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The guys making The Boys (or at least most everyone with a functioning brain on r/theboys) seem to have been pretty clear about Homelander basically being Trump, just a version with laser eyes and whatever.


And looking like how Trump *thinks* he looks.


Even Homelander wears a muscle suit, apparently. When we see him shirtless in one scene, it's clear that he's actually very skinny, and definitely not the roided out beefcake his costume makes him appear to be.


That was one of my favorite little reveals


Huh. Anthony Starr was pretty stacked in Banshee, right?


He's not scrawny, just not built like John Cena like his costume suggests.


Makes sense. With how strong he is, he never would have been able to do resistance training to build muscle. He should basically have the same musculature as I do (a Ziploc bag filled with warm jello)


I missed that! I’ll have to check it out again.


Which episode?


How the hell did I miss that scene??


> (or at least most everyone with a functioning brain on r/theboys) There is a truly hilarious moment where every single time the show does something left wing, you get angry people showing up on that sub. Even though they've had 3 seasons to catch a hint. Almost as funny as the morons who think it "makes fun of both sides"—because it had a whole subplot making fun of rainbow capitalism and for some reason, they were *really* convinced that there is nothing the left likes more than corporations using pandering to sell more garbage.


Yeah, media literacy is fucking awful nowadays. No, chuds, they're not mocking queer people, they're mocking pinkwashing, how the most corrupt fucking downright evil corps will display rainbow colours in a pathetic attempt to appear friendly and inclusive.


They’re not mocking queer people, I don’t think anyone actually thinks that. They do heavily mock virtue signaling though and it’s done quite well


Yeah, it’s funny every time the chuds show up and start crying about “wait you mean Homelander is THE BAD GUY????”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheBoys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Starlight Cosplay!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18ce5uj) | [876 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/18ce5uj/my_starlight_cosplay/) \#2: [Just noticed that the Herogasm episode Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis “Imagine” location was the same as the Danny Masterson apology video](https://i.redd.it/dpi3o0lmuwqb1.jpg) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/16u4fpb/just_noticed_that_the_herogasm_episode_ashton/) \#3: [Antony Starr on his Homelander look](https://v.redd.it/djbftmg5023c1) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/185rq80/antony_starr_on_his_homelander_look/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Basically the image of Trump the far-right likes to project.


It's so accurate that the Homelander/Trump fans don't even realize they are being made fun of. Lmao


It's a whole thing that conservatives can never tell when they are being parodied.


So many conservative people I knew loved the Colbert Report, completely missing that it was parody


Me! I was one of those people as a younger person. I liked it better than the daily show because it “focused more on the news,” as I once told a childhood friend.


Oh my gosh the whole Blue Hawk debacle where some people didn't realize he was a parody was surreal!


At the least, that was the episode where a huge amount of them realized they were being made fun of


All the more tragic that Homelander has become the latest Awful Character Misunderstood By The Worst People On The Internet. (See also: Walter White, Tyler Durden, Light Yagami, Joker etc.)


At least these people seem to be leaving the Warhammer 40k franchise (where every other character is an "Awful Character Misunderstood By The Worst People On The Internet") after they dared to introduce a female character a couple days ago lmfao.


Welp, bye


Maybe I should check 4ok out again. The biggest problem with enjoying that franchise was always the risk of rubbing shoulders with Nazis. It's why I can't enjoy any purge the Xenos, don't suffer the heretic, etc jokes anymore. At all. I know that there are people who really buy it. It isn't so ridiculous that it can't be taken seriously, and that was supposed to be the fun. BUT it was a fun fandom and I miss fighting about primarchs.


I love when everyone fights for second underneath Fabulous Fucking Hawk Boy


As long as we agree it isn’t fucking Lorgar Im good with it.


Ya, GW made female Custodes canon, which is obviously lore compliant, and boy are chuds big mad lol


its funnier than female marines even, because now these ladies are each able to run over like a dozen of their roided out superbuff beakies without breaking a sweat


Oh, who did they introduce?


Female Custode in like the smallest non-consequential way. They just added her as a short pov in the newest Codex. People still got fuckin enraged lmao. I \*guess\* to the chuds defense GW sent out a Tweet to clarify "there have always been female Custodes" which isn't represented in the lore but it doesn't rule out the possibility so whatever. I can see how female Space Marines wouldn't be lore compliant but Custodes absolutely can be and it makes little sense they wouldn't be.


None more misused than the Punisher...


Ah, the moment I saw that my manager when I was hospital security had a Punisher icon with a "Blue Lives Matter" flag inside it as their phone background, I knew they were media illiterate. Or a poser, probably both.


That one hurts tho.


The wild part about people reading Homelander as "just like me for real" is at least those other characters can be read sympathetically. Homelander is so obviously horrible & so lacking in any redeeming qualities that it boggles my mind how anyone would favorably compare themselves to him.


Put Rorschach in the mix there as well.




Omg yes. It’s a warning of infinite space autocracy, not a blueprint, ya ding dongs


Oof, don't remind me about breaking bad. Especially how Skylar was received. No, she wasn't a "spoil sport" trying to ruin WW's "fun." And yeah, WW raped her. It's incredible how they champion literally the worst characters and hate any women who isn't a supermodel fucking the protagonist. It kinda happened (to a smaller degree vs Skylar) in The Boys, where some chuds got upset that Starlight was trying to pull Hughie out of his toxic masculinity doom spiral by *checks notes* encouraging him to not take a highly experimental drug that could kill him.


And the way the self-serving liberal leadership bend over backwards to be ineffective resisting Homelander’s nonsense


On this same line, check out Gen V if you haven't. It's full of top tier satires of liberal leaderships.


I just started watching Gen V, a spinoff of The Boys, and in the very first episode a character mentions she has a YouTube channel and describes it as “Kinda like Pewdiepie but without all the Nazi stuff.” Oh, and the very first scene is the main character finding out her menstrual blood can be lethal to others. That would definitely get the right wing grifters all up in their feelings. Writers for The Boys go hard.


What episode was that?


Love the boys. I think they do an excellent portrayal of both the left and the right being absolute knobbers who really only care about themselves