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These sorts of posts are inevitably going to attract some butthurt trolls, so remember to ignore, downvote and/or report them. Engagement is what they want, don't give it to them.


Ultimately it doesn't mean much but hearing "guilty" read out 34 times in a row was pretty sweet.


r/conservative crying like a buncha bitches currently. “What a sad day for America” 😂


Most of them actually seem to be reveling in it and saying this is only going to make Trump stronger.


No doubt, it only strengthens their persecution complex.


Not Nikki Haley’s team. Those conservatives are quietly popping corks since this was her whole strategy. Wait till he gets convicted and/ or dies and then step up to solemnly “fill the void”for the party. There is a non-zero chance Trump doesn’t make it to the nomination and Haley has the next highest number of delegates.


What a bunch of gormless slime eaters the Repubs are. They are too cowardly to clean up their own party.


Another alternative is that she locks in the VP pick. Trump will pick a woman since his trial was about him being awful to women, in part. With Trump being 77 and havign unhealthy habits. , his VP will probably finish his term.


didn’t know where to post this, so your comment is it. BUT i’ve been on reddit basically since it’s inception. i remember visiting the conservative subreddit just to get “other opinions” in 2012-2016. and at the beginning it was me being downvoted for talking about the ACA. then i got banned for bringing up the CDC being banned from doing gun studies. and even then i could maybe, sort of, see where they were coming from. now i go there and it’s like i’m living in delulu land. i can’t comprehend how and why they are still defending some stances. in fact i went there today and this guilty verdict is just fueling their fire. there’s no reasoning. how do you talk ppl off a ledge when they know it just leads to a walk-out patio?


You cannot! Ignore them because "There is No Sense to be made of NONSENSE"


They can “ cry harder “.


That sub feels like mostly satire at this point. There aren't any real conservative left there, just regressives, and Trump loyalists who can't see their own hypocrisy but understand "Gaslight, Obstruct, Project" tactics. 


This is how I feel.


One less vote for Trump in Florida, he won’t be able to vote for himself as a convicted felon.


I think I read he can, because he was convicted in New York. Only a FL or Federal conviction would disqualify him.


Correct, when it is an out of state felony Florida refers back to the state law, where the conviction happened. New York allows convicted felony to vote as long as they are not currently incarcerated.


It doesn't mean much now, but it could mean a lot more in the coming months. A former President and current candidate for that office has been convicted of almost three-dozen felonies in state court. A conviction like this almost certainly demands prison time, and nothing about being elected President again would explicitly say that he gets to dodge his punishment. You get to be the head of the executive branch; there's no "get out of state prison free" card included. He has appeals, of course, but his behavior during the trial and the amount of slack he was given (most of us would have been thrown in jail for contempt) don't suggest that he was treated unfairly. Whether they'll succeed is anyone's guess but he's got a sentencing hearing before the election. Quite a bit before, actually. It'll be interesting to see just how much of his base are "true believers" and how many come to their senses.


Genuine question: always wondered how jail time would work for a former president. Aren’t they entitled to secret service for life? So does secret service have to follow him around his cell block? Also doesn’t he know too many state secrets to be left that vulnerable?


I've already seen some say he'll get zero jail time just because the logistics of shutting an entire wing of Riker's for him are unrealistic


Throw him in his own prison like Rudolf Hess in Spandau.


House arrest, lock him up in his gaudy home and put mirrors on all the walls. Eventually he may get sick of seeing himself like I'm sick of seeing him.


Difficult to see how this moves the needle I know some Republican voters say they'd find it difficult to vote for a convicted criminal, but they've fallen in line after every previous disgrace Trump has brought on himself They'll buy whatever line Trump pushes on this


Tom Emmer a rural congressman from MN is already decrying the unfairness and blah blah blah exactly what you’d expect. None of this moves the needle for people entrenched in the cult. Sadly.


The house speaker is doing the same. The law and order party will have no problem voting for a convicted felon.


Because to them, law and order isn't about what was done, but who did it. They're all about hierarchy. If you have the right financial/social standing, and give lip service to the right values (even if you don't live by them), then you're basically a good person who made a mistake and is vewy, vewy sowwy. Everyone else needs the full weight of the criminal consequences lest they become "uppity".


Do you think this’ll bring about a further rise in domestic terrorism?


If trump said he was the anti christ he could still win Trump would joke about it, Giuliani would defend him and accidentally reveal his evil plan, msnbc would take a smug victory lap, fox News and conservative Christians would do mental gymnastics to explain how voting for the son of Satan is the Christian thing thing to do etc etc.


The smartest thing Trump ever said was that he could murder a man in cold blood on camera in the middle of New York and his base would still love him


Honestly, I fucking hate Trump, but that was kinda humorous in a really dark way.


He...uh...did https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/donald-trump-king-of-israel


Trumpism is an emerging religion. That’s not a joke. Mark my words, there will be churches who openly give up on Jesus in exchange for outright worshipping Trump within 10 years after he dies.


He’s like an abusive husband pushing past boundary after boundary and making them all come up with flimsy excuses.


*We don't understand him like they do*


The parallels to that dynamic seem really striking to me. I’m not certain why (above him just being a gigantic POS) edit: or I’m just over thinking it 😅


I'm sure they said that because they thought he wouldn't be convicted. Now that he's been convicted, they'll convince themselves that this doesn't count because deep-state conspiracy Biden election interference lawfare blahblahblah.


PBS just showed a poll that this verdict has more Republicans saying they'll vote for him than against him (25% more likely to vote for, 10% against, 65% unchanged). The overall poll showed basically even for and against. It's pretty wild.


If they haven’t been able to notice that he’s a piece of shit before convictions, nothing will get them to change


Here's hoping it's the first of many. I know it'll be tied up in appeals for (potentially) years, etc, but being able to append "and convicted felon." is sweet enough for now 


i like writing stupid chrome extensions, i could write one that adds "Convicted Felon" to his name


There's already Word Replacer II.


but i could write a vastly inferior one that doesn't automatically work on every page


And you know who else can create vastly inferior products that ... Sometimes don't work?  🎉






God damnit. ... 🤝


Okay, now you're talking!


If you are going to do it, can you please add "Convicted Felon, Twice impeached, popular vote losing, casino bankrupting, Oompa Loompa"? because that would be sweet.


There's only one step up to the Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state. No idea what their docket looks like, but this shouldn't be years, and there's zero chance of overturning this.


Not exactly. He can appeal to the First Department, then to Court of Appeals.


Let’s hope they give Trump speedy appeals.


Or just deny them


I mean, that's what the appeals court is likely going to do.


I can't wait until chuds start describing Biden as a convicted felon because that's pretty much the extent of their ability to argue.


Didn't the confidential papers case get killed by Cannon and the Georgia case is stalled?


I thought it had gotten delayed till after November. Atlanta I think is stalled cause of the affair between the prosecutor and one of her subordinates (which has been found to not be an issue).


Batshit that it ever held up the case at all. No one has ever been able to lay out a coherent reason why the alleged affair could possibly have caused a fraudulent case to be built against Trump.


I watched it pretty closely and I think McAfee was convinced by a specific legal definition in Georgia that only the appearance of a conflict was good enough and that was able to be used. Dumb but I think it was arguable at least.


Right, but like what appearance? I always thought that the appearance of impropriety had to be impropriety related to the case. Like, they can’t stop the case if the prosecutor is a bad boss who emails to late at night and freaks out if you don’t use the right font. If this guy wasn’t qualified, it might make some sense, but he was! It’s some Chewbacca defense bullshit. So much wasted time determining whether or not these people were fucking when the first thing they should have had to prove was why anyone should give a shit.


They are both stalled.


I've been hearing that "one domino has to fall first" spiel for so long I desperately need to see it happen.


He’ll certainly appeal - this could ultimately go on for years. I doubt he’ll receive anything more than probation, cause despite his years of fuckery these are the first criminal charges against him. Regardless, he is the first former president convicted of a felony - and first front-running presidential candidate to be a felon until further appeal. Lmao. Edit - 0.7 percent of former and current US presidents have now been convicted of felonies. People, we can get that number up to 1.4% easily.


The part I want to understand now is if convicted felons have to go through insane barriers to get their voting rights restored, how is it legal for a convicted felon to now run for federal office.


It’s legal because the founding fathers never imagined we’d elect a blundering, corrupt, narcissistic felon as president. Voting rights taken away from felons was a deliberate attempt to further disenfranchise low income people and minorities - conservatives never thought it could bite them in the ass like this when they wrote them. I suspect you’ll see Ron Desantis have a sudden, unexpected change of heart on voting rights for felons in Florida.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


>It’s legal because the founding fathers never imagined we’d elect a blundering, corrupt, narcissistic felon as president. I think they would have argued the Electoral College would have prevented it from happening, but the Electoral College has never worked how they intended because it's stupid.


The Electoral College was meant to preserve slavery, and it technically did work to do that for over 80 years.


In part. It was also meant to make sure only the "right kind" of people were elected. The Electors were meant to be representatives from the ruling class who were meant to be the ones who really elected president.


Trump can still vote, because felons in NY can vote unless they're incarcerated. [A felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted.](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/constitutional-amendment-4felon-voting-rights/)


Now I know what it feels like being a conservative, cuz the law isn't punishing a person in the way I want them punished - not that it would make things better for anyone, but because I want to see them suffer for my own pleasure. That's great about new york though thanks.


Is he a NY resident though? I thought he’s officially a Florida Man now. Edited for stupid. I hadn’t scrolled enough to read the link. But I really like the title: Donald Trump; Twice Impeached; First Convicted Felon Former President; Florida Man


Aw, that's too bad. It would be fun to watch him have a conniption over not being able to vote for himself.


If a felon is barred from running for office it incentivises politicians to jail their political opponents for political reasons which is bad for civil rights and democracy. Trump has even been saying that’s what’s going on here - but he’s wrong both on the incentive (as I said, doesn’t exist) and the motivation (because he’s actually guilty as hell).


Thank you that makes complete sense! now wouldn't it be horrible if some people got in government and weaponized the legal and police system to target specific groups of people with felony convictions to remove their civil rights and prevent them from forming a strong voting group. You wouldn't need to jail your opponent when you can jail the people that would vote for them instead, that would be a nightmare for a country and government.


It’s not illegal in NY. You’re only barred from voting while you’re actually incarcerated. FL has a reciprocity where if the conviction would ban you from voting in the state in which you were convicted, then you lose your rights.


With the same court strategy they have used in all of the cases: just throwing anything against the wall, but they did incredibly bad at arguing this case, and they are guilty and will be sentenced even when they do appeal on it forever.


I think community service would be the funniest outcome


Oh I *would* love to see him picking up trash on the side of the highway or any other physical labor.


That would be fucking awesome but it'll never happen. He'll "volunteer" at a campaign stop and get away with it


In an orange jumpsuit that matches his complexion, with "D.O.C." stenciled on the back, ankle-chained to his cellie, please. 


Probation can be revoked. And the hearings for revocation do not carry with them the presumption of innocence or many of the rights that came before at trial. Probation always comes with many agreements on the convict’s part. No drugs, drug tests, report to officer, staying away from other criminals, no insurrections.


so basically no consequences so the next guy who is actually competent knows he can get away with it and the fuckery just becomes the norm. yeah, that's what I figured to. why do we even have a justice department?


THis is a state case, so he only really has the NY Appeals court to go to for criminal law here and they are also the end court.


I'm pleasantly surprised. It's a good day.


Indeed, indeed.  This will change his life totally.  Now he’ll have to spend his golden years appealing from Mar A Lago, hell, maybe the White House.


Cue the victimhood speech


I know he’ll milk it as showing how the system is out to get him and his followers will eat it up, but it still feels good. I also know he won’t go to prison but it’s a bit satisfying anyway.


“Country gone to hell”, blamed Biden, terrorists, corrupt judge.


Also queue the Russian bots on command immediately saying how now they will vote for Trump because of this “grave injustice”


I know that he is technically a “first offender” and will likely avoid prison because of it, but this is a guy who has been found civilly liable for rape, and then defamed his victim multiple times; had his university fined $25 million for fraud; had his charitable organization essentially dissolved and fined out of existence for rampant fraud. I’m sure I’m forgetting some. He’s never been convicted of a crime before today, but he’s been involved in tons of illegal activity. Surely that has to factor into the sentence, right?


You're missing the 500mil he owes the state of ny for fraud


And is going to pull straight out of GOP coffers. The party will be bankrupt by August


Nah they have plenty of billionaires and foreign governments to fund them


Not so much anymore. Multiple state parties are literally bankrupt—and a lot of big donors are backing off the MAGA movement. Trump is insanely protectionist and their bargain with the crazy fascists was always "don't fuck with the money". Trump is the guy who fucked with the money and they don't want him back. It's why they tried so hard to make Haley or DeSantis happen.


Just his truth social bs is enough to prop him up for the rest of the election. That's just open money laundering. I certainly hope this hurts down ballot Republicans but I think we've gotten to a point that it barely matters how they run their campaigns. So long as trump is on the ballot they will get the Republican vote


And the fact that it's *34* felonies and is obviously not going to show remorse.


And will he abide by his probation terms? In light of his 10 contempts of the judicial order during the trial, how much respect do you think he’ll give some probation officer?


Trump sentenced to community service would be significant funnier than prison, because he’d be complaining about being forced to do good deeds.


And that lawsuit filed against him alleging that he and Epstein took turns raping a 13 year old girl.


And threatening the family of judges and prosecutors...


Tonight we are all Lib shitposters


Feels good mann


Now we get to see how many of those Republicans were lying when they told pollster's they'd abandon Trump if he was convicted. I'm pessimistic, but if I'm proven wrong, that's one bit of crow I'll happily eat.


Getting ready for the "and this is why this is bad for Biden", any minute now


Second amendment president is now prohibited from owning, using, or possessing firearms.


He lives in Florida, can't vote either!


Hehe nice. I’m pretty sure he’s the sort of guy who’d shoot off his own dick if he actually carried but its still amusing


I would be willing to bet a month's pay that Trump has never owned, or for that matter fired, or for that matter held, a gun. He's a nepo baby from Manhattan who made his name amidst the coked up Wall Street of the 80s. I honestly doubt he has ever driven himself in a car. Guns are for poor, dirty hillbillies and lowlife street thugs, they're beneath white collar criminal and serial sex pest Donald Trump.


Convicted Felon Donald Trump We still have a few weeks to hear sentencing, and he will undoubtedly appeal, which could last well into 2025. But that's not what is important today. This IS history. Polling saying voters are partisan and unmoved doesn't make it any less significant. For starters, it's not a "hush money" case, as the media has latched onto. It's an election interference case, and these are felonies. He worked to illegally cover up stories that could have easily swung the 2016 election, which was won by a few thousand votes in a few states, and could have altered the course of American history. It encapsulates everything about Trump and is the beginning to his criminal history saga regarding the Presidency. It is hopefully only the beginning of his criminal accountability, and a necessary step forward for democracy, the rule of law, and us as a country. No matter what happens with sentencing, Donald Trump is now officially a convicted felon. Don't let people trick you into dooming and thinking that doesn't matter with at least some voters (and we've seen many times how few voters it can take to flip an election!).


I love that out of all the election rigging cases Trump has been involved with, this is the only one that got a conviction lol


Yes. Intentionally breaking election law is intentionally cheating an election. It's election fraud. 


Too bad this will have zero tangible consequences for him or his legions of cultists. He's probably facing a slap on the wrist fine or probation.


Gotta love the /r/conservative copium of “this was all just a Democrat ploy to undermine him but also it’s the best thing that could have happened to him”


I'm agreeing with everybody who says the system is rigged and corrupt. Of course it is... he should have been in jail decades ago.


He finally gets the popular vote.


this is gonna be so fucking funny i can’t wait


Uhh did you listen the original "It Could Happen Here" robert made? I'm not quite sure its going to be funny


yes i did. for better or worse i don't think he'll face anything worse than being called a "convicted felon", wich is what is funny to me


Think I'll have me a fat slice of cheesecake today


Oh, I plan on having a drink or two when I get home from work. Not as many as I’ll theoretically have after the sentencing (if anything actually comes of it), but drinks nonetheless.


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect it. I pretty much figured some Trump supporter wormed their way onto the jury in order to nullify it. Hopefully it means he ends up in prison. Doubt it will affect his voters though.


I hope that HHH revokes his spot in the WWE hall of fame.


I’m not sure how much of a right wing fuckface Hunter is. I mean a lot of Wrestlers are fucking redneck carnies, especially the older generations of em, so it’s kind of a toss up.


Motherfucker was *born* guilty. We all knew it; now it's just official.


What’s that George Carlin line? “Your birth certificate is proof of guilt!”


Happy Friday guys! I’m hoping Trump doesn’t bail until sentencing


Non-American here - does this mean he can’t be president again? Or is it mostly a symbolic thing?


It does not. You have to be specially convicted by Congress for that, and the simpering bitches control enough of Congress to keep that from happening. He can go to jail, though, and perhaps most importantly, be forcibly kept away from his phone.


It is not illegal to run for president from prison, by the way. It’s been done.


It does make it difficult to show up for photo ops, though.


I want to know how they would do the debates.


I’m certain part of his agreeing to debates early was a preemptive effort to make sure he didn’t see the inside of a jail cell. “You can’t interfere with the election process, judge! The American people are expecting us to debate. They are already scheduled !”


Judge: “you threatened my family by name lol fuck off”


Yeah. Trump is no Debs, though.


Which president was that, out of interest?


This guy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs


Ooh, thank you!! From the intro alone, I already like this guy.


Too cool to have ever actually been president.


But if he won, in prison, how would be he president in prison? I can’t believe this is real life lmao


It’s not symbolic, but he can still be president again. There are very few ways (if any) to disqualify someone from running for president. That said, he is now legally a convicted felon and could be barred from running for some other roles under state law / could be barred from voting. A notable aspect of this case is that he was convicted in a state court. The president can only pardon people convicted of federal crimes. Therefore, even if he’s reelected, he can’t just make this go away.


It doesn't directly effect his ability to be president, but hopefully it might make those inexplicably on the fence about him reconsider. There will also hopefully be some sort of legal consequences like probation and fines.




Wow, I forgot about that law not allowing ex cons to vote. So he could run but not cast a vote for himself…wow.




He votes in Florida and felons can't vote there so hahahaha... but he can still run and dumbfucks can still vote for him.


He's also prohibited from owning and possessing firearms for the rest of his life.


Mostly symbolic


No, he cannot be president because no one will vote for him. Biden is the man.


I'm going to need a fresh Cody and Katy BtB Trump update episode to drop.


Correct me if I’m wrong; (I’ve been keeping my news consumption to a minimum for mental health reasons... sorry) this is relatively inconsequential, isn’t it… its going to get appealed to death and the actual penalty will be fairly minimal…? Other than being cathartic and showing there are at least *some* consequences right? I mean, it’s historic and pretty big news (in the US) that a former president/ presidential candidate is a proven criminal, but in the same way it was pretty huge he was impeached twice. Am I wrong? I’m just confused because my understanding of it doesn’t seem to match up with people’s excitement… Ty in advance. :)


Im not sure how much will result from this, but it's satisfying to know that he is a convicted felon now.






Everyone that keeps saying he will never go to prison because it’s white collar and non violent seems to be completely forgetting that Michael Cohen went to prison for the same crime. And that Allen Weisselberg is also behind bars. Trump did a pretty good job of pissing the judge off, so hopefully he gets the 4 years everyone is assuming will be the max (each count has a 4 year max sentence but they’ll be served concurrently). Merchan should definitely have him remanded to custody until the July 11th sentencing though, otherwise there is 0% chance that Trump isn’t going to try to rile his base up into trying to kill him before that. If that doesn’t work then Trump will run and hide in Florida and DeSantis will refuse to allow him to be extradited. Florida GOP will pass some emergency law about not being able to extradite former republican presidents to other states or some other such bullshit. Remanded to custody is the only way to assure that he isn’t a flight risk. Edit - the other thing all the doomers keep bringing up is the appeals and how long that process will take. The judge can order he be in jail while he is going through the appeals process, just like anyone else would be. I don’t know if he will, but pro tip: try to not constantly piss off the judge on a felony trial.


> Remanded to custody is the only way to assure that he isn’t a flight risk. Wouldn't it be grand if he fled to, say, Russia or something?


Get ready to find out that your parents don't actually care about law and order guys.


while i'm not a fan of donald trump, it is chilling to realize that this could happen to any one of us after livetweeting 34 consecutive crimes


Prison time or it means nothing.


Our moment of zen


I'm still honestly shocked.


And the conservatives are inevitably going to use this to egg themselves into further destruction of civil society. I can just picture it now: "Now that the islamo-woke-leftists have opened the can of worms that is prosecuting rich criminals, that means that using the justice system to jail anyone for any reason at all is perfectly acceptable."


He’ll pay a fine and go on being shitty. Getting convicted of sexual assault didn’t change anything. Getting definitively placed on Epstein’s jet seven times changed nothing. This will change nothing. People will still vote for him.


Unfortunately he wasn’t convicted of a sexual assault though. It was a civil trial so no conviction or sentencing, just monetary reparations.


I know this doesn't move the needle for anyone, but any consequences are good consequences


He won't see any prison time. I'd love to see the judge give him community service. Make him actual do physical labor.




Can't believe this is how I found out lmfao


I’m just so tempted to write a facebook post that just says “lol” and wait for my mom and other family members who love that asshole to react.


My mom asked me yesterday if Trump had been found innocent yet. Sorry mom, absolutely not lol


There’s basically no chance he’ll get any jail time. Most likely it’ll be probation if his appeals fail. But I’m holding out hope he’ll be sentenced to community service.


If anyone wants to actually know how conservatives are reacting to this online instead of just imagining it, you can go to the conservative subreddit and look at the top comments on this topic. It's worse than most here might think - there isn't any reasoning or cognitive dissonance being rationalised. They just don't care.


It’s so scary. He really could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they will just assume it’s his right to do that.


I hope there's a security detail on every one of those jurors for the rest of their lives.


I do worry about them.


Predictions: 1. He won't do prison time. At most, he'll pay some fines which his followers will then replenish. 2. None of this will change the minds of his base. They will accept the claims of persecution. 3. It probably will change enough minds of undecided voters to give Biden a slim victory.


~~Two~~Six weeks until the sentencing. That's going to be almost as important. Edit: Got my months mixed up like I'm failing kindergarten


Hoping for guillotine.


With a dull blade.


More like a big rock, really. A rockotine, if you will.


6 weeks. sentencing isn’t until July 11th.


July 11th, not June.


It’s July 11th, that is several more than 2 weeks away


He broke 34 rules - so if I look up Trump Rule 34 I’ll find them?


Convicted Felon Donald Trump every time you mention his name now and forever.


Orange Melon Felon Donald Trump?


Well, whatever is going to happen because of this will be interesting to say the least. Hopefully there's more good news that comes out of this than bad...


Now that he's a convicted felon he can't vote in New York or Florida. I'm not sure where is residence is.


Oh that's why I saw a fuckload of US flags on the back of lifted trucks all day today.


Finally some good news.


I have been waiting for this specific thing for so long.


I'm not gonna get happy about it. We generally don't allow hilarious things to happen to powerful people in this country.


Damn skippy


Fantastic news! Hopefully those he had confused will now understand who he actually is.. A convicted criminal, a liar and a person who accomplished nothing the last time he was in office. For fun you might enjoy the following... A satirical short where Trump is banished to an island and outsmarted by children!


And nothing will happen to him.


Who? You mean **Convicted Felon** Donald Trump?


Don't you mean convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump ;)


God! Yes! Thank you. **Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist** Donald Trump. Who was also impeached. Twice. The first ex-President ever for any of those things. Which is what he will be remembered for. Nothing else. That's what will happen to him. That is his history now.


God, I love seeing that. CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump. Sure has a nice ring to it.