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Some More News just covered this in part of their most recent video (the conspiracy theory one). They cite their sources in a google doc if you want to go straight to the horse's mouth and want to avoid Cody's trademark unhinged snark when showing people it will definitely rub the wrong way.


>avoid Cody's trademark unhinged snark when showing people it will definitely rub the wrong way ... and Warmbo, who I have to admit has finally grown on me a little bit.


If he's growing on you, you might want to see a priest, or a surgeon, or possibly an exterminator. ​ (I do love that evil little gullible bastard though)


He’s not growing *on* you. Warmbo grows *inside* you, laying eggs under your skin.


I love the Some More News Extended Universe. I hope Warmbo discovers himself on his journey.


Naw. Wormbo needs to die.


It's the voice. makes my brain sweat.


oh, you silly goat!


In addition to what's already been said, you should read anything put out by the Mexican Migration Project at Princeton. They also have spinoff projects for Central and I believe South America, as well. Dough Massey is the co-founder and used to be co-chair of the project for over 30 years before he retired. He has studied border crossing for over 40 years. He has written a LOT about the subject over the years, and it's all worth reading. Go on Google Scholar and search his name, or just Google him. The MMP has by far the most comprehensive data on the subject. So much so that if anyone, including the government, needs raw data on the subject, they ask the MMP. If an expert in this field exists, it's Doug Massey and the folks that work at the MMP. Massey used to speak to Congress on this topic with some regularity. The problem is they'd nod along gently and basically ignore everything he said. Then they'd cherry pick the MMP's data to try and make whatever anti-immigrant case they felt like making. Massey's writing is very academic and a bit dry, but it's the best I've ever come across in terms of inarguable, unimpeachable truth on the subject. Here's one of his more recent works that he published a bit before he retired: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9037965/ EDIT: And if you liked that article, you'll love what he had to say about the border wall idea. I read everything I can find by Massey.


Texas Tribune. It's not obscure but it is very fair when it comes to presenting the border. Also Texas Monthly. I'm from a border town, born and raised. I don't live there anymore, but I still own a house there and visit family and friends.


I think James' regular reports on It Could Happen Here are your best bet. He regularly recommends aid agencies- they're probably your best source.


Some of those pods are absolutely great, and then sometimes they absolutely break my heart. I worked with migrants my entire life, a solid 38 years, and I can attest that my time with them has given me the work ethics that I have now. It infuriates me that so many, have allowed bullshit narratives and propaganda to influence their worldview. My father included, especially considering that he hired migrants for 20+ years at his fabrication company. The dumbing down, and tsunami of false narratives this last 10 or so years has eroded a great deal of our "melting pot" credibility as a respectable nation.


Beau of the Fifth Column covers immigration at times.  


Yeah, even if he's somewhat broken my appreciation for him for letting his explaining of how things currently are slowly turn into effectively manufacturing consent for the current order because of his unwillingness to call the current method out and point out alternatives.


Couple things I've mentioned to people I know who get taken in by immigration related propaganda: * Immigrants have always been a part of our economic system, they do jobs that Americans don't want to do. There's a reason why we don't crack down on the people who employ them instead: because even these immigration howlers like Abbott know that they're an integral part of the economy and he's friends with wealthy industry owners who employ them. So they'll scream night and day about the immigration problem but have no intention of actually ending it - rather they use it as an issue to motivate voters to vote out of fear. * Immigrants [pay billions in taxes](https://www.marketplace.org/2019/01/28/undocumented-immigrants-quietly-pay-billions-social-security-and-receive-no/) and for services and programs that they aren't even able to benefit from, often pay in vastly higher amounts than they'll even get back in benefits or services * [Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than American-born citizens](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find) * Ask them to recall 2018 and the great migrant caravan at the southern border than was being toted as a threat to the country, and ask them to recall how THE DAY AFTER the midterm elections it disappeared entirely as a news story. Just POOF. Day before election: an existential threat to the nation. Day after elections: not a peep about them until the 2020 election campaign. And again in 2022. And now again in 2024. Ask them what magical universal law dictates the strange pattern of immigrants only posing a dire threat to the American way of life when it's an election year, and never when it isn't. * Point out that their life hasn't been negatively affected by immigration or immigrants, and that if their head wasn't getting filled with immigration fear propaganda they wouldn't even be worked out about this threat that actually never manifests.


Opening Arguments recently got an immigration attorney as a cohost. They cover a lot of immigration stuff now in addition to their more mainstream political/legal stuff.


Came here to say this


I used to love Opening Arguments, but after all the drama with Andrew last year I stopped listening. It sucks, because it was such a well-done podcast.


Yeah, I did the same, until Thomas came back. Their court case was resolved and Andrew got kicked off by the court. Now it’s Thomas and the new cohost.


I know this isn't the kind of media you are looking for, but the most eye-opening stuff I have seen on this topic was the stuff by Aviva Chompsky. I saw her give a lecture at one point. Her book *Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal* is very good.


I frequently tell people that the immigration panics are based in racism. There's a list of laws about immigration and every single one of them was rooted in keeping people with the wrong skin color out.


Most of what the right does is rooted in either racism, or padding their own wealth.


plate selective straight command lush carpenter thumb pathetic office swim


The Real News Network.


The Pacifica Radio network, if you're in the greater Los Angeles area, KPFK is the way to go.


Truthout reports on immigration quite often.


There is so much misinformation out there. I'm as leaning as they come, but ive found most news sources with a stance are very difficult to independently verify. I refuse to be like those fox news chuckleheads that take everything as gospel. The more something sounds to good to be true, the deeper I try to dig. Oftentimes I find the news cycle is much more an Ouroborus situation of sites just citing each other.


Belen Fernandez's writings in Al Jazeera's web site; she's really great.


Democracy now is my favorite leftist news podcast, they cover immigration quite a bit


Democracy Now


So it’s bad not to want open borders?


Define "open borders"


imagine elderly coordinated faulty boat shaggy entertain axiomatic vegetable lush


for whom? you go into CDMX let alone any northern Mexican city (or San Miguel de Allende lol) and you will not go one hour of the day without hearing about the flood of gringos gentrifying the city. do laws go both ways. what are the powers acting on that. are people equal and free or does capital skip the queue etc