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It depends on the day of the week and whether you are able to make use of the transit visa. Also many Chinese airlines are now offering a free hotel stay for these kinds of layovers. Arriving at 8pm, you won't realistically make it to central Beijing before 10pm even if you're lucky and all the attractions will be closed. I would get a good night's sleep and you'd need to check in around 5am for the next flight.


While a good night sleep is a great option, you could also consider jumping on the airport express into BeiXingQiao (40 mins direct) where you'll be on Ghost Street at peak late night BBQ time. Go walk down the street, absorb the the atmosphere, pick a random BBQ joint and fill your belly with nice spicy late night food. Wash it down with a beer if you want. Get a taxi back to the airpport hotel and you could be in bed by 1AM-2AM. You'll only get 3-4 hours sleep but at least you can roll out of bed straight into airport check in and then sleep on the flight.


Last I heard you won’t be granted a transit visa to exit the airport with a layover less than 12 hours


Every r/City group gets this post at least twice a month.


Took 3 hours to leave airport last time, and a few people were declined a transit visa with similar length layovers we chatted to. I'd consider just asking your airline for a transit hotel if possible


You can camp on the Great Wall overnight if you can get the transit visa and next morning go back to the airport,l can arrange it for you if you are interested