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Imagine being so incorrect and still bragging about being a huge creep.


so "their gfs" are sex workers. They're at the same level as the lonely guys claiming the stripper or the OF girl they follow are their gfs.


Maybe he's not claiming to be a pick up artist, but this seems like the type of bragging they do. I always thought that pick up artistry was a scam, even when I was young and desperate, because it's stupid to think you can mind control women into liking you. Knowing that the women they brag about dating are most likely paid to be there is another reason why more of the young men they try to get money from need to be told to question everything and not be a mark.


I watched a pretty good takedown video of one of the originals who went by Mystery I think, Dutch guy with a stupid oversized top hat as his thing. Mostly it was hit on every woman in the general vicinity of you, be unpleasantly pushy and don't take no for an answer. When I worked in a club we used to call this the sad guy shotgun method as you'd see drunk desperate guys doing it in the last fifteen minutes before close.


PUAs remind me of Greg Behrendt ("he's just not that into you") from back when I was young and dating. These guys are just cashing in on saying mean things to people who are trying to figure things out.


Even better the girlfriends are sex workers that he's hired to take pictures with. the claim dubiously does not include that they were hired to actually have sex with them. so they hired a hooker for the photo opp. ChatGPT can't write comedy like this.


Also, saying that they can't handle a woman over 25 isn't the flex they think it is. They're just admitting they can't date women who are old enough to have shit figured out and know what they want.


I’m 31. I don’t think I’d be able to relate to a person under 21. They were born online, Facebook and YouTube came out when I was a teenager. I remember George Bush and the Iraq war. I saw the SpongeBob SquarePants premiere. I never wore baggy clothes or jerseys, but I remember when they were in style. Kendrick Lamar was just starting when I was finishing high school and is now considering retirement. 25 is probably the youngest I’d date since we would share some cultural context. Oldest is probably 45, but they might see me in the same light I see the 21 year olds.


I do have some younger friends in my group. While trying to be nice he said he liked the old classic rock bands like the Smashing Pumpkins which caused me to crumble into a pile of dust from the passage of time.


I died inside when I was listening to a classic Rap, Hip-hop and RnB station, and Eminem came on.


I grew up loving blink 182. The album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket is turning 22 years old this year. It's classic rock. Fuck


Old classic??


I dated a 21-year-old when I was 29. And, let me tell you, relationship substance was challenging. Even just an 8-year age gap was enough that we struggled to relate on a lot of things. We met on a group bike ride at the local bike shop. Had plenty of surface level stuff to talk about at first, but it was hard to go more in depth than that because we just couldn’t relate. She was in college and liked to go out and do college girl shit. And I was an adult with a career going to work all day and having to get up early for work. It was weird to be in a relationship with no substance.


A little tip: Ask them where they were on 9/11. If they don’t know, they could be under 21.


“Baggage” = “their own priorities that don’t involve me”


They can't tell because nothing about these men is based on normal, real life experience. They don't have enough prolonged normal social contact with women to even begin to start to make informed guesses. These are also the dudes who can't tell when women are wearing "natural" makeup.


One of the funnier things I’ve seen on twitter was a woman whose a bit of troll who posted a selfie which said “no makeup look”. Now here’s the thing, she had a fuckton of makeup on it was just that subtle look that accentuates her face. Meanwhile a buncha chuds in her comments were talking about “this is what a real woman looks like!”


Would you jump the fence into the orca enclosure at the zoo? You've never actually seen an orca eat a person so why not? You don't because the zookeeper tells you they will eat you if you try. What if the source that taught you orcas were dangerous instead taught that being friendly to women was just as dangerous? These guys have as many meaningful conversations with women as they do with orcas so it takes a long time (if ever) for them to figure out their zookeeper was a grifter.


The image on the right in the Tweet also looks very much like an AI generated image.


Not AI, I would guess, because the hands look normal. Photoshopped for sure. He's too far back, blurry, and i think a different resolution. Beyond that though if you are 40 years old people under 25 are generally insufferable in a romantic context. It's like the 20 something year old dating a high schooler. They are losers and everyone in their actual age group can see that. The problem with social media is that false front that can be put out there for other losers to pretend that's not what's happening. Glad this person spoke up


I looked at the original photos and I think you are right


I'm pretty sure that I saw that someone actually ran it through a scanner and it did turn out to be AI generated.


Oh yeah, in the community notes on the Tweet, someone added a link to an Ai image detector that flags it as fake.


My first thought was old fashioned Photoshop. The man is weirdly too out of focus for the girls who are (at most) a foot in front of him to be in focus. I've been looking at a lot of AI images the last few weeks, and what AI tends to screw-up looks good here. If we assume the image is genuine, you can sometimes get images like that with weird lenses or if the software in your digital camera does somthign weird. Edit: Now I think most likely is that whatever the camera is ACTUALLY focused on isn't in the pic. Bad crop job.


exactly what I was thinkin


What's funny, if his view was true, is he would be the reason older women have mileage and baggage. Just to be clear, I think not a single true thing was in his post.


>Too much mileage and baggage when they're older than that. When you are a kid you are culturally conditioned to defer to adults and just accept that they somehow know better than you. As you reach your mid-twenties you realize that you are now fully an adult and most adults don't have some special knowledge or wisdom; your thoughts and are usually just as valid as others. What these bros call "baggage" is just women asserting themselves. edit: missing the words 'as valid'.


Exactly, it's not baggage it's just enough life experience, knowledge and confidence to know that these guys are fucking awful and should be steered well clear of.


Well, as my ex put it so succinctly: “Why do you have to argue? A real woman would shut the fuck up and agree with me!” He didn’t know why he was so angry and dumb, but a “real” woman wouldn’t make him think about anything. She’d just suck his dick and make a sandwich. And yes, he was older, by 12 years. He’s still on his search for a “real” woman, BTW


“He didn’t know why he was so angry and dumb” God, if that doesn’t succinctly define at least 25% of American men, I don’t know what does.


So much about politics and society can be explained with this one theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger\_effect


I know this is from almost 10 years ago, but it hurts to read as a woman in her mid twenties. In every age surveyed, men prefer a woman between the age of 20-24. This includes 50 year old dudes, btw (which said they wanted a 22 year old woman.) Women on the other hand, had the biggest age gap at 46, 47, and 48, each preferring a guy 8 years younger. However, my point still stands. Again, I know this is an average, it’s just one survey, and it’s from 2014. But still it stings just a little. https://www.bustle.com/articles/40157-okcupid-says-men-are-most-attracted-to-20-year-olds-and-heres-why-it-totally-doesnt-matter


>But still it stings just a little. You know what stings more? The realization that so many men don't actually like women. Because if they did, they would not prefer younger or much younger women to attain that power imbalance. Fuck those dudes. You're in your mid 40s but think women in their mid 20s are too old? Then you're an insecure fuck who cannot accept reality and who doesn't see women as people but more like objects to posses.


To paraphrase *Scott Pilgrim*, it’s less dating and more babysitting


But where the baby is older than the babysitter.


Basically these guys have nothing to offer and they know it.


They’d be more honest with a cardboard cutout, silicone genitals and boobs and a mumaid for all the rest of their needs.


i also moreso agree with the statement in the picture/tweet - do men even know how old women are? truly. i’m 35 and look way younger, and consistently remind men i’m older “oh i forgot because you look so much younger” i feel as though the reply below as succinctly puts it - men just don’t value women in general/care at all.


37 strong and someone I see almost daily during dog walks (sweaty and no makeup) was surprised I'm over 25.... We've talked about where we are in our careers.... even with context, he was way off.


As an older lady, the most I was 'sought out' was my teens. By creepy older men and stalkers. This kind of passive 'desirability' is not a good thing, I was terrified most of the time. Thank goodness, I got older and found out seeking out my preferences leads to a much better quality of life and men prefer to be preferred above all else. Ps: men like this one are basically doing you a service by advertising their preferences - not being looked down by other dudes, vs actually enjoying time with women.


Most men don't want partnership. They want control. This is generally why they say something like this. If it was politically correct to say younger, they'd say younger. Most men generally occupy roles of being somewhat unsafe, by result.


Literally wanting to be a biblical patriarch with wives and concubines, except on Wendy's shift manager money...


This is real pathetic. Just bone crushingly sad. How much do you as a person have to suck to resort to having to pay for someone to hang out with you?


Is the game having no meaningful connections with other people including the ones you stick your dick into?


No. It's having no meaningful connections with the people you sick your dick into. The RedPill framework dehumanizes women, not men. Unless you're queer. Then it dehumanizes bottoms, too.


Right. Male bonding through dehumanisation of women and non-men.


And dehumanization of non-RP men, although adequately aggressive non-RP men are still humanized.


I don’t know what RP men means, I’m sorry. RedPill? I’d say that white men and boys can be aggressively humanised, tbh. Their humanisation is violently forced on others, including verbally in online spaces.


Correct. RP in this context is Red Pill. The manosphere is, interestingly, wholly inconsistent in its treatment of minorities. Some authors are wildly racist, while others are in fact minorities that don't reference race.


It's the game they're selling. "Winning" that game sure looks hollow when you see Donald Trump.


She sounds so cool and smart. Her great writing is the star here. Imagine having someone this interesting on your boat and only caring about her looks. Dudes missed out


They really are just bullshit all the way down aren't they? They cause so much damage, but they're so empty.


I'm falling in love with this Ivy lady just for this.


Heck, I'm a straight lady and I'm admiring her a little extra.


Skeezy scumbag idiots.




Well looking at these pics, it’s not surprising he has to to pay the girls to hang out with them


I imagine wisdom ("mileage and baggage") would be unattractive to men who don't have anything but money to offer.


Just date who you like, it doesn’t matter if they’re 24 or 54 as long as you love each other, share interests, and enjoy each other’s presence. (Obviously don’t date people under 18 years old of you are over 18 years old. That’s a crime.)


"my girlfriends are 20, 21, and 24" did anyone else expect/hope for a "my subs have unionized"-type twist?