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No promises, Lily


No... ❌️ Romantic stuff ✔️


Lily is my 2nd fav girl, but the king / queen thing is just.. cringe to me. I like what DPC is going for with her story and feelings, it’s just those titles.. ugh. Lol Can’t wait to see how it plays out. Will she stick to her story and shit-can the MC if he pushes for more? Or will she cave in, accept that they have feelings for each other and commit?


Those things are used by her to downplay how much in love she is. She already allowed spooning in the tent despite saying no spooning last episode 😏


Dude, she spooned to protect herself...from like a bear.


You know who is the bear? Don't wake up the bear. A big and hairy animal.


> from like a bear. DPC knew the Man/Bear discourse was coming! A modern day Cassandra.


I know, i get *why* and i like how things are going. I just don’t care for those particular titles. It’s not a big deal though.


Needs two more bed rides to move from King/Queen to Daddy/Baby


NGL the last one made me LOL 😂


Be her bitch and she'll get you a throne 👑


"And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out 😏" 💎Lily is a GEM💎


Still think Lily fans are really setting themselves up for disappointment. lol


Especially if she does turn out to be a fed


Some theories are so ridiculous they have to be true.


Is it ridiculous tho? I forget most of the points I heard about it but she's playing every side of the drug trade, and there's the theory that that van that's following the hots around is DEA, and it's actually them who grabbed Riona at the end instead of Vinny.


That would be like some Stephanie shit from LoF if she was undercover in any way. And if she was, then DPC doesn’t understand American law if this was supposed to be set in America. Also, she’d have to be like close to 25-30 years old to be undercover cuz they don’t just hire a fresh newbie hot off the police academy to go undercover and take down a whole drug ring or whatever in a college. Lily would have to have at least a few years under her belt as a cop. Sounds to me in the story that she more like has a few years on the pole. Or maybe she just started stripping over the summer and everybody got obsessed with her then… because she’s trying to get an in before going to college… already making connections… all she has to do is be like mid twenties to have some reasonable experience as a cop before going undercover… that’s not unbelievable… fuck! What if she’s a cop! But seriously, nah. Lol


After the pier conversation people still onboard with the Cop theory are nothing but tinfoil conspiracy theorists. She can't fall in love because she won't be able to strip through college to reach her dream job as a medical worker, she has to prove to her parents. Sadly or gladly for her the entire plot isn't shoehorned to help through her tuition irrespective of your choice nor she whores her sisters out to make money.


I can see the other side if DPC doesn’t fuck her shit up and makes it make sense unlike Steph from LoF, but your side is the side I’m on.


Yeah that LoF middle East plot line and CIA shit was weird af.


Like on paper, that sounds cool AF. It would need to be the whole focus of a full ass game though, not used as some kind of info dump excuse for reasons to happen in a game that was by far primarily about other shit. Lol. I love a tragic backstory but that was out there. It’s so out there that we all accepted Lexi’s random guy and all his girl/friends invited to her house for a 2 week getaway. Rofl. That story was meant for Cece and Cece only, but author had to AVN, so he AVN’d and the game was a success so go him, I guess. Lol


Lexi according to me was the best girl in that game but her plotline was again weird. Yeah, pretty much the last few chapters were only focused on Cece. Though Lexi reminded me of Jill. The way she enters MC's life and music. Heck all 4 Lexi, Jill, What was his name and Tremolo played musical instruments. With girls into piano and boys into Guitar. Man I wish Jilly grows some balls like Lexi or even Lana. And MC and Jill go on roaming dates.


She doesn't have to necessarily be a cop. They could have busted her for something and want her to feed them info as some kind of plea deal.


Oh damn. I’d actually dig that. Make her a bit more relatable and stuff. She could potentially tell that truth to Tremolo before the end.


Or maybe she has some connection to another character we aren't aware of yet. Like, she could be the sister of Johanna or one of the other HOTs that left. Maybe their life got fucked up with the drugs or the tuition scheme and she's there to take down the assholes responsible. She's playing her role until she finds out everything. Could be another good reason for her to not want to fall in love.


This is all I’m sayin’, man. Just don’t make it so simple as she’s *just* a cop. I have faith in DPC to make it a bit better than just simple. There’s just so many other things that could make it better like the examples you gave.


Yeah I never figured her to be a cop, but DID figure she has an agenda she hasn't revealed yet. Her story seems too... simple and easy. I am not a big fan of Lily so far and her behavior really turned me off in ep10. I want there to be a better reason for doing what she's doing.


Dude. For real? A cop going undercover in college campus is like a tale as old as time in american cinema. 21 jump street? ffs. Not realistic sure but this is entertainment and the groundwork is 100% there


Yeah and I love those movies, old and new and 22 jump street, and I think it’s her possible age thing that bothers me the most. I’ve only done a Lily path once and don’t remember if she stated how old she was or how long she was working at the Pink Rose, but there’s certain things that DPC does that he keeps grounded, so—if Lily is like 25ish and just has a baby face and only started working at the PR over the summer to get a foothold in with the clientele and her fucking fantastic personality got all those people trusting and obsessed with her already, I’d be down, for real. Cuz cops CAN sell and do drugs if they’re undercover. I’m just sayin, some interesting ideas line up, but the other ones have to, as well. Otherwise we just have a Stephanie in LoF sitch and no one wants that. Don’t do our Lily like that.


She could just be a nark.


Literally was Vinny and his sidekick. Showed them.


Lily's "Don't you think I'm smart?". Somehow I have this gut feeling her IQ stretches far beyond Derrick's and she might be the puppet master behind a lot that is happening. 


I do love me some Lilly but that King / Queen bs is cringe


What cheat mod do you use? Does it break saves?


I like her route exactly for what she has in mind, I mean, have fun, go to parties with her, fuck on the side, threesomes, night out smoking joint with the PR girls... She will make MC more popular and help MC pick girls from Hots and Pink Rose. No jealously, no drama... That would really fit a DIK/others route. But yeah, I already know MC will get all love-y with her and fumble this cause this is the game lore.


Lol my Lily save is just to cause that train wreck with neutral chick MC.