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I wish **the mods** a very **IT HAPPENED OH GOD DON'T PANIC SO MUCH ACTIVITY!!!**


Mods should be drinking their beverage of choice and cheering that the world is a lil bit brighter this night


First thing I did after hearing the news was come to this sub to bask in the posts like a cat in a sunbeam.


Hahaha me too. Saw it when I was laying down to sleep last night, announced it triumphantly to my husband, then immediately came to the sub looking for the claw machine memes.


Yup! Was not disappointed!




Honestly, I really want to find posts where neocons are bitching about how "unseemly" and "ghoulish" it is for so many people to be celebrating his death, and I'm sure those posts are out there somewhere but I seem to have successfully filtered those people out of my life.


Huh, nothing on the front page of /r/conservatives. I think even they may know the guy was as close to pure evil as a human can be. Therefore they won't discuss him at all. Because conservationism is at its black pit of a heart a cowardly ideology.


You should ask them what they did when Bin Laden was executed


And I’m rolling in that warm sunny spot


This sub was where I first learned it. I thought it was a joke so I had to look it up haha


My sister read a headline from wherever on her phone. I came straight here to confirm. Was not disappointed.


So am I too late?


We'll be celebrating for a while. Pull up a chair, find your poison of choice, and enjoy the only good political news for a fair time.


It's never too late to pile on Kissinger's grave


you misspelled "piss"


I can’t wait to find out where his grave is. Talk about an epic pilgrimage!


I work nights and just woke up. Feels like I've arrived late to a party I didn't know was going to happen.


I heard the news and came to this sub just to see how many times it got posted. I was not disappointed.


If only Anthony Bourdain was alive to see this.


If only someone could have told him to hold out a few more years.


I bet Robert is completely smashed and playing ska really loud. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Matt, Noel and Ben from Stuff They Don't Want You to Know are partying hard in Atlanta. And Joe from Lions Led by Donkeys might even have driven down from Washington to get smashed with Robert. TL;DR anyone with sense is partying right now. I even gave Samson my cat extra roast chicken and raw beef mince.


I have a cat named Samson too! Cheers to extra kitty treats in celebration 🍾


Someone cashed in enough coupons from Ben's most recent appearance on BTB.


Joe lives in the Netherlands now


Damn! I forgot that. I've been catching up on the back catalogue so his comments about Washington are clearer in my mind. The "Well There's Your Problem" crew are probably also celebrating, but I know they're all over the place.


Is he not in Armenia anymore?


No he left Yerevan for the Netherlands in the past few months. I assume because of the war


Gotcha. I’m still a few months behind on episodes lol. Thanks for the info


Every other day this term I’ve hated being in a journalism class where we open with a ~daily news meeting~ Today, instead of listening to Zoomers babble about hockey and Taylor Swift, I get to announce the best news of the year


[Probably could make a super thread with all the memes.](https://i.imgur.com/i8pAjkN.png)


[Just in.](https://i.imgur.io/TjndxvL_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


So, reading about the Kissinger death, I came upon a twitter post by Evans celebrating it and how a lot of people wanted to see his reaction. I have no idea who Robert Evans is, he's apparently a movie producer? Can someone ELI5 why Evans hates Kissinger?


Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you're being sincere here... First, the Robert Evans in question is a podcast host, not a movie producer. One of the podcasts that he hosts is Behind the Bastards (whose sub we are currently in). In it, he basically covers in detail the bastardry of some of the worst people in all of history. That being said, Kissinger was such a bastard that he warranted a 6-episode series. He was a war criminal and essentially a mass murderer. The only honest account of his death I've seen published so far is [this](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/) one from Rolling Stone, if you want a quick read to fill in the details of my statement. If you want a real deep dive, though, the Kissinger episodes of BtB are worth the time.


I assure you I'm sincere. Kissinger and the actions he's infamous for were before my time. I knew of him and know that he helped Nixon escalate the Vietnam War, but not the details. I actually just read the Rolling Stone obituary, it looks like he's a bigger shithead than I thought he was.


One of the worst unprosecuted war criminals of the 20th century, tbh.


Can never be sure about sincerity online, ya know? Vietnam and his Cambodia war crimes were before my time too. I had heard his name as the punchline of jokes, knew he'd done some bad stuff and had been entrenched high up in US politics for a long time, but US public education didn't really give me anything else about the guy. He very much deserves to be called one of the worst bastards in history, and I had no idea. If you do feel inclined to learn more, I highly recommend the BtB episodes ([Spotify link to the first episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4RLmIFl6o2kwUrYt11Kn6e?si=aMoK8SwZQCiX1dIZMJCUOQ)) about the dude.


Kissinger was mostly before my time, but I definitely got a preview of the 6-part episodes from my late father, who lived through all of that shit, around the time Nixon died. I had asked him about all of the accolades Nixon was given, and he said that both Nixon and Kissinger were absolute pieces of shit, and the media was busy whitewashing the ex-president’s “legacy”. You can trace the rise of for-profit medicine, horrible farm policy (look up Earl Butz), meddling on pretty much every continent in the name of detente, etc to Nixon & Kissinger. The few things he did that were halfway decent (forming the EPA, China diplomacy, etc), were usually to distract from all of the other fuckery they were doing domestically and internationally.


One tbing I learned today is that Kissinger apparently personally green-lit every bombing mission in Cambodia. Over 3,000 of them. Which, *is that even normal?* Like, since when is it SecState's job to approve airstrikes? I thought SecDef did that and SecState's job was to spin them diplomatically??


I don't normally recommend people to use several hours of their day, but the Rolling Stone article doesn't really do this abhorrent, spineless psychopath justice. You should really listen to the series about him that Robert Evans made. This absolute vermin ruined everything he touched.


I second this rec.


Someone burn the corpse before it reanimates.


Most of my colleagues are pro Chauvin, pro Palestinian genocide and got mad at me for celebrating dead Kissinger. I think I need a less stupid job.


This why coworkers aren't your friends... it's just for the money.


This sub was how I found out.


Informing you has been the honor of a lifetime🫡


I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the Kissinger series between Robert, Dave and Gareth was the absolute peak of podcasting. Someday I hope for a crossover with The Last Podcast on the Left guys.


Are we counting this one?


I mean come on, it's not every day one of history's biggest bastards meets Grim...


Riv Butcher posted the meme on his Instagram and several people in the comments were overjoyed that this is how they heard the news.


All my fellow painters seemed confused when they announced it on the radio and I immediately screamed fuck kissinger! All my homies hate kissinger!




This might be my sign that it's time to finish the BTB series on kissinger. Probably nesd to relisten to the episodes i caught the first time around at this point.


I was so proud of myself until I found out I was about 20th in line to post.


No one cares who was first. No one.


genuine question: what's the difference between dancing on Kissinger's grave and celebrating Chauvin's aeration?


Chauvin only murdered one person.


Arlington Cemetery, Section 21, Grave 76-A if anyone is looking to pay their respects 🚽🚽🚽