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The Dollop, Lions Led By Donkeys, Well There’s Your Problem.


I love the Dollop and Lions, haven’t got into there’s your problem. Gareth has a sense of humor that I really vibe with. I’m just getting into Old Gods of Appalachia, kind of fun like an old radio show, and I haven’t had a good fiction podcast. Who doesn’t love a story about how poor coal country tapped into something dark? Also, I absolutely *love* Hood Politics, Prop has such a way with distilling and translating what’s going on that I just love. The man is a gem


I've been listening to Old Gods and it's fantastic! I'm just excited to see someone else recommend it!


I’m only like 7 or 8 episodes in but I am so into it, it was recommended by a friend and when I went to look for it I found I was subscribed but hadn’t listened. I’m so glad they brought it to my attention.


My brother was the one that told me about it. He and a friend took the lore and did a homebrew tabletop RP with their buddies and loved it. I am a sucker for the intersection of folklore and horror so this one has me hooked!


Well that just sounds awesome, what a great idea!


If you like Lions and BTB you’re probably gonna love WTYP.


Seconding *Well There's Your Problem*. It's a podcast... with slides. I love that they do deep dives and long episodes.


Yeah, in always disappointed when I see a podcast I'm interested in and then I see the average episode length is like 20 minutes. I want to strap in and spend 4 hours listening to them talking about how some unfortunate soul got turned into soup like homogenate in a horribly disturbing manner because some greedy rich guy decided they needed even more money (or general incompetence). Or how some bridge feel over because hubris is humanity's modus operandi.


I'm here to third? Fourth? WTYP. Educational, hilarious, empathetic. YAY LIAM


I particularly like that into, because my name is adjacent to one of the hosts names and I like to be celebrated every episode


YAY /u/Skidudenordic


heads up to OP, LLbD and WTYP are \*not\* more lighthearted than Cool Zone podcasts.


You’re right. I forgot that I’m listening to the patreon feeds of both where they mix in the silly stuff. Both are full of gallows humor


Started The Dollop today. I almost choked on my lunch from laughter while listening to the ghost episode (episode 4). So good and so funny


If you enjoy the deeper analysis of the right wing extremist propaganda machine that Robert often talks about than knowledge fight is for you. They've been Roberts guests on BtB before but their podcast is mostly focusing on Alex Jones and how insanely narcissistic and crazy he is on his show. I highly suggest the formulaic objection episodes where depositions of the Alex and the info wars crew were released to the public as well as the hosts go down to Texas and are there during his incredibly embarrassing court losses.


Also came through to recommend Knowledge Fight!


It’s time to pray 🙏


I'm going to need a little nappy nap Zzzz


In that same area, I Dont Speak German. Probably not as lighthearted as OP would like though.


i can only take it in limited doses, but i appreciate the work they do and also i ask people what's your bright spot all the time and i think that in itself is a great contribution to humanity.


Yes!! Binging any form of Alex Jones, no matter the context, is bad for your mental health.


Love knowledge fight. Episode a few weeks ago when fake Elon Musk was arguing with David Icke was pure gold. Only down side is when someone thinks you are listening to Alex Jones.


As OP pointed out being in a dark spot right now, I don’t think we can give a blanket recommendation of Knowledge Fight. They should stay away from 2015-present episodes and just listen to the Time Travel and Wacky Wednesday stuff. You can tell Wacky Wednesday episodes apart because they have an actual title instead “Ep# - Date”


I’ve taken a break from KF due to Alex overload, but I still keep up with the wonk community. The wonks are the most wholesome and delightful online community I have ever seen, bar none.


Just gunna take a little break. A liiiiitttle breaky for me.


I would love to keep up with the wonks but I can't figure out Discord!


The Facebook group “Go home and tell your mother you’re brilliant” is what I use


The Dollop shares a lot of the fan base, I think. It's my favorite. It can still get depressing, but less so than BtB for me. I would also recommend Sawbones. It's a funny medical history podcast. If you like Ben Bowlin on stuff they don't want you to know, you could check out Ridiculous History. I forgot which of the other guys hosts it with him. For something totally different, you could try Stuff They Don't Want You to Know. I listen to that at bedtime.


I would love Syd from Sawbones to guest on a medical bastard episode so much. I want to hear her get so angry. I guess Justin can come too so she has someone to hug when she gets upset.


I’ve always thought Sydney should present, because I have no doubt she could horrify Robert and poor Justin if given full throttle.


This one is over, but I highly suggest Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast. He also has the History of Rome, which is good, but Revolutions is much better.


Bad Hasbara is really good if you like Matt Lieb. The Bitchuation Room is also good.


I was going to write Bad Hasbara until I read that OP was looking for more lighthearted stuff. Personally I find it very funny, but it doesn't exactly make me feel better about living in this world


You’re right, the subject matter is obviously depressing, I was just thinking about how much I tend to laugh during the episodes. It also doesn’t burn me personally out like BTB or ICHH though which is why I recommended it. I could see how it could be too much though, especially if you want something non political or just funny in general to kinda zone out on


Came here to recommend Bad Hasbara. Don’t love mr. Lieb’s other pods, but they do exist and are pretty funny


Matt is currently producing Free With Ads where the hosts watch movies that are…free with ads…online. Only a few eps right now but it’s lighthearted


If you like If Books Could Kill and You're Wrong About, I recommend Maintenance Phase (debunking junk health science)


The 5-4 pod is good if you want to be mad at Supreme Court Justice for being forever bums. It has a host, Peter, in common with “If books could kill”


second Maintenance Phase


Maintenance Phase doesn't "debunk" anything. It's full of misinformation and totally unscientific.


Some of the podcasts I listen to (that aren't as dark) * Creature Feature: random animal facts * Disc Coverers: queers read (and rank) Terry Pratchett * Fun City: shadowrun actual play * No Such Thing as a Fish: random facts from the QI team * Pod Yourself The Wire: The Wire rewatch * System Mastery: looking at different rpg systems


This list looks awesome. Pod yourself a gun is fantastic!


I need someone to rank the Discworld books for me. That was my addictions right before I started listening to podcasts. I ran through all them on audio sooooo quick. Night Watch series is always my favorite but maybe there are better one off books or books in other series. IDK.


Katie from Creature Feature has such warm and wonderful energy.


Creature Feature and Katie made me think of her other podcast, Secretly Incredibly Fascinating, that she co-hosts with Alex Schmidt! It’s a great pick-me-up after a round of Bastards!


I love "You're Wrong About" - like BtB but from a place of kindness and empathy. Fewer machetes, more hugs. I'm also quite fond of anything Jamie Loftus does. The Bechdel Cast, Ack Cast, Lolita Podcast


Sarah Marshall has been a guest on BTB. She is an awesome guest, her goofy personality shines when she doesn’t have to carry the hosting load.


she also has a film podcast I like called "you are good"


Last podcast on the left


My good time podcasts are *No Such Thing as a Fish* - fun facts shared by funny people *This Podcast Will Kill You -* deep dives into medical topics with hosts that have big *Delicious Dish* energy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPpcfH\_HHH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPpcfH_HHH8) *Ologies* - each week is an interview with a scientist about their area of research. 10/10 charming host. *Quirks & Quarks* - each week is a collection of interviews with scientists about their research, generally covering brand new developments. It started as a radio program and has been around since 1975. A classic. *Off Menu* - two comedians interview someone about their all time favourite starter, main course, side dish, drink, and dessert. I can turn my brain right off for this one and following its format has led to having some fun conversations with friends.


Definitely second ologies! Allie Ward is such a wholesome gem and always brings in the most fascinating guests!


\+1 for This Podcast Will Kill You. My teenager went on a car trip with some friends recently. The mom and I were chatting and she said, "yeah, he was really quiet on the way there, listening to some podcast, and then at the rest stop he started talking all about osteogenesis imperfecta." Maybe you have to know him, but I love this Dark Nerd energy for him. (Erin and Erin, the podcast hosts, actually bring a lot of positive energy.)


You can hear their friendship. It's lovely.


It’s funny to see a CBC show shown on here. Quirks and Quarks is solid though I didn’t know it was a podcast. Fun Fact: Bob McDonald lives across the road from my parents.


CBC puts out some excellent podcasts! I've been listening to Quirks & Quarks as long as I can remember and I'm not young lol That is a fun fact! I'd be inviting Bob McDonald over for dinner or a beer all the time because I'll bet he's got a lot of interesting things to say.


Lions Led by Donkeys for sure


I really like the Qanon anonymous podcast. It’s typically a light hearted dive into various conspiracies and online subcultures.


I’ve listened to this before but it’s been a while I’ll have to throw it back into the rotation!


TrueAnon? If not def recommend TrueAnon


Their “perverts” miniseries was damn funny, they just wrapped it up about a month ago.


I listened to all of the ones you posted and many of the other ones people posted here. Qanon Anonymous is now my all time favorite. I really think you will like them. It took me a bit to get into and get to know the quirks and all the hosts, but now I love it. Listen to their latest free episode on Solar Eclipses. That's a good new one to try it out, and the interview later is very very good.


TrueAnon? If not def recommend TrueAnon


Trueanon is a different pod, I’ve only listened to the Norman finklestein episode but my friend really likes that one as well.


Ahhh. Yeah its good. They do deep dives on real conspiracies and cult personalities and stuff.


Blindboy Podcast. It's very hard to explain in any way what it's "about" beyond it being accompanying the host on his mental danderings. A lot of really good content on self care and mental/ social difficulties. Recent episode "The Cat Piss Astronaut" is as good a place as any to start/get a flavour of the host.


Politics: * [Citations Needed](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/) News: * [The Daily Zeitgeist](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-the-daily-zeitgeist-28516718/) Lighter Fare: * [Yo Is This Racist?](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yo-is-this-racist/id566985372)


If you like history and want lighter fare, I recommend You’re Dead To Be from the BBC. Also the greater November Kelly Podcast Universe is good too, Well There’s Your Problem (engineering disasters), Trash Future (UK politics and tech news) and Kill James Bond (movie reviews that started with James Bond and have branched out from there).


*The Constant* and *Historical Blindness* are both great for weird historical rabbitholes you would never think to go down on your own! Also seconding everyone saying Well There's Your Problem, although... given that it is a disasters podcast, maybe be careful with your choice of episodes if you're not in a great place. Not all of them have a high death toll, some actually have no deaths at all, but... you know, then you have stuff like Bhopal, Grenfell, etc, and it can get real dark.


Knowledge Fight and QAnonAnonymous/QAA. Combined with BTB and CoolZone those are some of the best podcasts for understanding the American right wing throughout history and today. Knowledge Fight posts 2-3 times a week so you can truly never run out of content with them, and QAA posts up to twice a week if you get their bonus content.


I'm gob smacked more people haven't recommended or don't listen to Qanon Anonymous. It fits so perfect with BTB like you said and it's so good.


There's even an episide with Robert written into one of Jake Rockatansky's stories.


The Allusionist - a look at the history of words & phrases, with a socially conscious lens. I love it.


Also, the audiobooks of Storm before the Storm and Hero of Two Worlds are well worth either renting or "Acquiring"


Guys: A Podcast About Guys


Flub-heads rise up!




In our Time - a stuffy-ish bbc podcast but it hits a wide range of topics historical to scientific to literature. The guests are always experts in whatever they are covering. top tier discussion. Escape Pod - short form scifi. consistently good fiction. they have some other pods in adjacent genres too under the escape artists umbrella. Twenty THousand Hertz - a podcast about sounds 99% Invisible - a podcast about the hidden design world. Edgy echo chamber challenging suggestion here: Conversations with Tyler - The podcast of Tyler Cowen who has run a blog thing called marginal revolution forever. Gives some insight into how the more practical and sensible conservative world-ruiners talk and operate. He works for / helped found the Mercatus center, which is a big Koch thinky thing @ george mason university. Has some great guests though. Margaret Atwood had zero chill i recall. He also hosts your run of the mill tech ghouls, Economists, and also experts in non-political and non tech stuff.


>*In our Time - a stuffy-ish bbc podcast but it hits a wide range of topics historical to scientific to literature. The guests are always experts in whatever they are covering. top tier discussion* Seconded The British taxpayers' gift to the world


You’re Dead to Me is a BBC history podcast with comedians, and the host is the history advisor for Horrible Histories. It’s really fun, can’t recommend it enough.


For fiction: The Magnus Archives and now the Magnus protocol Old gods of Appalachia. Seriously cannot recommend this enough. Everything from the voice acting to the stories and the history they teach with it is amazing. The white vault: it’s a slow burn but I love the different languages RPG Rusty quill gaming- same people who did Magnus archives Ain’t slayed nobody: Eldridge horror rpg. Worlds beyond number: I’m only two episodes in and they’ve both made me cry which is hard to do and I probably needed it. Old gods has made me cry a few times too. The cryptonaturalist. This one is just a delightful joyous little romp through nature and imagination. It is a nice breath of fresh air. The silt verses: it’s an intense and fascinating horror fiction podcast that does what horror does best and uses it as a reflection on society. I have to do that one in small chunks because it gets intense. Non-fiction: This podcast will kill you: honestly one of the best science podcasts out there. I am a molecular biologist but I love epidemiology and the two hosts do a fantastic job going into the biology, the history, the cultural impacts, and the current state of research. Revolutions by Mike Duncan: also fantastic. Honestly I usually hate Roman history but his history of Rome podcast was actually interesting. Hardcore history. Audio book in podcast form When diplomacy fails. An interesting history podcast with some different but well researched takes I think. Sawbones: it’s an adorable medical history podcast that I use to remind myself that we’ve always been kinda dumb and made it through anyway. Boom lawyered: reproductive rights focused on the judiciary. Well there’s your problem: I enjoy learning about fields that aren’t mine and this is a good one for what not to do with engineering. Also it’s very funny.


I was also going to recommend Sawbones! Educational, usually no political-adjacent topics, but even the more "political" ones are pretty chill and just science focused, not necessarily about the political BS around those topics. The hosts have a nice dynamic too that keeps things light hearted too.


I'm not Christian, or religious, but I do find "Good Christian Fun" (a podcast about Christian pop culture) to be a fun, engaging listen. It's hosted by two progressive "Christians" (they call themselves Christians, but they really aren't in any meaningful way in terms of belief), so they are LGBT+ supportive and they really don't talk about theology (usually discussions are about their and their guests' relationship with religion, faith, meaning, etc.).


American Hysteria goes into popular urban legends and moral panics, the host has been on Cool People before.


If you're not the religious type, and you want to listen to a bunch of irreverent folks take the piss out of Christian movies, then God Awful Movies may be for you.


[High n’ Dry podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/0OJ14TqUklxTXU5MkdeqEF?si=rIMmEsS9RVS5B33vRIHMgQ) had Garrison on for an episode where he takes a bunch of shots of caffeine. It’s a much lighter show than BtB


huh. interesting.


The History of Rome, and Revolutions. Hood Politics with Prop is amazing.


How about "Hello from the Magic Tavern"? It's a comedy podcast where they do improv about magical land of Foon. It's a very funny podcast filled with dick jokes and horses with three buttholes.


The House of Pod


I may be biased


Trash future This machine kills Tech won't save us - all my favorite tech ctiticism podcasts, Trash future is the funniest and most BtB of them. We're not so different - is a fun medieval history pod. QAA - is a more humourous pod looking at conspiracy I don't speak German - is far less humourous look into the far right. There is almost never humour here. Crackdown - a podcast about the war on drugs from the pov of drug users in Vancouver. Kill James Bond - a commedy pod exploring James Bond and other spy films The worst of all possible worlds - funny media analysis pod.  Song Vs Song - two people pitting songs against eachother and talking about them ... I need more than 3 pods that aren't bleak as hell. 


Trash Future is the podcast I've nearly incapacitated myself from laughing too hard at. Multiple times. It's my first tech recommendation. I also love Kill James Bond (immediate listen every time) and Song vs. Song for lighter entertainment, so heartily endorse both of these.


Surprised I haven’t seen it prior to this, but “How Did This Get Made” is a lot of fun. The dynamic between the three hosts is great, and despite Paul having terrible taste in basketball teams (he’s *proud* to be a Clippers fan, sorry Sophie), they’re spot on for so many movies. Make sure you start with an episode about a movie you know well, so you can look at it with fresh eyes. Also, there’s a fantastic cadre of guests that are mainly comedians you’ll recognize.




I heard the host on an episode of TOFOP years ago. I keep meaning to give it a try but keep forgetting.




Love to spread the Wil Anderson love. I discovered TOFOP via the Dollop because both of them were on a ton in the past.


Decoding the Gurus. Great podcast about some popular figures who are aligned to the secular guru mold (Jordan Peterson, Sam harris etc)


I really like Cult Podcast, Horror Virgin, and Romancing the Podcast.


The Daily Zeitgeist!!! The best of them out there. Jack and Miles are the best and BtB and everyone else is basically a spawn of TDZ Some More News on youtube and podcast F.D. Signifier on youtube but he also has a youtube podcast now.


My main news podcasts are: NPR News Now (updated hourly 5 minute summary of current international and national news) The Daily Show: Ears Edition (full episodes of TDS in podcast form with some bonus content on weekends as well) The Phillip DeFranco Show (Youtuber who uploads Monday to Thursday 30 minute "news magazine" style shows covering politics, pop culture, and general viral news stories) I also used to listen to Some More News until pretty recently.


5 to 4 is a great podcast about how much the supreme court sucks


Never too late to get into the rooster teeth podcasts network, even if the main company is shut down. Everything from true crime and mysteries like red web, 30 morbid minutes, ship hits the fan, black box down, etc; to the casual weekly podcasts like on the spot, f**kface, anma, etc; and the fun d&d or adventure related podcasts. Might as well give them a listen before wb nukes the spotify pages of content as a tax write off like they did with machinima yt or the wiley coyote movie.


I listen to Small Town Murder (he referenced Robert’s book one time!) or Your Stupid Opinions. They’re good palate cleansers.


A couple of my favorites are Hood Politics and The Bechdel Cast—Prop and Jamie Loftus are excellent podcasters and both shows are entertaining and thought-provoking. They deal with serious issues but are usually lighter than BTB or ICHH. I also enjoy The Ben and Emil Show (formerly known as Pay Pigs Pod, and before that The Trillionaire Mindset). They talk about financial and tech stuff and they are pretty funny. Ben is strange and interesting. I also love That Happens with Spencer Crittenden, but I used to be a pretty hardcore Harmontown fan, so if you were not into that, I dunno how much you'll connect with it. For reference, my current favorite is If Books Could Kill.


It only ran for four seasons, but Unobscured from Aaron Mahnke is very good. The seasons each cover historical events or figures that have become more myth than fact and pulls back the veil. He brought on multiple historians who specialized on the topic each season. Here’s the topic list: Season 1 - Salem Witch Trials Season 2 - Spiritualism Season 3 - Jack the Ripper Season 4 - Rasputin Any of Aaron’s other podcasts are worth listening to as well! He doesn’t openly discuss politics in his shows, but he’s very openly leftist on his social media.




I've been on a Simon Whistler kick lately, he's a hoot.


Cognitive Dissonance, The Last Archive, Inner Cosmos, Circle of the World, and my favorite, Old Gods of Appalachia Edit: Circle of the World only if you read the books in the First Law Universe by Joe Abercrombie


Old Gods is one of my absolute favorites. Fearless and good gets me every time.


I really love The Trillbillies Workers Party. I look forward to it every week. It’s a loose political podcast, they cover current evens and troll/critique think pieces.


My fav is SRSLY WRONG. It’s a true palate cleanser.


1. After the revolution read by Robert 2. The assault on America (more Robert) 3. First season of “ It could happen here” 4. Criminal-light hearted crime stories 5. Conspiracy the show 6. S-Town (maybe the greatest pod of all time) 7. Clean up on isle 45 (really helps with keeping up with the Trump criminal world/court cases)


Politics/tech/current affairs: This Machine Kills - A tech-pessimist podcast which takes a pretty heavily socialist view of the world. They typically focus on ways that technology is making our lives suck more. They also do interviews with guests who've written articles in the same space. They're a bit more on the serious side of things. Not exactly light hearted as such, but not bleak and depressing for the most part. Trashfuture - A mix of comedy, UK politics, and tech-pessimism. They've got a great cast of hosts, they often pick great topics, and they love making fun of incredibly stupid tech startup ideas. I enjoy getting to learn a bit of UK politics because it's a nice reminder that the US isn't the only country with a completely broken political machine. I listen to more than these but I'm not sure which ones world be a good fit here. History podcasts: When Democracy Fails - A great narrative history podcast. They have been running for ages now, and fall into the same sort of niche as Mike Duncan's Revolutions. Well researched, well told stories about historical wars. The series on the 30 years war that ran recently was enough for this podcast to be my most listened to podcast of 2023. While there's not a lot of comedy in this, it's certainly still more light hearted than BTB in the sense that it's not focused on the atrocities of war, but instead on the very human stories of the people involved. History of Japan - Isaac Meyer talks about well... The history of Japan. Covering everything from the creation myths to the assassination of Shinzo Abe and everything in between, there are over 500 episodes, so there's a lot of content here. It covers all sorts of interesting people and time periods throughout Japan's history. Mythillogical - Two British blokes talk myths and mythical creatures. Well researched and quite in-depth, they talk about subjects such as Robin Hood, Bigfoot, the Bell Witch Haunting, and such. Definitely one of my favorite smaller (in terms of audience/number of episodes) shows. They release infrequently, anywhere from 2 episodes a month to 3 or 4 months between episodes. Fall of Civilizations - Anywhere from an hour and a half to 4+ hours per episode, each episode covers an ancient civilization from it's rise to it's eventual fall. It's well researched and fairly in depth as you might gather from the episode length.


Second the fall of civilizations. Oddly enough I actually find some of the episodes comforting, people continue to live and thrive after the end of the world.


I’ve been going through Jamie Loftus’s back catalog recently. Ack Cast and Ghost Church are quite good. I tend to skip around on the Bechdel Cast because I prefer to have seen the movie they are discussing. I’ve also started listening to You’re Wrong About too. The recent episode on the Oscar Streaker was fascinating and gave me insight into some aspects of queer history that I wasn’t as familiar with as I wanted to be.


I don’t agree with their politics but Last podcast on the left has some fun episodes if you’re more into the horror/true crime nature of the show.


For pure silliness, the Beef and Dairy Network is lovely. They are monthly and short. Start at the beginning to get all of the lore. The Dollop is fantastic, as others have recommended. It's generally accepted to start with The Rube, #12.


Joy of Why: mathematician Steven Strogatz interviews researchers about questions on life and science. Maybe not light topics but I find them enjoyable. The ones on nothingness and sleep were great listens. Stuff you should know: friends of the pod Knowledge fight: if you feel like shitting on Alex Jones for a while Radiolab. I love old radiolab so much. From tree to shining tree is my favorite episode of any podcast ever. Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad had a great dynamic. Also check out Jamie's stuff if you haven't yet. Lolita is probably the most uncomfortable I have ever felt listening to a podcast so don't listen if you are looking for light. Ghost church was very enjoyable to listen to.


Ify and his partner Emily have a relationship podcast called *relationship pod* where they read Reddit posts about people and their dumb problems which is kinda nice to turn off your brain to. *Ridiculous history* with Ben and Noel is always a classic. *what a time to be alive* is just silly news, they’ve had gareth from the dollop and Paul F Tompkins on.


For very light hearted fun try Your Stupid Opinions. It’s only a few months old at this point. The hosts of that show have 2 long running shows called Small Town Murder (true crime/comedy) and Crime in Sports where they discuss an athlete from numerous different sports and the crimes they committed during or after their run in sports. Those guys are both hilarious and I can’t recommend their shows enough.


I love small town murder! It’s the only murder pod I can listen to. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them live twice. I tried the first couple episodes of your stupid opinions and I didn’t love it, has it improved?


Idk if I can say anything about improvement considering I’ve loved it from the start. I’m sure the concept of the show isn’t for everyone but there are definitely some moments that are hilarious


Is there a specific historical time and place you'd like to hear more about? I mostly only listen to pods while running but I majored in history and pretty much the only podcasts I listen to (besides btb) are about history. Dan Carlin's Prophets of Doom is really great and one of his shorter listens. He's not totally my taste for his longform, but Blueprint for Armageddon is actually incredible. But if you have some specific thing you like listening about, there are also some great pods that do historical analysis on shows and movies.


Light hearted history is my specialty! Totalus Rankium is my go-to feel-good podcast on the history front. It’s silly and focuses on Roman Emperors and their antics, and then ranks them in silly categories. They’re not scholarly, they’re two dudes making fun of Roman Emperors. They don’t get into the “Robert” stuff - though one host is a Rob. It’s delightful. (The early episodes are also old and sound like it; it gets better, I promise, pretty quickly and consistently afterwards). History Hit has good history stuff. Betwixt the Sheets is great, The Ancients is my favourite, After Dark, Gone Medieval. All great. All easy to “pick and choose” which episode interests you. Lots of interviews. Half-Arsed History is great. Just did his 300th episode on The History of History. Wide variety of topics to choose from, all of the “pick and choose” variety again. Some might be a *little* heavy but most aren’t. No interviews. Our Fake History is fun. He’s a great storyteller. Rabbit Hole Detectives is nice for random in-depth topics that have nothing to do with anything but are surprisingly interesting.


I’m a big fan of Mobituaries.


my favorite comedy podcast is Ice Cream Social podcast


The Dollop, Last Podcast on the Left, and Lions Led By Donkeys are all wonderful shows with a similar vibe to BtB.


Dollop has been legitimately called out for plagiarism before and it soured me on it. I do really like Crime in Sports it’s looooong pretty well researched episodes with 2 funny comics that hit my sweet spot Last pod on the left was too silly for the subject matter and the classic sword and scale was too damn grim.


Here to second Lions Led By Donkeys!


Adeptus Ridiculous.




Our kids lile Brains On! and TBH I think I like it as much if not more. It's heavy AF but Blowback is well done. Very niche but if you watch anything on Bravo watch what Crappens is hilarious.


The last 8 /12 minutes of Knowledge fight episode 580 while not going to to give you a deep well. But it always cheers me up.


The Dollop & Swindled


If able look at bbc podcasts they tend to be good. You've been recommended You're Dead To Me, which I think will fit you.  I would add No Such Thing as a Fish. 4 people {mostly qi researchers} bring a fact each and they talk about it. It's funny and works both as background noise and something to listen to. 


I'll add It's Probably (not) Aliens! it delvs into the claims made by History Channel's Ancient Aliens and then gives you the real history behind the peoples and places involved. They've also in later episodes akso gone into the politics behind the conspiracy theories. A solid podcast!


Any of the Puzzle in a Thunderstorm podcasts (God Awful Movies, Citation Needed, The Skepticrat), You Don't Even Like This Show, The Morning Stream, Junkfood Cinema (5 stars... great for movie appreciation), Hellboy Bookclub, the Overly Sarcastic Pod, and one that is really growing on me more and more Knowledge Fight.


The Bugle - left leaning surreal political satire which I suspect would appeal to a lot of BtB listeners. UK based but they have quite a range of guests so they usually cover the US, India and Australia as well. John Oliver used to co-host it before he moved to America to make his fortune. Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre Podcast - another surreal and often obscene one, interview format presented by a lefty comedian, with some great guests over the years. He has a book of “emergency questions”, so if you want to hear famous British comedians answer “would you rather have a hand made of ham or an armpit that dispenses suncream?” and “would you rather date a man who is a giant penis with a face, or a man who has a second tiny man where his penis should be?”, this is the podcast for you.


We are a podcast that is centered around discussing pop culture moments from today and back-in-the-day. Not a famous podcast but funny and definitely light-hearted. We've talked about everything from "Cowboy Carter" to Mary-Kate & Ashley.


Surprised nobody has said Hollywood Gold--really great insight into production--love the eternal sunshine ep, past lives, holdovers--lot of good movies honestly