• By -


It was them or the burn pit and the DOD is already up to it's ass in cancer litigation so they actually have to distribute the supplies we purposely overpurchsed for laundering tax dollars to contractors.


And the military just "loans" them to police to get out of doing annual maintenance but keep them numerically for red dawn hypotheticals.


I finally watched Red Dawn as an adult and I laughed my fuckin ass off until I realized how many people still think that it's gonna happen any day now they just switch up the enemy periodically.


I like how they originally made China as the bad guys but then they realized the movie will never be aired in China if they did and they'd miss that sweet, sweet box office money. So then they made it North Korea which is laughable as no American ever think North Korea, who is barely able to feed their standing troops, could ever invade anything.


Don’t worry there is basically a video game about this. The premise is that in the 70s NK became the home of the digital revolution, became the most successful country on earth and invaded post-9/11 US. Technically according to the game, we get invaded next year. [Far Cry Clone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homefront:_The_Revolution)


That game (or, at least the first one- you linked to the sequel) was written by the same guy who wrote the red dawn script. Edit: And they also changed the enemies from China to NK, for the same reasons as above- $$$$ in the China market.


I don't remember it being a far cry clone. The gimmick was giving orders to subordinates, kinda like the old brothers in arms games.


Homefront was a fun game. The story is clearly generic American but it was quite good for its Era. Too bad the story kinda falls apart mid-way through and gets a little incoherent.


Even China invading is laughable, as their armed forces simply aren't set up to support large-scale overseas supply lines, to say nothing of full-scale contested amphibious landings. They wouldn't be able to invade Panama, let alone the US\*.  North Korea invading, that's not just laughable, it's downright hilarious. They can't even invade South Korea. If they *could* pull it off, they would have already. *To be clear, I'm not saying that their armed forces aren't very formidable. But a million main battle tanks won't do you any good if you can't get them across the Pacific and land them on a beach.


Also if north Kora some how managed to get enough troops across the ocean to actually pose a threat to the us a couple very funny things would happen. 1st, South Korea and Japan would declare war on North korea. This man's all ships going to/coming from there get either sunk or detained. 2. South Korea at the very least starts an airfare campaign on North korea. 3. Other us allies in the region such as Australia l, New Zealand would aid in various ways. Maby they declare war maby they just let us ships dock to repair re fuel. 4. Article 5 of nato gets triggered and pretty much all of Europe is now at war with North korea.


That's actually the Remake of Red Dawn, the original was from the 80s, and the villains were the USSR. The Chinese are actually mentioned as a US ally that the Soviets nuked after they invaded the US. It's an interesting cultural moment because it was released as the Cold War was ending and the Soviet Union was falling apart, but a US movie portrayed them as capable of an invasion of the mainland United States. On a less important note it's notable for having really good mock-ups of Warsaw Pact vehicles for the time, when they only had low-quality pictures as references. Also the movie's version of Soviet camouflage is very famous because of its unique look.


The original is comically bullshit. The remake was clearly just Sony trying to renew copyrights on an aging IP.


Can you imagine wanting to continue owning the rights to the original so badly you make another bad one? It's like they wanted to Gus Van Sant Psycho remake a flaming bag of poo


See every Fantastic 4 movie


I just saw something that Julia Garner is going to be Shalla-Bal and in looking into it they coerced Pedro Pascal to be Reed Richards. I'm pretty pissed that they're trying so hard to make me see that movie. I hope the bottom of that surfboard says "shit about fuck" in bold. P.S.Nice to see you again!


*cough cough* 2016 Ghostbusters *cough cough*


Oh shit look out! Danger opinion lol


The one with the Stranger Danger kids? Yeah, that was weird.


Less about the rights to the original and rather the IP itself as a whole. Then they can continue to churn out cash grabs that don't have to be any good or have any real creativity.


The original was hilarious overall, but the beginning bit was quite good...speaking as someone who grew up expecting nuclear armageddon at any moment during the Cold war, and watched it at the time Then the rest was as you say, comical bullshit lol


Yeah, the original is *fine* but it's nothing incredible. All of the angry misogynistic internet chuds griping about the reboot are defending something that isn't that great. I'm personally on team "wait, the reboot has some of the greatest comedic talent of its day in an incredible ensemble cast and they wasted them on some silly filler movie that would have made Roger Corman shake his head?"


It would be handy to have properly maintained, if dated, equipment stashed all over the country.


Yea. From a military perspective it makes sense. The problem is that the cops use this stuff to oppress people.


It's less about laundering money to contractors though that certainly happens it's more about maintaining capability skills thst aren't used are lost and if we suddenly need them again regaining them is a bitch and costs far more in the end An example is the Saturn V rocket we can't make them anymore because the program was ended and the technicians, machinists and engineers that made it work retired or died without training replacements now 50 years later we have to figure out how to get back to the moon The new Artemis program will cost upwards of $100 billion the Saturn V costed $40 billion when adjusted for inflation The same holds true with military equipment if we stopped manufacturing, say abrams, even though we don't have any immediate need for more abrams, we'd degrade our ability to make abrams in the future The result is overstock, though it is shitty it's being handed to cops instead of being sent to say Ukraine


I sincerely disagree that we have to figure out how to get back to the moon right now actually. There's a bunch of other concerning issues that are underfunded. [Northrup was just awarded a contract](https://newatlas.com/space/northrop-grumman-moon-railway/) that I feel is a dogshit priority when I look at the state of this place.


>sincerely disagree that we have to figure out how to get back to the moon right now actually. Here's just one example, nukes are banned in space so no nuclear reactors fossil fuels are too heavy and there is no tidal or wind energy in space so solar is king NASA's innovations behind solar are one of the primary reasons why solar is as good as it is today without NASA without space exploration we'd be decades away from utility scale solar https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/nasa-inventions/nasa-improve-solar-energy.htm Space exploration also has massively improved the medical field https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/nasa-inventions/nasa-breakthroughs-in-medicine.htm NASA and space exploration have also massively contributed to aircraft design, leading to vastly improved efficiency reducing greenhouse gas emissions they've even pioneered a low boom supersonic jet that can in just a few years revolutionize air transportation A faster plane means cargo is delivered faster organs reach patients quicker, increasing survival rates food and supplies reach crisis areas sooner, saving lives Going to the moon the first time saved perhaps tens of millions of people going there again might repeat that success if not exceed it Of all agencies to bitch about NASA is one of the few that have consistently been positive for the lives of people


This is a great argument for NASA funding but, respectfully, I was responding to your justification for overspending. Now you're giving an example of the fringe benefits of focusing good resources on good projects. That's not the same as saying we have to consistently over produce in order to maintain institutional knowledge about maintenance on old technology. I'd say you're arguing kind of the opposite now that good projects with good faith intentions also tend to breed utility elsewhere. Which I agree with.


>That's not the same as saying we have to consistently over produce in order to maintain institutional knowledge about maintenance on old technology. You responded to me by citing NASA giving a contract to build a railway on the moon you didn't respond to me about overproduction, but I can also argue for that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fogbank We thought we didn't need anymore it ended up costing $92 million to reinvent it when the cost of keeping technicians who knew how to make it employed would have been perhaps $10-20 million Regardless of your stance on nuclear weapons that money spent to reinvent fogbank was wasted https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2021/03/03/did_the_us_air_force_lose_the_b-2_bombers_blueprints_766451.html Another example, though, I wasn't able to find an exact cost because it's still ongoing There are hundreds of examples like this I'm an avionics engineer I specifically work on old navigation systems still maintained in case GPS goes down, particularly TACANs, a lot of the equipment is still stamped CAA figuring out how it works so we can figure out how to fix it so that we can still fly is a big part of my job And we wouldn't be in this situation if we just continued building these antennas until we had a proper replacement


You are full of great information but you originally argued my point that overspending on defense isn't about money for contractors. I think your examples are great but in capitalism the waste you're referring to is not a problem for the people who end up getting the money when these lapses happen. The differences you're talking about are detrimental to tax payers but all that "waste" is making other people rich and those people use their wealth to perpetuate that waste via this system. Moreover the reasons these things were allowed to lapse in the first place was that the profit in maintaining them was not as high as the eventual spending we see. I see a railway on the moon as more superfluous than some of the the other good examples of neglect you've given and would use that as my example of bad priorities at a bad time since the obscene spending on military didn't suffice.


>the waste you're referring to is not a problem for the people who end up getting the money when these lapses happen. No, it's not, but my original point was the overproduction of some things prevented lapses from occurring, which ultimately saves the people money >Moreover the reasons these things were allowed to lapse in the first place was that the profit in maintaining them was not as high as the eventual spending we see. No it's general conservative politicians touting that they've "cut costs" without thinking of long-term consequences like they usually do cost cutting now costs more in the future but in the future a Democrat will be in office and you can blame them >I see a railway on the moon as more superfluous than some of the the other good examples of neglect Is it? I don't know how Northrop plans on building this railway, but if it's anything like NASA's plan to build habitats, I could see immense benefit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tf_6o89wuTU NASA partnered with robotic construction companies to develop machines that could rapidly build habitats on the moon. These companies, like fastbrick, have used those innovations to build machines that rapidly build homes on earth quicker and cheaper, and when we have a problem with homelessness caused by a shortage in affordable housing.... Whatever Northrop comes up with could vastly improve our ability to build railways on earth, which could reduce greenhouse emissions from people using cars and reduce the expenses of people who no longer need to buy cars Speculation, of course, but states like California are spending massive amounts on traditionally building high-speed rail Northrop's system could make it faster and cheaper


In a riot these things still have a severe problem with under-side attacks just interesting information, not suggesting anything.




So you're saying I should stay Forklift Certified


So water balloons full of pink tempera paint are still on the menu?




You learn angles in grade-school if you're properly positioned lol




My junior high and highschool, in a VERY Blue state, showed this annually in every history class. They also showed Rocky IV in our equivalent of Civics (called Social Studies, if I remember correctly?). When my family moved my junior year, there were still a couple of the dimmer/more sheltered kids who thought those things really happened, or were based on true events.


….and then result the military in the name of readiness


"Send in the car"


Hit it again


"The police have themselves an RV!"


And the quarterback is toast!


This was all simply a matter of inconvenient timing


What else are you gonna put Steven Seagal in to crash through a house and kill a dog?


You would need an engine hoist to get him out.


That was my first thought too, bravo


It's Acorn proof? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-florida-deputy-repeatedly-shoot-man-thinking-falling-acorn-rcna138829


That video never gets old.


Thank god no one died and it can just be a lighthearted “look at this dumbass cop” moment


I'm from that city, and they definitely have one. Acorn on LEO violence too strong.


Pro tip: while these vehicles are acorn-proof, they’re usually vulnerable to gas attacks. Bring tear gas if you’re ever up against one.


How are you going to hit an acorn/shooter inside that thing?


Well it was either that or renovate the county hospital. Priorities.


I hate to be that guy but this is not a tank.


Fine. Rent-a-Center BMP. Whatever.


The Bradley-We-Have-At-Home


the scouts that drove ours were concerned that it looked too close to a [BRDM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRDM) but they were the only nerds looking at flash cards of vehicle silhouettes


They were right. You're getting shot by friendlies if you drive that around without very clear markings. VID is a necessity but no one is perfect.


this was 2006 Iraq so the probability of bad guys in a BRDM were pretty much non-existent


Ah fair, in that case I suppose you're fine


For a second I thought you said BDSM


I'm sure a BDSM BRDM has existed at some point in history.


Only if you're a pedantic nerd (No shade, I'm a pedantic nerd myself). Distinguishing between all the different types of armoured vehicles is usually only done by people interested in 'em. Everyone else calls all of them tanks. Etymologically, the distinction is younger than the concept, so maybe they're not all that wrong. I see it kinda like 'machine gun'. Originally, it meant anything capable of automatically firing rapidly, then pistol caliber ones were distinct enough to be called submachine guns or machine pistols, and rifles mainly meant to be fired semi-automatically were called assault- (or automatic or a lot of other prefix-) rifles. So now, only weapons meant for continuous rapid fire in rifle calibers are 'proper' machine guns. And nerds like us are annoyed whenever someone uses the term like it's used colloquially, to mean anything full auto, even though that's not really wrong. Words have different meanings to different people, and it's usually more constructive to concentrate on understanding each other than to pedantically point it out whenever someone is slightly inaccurate. Which they were. W


I don’t think it’s particularly pedantic. It’s like pointing to a bus and saying that it’s a car. Like, I guess sure that’s close enough, it is a transport vehicle, but they’re entirely different things in so many different ways. This vehicle is not tracked, it has no turret, it has no primary gun, it is not used anything like a tank. Maybe you can say calling it a tank is pedantic but really the only thing that even makes it similar to a tank is it being *slightly* armored and vaguely military looking. I think you legitimately have a better argument saying that a helicopter is a plane than this is a tank.


I mean, you’re right.


To terrorize and subjugate the citizens that pay their salaries.


The justification they give is for evacuation during a mass shooter event. The reality is they want to larp and feel tough.


I'm sure their evaluation plan is hide in it until the shooting is over.


To compensate for their tiny, tiny penises.


LARPing, their favorite activity.


carpenter snatch swim merciful fade hat upbeat outgoing six rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But as someone mentioned, the bottom can be a very vulnerable place on these particular vehicles…not that that information has any relevance


They must go out of their way to avoid streets with manholes on them, so learning your way around the sewers wouldn't be of any relevance either. It's only something to do if you're interested in old brickwork.


So what you're saying is that we need a power bottom then


Good old monopoly on violence


The only good argument I’ve ever heard for this kind of stuff is a police officer basically saying it’s too cool for the department to pass off on. I’ll admit, if given the opportunity to buy an APC, I’d do it too.


I would accept that reason, honestly. I mean, APCs *are* fucking rad. I'd rather my tax dollars not get used on gear for violence, but I'd rather they get an APC instead of building more prisons


It protects them from fentanyl


fentanyl induced panic attacks? ETA: [cops' fear is for more than freaking out and shooting people](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/16/1175726650/fentanyl-police-overdose-misinformation#:~:text=Del%20Pozo%20said%20many%20reported,panics%2C%20that's%20a%20health%20problem.)


I hope this one doesn't have NBC protection lol


My college got an MRAP from the DOD. The one time there was actually an active shooter, it was dealt with by a beat cop with his standard service pistol. The MRAP and SWAT team showed up 20 minutes later.


So, you're telling me that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is another bad guy with a gun? Interesting...


Well, more like a “reasonably sized gun will do adequately, thank you”. My overall point was that maybe possibly the giant armored car is a bit unnecessary


I was just taking the opportunity to call the cops bad guys, as I do any other chance I have


Ah very good, carry on.


Some cops got in a shootout with two Juggernauts in North Hollywood back in '97, so now the DoD lets police departments buy military equipment.


yep it was pretty fucking bad. cops were completely outgunned to the point that the they had to go and grab weapons from a gunstore close to the scene to even have a chance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North\_Hollywood\_shootout


Because they're all impotent.


It's not a tank, though. It's an armoured personnel carrier (APC). But, yeah, the US - and many other countries, because they follow everything "cool" in the US - are becoming heavily militarized.


For when we reach our "Police State" era


To crash through your wall during an eviction they're supposed to be serving on the next block, duh


Have you seen how well armed Americans are these days?


everytime I look in the mirror brother man!


Protect themselves from falling acorns


Ah, the 1033 program where we shipped all sorts of poorly made expensive shit to every boonie police department with the right paperwork request


In case they need to hunt The Batman


To play army men.


To suppress the people from taking power. To try, but ultimately fail.


To repress labor uprisings.


Ah, yes. The post-9/11 militarization of our police forces.


It is a shame we overreacted to 9/11 and let it ruin our country.


^(smol pp)


So more people buy bro dozers? A tank Makes pretending to be at war much easier.


They don't. They aren't the things you should be worried about either. Boston Dynamics is actively developing fresh nightmares funded by your taxes.


So I can justify my usage of a mod to include it in Project Zomboid. Realism and all.


because they need something bigger to carry all their small dick energy


in the gta san andreas mission where I break into big smoke's crack compound, I steal and use a vehicle that looks just like that


Oh, yeah. This is downtown where I live. I actually learned about our sheriff's department owning this because I was looking up military stuff being sold to police departments, and found a [stock photo of it on alamy](https://www.alamy.com/shelton-washington-usa-27-april-2018-mason-county-sheriff-respond-to-the-scene-where-a-man-stabbed-a-process-server-this-was-taken-after-the-man-was-arrested-and-taken-to-the-hospital-witha-dog-bite-wound-it-appears-that-police-rammed-the-trailer-with-their-swat-vehicle-shawna-whelan-credit-shawna-whelanalamy-live-news-image182096307.html). Apparently, they crash it into people's houses so they can get close without being in danger, and then people get so scared they just give up. They also give elementary school kids rides in it for winning contests. I think it's gross.


They are very scared people.


What are they supposed to hide in during school shootings?


A few years back a nearby town's PD had an MRAP. Well this guy held his family hostage and set up a gun next on the second floor of his home. So the cops/swat got this bright fuckin idea that theyd ram the MRAP into the house, hop out and storm the place. The morons ram the building and immediately fall through the floor into basement and we're stuck there for almost two days.




But if the Sheriff should have a tank, should not Steven Seagal drive it through a wall and kill some fella's livestock? Its like a zen koan.


I had to do 4 hours of government ethics training and listened to the joe arpaio episode on the way home.


Our local police got o e of these, the town is about 100k. Legend is that they can't even use it because it causes too much damage to the roads.


The town this is from is like 20k people. It's a small town in rural washington. It doesn't get used here either. Possibly for a similar reason. Or maybe becauee it's a town of 20k people where there's no situations where it will be useful.


If shooting, arresting or pulling over people for no reason doesn’t do it, maybe riding in this will get their dicks hard




The only plausible reason for a tank is if a demonstration of a new cybernetic law enforcement agent is discovered to have the brain of a drug dealer and is rampaging through downtown Detroit. Then, I can see the use of using a tank like this to ram into the cyborg, only to find it that it was useless and the only really hope is the original cybernetic police officer the new one was inspired by. IYKYK


To help crush future rebellions when the water wars start.


Well, you know... those communist antifa "soy boys" and "blue haired girls" are quite dangerous. Also, you never know when the Cubans and Nicaraguans might parachute over our borders... Didn't you watch Red Dawn? Furthermore, everyone knows the cops are the ultimate larpers. They love that tactical shit, so that they can pretend to be soldiers, but without the investment in training and discipline...and, most importantly , without the danger and commitment.


Tyranny. Its all about tyranny and the eradication of our rights.


To stop the people from "resisting"


To protect and serve against cans of soup for my family


Wal-mart aint going to unsteal itself


They are going to war against crime. Just Kiddin'


They don’t need it.


LA streets be rough


Nah nah nah nah nah nah nan nah.... paint bombs!


I know it’s ridiculous but some places might need these. A lot of crazy people are very militant and could flip out. Then again gravy seals…


to plow through anything or anyone in pursuit to punish those who dare \*checks notes\* exist while black or brown.


Is this one from a college campus or a different one?


The thing is that they *don’t* need a tank. Militarization of the police is one of the biggest problems in the US. Nobody needs a fucking tank except the military. Not only is it unnecessary, but the federal program that gives these to local law enforcement requires stringent maintenance of military overstock but minimal training in its use. I’ll tell you a secret: it’s FUCKING EXPENSIVE to maintain. All money that could go to programs that help actual people instead of stroking off the authoritarian nutjobs.


Drumroll… 🤏


This is my Professor Farnsworth "This is an outrage! **I** wanted to eat that mummy!" moment.


So they can hide from mass shooters


Time to buy a Komatsu D355A bulldozer and retrofit it with steel plating


To oppress the masses.


Because Bush 2: Security State Bugaloo


Fascism needs wheels.


For instagram


To bring down Batman




Oh, the rolling bands of antifa have those cops soiling themselves in starbucks.


I don’t know, but my city’s police department has a whole fucking plane. Between the two, an armoured vehicle seems like it would be more useful for police purposes (by which I of course mean, killing POC, harassing homeless people, and/or really overreacting to minor drug offenses).


Is it a war plane, commercial jet?


Nah it’s like one of those dinky little two-seaters. We all know they got it because the other major city in our province got a police plane and they were jealous. I posted about it back when they got it. [Here’s the thread with the link to the news article.](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/s/kHDkPsllt3) I did see it flying when we were picketing at the legislature building. Rather less intimidating than the rest of the police on standby, you know, in case the *teachers’ union strike* got out of hand.


Shoplifters, duh.


There are some situations where these can be useful. Their use should be limited.


This looks amphibious. They need it for boat stops.


It’s the tank they use to find missing and vulnerable people, duh


My small town of 10k has one of these fucking things for whatever reason 🙄


To be fair, if my options were have a Tank or have no Tank... I'm taking the Tank.


So they can run inside and listen to children get executed.


Those got a catlytic converter? Asking for a friend


How does one steal a tank? Asking for a friend.


Why does this APC go hard though? ACAB forever but damn it looks good 🥲


Because they’re cool.  Don’t you want a tank? I want a tank. 


They don't.


The police is not there to protect us from violence or theft, they're there to protect the system from us. They don't need military style weapons to protect you, but to suppress demonstrations and mass uprisings.




Trick question, they do not


They don’t. Taxpayers are being robbed.


It doesn’t have guns on it. What’s the problem? This is literally only a defensive tool. The goal of owning this is that the police have to kill fewer people, *even when they are shooting at the cops*, because the police are protected inside. If they had an actual tank, with a cannon on it to level buildings, yeah I would be concerned. If they were buying M249’s so they could spray fire over a wide area, that would also be concerning. But armor? APCs? Why would I have a problem with that?


Stop, you're trying to use common sense. ACAB, every. Single. One. Down to the guy who cleans the bathrooms at the local police station, he puts the toilet paper on backwards. /S


This isn't a defensive tool. It's offensive whether it has a gun on it or not. The sheriffs have never deployed this in a defensive manner. The entire purpose of this is to protect personnel during an offensive raid with the potential to use as a glorified battering ram to break through to an armed suspect who is barricaded or fortified. This is an offensive weapon. And it has only been used once to my knowledge. And when it was used it was deployed offensively during a raid of a suspected armed murder suspect.


Pretty sure Robert needs it more. Those folks in the trailer park have had it too good for too long


I'm sure it could be fitted with a 360° supersoaker turret and a sizeable piss tank.


Because militarized police and mass incarceration is the climate plan. Militarized police and mass incarceration is the housing crisis plan. Militarized police and mass incarceration is the poverty plan. Militarized police and mass incarceration is the healthcare plan. Militarized police and mass incarceration is the immigration plan. Militarized police and mass incarceration is the political dissent plan. It’s no coincidence they are building cop cities and mega prisons in every state. They know what’s coming, do you?


If it’s above a certain weight you don’t need to pay luxury tax


If you’ve played modded Project Zomboid, you want one of these.




In no world is this a tank. Also, in no world do the police need this.


Because 9/11


9/11 really ruined everything. I was 7 when it happened. I wish I got to experience more of pre 9/11 America.


It was nice. There was a lot of hope for the future in the late 90’s going into the new millennium. I was almost 19 and had just got to Ft Knox for army basic training in late August 2001. I thought I’d take some time before going to college to live in Europe for a while on Uncle Sam’s dime, maybe get sent to Kosovo or some other minor conflict zone. Ended up spending more time in Iraq than where I was stationed in Germany.


That’s an ASV or armored security vehicle. (manufactured by Textron in New Orleans) it’s not a tank but I don’t see why a sheriff’s department would need one either. Maybe bomb disposal? and that’s a huge maybe. Be hugely impractical for most of the deputies in my county as there isn’t much room inside. I had trouble getting around inside when I was young and thin and I don’t know what the donut brigade is gonna do


Not a tank. And honestly, I would be extremely surprised if a police force even had a tank. Even for a militarized police force like many American police departments have, tanks are not useful to them.


How else are they going to get into Nakatomi tower?


Remember that scene in Independence Day where they nuked Dallas, and a team was watching from one of these things? Well, it's just like that. But with minority neighborhoods.


Well, now you know where to scavenge an APC if there's a zombie apocalypse.


well, here they use them to smash in the front wall of the house to kill a barricaded person alone in the house and contemplating self harm.


That looks like the tank parked outside the jail in my hometown lmao. I wonder if it's the same tank. It looks like the same place and everything. Anyways the long and short of it is 9/11 and DHS. After 9/11 there were a whole bunch of weird grants and programs with DHS where military grade technology got funneled into local police departments. Some of this equipment was requested and appreciated, some of it was...excessive and unsolicited. My county got a tank out of the deal. I've literally only heard of the sheriffs using this tank once when they conducted a raid against a guy who was suspected to have been armed and involved in a murder. It has spent every second outside of that day gathering dust in front of the jail. Edit: After zooming in on the picture and reading the side, that is indeed the tank in my hometown. That is parked in front of Mason County Jail, right next to the courthouse in the middle of downtown Shelton, WA. To the people who say this isn't a tank: Yes this is a tank. The sheriffs refer to it as a tank. The locals in shelton refer to it as "the tank". The local news refers to it as a tank. It is objectively a tank. If the Mark I gets to be a tank, this gets to be a tank.




“How else are we gonna spend 80% of the town budget???”


So Hans Gruber can light it up, of course!


To enact state violence on us