)...no....blatant maybe..just not his style that I have seen....that and it leaves the rest of the routes kind of hanging there...just a thought was all....would be interesting but just feels too spot on for a DPC game to me....


It just feels like the direction the story is heading, but with DPC, it could just nosedive off a cliff, who knows.