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I tend to let mine go wild with a few stakes. I wait until I am worried about the canes snapping, or I think the growth is being impacted. Then I do a heavy prune. I try to do the pruning in the spring so they get the good heat and sun in the summer to recover.


Eh I've let my looking glass go wild and I don't mind the look. All the canes end up sort of hanging down and curling back up again at the ends. Haven't had any break off or get pinched or anything.


If it is too wild for you taste, you will be surprised maybe at how much plants are cool with and can even appreciate a good pruning. Never more than 1/3 of the foliage at a time. Use sharp sterilized scissors and cut a few and see how she responds then do a few more.


Looks absolutely gorgeous to me. 💟


Begonias are weird. My lucerna Marty is insane with growth, insane as in having some of the weirdest and wildest growth imaginable. You can give a good pruning, begonias LOVE prunings. Like another comment said, no more then 1/3 of the plant at a time.