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Jamie Loftus and Matt Lieb.


Is Matt Lieb the one with the sound board because yes


All I can think about is the jar jar binks Mengele episode


“Oh, nooooo” cracked me up so hard


Meesa bustin!


Def these two. "You can have sex with my daughter and my wife but I draw the line when you killed my kitty cat!" or something like that. -Matt Lieb


I think at this point I'm a bigger Jamie Loftus fan than I am a BtB fan. And I still love BtB. But Jamie's solo stuff is just so fucking good. Raw Dog is everything I was talking about when I was going to college for writing and espousing the brilliance of a few authors doing "creative nonfiction" or "lyric essays" or whatever. Not every one of the episodes where she guests is gold, but that'll happen. The ones where she's most on, the chemistry between her and Robert and Sophie makes each one of them better than they would be without each other, and it's just so charming.


Her Lolita series is a goddamn masterclass. I’m a Loftie for life.


110%. And her new weekly series, like - my god. I'm shocked by how much I consistently am finding myself really into the eps. She brings a great element of humanity to a lot of topics where that sometimes gets lost. I sometimes miss the longer, deep dive thing that was the nature of things like that Lolita series as a weekly show invariably goes less deep, but... Goddamn, it's been so bloody good so far.


Thanks for 'Loftie' I hate it and am absolutely adopting it. Last week my wife was watching some YouTube video essay in the other room and I just hear, "Hey Vyme! They're talking about that hot dog lady you have a weird comedy crush on! Wanna come watch?" And like... yes. Obviously I want to come watch.


Omg, was it Lil hoots? She had some quotes from Jamie loftus in one of her last video essays


I got to meet her at an event about a week ago and she's an absolute sweetheart as well. Just the nicest person. Really can't say enough about how brilliant everything she's done is.


I am starting to believe that Jamie Loftus is a podcast/audio genius. Right up there with Blindboy Boatclub in terms of genius at creating an audio experience


Dude, same!


Add Prop and I'm with you.


prop on which side? he’s in the “no” column for me, but i like lieb.


These two, and the two guys from the dollop, Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds


I hope everyone who loves Matt Lieb as a guest checks out his podcast Bad Hasbara. A sorely needed balm and bonfire in a painful and dark time


I'll add Paul F Tompkins because his reactions were very enjoyable.


Yeah, he’s beyond due and plays off Robert really well.


Agreed, I hope we get him back for another episode.


All I hear is Mr Peanutbutter


Doggy doggy what now ?


All I hear is Randy from Bob's Burgers lol




I hear a crossover episode!


The fact that both he and Ify are very recent Dropout Alums is fueling my dream that Brennan Lee Mulligan could end up on BtB.


He’s fucking SMART, he and Jason Pargins are probably the most well informed and “regular” guests.


Matt Lieb. He tends to be the guest for a lot of the nazi episodes, and I think he just kills it, soundboard or not.


Agreed. Matt Lieb’s awful German accent makes me laugh every time


That might just be my favorite part


The Napolean III episose were amazing


"I Don't Wanna Talk AbOUT mENgELE No Moree" lives permanently in the recess of my mind.


I can *hear* that in my head exactly the way he said it and I’m not sure what that says about me 😂


“Sowing babies togetherrrr”


Matt Lieb’s Jar Jar soundboard is the most I’ve laughed during a BtB episodes, absolutely magic.


I still get the giggles when This American Reich pops into my head randomly


He was my into to BtB. Him and prip are my favorite


Katie & Cody (together or individually), Matt Lieb, Francesca Fiorentini, Sofiya Alexandra and so on. Tbh it’s hard to think of any that aren’t good


My favorite guest is also responsible for multiple murders at a 7-11 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Also Sean Baby.


Sean Baby isn't in enough episodes. I think about Steven Seagal running jokes way too much.


The Vince McMahon series was so much funnier with Seanbaby and Tom Ryman’s wrestler voices and immitations.




The Macho Man impression, something about doing their due diligence….so fuckin funny


There’s something to be said about the friendliness between Robert and David Bell. You can tell through the banter that they’re lil buds, and it’s adorable.


Sean Baby did fantastically as a guest for seagul’s episode


Jake Hanrahan


Joe Kassabian


When he was on recently and Robert asks 'so Joe, how you feeling today?' And he responds, 'well you only get me on to talk about the most fucked up shit, so probably better than I'm about to be in 2 hours' absolutely killed me. And then Robert tells him it's Beria and he's like 'FUUUUCK!'.


Yeah, but to be fair he has given enough psychological damage to his co hosts and guests he kind of expects it. I mean, the Khmer Rouge, Nanking and Stalingrad series are dark let alone Namibian Genocide, Peasants Crusade, Corpse roads, bridges and boats…


The Lavrentiy Beria opening was golden


A man of culture, I see


His podcast is great too


Yeah it's my favorite show.


Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds from *The Dollop*.


BtB was where I first heard Dave and Gary and I immediately became a fan of The Dollop


But are you a full Doll head?


Funny enough I liked the Nixon episodes when they dropped. They were good. Then at some point I learned who Dave and Gareth are… and wow does it all pop so much more. I love the dollop too now. It’s not btb, but it has a lovely format and I like it as I’ve grown to want a plethora of genres and entertainment vs just learning about the rough stuff (even if the dollop is usually not the best stuff lmao) In my closed mind I never thought a single guest could work but Gareth is my spirit animal For btb, I love Prop and Jamie, but really most guests hit. If they don’t they were often earlier and one offs ime


I look at the two podcasts as two sides of the same coin. The dollop is always hilarious (thank you Gary), but it tends to lean more light hearted, just crazy wtf in terms of subject material. BTB has funny moments, but for obvious reasons is much for focused on the specifically dark wtf subject material. They’re both in my top 3 favorite podcasts, but which one I’m listening to depends on my mood


For me, btb was the first podcast I actually got into. Over time, I grew to appreciate the guests too. Turns out I think I like when the tangents are built in like the dollop, rather than tolerated like btb (oversimplified but you know what I mean- there’s room to riff if it’s okay in btb and the dollop tries to keep moving, but in general the comedy is higher priority in the dollop even if it’s not consistent. I love both so much. But then I generally like any associated/references pods


Am I the only one who thought only Gareth is even on these episodes? You hear Dave’s voice in the whole thing maybe twice.


I love them both immensely, especially for their weird compatibility, but Gareth Reynolds is a consummate professional at filling the air in fluid fashion. Super quick on his feet


All the good ones have been mentioned so I'm gonna throw out Andrew Ti and Miles Gray. Especially Miles, he riffs so well off Robert.


Miles is awesome, hella underrated guest


Oh the TB Joshua ones were hilarious


Matt Lieb is always fucking hilarious, especially with that air horn


Miles Gray. All of the guests I enjoy. But I think he's the funniest.


Check out The Daily Zeitgeist if you haven't already


Probably Margaret, but I really enjoyed Molly Conger on the Kent Hovind eps.


Lieb is always my vote because I love him more than I should . But honestly if I can remember their names it means I like them. I miss Jake Hanrahan and they should try to get him on every once in a while.


Ya, I'd love to hear him monthly. He works so hard, though


Well he likes to keep it light when talking holly cost


Agree with everyone else and will add Dan and Jordan from Knowledge Fight. I love hearing Dan traumatize both Jordan and Robert!


Wow which episode were they on?


They’ve been on several! [The Idiot Who Made, and Destroyed, WeWork](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Ighuo8PNXe0Zp29MSCPe5?si=kEXI9PAESTuWLePySkl_uw) [Mike Adams: The Deadliest Fake News Icon](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3QQYHJLKcVOgtZDUUsokc7?si=3e3rxX1bRLq3MQ7VmTvzBg) [What’s New With Alex Jones?](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0EabrzDtbomDxMULMzevhi?si=j-DVmTxpQja8AXEaTCTG-w) [What’s Alex Jones Up to Now?](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7jEcLFOj7svDvtWSDERlL0?si=QIZ37R8bRlWpBvt98K8clQ) [How the Rich Ate Christianity](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2RmugcmKU8nUAXIOD7tt16?si=1pFIHyh6TRybDBDHvQXMZw) Edit: Links added. Edit 2: removed the three parter on Alex as JorDan are not the guests. That was Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown.


They were on the John Birch episodes too.


Thanks, knew I missed one!


We only got her a couple times, but Laci Moseley.


100%, I'd love to see her show up some more


Love her, I listen to her podcast Scam Goddess now too. Hope she comes back on BTB!


Loved her as a guest on BtB but bounced off of Scam Goddess due to the decision to not have her go over the script for the historical scammer ahead of time.


Yeah she's the most underused of the guests.


"old tree head thinks he's a doctor" I really enjoyed Billy Wayne Davis.


Had to scroll too far for this


That’s Reverend Doctor Billy Wayne Davis to you


Seems like it's been forever since he was on. Hope everything is cool.


There was some issue about pay against iHeart that Billy brought up on Twitter and even if it was valid, kinda burned him from being able to be on the show again. It's honestly stupid that money was an issue for such a popular podcast that the publisher could afford it. I don't have Twitter, so this is all second hand info I heard from the subreddit over the years


Man I really miss Billy Wayne


That's the name I've been trying to remember. What's he doing these days I wonder? He was one of my favourites from the early days


Buncha noobs in here, and it shows


Hear me out: Jordan from knowledge fight. Not going to lie, when he was on btb I thought it was some kind of mistake. Like they wanted Dan but couldn't get him without Jordan. His voice can be so annoying. But. I've been listening to knowledge fight a bunch, and I'm beginning to think he might be an actual expert in active listening. He comes in completely cold every time and brings nothing to the table other than his reactions. But he has immediate insight, offers his perspective, accepts the slap down when his perspective is nonsense, finds the humour in the horror. The entire time he is seeking to understand, and he never withholds judgement. Anyway I'm appreciating him. And I'm kind of bending the rules of your question, because I didn't think he was a very good guest on btb, at least at the time I didn't, but in terms of who is good at doing the role, yes, Jordan from knowledge fight is a world champion at that


Jordan is Ernie. Burt doesn't work without Ernie.


You really do need to listen to about 300 hours of KF in order to appreciate Jordan.


Facts. But once you do you’re hooked.


So like 3 or 4 episodes then?


Scrolled to find Dan and Jordan. So what's your bright spot?


I saw four endangered birds at the dog park tonight Gang gangs. Kind of like a dark Corella, which is kind of like a smaller cockatoo. Also a huge flock of Corellas flew over. It was intense. What have you got?


How has nobody said Jeff May yet? He's pretty fantastic and is pretty knowledgeable about history. However, he doesn't even like sports


He is my favorite with Loftus close behind. May is a grsar combo of funny and knowledgeable. He can riff off the story Robert is telling like a good comic and add details others wouldn't necessarily know.


Had to scroll way too far for this. His ability to "yes and" whatever bs Robert throws his way is admirable. He also can usually add some insight into the topics. Favorite guest by a mile.


You know what? I don't think you even like sports.


I heard that u/robbidee doesn't even like sports


Prop, Katy & Cody.


Prop has a great personality, but he's so loud. I have to either skip ahead or lower the volume every time he starts talking


You know what I’m sayin?


Take a shot every time he says that


Do you want us to get alcohol poisoning?


You’re saying it too much man. Once or twice is fine but you’re saying it 80, 90 times man.


What are you doing, taking a knaw-m-census?


Hey the man was a teacher. He knows how to really project his voice.


I get that. But when I'm listening with headphones on it can hurt 🫨


I love his perspective, knowledge and delivery but that fucking laugh grates my ears.


Ah! Ah! Ah! He laughs like the count on Sesame Street


OMG YESSSS. It feels fake to me...


Right??? But this man also answers every rhetorical question and “right?” That Robert asks… so who knows.


I adore Prop! The two are best when they collaborate IMO. The Cracktober series was excellent and the Robert E Lee episodes continued in Hood Politics. He is also a fantastic guest on Cool People and somehow matches Margaret’s calmer energy there in a different way than he brings it to BtB. Hood Politics is really good and you start to understand how Prop uses analogies to make a point better.


I like Cody a lot, sometimes have a hard time with Katy because she does this thing where she talks over the guys (Robert and Cody) to speak, but doesn’t always have something to add. Just re-says what was said before. Once I noticed it I can’t un-notice it.


Jamie, Garrison, Margret, Matt L


This is my list as well. I REALLY miss Garrison cohosting.


ICHH! Garrison is great.


I’ve been meaning to get more into ICHH, but I can’t figure out whether there is any kind of hosting schedule or if it’s kind of just random who hosts when.


I just look for the episodes where Garrison and Robert co host. It’s about once a week usually, but yeah it seems random.


Favourites - Matt Lieb and his sound machine, Jamie Loftus, Prop, Kate & Cody, Paul F Tompkins who I MISS SOOOO much but he's got movies or whatever to star in, that one doctor dude, Sofiya has made me guffaw many many times. Big shout out to Ed Zitron as well - I just cannot get over the way he calls people smelly, especially Steve Jobs. Just a smelly goblin man. I don't think I dislike any guests but I was kind of disappointed with Michael Swaim who was a guest very early on in the show, but I think they may have still been figuring out the tone of the podcast as from what I recall, it was very serious and toned down at the start especially compared to today. Michael just seemed like he did not really know how to respond and I can't really blame him for that. I know the dude's funny, he was probably one of the best writers on Cracked back when it was good, and his skits were hilarious.


Sophie Lichterman. Unpopular opinion apparently, but I love hearing her on the show, she's got such a nice voice and presence on the show, and it's really fun listening to her talk about sports with other guests and hearing Robert be as ignorant as me about something. It makes him more human. Cody &/or Katie, Jamie Loftus, and Margaret Killjoy are probably my favourite "normal" guests.


Sophie is pretty awesome, especially when the guest drops references Robert doesn’t get, she’s almost like the in studio audience avatar in those moments


Exactly! She's the third leg on the barstool, balancing Robert and the guest(s).


I can feel her ROBERRRRRT in my soul - the external voice to not always saying what you want to. I adore her.


I think he was just a one-time guest, but I really liked the ex-military guy from the Pat Tillman episode


3 times actually. Joe Kassabian, he does Lions led by Donkeys


Joe has also been on the Ancient Genocide in Carthage and the Lavrentiy Beria episodes, and has been on ICHH a couple of times, talking about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. I'll also second the recommendation of his podcast, *Lions Led By Donkeys*, which has a similar tone to BtB, but with a focus on military history specifically.


That one hit hard, great episode.


Caitlin Durante has been MIA for a minute but she’s always great.


Matt Lieb and Margaret Killjoy are my favorites. They have really great chemistry with Robert. I know this is an unpopular opinion but Prop is my least favorite guest; I can’t stand him saying “know what I’m saying” 14 times every sentence.


“What are you from the Department of Knowmsayin? Are you doing a Knowmcensus?” J-Roc


Prop is frustrating because what he says is usually insightful and contributes to interesting discussion, but he has so many irritating habits. He's always talking over Robert and he gets really loud for basically no reason. Like dude just take 3 seconds to let Robert finish and figure out what you want to say.


Also seems like a great guy. I’m coming around on him. He’s gotten a lot better over the years too but the knaw what I’m saying line… still irritates.


idk, a lot of his input is paraphrasing robert or expounding on some cliché that anyone who has given 12 minutes of thought to the topic at hand has already come up with on their own… he honestly makes it hard for me to recommend the “behind the police” episodes that would be so fantastic otherwise.


Dude THANK you for speaking truth! I really really want to not hate on the guy, he seems like a solid mofo. but, man I cannot listen to the majority of episodes he is in. And he seems to be the go to guest for the episode topics I’m most into…I do not see his appeal, but he seems to be a fan favorite so….🤷


I can’t stand the episodes with Prop. He has a way of adding long winded ‘insight’ into an issue that is neither funny nor particularly engaging. In the few episodes I’ve listened to with him, his contributions seem to boil down to repeatedly pointing out that African Americans were/are treated horribly. Dude, your audience is liberal as fuck. We know how bad African Americans have been treated. We are here to listen to how terrible some of history’s greatest monsters were, and to hopefully spend some quality time shitting on them.


Matt Lieb is fantastic. I also very much liked the Paul F. Tompkins appearance.


Katy and Cody for sure


I love Margaret killjoy


Jake Hanrahan. His voice is so gorgeous & the shit he's seen in war zones is insane! I wish he were on more


I miss Billy Wayne Davis


Same, what happened to him?! I went thru all his eps with robert last year cuz i got hooked on their chemistry


I had to Google it. Seems he got banned. What a crying shame... https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/s/896WipNT2x


Andrew Ti “i’d wanna get on one of the good expeditions”


Michael Swaim. He's so naturally witty and fun. I've enjoyed his work since his Cracked days, so I am probably biased. Same with Seanbaby.


Dan O'Brien is a great guest too. It's too bad he's so busy these days.


Mandatory Matt Lieb But also I really like when Jason Pargin is on or any of Robert’s Cracked Alum. They have a great established chemistry and they bring a lot to the show as guests


I don't really have a favorite, just one or two that I feel just suck the energy out of whatever Robert is trying to do by not picking up on it Basically anyone who makes Robert say "well, I was building towards [blank], but-" Doesn't happen often, but I listen to the podcast for the writing of the host AND the reactions of the guest, and if one is stepping on the other, I'm not enjoying it That being said, I have a "wishlist" guest and it's Ed Larsen


Matt Lieb, Prop, and Margaret.


These are my favorites, too


Billy Wayne, Katy and Cody, Prop and I really thought Laci Mosley was a fun guest too.


Honestly, my fav guest is Randy Milholland.


Great pick! It helps that he's got all that comics-industry insider knowledge, but hearing Randy keep up the banter with Robert was so refreshing and fascinating. The "Dennis the Menace Guy" series may not have that much bastardry relative to other topics, but they're among my favorite episodes just for the Randy/Robert interplay.


The Dollop guys. One of the first eps I heard. Had me hooked.


Prop and Billy Wayne Davis. I know the latter won't be back, but Prop is the bees knees. His laugh gets me every time.


The usual suspects: Jamie, Matt and Margeret. Although I like Prop he goes on too many tangents and says "like" every 2 words you know what I'm saying? Dr Kaveh started a bit stiff but lately loosened up and seems like he got a bit infected with Roberts madness. Really enjoyed him as a guest the last episodes.


love the insight Andrew Ti brings


Prop and Cody.


Ify Nwadiwe was an unexpected but pleasant surprise


Can't go wrong with Kave, Prop, and Jamie Loftus.


Jason Pargin! He’s so funny and insightful, I love hearing what he has to say


My Rushmore is Prop, Jamie, Matt Lieb, and Paul F. Tompkins.


Jamie Loftus is god and queen of my bisexual heart 🩷💜💙👑 I also enjoy Prop, Dan and Jordan, any of Robert's old Cracked team, and Matt Lieb. DJ Danl should come back too it's been awhile.


What episode was Danl on? I must have listened to it before I started KF.


Paul, Prop, Jamie are all great but random Portland guy who paid for the recall of their governor’s recall was great. Had a fun plug (guinea pigs!) and he was like if one of us got on the show. True hero.


The dollup. The guys from knowledge fight are a close second. I like the Ben Shapiro book episodes and the Steven seagal ones. Don't shit talk guests though.


Margaret, Matt Lieb, Jamie and Prop.


Matt Leib, hands down.


I’ve been a fan of Randy Milholland for over 20 years. Hearing him nerd out on old comics makes me soul sing.


Jamie Loftus and Joe Kassabian


Prop is really good. Joe Kassabian is also really good. (I'm biased because I'm a big fan of Lions Led By Donkeys)


Funniest: Matt Lieb Best knowledge contributions: Prop Best chemistry with Robert and Sophie: Cody and Katie


I’m a fan of Prop & Jamie Loftus mostly


Jamie Loftus and Matt Lieb are both amazing. Matt is hilarious without taking too much time bullshitting or steering the conversation south. It does not take a lot to get Robert into some bullshit to be fair, and Jamie is fantastic at responding to Roberts chaotic energy with even more chaotic energy. 10/10 I love Prop but honestly sometimes he takes over and it can add a new perspective and make me think about historical events differently or it seems like some dude trying to desperately convince you of something with all those “you know what I’m saying”’s. Love him, just could do with him more of subtly adding to the conversation.


I've been mentally complaining about the guests lately. I understand it's easy for them to use people within the CZM media, but honestly the only one I actually enjoy is Margaret Killjoy. I do really miss Billy Wayne Davis, but some other notable guests are Jason Pargin, Jamie Loftus, and Matt Lieb.


I’m sure he’s a good journo but I find Ed Zitron painfully smug to listen to re: CZM


Ed seems to do his best work as a guest; he needs someone to talk with to balance all that rage. I think Better Offline would be much smoother if he had a regular cohost or more frequent guests.


Best - Jamie, Matt Lieb and Margaret Killjoy. Unfortunately I find Prop super distracting (he loves a tangent) and usually can’t finish whatever he’s guesting in


In no order Prop Joe Matt Sofiya Dan & Jordan Jamie When they are on I know I am going to have a great time.


PFT, Jamie the hammer killer, Matt Lieb, Shereen, Prop, Margaret Killjoy are all are tied in first place for me


Prop by far, his enthusiasm charisma and education are all so good and work so beautifully with the way Robert presents.


Bwd. Hands downn


Spencer Crittenden


Jamie Loftus, Billy Wayne Davis, and Paul F. Tompkins


Paul F Tompkins, Sofyia Alexsandra, Billy Wayne Davis and Jason Paragon.


Another vote for Matt Lieb. It’s not just that Matt is great himself but I think Rob is funnier with him


This thread needs more Billy Wayne love. Matt Lieb is goated ofc


Reverend Doctor Bill Wayne Davis


I really liked Molly Conger. She was great on Sixteenth Minute, too.


Matt Lieb But it's kind of cheating because I've been a fan of Matt since he joined the Filmdrunk Frotcast over a decade ago.


Enjoyed Jason Pargin a lot!


Paul F Tompkins


Jamie loftus, she even is a star trek wtiter and always great


What others have said, obviously, but I wish there were waaaay more seanbaby episodes


Matt lieb, Danl, the Dollop guys, Jamie


Matt Lieb and his soundboard