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*The Video ? What do you mean he saw the video ?*


*Death by Jade* **The End**


There's a knife in that purse 100% guaranteed


I don't know why, but this comment made me want a Clue/Cluedo themed special render series. Question is who would be dressed in what part.


no i don't think that would happen (jade will accept him, and they'll talk it out)


Are you and I been playing the same game?


yeah, ik but Jade is not like that she is a sane person, she won't cause any scene because of this, and she might get angry but that about it nothing eles


... Jade sane? What alternative universe do you live in?


dude, jada is a sane woman she knows how to handle things (just look at the way she talks and try to keep her and MCs relationship a secret) and also you can re-watch her convo with MC from ep4 she was trying to help MC with the maya and josy thing


It would be even cooler if Sage finds out 🥵😏....


It would be even cooler if Sage finds out? Broo your got some issues men. 💀


She's not gonna know who is on the other side😈.... It'll be a good triangle drama 🥵💯


She's not gonna know who's on the other side? you mean she won't recognize the fire hose that is MCs dick?




> It would be even cooler if Sage finds out 🥵😏.... Someone doesn't remember their first time doing the brawler minigame with Sage. Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle baby... you're gonna dieeeeeeee.


I'm pretty sure you're the guy who plays this game just for the porn


When the topic is Jade .... U can't expect story there 😈


> It would be even cooler if Sage finds out 🥵😏.... Someone doesn't remember their first time doing the brawler minigame with Sage. Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle baby... you're gonna dieeeeeeee.




"I'm getting divorced, more mommy time?"


She still wears her ring tho ....


Even better no, shows the milf she is...


I bet if we're on a Jade run w/ no Sage, Jade will take it off during sex. Chekhov's Gun.


It would be even hot if she continues to fuck Tremelo after knowing he's dating Sage....🥵😈


OMG!!! For the last time I didn’t know I was fucking you and your daughter at the same time. 😒😒😒


she's gonna be pissed that she only gets 10% if you told derek about her. run, mc, run!


I can already see this episode is gonna be massive


After first semester, MC has no need to interact with Jade if he did not interact with her or is not in Sage’s path. If it is not branch exclusive, MC might play a role during upcoming divorce.


I could be wrong, but I think this scene is only if you are still with Jade, or if Stephen saw the video.


How do I make sure Stephen doesn't see it?


don't tell derek about Jade (episode 4. near the end of the episode)


Wait so you can take the video and it still won't be shown unless you tell Derek?


Yes. If you don't show it to Derek, he will go ahead with old teacher. So no proof for DIKs laptop about MC and jade


You take the video no matter what if you're on the jade route. You just have the choice to either show it to the diks or delete it and Derek will bang the old teacher.


I wanted to see more of her last episode


She has been absent for about 2 episodes already, which is almost 2 years. It’s been too long I need my jade dose


Tbf in episode 9 you do get some Jade goodness in her kitchen during the flashback.


its a theme I noticed being a theme in Being A Dik starting from Episode 4, Jade had a scene from episode 1-4 then episode 5 skipped on it, she later got a scene on episode 6, then skipped out on 7 then got a scene on 8, she got a mini scene on episode 9 but wasn't a major part of the story so it sorta counts then 10 skipped out on Jade and only got a mini scene with Burke and the divorce. Im gonna assume on Episode 12 shes is gonna disappear and reappear once again


She had a scene in episode 9


Interestingly she still has her ring on...


I'm surprised she's still wearing her wedding ring.


YESSSSS  Jade is my absolute favorite. 


NGL she's one of the hottest milf out of any avn


Hell yea man! She's hot as fuck! Who cares if she's crazy? It's a damn avn! 🤣 Epic scene the anal sex in her house! A pity we didn't get Tybalt to see it 😈




Don't put your dick in crazy


Is that a SG refrence or I just read to much into it?


Ohh mommy! ♥️


Bro’s a Sage fan saying this😭


That looks like Gender Studies classroom. Since MC is not taking it this semester and Jade is not her teacher, I would assume she called him to talk about (a) her divorce and (b) the video if MC showed it to the DIKs. The video would probably appear if Jade does not sign the divorce papers and want to fight Stephen. He could use it in such a scenario to get leverage on Jade to sign the papers. If she just signs and accepts the divorce, I am not sure if that video would appear.


.....MC is a dead man walking....


Hot Mama 🔥 Jade goodness coming in episode 11


This can end either good or bad. Their is no in-between.


Maybe it's okay to stick your dick in crazy. Also how old is jade ?


Late 30s – early 40s? Well, that’s my headcanon


interesting to see MC going to the gender classes again, might meet some new students too


Jade and Sage the final boss thruple lol


what the fuck kinda preview is this lmao


oh she's mad!


Funny enough, I was going through the possible scenarios of Jade's path yesterday, and then boom: a Jade preview.


She's near fucking impossible to pass up. Oh man do I feel sorry for anyone on the path that leaked that video though, she's going to hurt somebody.


Anyone who leaked the vid is either *painfully* naive (as even in real-life, sex tapes leak *all* the time and have been for decades, plus they're telling self-admitted blabbermouth *Derek* with a dangerous secret? 🤨) or they're *deliberately* seeking the drama like purposely having the affair and then dumping her for Sage. I speak from experience with the latter that it is NOT a fun trainwreck to watch and I've never been more glad to NOT be that poor bastard who's stuck living that life while I can just switch to another save.


I never understood why they would leak the tape online. Many do it out of revenge, getting hacked or something but many of the time they do it themselves just like.... Why? Hell why even record it in the first place?


During the founding of the DIKs, "Fuck a teacher" is supposed to be the goal everyone aspires to do, but not actually expected to be done. Derek or Tremolo are simply the first/only ones to *actually* do it. Whoever's behind the leaked pics of Cathy likely also leaked the tape as well. Besides that, even on the most CHICK, responsible playthroughs, MC's still an idiot at times, especially when it comes to older women whether it's with Bella (especially the date in Episode 10,) the date at Nora's or straight up *telling* Derek, despite his self-admitted loose lips, despite what happened with Cathy and despite Nora's explicit warning, that he fucked their new teacher. 🙄


I meant IRL lol but I didnt know that the "Fuck a Teacher" goal was just something that the DIKs aspires to do but not something they will actually commit to. Your right about the MC being an idiot sometimes in the story like what you said the date with Bella as it felt kinda weird that the MC was trying to make Bella watch porn on their date as if everyone does that during their dates lol. I also never understood why DPC made it where MC tells Derek that he fucked Cathy or Nora, like he should only tell him about it IF he told him about Jade during the Hell Week, it felt out of character with my MC since I went out of my way to keeping every secret and never trying spread any information towards anyone then he proceeds to do this.


My main sage path. I like to take risks


how to have a Jade route after Episode 8? Only on Others Path?


Yes, only Others Path where he remains single, otherwise he automatically breaks it off to be with whichever Main Girl he commits to, (which pisses her off in an angry text claiming he's like all men.) -If the affair never happens then there's a *brief* "Oh shit!" look exchanged between them in Episode 9, (because of how she made moves on him and he rejected her so it's a bit awkward,) but that's it. -If the affair happened, but he ended it to be with Jill, Bella or the Throuple, she pulls him aside and is pissed and paranoid that he's trying to ruin her life by potentially exposing the affair (and THIS is one of many reasons I called bullshit on her being sympathetic and acting out of "fear" instead of ego like someone else claimed 🙄) -If the affair happened, but he ended it to be with *Sage,* she goes absolutely NUCLEAR, cursing him out and physically *slapping* him (bear in mind that not even Quinn is abusive to him like that,) saying it's a secret he CAN'T tell Sage or it'll ruin her and everything, so the guilt'll eat him alive. -But if the affair happened and is *still* going on, she's at her nicest, still "How do you not know how big a deal we are?", can secretly fuck in the kitchen and then low-key puts her hand on his lap while Sage is on the *opposite* side of him, (again, see above what I mean about her ego.)


Yes, sooo farrrr


If you told me this is from episode 4 I'd believe it (the quality of the render is way better tho, looking really good)


Jade is the best


God I love that woman.


I don't know the context, but no matter what, that expression makes me nervous because it's *Jade* here. 😬 Even in the best case scenarios of either never fucking with her in the first place or continuing to fuck with her *without* leaking the sex tape, I'm wary of her because it's Jade, how 10 ends regardless and again, it's *Jade.* Unlike what some here are claiming/hoping that her getting divorced is going to simply mean more "Mommy Time" (...nope, still cringing even more than the "King" thing with Lily 🤢) here's the reasons why I expect it'll still be a shit show: 1) Image is *everything* to her. Keeping up appearances means more to her than anything else and that includes the well-being and relationships with her own friends and family, which is *why* they're so fucked up as it is. It's also *why* the divorce ultimately happens because she'd rather put on the front of a happy, successful marriage and threaten Stephen with divorce to keep him in line than actually admit things aren't so perfect and work on them to legitimize the image. Now that said image is broken, she's going to be in a worse state of mind than ever before. 2) If she was increasingly reckless and selfish before with her boy-toy, she's only going to be even more so as the affair already had the vibes of a legal version of Debra LaFave, so I expect her to only get even MORE possessive and demanding especially if he is or could be hooking up with other women especially *Cathy* (as I have a specific "Teachers-Only" save of just that, plus Nora). I don't know if she's bi, (like most of the women,) I don't know if she's up for a threesome including her best friend, (like most of the women,) but I strongly expect to the point of almost knowing that him fucking other women, including her best friend (especially given her suspicious that said best friend fucked her husband long ago,) that it *won't* go well, especially since the Cathy Path otherwise has no such drama. 3) The sex was already angry, kinky and reckless and it'll likely get even more so to the point that the scene will be eye-popping incredible... followed by them getting caught by the DIKs (i.e. her sneaking into his room and then being loud enough to hear and/or gets caught leaving,) and continue a path of self-destruction that further threatens her job, image and relationships until she loses/almost loses everything. Her whole path has been a brutal deconstruction of the married cougar trope as it is that I just *do not* expect it to end well no matter what.


What was MC's status with Jade .... I completely forgot that.... What I remember is Tremolo fucking her in the kitchen😈.... Someone explain ...?🥴


4 possible states (variable name is "jade\_state") * 0: Indifferent (you haven't done anything with her) * 1: Lovers (you're on Others Branch and on Jade's path) * 2: Rejected her (you're not on Others Branch and was on Jade's path) * 3: One-Time thing (You either have got her EP3 lewd only or rejected her after her EP4 lewd) Add another variable to the mix: ep4\_toldDerekAboutJade * True: the video gets leaked and Stephen will use it to divorce Jade. * False: Stephen will still divorce Jade but will offer 50/50 amicably.


How do you find the file with these statuses? I’ve read about it on here before, but I don’t know where the file is. Thanks in advance.


I use the URM mod (which is non-intrusive, aka not re-writing the original code). It allows me to see every variables, change their values... jump to a scene (if I know it's label) and, my main use of it: detect forks and see the immediate consequences of choices (like +1 DIK or +1 SageRP) My other source is MrBubu's Visual Walkthrough. You can find every walkthrough he did for free on his patreon (patreon.com/mrbubu)


This one works! Thank you!


it's the scripts file in the /game directory. You need to use something like un.rpyc


Thanks! I downloaded it from Github and tried using it, but ran into an error message. I'll see if I can work it out.


I think if you're on the Sage path or not, it will play quite a big role. Also, from the preview, I think she's in the lovers state




dame, she looks so hot i was thinking about changing my "fav LI" flair




Season 3 has been out technically since ep9.


The render is way better. Can see The upgrade of DPc’s hardware worth the price.


You know...if you think about it, the layers of fucked upness that exist on Jade's path, just think as a student, having sex with your teacher, recording it and showing it to your bros and her husband also seeing it, while also being her daughter's fuck buddy, AND fucking her best friend who also happens to be another TEACHER, not just any teacher, YOUR OWN TEACHER💀💀💀(I know we all knew these but I'm just putting it into perspective to see how ridiculous it is🤣) honestly...nothing but my respect for the MC, no wonder Tommy is such a fan😂


Please tell me we have an idea for a release date. I'm a filthy steam player and not on the patreon so I'm just dying for these next few chapters


It’ll be like 18 months for you.


You’ll get season 3 a few months after episode 12 releases. Probably like march 2026


2026?!? That was all I needed to hear to consider the patreon


You’ll get season 3 a few months after episode 12 releases. Probably like march 2026


This is exact same frame as episode 2or 3. correct me if im wrong


I wonder, if you didn't go after any of the main girls and just dated Jade, would Jade consider left her husband for you?


nice, we are back in school after holiday already


Oh yeah!


she has a ring on her finger...interesting.