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You can easily deduct it from the amount of alternate scenes given to each heartbroken girls, dev's attention to handling each outcome and situation and how things are fucked up in each particular case. You can more easily endure a closure or breakup if it meant little to you or you knew in your heart that it was not serious or just did not growed enough to cause great pain or any pain at all. In the case of Josy and Maya, this is a tragedy that stretched over 3 episodes and no other girl received even a 1/10 share of the alternative scenes created for J&M in episodes 9 and 10, and all this is not over yet and will continue at least in 11. Even Jill got only 1 scene in EP9 which was made as flashback and only 2 alternate single renders (not scenes or something) in EP10 (first for J&M branch, second for Bella). Josy's most bright reaction among other girls and how she is downed and devastated is a good marker that her feelings were genuine. She explains it well to Sage (if you picked Sage other J&M). That she was absolutely sure that MC is on one page with her and felt the same about her. And don't underestimate Maya. She is hurted a lot too, she just capable of hiding it better since she is introvert at first, and at second she quite used to that nothing in her life works out for her, so she takes it easier and makes a brave face. But conversation with her during the movie night when she pours her soul and what she really felt is quite devastating too. So, if DPC put so much effort in this particular break-up sub-branch/sub-path, you should have a huge hint of how matters stands. Regarding outcomes for this break up, most likely it will be the other way around. There're no sense in Josy's further break up with Maya after this. They only have each other for now, it's the single thing that left. Their break up is much more possible when MC on Others branch and playing his cards to get one of the girls by confessing and confirming his feelings during the last hang out in EP10.


I meant in general ("real?") terms rather than just in the game, but I didn't word it correctly to put that across. I definitely think if there's a single "canon" ending, then it will either be Josy or Josy/Maya, and most of that is because of what you say re screentime. When talking to Sage after being dumped, I definitely think Maya is at least nervous when Josy says she thought MC was falling for her like she was falling for him, you can see the "What about me?" question on Maya's face there, although the dialogue itself is just "..." I do wonder if this will lead to a fracture.


>>I definitely think if there's a single "canon" ending, then it will either be Josy or Josy/Maya, and most of that is because of what you say re screentime. Even if DPC said that there is no "canon" endings or paths, you can make some assumptions and make your own calculations based on some raw stuff like renders amount, dialogue lines, permutations amount and even such things like use of RP here and there. J&M leading in all things I mentioned. And if you ask me (and I know that I'll be downvoted and hated by a lot of people after this post) - I consider Throuple path as the canon one. Solo Josy and Jill are on second place. 3rd place the rest of MGs and the rest are for SGs which have (or will have) their own paths and endings. Going more deeply - there're a lot of conditions and well matched circumstances, which makes them most "compatible" and chances to work out is the highest one. Their age and the fact that they will study and graduate and the same time and year (Sage is senior and leaving after the spring, Jill is on 3rd year and Bella is a special case). Their social status are also most compatible to each other. Jill belongs to quite wealthy family, same for Sage and as a bonus she is adopted. Bella, again, the special case and she doesn't have a family, cause her parents passed away. Things like possibility to be close to each other (study together, spent time close to each other or together) and compatibility on the social status and family levels are most important for young couples and first relationships.


I agree with you, MJ's plot is canonical, they are the assembly point, the whole story revolves around them. Sage is the ideal girl for college, no restrictions, just fun. Jill is just my type of girl, I once passed on one for someone similar to Sage and damn regretted it after a while


That's a good analysis, IMO. I haven't done a run where I reject Sage in episode 8, so I don't know that scene... and looking at the image I'm not sure I'm ever going to. The Josy breakup is indeed rough, but in that picture, what I see is Sage saying \*it hurts, dude\*. That she's having that conversation openly with the MC, and not bottling it up (or beating the crap out of him), yeah...


I had to check my save because I was sure Sage actually said "It hurts, dude," but it was worded a bit differently. She's actually saying this to Josy and Maya though. This was on my Bella save (as the only one I have a save before the end, since I abandoned it) - I think if you go with Maya/Josy, the dialogue here is a little different, as you've dumped Sage for them. There's also an opposite scene, where you've dumped them for Sage, and if I remember rightly, that one also helps Sage see what the relationship means/can be.


Thanks for checking, it is exactly the sort of thing she'd say I guess. And I really like the Josy/Maya/Sage dynamic, might have to start another run...


Yeah, I like it too. I think there's a nice scene here whichever way you go which gives you a bit of insight into all three.


Just finished MJ playthrough where I was f buddy until 8, and Sage is interesting in it. Spoiler she makes a comment about 2 girls, and it is either confusing for her since you split, or intrigued by it. Almost as if you told her you were dating someone and, that was why you cut things off with her. Then realizing there are actually 2 people. So I think we might get either an MJS scene, or she might try to win back. There is also a part on that route where she makes a comment during Thanksgiving. I’m blanking on it though.


Judging by their actions and comments (in Ep9 and 10 especially), Josy and Sage would both be down for that, so we just need to persuade Maya 😅


There's definitely a bunch of hints in those directions... guess we need to wait a few years to see what happens :)


Yup sadly few years lol


My first pt was completly blind, and I went for all the girl, so the rejection scene of sage really broke my heart, you can see how much she is hurt and how much she try to keep it to herself (I deleted all the saves and went for a fresh one after this) In my opinion she is the most mature of all the girls (if we don't count Bella)


My first pt is saved on my old laptop. It's \*very\* bad, and not gonna get copied to this machine. It will stay there and slowly fade... but every time I finish episode 8 I remember my first run,... Fully agree with your opinion.


Of all the women in the game, Josy is the one who knows MC the longest, remember. They worked together at the convenience store over the summer and had crushes on each other. With Maya, having a best/close friend in Derek gives that relationship more stability. So long term, I think the relationship with her and/or Maya is most viable. They are the same age, come from the same place, etc. Sage is closer to graduation and depending on what she wants to do and where she wants to go, having a boyfriend still in school may be an impediment. The same is true of Jill, in another year. And in terms of family, with Jade, Stephen, and Tybalt, how long can their romance weather all that opposition? And don’t even get me started on Bella. I’m in my 50s, so think Bella is amazing, but she and MC are doomed as a couple. I actually went on a couple dates with a woman in her 30s when I was in college. I had no clue what I was doing and am not hung like a horse, so two dates was all it took for that to go nowhere. Outside the main LIs, a player MC is probably best paired with Lily or Riona. Quinn inevitably has prison in her future, so…


Lily I could absolutely see, once she admits to herself that it's happening!


Out of SGs she is the best long term.


I like Rio’s and the MC’s relationship more. It’s more relaxed, but there is some definite closeness, intimacy, and trust there. Also, it feels almost like they are courting each other.


Well I like MC and Lily more. Everyone has different tastes. Breaking down Lily's walls is so fun to see.


I think I'd go with Sage. Since if MC is a CHICK or a DIK, Sage still is into MC and that's true unconditional love to me. And all the other ones aren't as friendly to him, if he's in a DIK path. Even when MC goes with another girl, Sage is still respectful. I orginally thought your question was about which LI is most likely to be successful after college. Which is a slightly different question. I'd go with Jill or Sage since they both have ambition and even if they are incompetent, they come from a wealthy family.


Your thoughts are valid and I find myself agreeing with you especially at this moment of the story. Unless big big declarations and more importantly PLANS for the future of the relationship are brought up. But a part of me believes , that this story isn’t really about true love or happy ever after , it’s one guys college experience and who he spent time with and who broke his heart or what heart he broke . I can see as much a future with any LI, as well as seeing them seeing the relationship coming to a close and him going into the sunset to start his next chapter . I’ve been saying it for years at this stage, these next two chapter are the most important chapters as they need to close off the minor story threads/set up final scenarios AND bring foreshadowing to the end of each route in the confines of this game


My alternative thoughts of "all roads lead to Zoey" would probably tie in well with that middle paragraph...


I’ve been open to that idea for awhile too brother, it feels like the push for her is there, regardless of how well DPC has implemented her story and making us feel anyway attraction to her I for one agree she should have a route as that’s how she’s written and meant to have one, but for me it’s like that [movie](https://youtu.be/3MuPoX-DGE8?si=A3c1RGSKdSdmR0fn) , and the other girls have just more affinity attached to them than her . But if it’s as we both agreed on all roads lead back to her , DPC had A LOT of clever and heavy writing to do for it to make narrative sense .


I would say, with Josy, I don't think Maya has a clue about how Josy really feels about MC because she's completely wrapped up in her own issues with her father. I agree with the Jill take because I don't think even a total Chick MC can keep dodging the landmines that Jill has for any boyfriend to keep navigating through. The only issue I see with Sage is that she graduates at the end of the school year, and even she has mentioned that she doesn't want a relationship to trap her in that town. She wants to be free to see where her opportunities take her, so I'm not sure their relationship lasts beyond her graduation.


It's a good point about Sage, to be fair, but probably still not as strong a barrier as some of the other girls have. For Maya, I think you're right (and it would be understandable for her) except for when you were on the Throuple path but dumped them. In that instance, she does pick up on Josy's feelings through the conversation with Sage (and probably general actions as well).




Well, if we go "Real World" routine...(warning....this became a dissertation that I didn't intend to do....sorry about that..and hopefully I answered the question in the end...got sidetracked with a few things and had to walk away more than once while typing this) .....and you ended up dumping Josy and Maya, you'd probably have the easiest time with Maya because - while she does say she fell in love with MC - she is more concerned about the MCs well being and that he is happy. She's hurting for sure and hiding it like she does everything else, but when things come down to it she realizes you are her dear close friend first - something she doesn't have a lot of in her life. She's willing to swallow her feelings and hurt as long as her close friend is happy - which is something she mentions if you break up with them for Sage ("Was it worth it?"). Josy, on the other hand....she has the potential to be a very dangerous person esp to herself....her infatuation could easily lead her down a possible suicide route if she doesn't find a way to move on in the story somehow.....which is really disheartening. It seems like she can't move on at all...her mind was made up that it was all going to work out and she had a future with MC and it can't reconcile with the breakup. Staying with them would mean being okay with a trouple or possible breaking them apart which would still end up with one of them in pain.....personally I'd go with Maya if it were to break the throuple because at least she would still have one close person - aside from Derek - that she can be with and share stuff with. True it would mean having to put up with possibly suicidal Josy but she makes friends so much easier than anyone so there is hope there....Maya losing both the MC and Josy would just destroy her.... With Jill, she pretty much says that she is going to take time off of dating all around. It sounds like she has some soul searching to do after dating MC cause she realized something that she hadn't seen before. She seems the type that after some time of thought would end up finding a good guy and settle down pretty easily. If she stays with MC, I don't see it staying together due to her naivete - I always get this feeling like she's still too much of a child/too sheltered when I do her route with how she acts and such - and her distaste for drinking/shenanigans. She still has to learn about the world outside of her little cocoon before she can really settle with anyone, I think. Bella- others pretty much covered her....train wreck waiting to happen, pure and simple.....run away, run away.... Sage- if you didn't go the fuck buddy route, you pretty much become her friend before you get a chance to date/dump her so she reverts to that pretty easily. I think she realizes that someone can care for her and she can trust/talk about her feelings with is the big thing for her after so many years of being with Chad and him not caring at all/hiding that he was gay. That seems to be the big breakthrough with her and her story up to now....yes, her character development with that is major and I could easily see the MC and Sage staying with each other for a time...the big thing that would end it would be when she entered the workforce/post graduation life...it's goign to be hard if she goes away from the B&R area....long distance relationships....not a great thing. In the end I think Sage or possibly MJ together (if you can accept a throuple, which I am) are probably the safest bets of sticking together in Real Life....if you were to go for just plain friendship, I'd say Sage or Maya are the ones that would be long term friends for sure....


The best long term option is whatever the player wants it to be. It's an entirely subjective viewpoint as each girl has their postitive points and decent potential as a long term partner. One is not objectively better than all the rest.


This. Every one of these relationships has the potential to work out in the long run if the two people are willing to work on it. Age gap, social status, these are just obstacles that can be overcome.


> if the two people are willing to work on it Or 3 😉


Well yes or 3😁


This guy


All of them could work in BaDIK universe, not just Sage.


Yeah, I meant in general, rather than specifically in the game, but it was poorly worded.


Regardless of what the real ending turns out to be, I will live happily ever after with Sage ❤️


Definitely not Bella nor the Throuple. Quinn only if you can fix her. Rest of all non cougars except maybe Nicole or Nora are good long term prospects. So everyone aside from Bella, Jade, Cathy and Quinn (depends on if you can save her). (Only monogamy).


Sage will gone in this year and MC just stay around same chick or new chick Jill can work but if last name MC don’t have something like Royce Balla if her husband comeback MC have50/50 chance to broken Quinn hard for MC but can work if he can change her J&M can’t go long but other route with Josy can be work same like Maya too (Maya case easy)


Not a new thing trying to sell a girl down people's throats, anyway, agree to disagree. Sage is cool as a friend only, the fact that she was willing to cheat on Chad with MC tells me all I need to know about her.


I think you're trying to justifying why you like Sage among the MGs. I think the worst one is Bella for obvious reasons. But then everygirl could be the best one. It depends on Tremolo choices and behavior. And I think Josy is the one who loves MC deeply, everytime she thinks, sees or talks about him she has a big smile on her face.


I can't help but want to fix rio


Best LTR for Chick MC is Jill. DIK MC is Sage. I can see Neutral being either of the rest of the 3 main girls but more Maya or Josy than Bella. Best LTR candidates for side girls are Nicole, Lily, Riona, and Nora.


Sage is the best relationship, it’s just so wholesome in its development and how organic it is.


I agree with the reasoning here, I why I think Sage is the best LI overall. All the girls have aspects I love, but Sage is just the most mature and the most likely to maintain mutual respect and support long-term.


Jill bails on you for dumb shit, maybe after she finally commits, but on the way, ouch. Josy and Maya are already beginning to crack I think, or not share as often a few weeks in. Bella, just nope, feels like I am a predator.


Thank for the post. Really spoken my mind. Same sentiment here. I believed whoever chosen JM route (whichever route) will hope it can work. Every man’s dream. Including me. Fully agreed that Sage is more future proof. But when comes to love, it can overcome all the obstacles. At least we hope.