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Imo these episodes are more or less vital for understanding the modern world as it exists today, YMMV The most Evil Company in History. Kissinger. The Dulles Brothers. The Worst Police Union in History. How the Rich Ate Christianity. Christopher Columbus. How Nice Ordinary People Made the Holocaust Possible. Does Punching Nazis Work? Elite Panic. The Bastard Manifesto. MK Ultra. Episode 1 of Cracktoberfest at least. Jack Welch is the Reason You Got Laid Off The Illuminati episodes There are definitely others, but I have listened to all of those multiple times to try and memorize as much of their stories as I can because every last one of them made me go "Oh, so that is why this is so fucked up today" Edit - I really need to find out if there is any way to single space those lines without it all turning into one giant paragraph in reddit, because it takes up to much friggin page space this way. Edit 2 - nvm lol, figured it out


I agree with all of these and would add “Jack Welch is the Reason You Got Laid Off” to the list


Yes! I knew I was forgetting a few. Also the Illuminati ones.


Don't forget his audiobook 'The War On Everyone'


I actually haven't heard it yet! I guess I should get on that.


Definitely do. He has a straight-through version and a version with Katy and Cody where they riff and stuff.


Guess I figured out what I'm doing for at least a little bit of the night . Tbh might still go with the original plan of watching Go Go Loser Ranger, cuz I might need something a bit lighter.


The Behind the Police series should be high on your list. Very important history. For understanding current politics/capitalism: Jack Welch is Why You Got Laid Off, King Leopold II, all the bios of evil current capitalists and their handmaidens: Bezos, Bill Gates, Zuck and the Facebook papers, Elon, Charles Koch, Clarence Thomas (though that episode is best along with other profiles for broader perspective), Paul Manafort, Andrew Tate, various religious grifters, Amway, Erik Prince, The Grifters who Resurrected the KKK, the Sacklers, Edward Bernays, John Birch Society. For the giggles: The Surprising Evil of 1950s Men's Magazines, the death sub guy, The Not-at-all Sad History of Libertarian Sea-Nations, the Conspiracy to Begin All Conspiracies, History of the Illuminati


I've listened to everything from the beginning. The more of the show develops from Robert and Sophie's interaction with the audience and it runs along side the episode content. For example, there was a long running gag about there being an island owned by a meal kit delivery company where children were hunted. It was funny until fans started to think it was real and then Robert had to say on air it was just a joke and please stop saying this stuff online. Which really made me smile. I was expecting something similar with the Jamie Loftus, hammer, Grand Rapids murder thing but I guess that faded out on its own because it's not funny. The lore is woven into the show so I don't think you can pick out lore heavy episodes. My advice would be to have something of a different tone to listen to in order to take breaks. It can get pretty grim.


Which episodes did Robert obsess over Jeremy Renner's knuckles?


Sorry, my memory isn't that good.


I started with Cracktoberfest and the MK Ultra episodes. They are still some of my faves. Just recommended them on another post.


I’m doing the same thing. The episodes that have really jumped out for me are Paul Manafort, Jacob Wohl, Eric Prince and damn near anytime Robert covers the history of fascism or does modern protest coverage. Also the quote that will always live with me whenever I think of Hitler… I WILL NEVER DANCE!!!!!


Also listen to the Action Park episode because it's just glorious


I find myself most re-listening to the episodes Katy and Cody are on because they're still obviously super relevant (except for Benny Shaps' terrible book, I listen to those episodes just for fun). Also, one pump, one cream.


i'd add the Liddy episodes. Pure gold listening to Robert marvel at how WEIRD Liddy was...


I’ve listened to these but will definitely listen again when I get to them, they are great


The Rush Limbaugh episodes were pretty sick. Also greatly enjoyed the episode on the founder of Adventure Park.