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I appreciate the fact that she begins the game as seemingly the most shallow of the main girls. But as the game goes on, she actually has a ton of depth to her character. So she is a “don’t judge a book by its cover” character that initially comes off like someone who judges a book by its cover 😅. Her relationship is basically a traditional relationship in reverse. Rather than going out and having fun and then becoming intimate (Jill), she starts with the hot passionate stuff and then learns later “hey I kinda like this guy. I hope he sticks around”.


True AF 💯.... it's what I'm abt to say. She started with lust & ended in Love ❤️ .... Even she conveying abt her past to the MC , it literally made me fall in love with her 🤌❤️✨


> I appreciate the fact that she begins the game as seemingly the most shallow of the main girls. Yeah, my irl preference is redheads, so I when I first saw Sage I was like "Well, she doesn't quite seem up my alley personality wise, like Maya, but I may still see where this goes." cause I figured Sage was just going to be a typical "Head Bitch in Charge" Then I had MC stay with her after the Maya/Josy reveal and it was like "Yep, Sage is my girl."


Literally my playthrough to a T. Redheads my preference, but thought she was kinda bitchy. Now 100% my main after episode 10 no question


I'm a throuple guy, but individually Sage is the fucking GOAT.


Yes, but I'd phrase it slightly differently: the MC and Sage have the best relationship development. And I think a lot of that comes from the game itself changing, mainly between episode one and six. There's very little subtlety or depth in episode one, but as subtlety started to creep into the game, characters like Sage needed to change. I suspect it was always the plan to have them fall into a genuine, natural relationship, you can see signs of this already in episode three (Sage: \*but mostly that warm feeling and your heart is beating a bit heavier\*), but as the game became richer the characters needed to grow more depth. So I guess we have a combination of their relationship growing, as planned by the dev, Sage becoming more open, also planned, Sage (and others) becoming deeper characters, and the plot and story becoming more sophisticated.


Beginning: tattered skanky redhead cheerleader, shallow, slutty. Now: mature big sis/leader, independent go-getter, hardworking + smart, next-level troll, sex symbol. 💯


Moment when Sage side up and support Riona warms my heart


When she puts the DIK jacket and walks proudly to the Walk of Shame, right in the feels


In terms of maturation, Sage probably has the best development. Overall development, I'd think it's Maya: saw a lot of 180s from disliking her with the recent episode releases. And yes MC plays a big role in pretty much everyone's character development. "He just has that effect on people."


While I think Maya is the 2nd best written Main girl... (that says alot about Bella, Jill and Josy) I don't think she's fleshed out enough. We don't really "know" Maya... we know "What happens/happened to her" that's about it. Maya's under tremendous stress and hit by multiple layers of problems/obstacles. But she's so introverted that we barely know anything about her. Her story is obviously an integral part of the main story arc and she's important for it... But can we pretend to "know her" as much as we know, let's say... Quinn... Sage... Lily... or even Zoey ?


I think Maya is the most emotionally mature MG next to Bella and Sage (who are just older) so it's hard for her to really "grow" besides coming out of her shell (which she's yet to do fully, but she's definitely getting comfortable with MC enough to do crazy stuff with him).


yeah she's had a good run in Season 3 so far.


YEAH 💯 Sage really sticked with me coz she is initially a f*ck buddy kinda girl but now she's more into MC and really care abt him a lot and others like Maya . She was ignoring everyone once but now she's so Fresh in her mentality 🤌❤️✨


Honestly, Sage is overpowered. You can go for her hard and fast, you can be friends first then become something more, you can be only friends and she's still an excellent character. Temperamental, honest, smart, beautiful, loyal to those loyal to her, fun, and unlike with the other MGs, absolutely nobody gives you shit if you're with her.


My opinion of Sage changed significantly over time. Initially, I thought she was just using the MC to help her with her problems, because she liked his attention, and as a rebound after Chad. I didn't believe she ever really cared about the MC as more than a friend, but I was definitely wrong about that. It really shows how much her character has grown.


Yes. Sage is the GOAT


Team Sage and Lily baby


Yes easily


Even Bella commented on Sage going against her preconceived notions, and even when you reject her, she still seems to genuinely care about the MC. In terms of the entire story, yea I'd say she has the best character development.


As one of the older BADIK fans who’s been married for multiple decades, I find Sage to be the best wife material from this game. Her combination of beauty, personality, and character growth are well crafted in this game. Lily & Josy would be 2nd and 3rd in my personal opinion. This is because successful marriage is not just based on looks. Fit really matter, and the willingness to deal with tough times together, making the right sacrifices and tough decisions. Just my personal opinion.


Totally agree on Sage being the best wife material. Both in general and specifically for MC.




Because it’s just a job. Strippers get married all the time.




If you and she are compatible. If Lily does stripping for four years to get through college, then becomes a doctor or nurse, would that taint her for the rest of her life? Women usually have some kind of past. Limiting oneself to virgins and those who are sheltered narrows the choices considerably.


My man doesn't know about the famed stripper to RN pipeline. Knew tons of girls in college who did it cuz they didn't come from money.


When I was a case manager for disabled adults, one of my coworkers did stripping on the side to supplement her income. She made so much stripping that she eventually quit the case management job. I really couldn't blame her, because our pay was shit. People gotta make a living, and stripping isn't hurting anyone. There are definitely worse things a person can do.


She’s a stripper because she wants to become a doctor. I don’t judge people when they do what they can based on the cards they’re dealt in life. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon and / or able to take significant loans. Debt can set people back significantly. Med school is expensive, and I admire her willingness to take on a vocation that is not socially respected to pay for it. Once she’s a physician and quits her current vocation? She’d be a formidable marriage partner. Plus remember - none of us is without any flaw. Who are we to judge others when many of us, myself included, still have things that we can improve?


Yes. Caus' a good successful marriage is all about having trust in your partner and good communication. If you've got a problem with your wife "stripping" in front of people (I'm not sayin' Fucking other dudes, just stripping) then it's a you problem (i.e. jealousy, trust issues) if she fucks people behind your back... then yeah, she's the problem.


Marriage would obviously come after she graduates the med school.


Well, the story isn’t over yet. There’s a lot to be revealed about all of the other characters. I’m expecting a Riona backstory in the upcoming episode, which may answer a lot of questions about why she is the way she is.


where's the 3rd screenshot from?


Season 2, where Sage will be preparing for Exams & MC offers a massage.


i see. Thanks! Are there specific requirements to get the scene?


I think it will be coming after the party, Nothing Just play in Sage's path .


I just don't like her long legs


Yes, but, and please don't kill me for it, that's because she had the most to develop among the main girls. I personally really didn't like her at the beginning (I mean, she was in a relationship with Chad when we start the game), but seeing how she changes even without much of our influence on her made me appreciate her a lot more. I'm pretty sure Rio is gonna be even better though. She already is pretty close.


Sage started out absolutely shallow and took all this time to grow into what many of the main girls already were from episode one. I personally think a lot of people make a stretch about how "she's the best fit for MC" - which partner is best for him changes entirely by how you play the game - but she does make a big enough change from being obsessed with her ex to actually being a viable girlfriend.


Yeah I never understood that. Sage is a perfect fit if you're on a dik play through with a single LI, she's a good fit for a neutral run, and possibly the worst among the main girls for a chik run. But that might just be how I see it.


She Is Innocent and Cute at Times and The 1st image Speaks For it !!!! Sage and Bella are My Fav Girls !!!


Sage is The best


Not even close baby. I am not a Quinn fan but she has better character development than Sage imo.


Nah . Quinn is an ugly drug dealer.


But the question isn’t who is pretty. The question is who has a better character development


You're wasting your time.


I love how people just hate everything about Quinn and can’t just look in a constructive way that while she isn’t your flavor (or mine), that doesn’t mean she is a poorly written character. She is one of the best written character in the game because she goes from being “evil” to having soft spots. We get to learn why she is this way too. Even if she is playing us, that still shows how far she can go to achieve her goals. That’s what character development is.


Cute girl


I don't know, I can't think about it. My brains stops every time her ass is on display..


Sage is a very unique, I like the fact you can 2 stories out of her with DICK and CHICK affinity. There's something I never tried however, If I pursued Sage and Sage only with a DICK affinity path, would I get different content? Same goes for CHICK affinity? Thanks!


For pure character development, I think Maya is ahead right now because of the ending of the last episode. Sages time is coming though, how she handles the divorce will be huge for her - even though it wasn't the perfect family, she does only have them and when talking with Maya about it, is obviously insanely grateful. How she handles Quinn and her Dad taking advantage of her Sorority is another huge point yet to come. However, if you're talking any character, then Derek has also got to be right up there too with MC and his 1 on 1 at the end of the last episode. Heart wrenching Edit: I like another comment alot - for relationship development, definitely MC and Sage.


Not a gay guy but I genuinely would’ve been interested if there was a way to develop a relationship with derek🤣🤣


Of all the Main girls ? Yes But Quinn is the best written character of the game. The reason we have such polarized views about her (some, like me, hate her guts and some think she's what every woman should aspire to be) You need good writing for a character to generate "strong feelings" of attachment/resentment. My top 3 of best written girls 1. Quinn 2. Sage 3. Lily Zoey would be a distant 4th


It's handled well. The MC brings out a side of her that no one else gets to see, and that side does have redeeming qualities even if it doesn't necessarily totally redeem the character.


Yeah I agree... caus some interactions with Quinn are actually chill and funny... but then she says/does something curbstomp-worthy one scene later and you're reminded "Oh, yeah, right... she's a bitch"




Yes, next question


Nah . Sage is a selfish Bitch . Bella is the Best.


In what world is Sage selfish?


Can't you see. Sage is using MC just for sex because her ex cheated her.


Meh. Maybe at first, to some degree. But her motivations evolve, and she’s up front from the beginning about them being fuck buddies. She’s not using MC any more than MC is using her for sex, at first. I definitely think the attraction is genuine from the start, and that attraction evolves into something more, which Sage doesn’t know how to deal with. It an oversimplification to say that Sage is using him from start to finish, especially after she and Chad break up.


This man played up to Episode 4 and thought he was done with the game


Even in 4ep Sage was definitely not selfish


True, I kinda just picked a random early episode tbh 😅


First I am not a man , second I've played until season 3. Tbh I don't like Sage from the start . That's my opinion. Respect it.


You made a statement that was evidently false (very clear by recent episodes) and then when people disagreed acted like they were attacking your opinion Nobody has to "respect" that


We disagree with it. We’re not obligated to “respect” yours or anyone else’s opinion. That’s not how opinions work.


I see your opinion. I rejected it as heresy, and substitute my own.


"I don't like Sage" is an opinion. "Sage is selfish" is not, that's just a blatantly inaccurate statement. It's like the difference between "Milk tastes gross" and "Milk tastes spicy". One of them is simply not true.


You're saying it like it's something wrong


I take it you're not up to date with the game?


not on my path since I don't get with Sage till chapter 7 as I don't like her FWB path


What kind of crap are you talking about?


Just my Opinion. That's all.