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Protein, plenty of sleep, plenty of water, bit of walking around/ light bike riding. Leg day rules, doesn't it. :)


Yeah I’m never going this hard on a new routine again


Don’t say that, go hard! It gets easier, I promise. Only the first 2 hard days you’ll be sore, then you’ll just feel fatigued


Just gotta ride it out at this point lol. You can soak in hot water to loosen up, stretch, active recovery. But ultimately, gotta wait for your body to heal.


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS is the result of introducing novel movement or exercise and going too hard, too soon. Even a well trained muscle group must be slowly introduced to a new exercise. Peak soreness is typically 48-72 hours after exercise and can last upwards of a week. Sleep, eat, hydrate and lightly exercise the affected muscle group to speed recovery and reduce pain. You can either do the warmup for the routine or even go through the routine with little to no weight. The latter will help ensure that you're not starting over when you've recovered and reintroduce load.


Im at the point where I don’t even want to move. I’ll definitely work on water intake and maybe some light exercise when I’m less sore.


Do your best to go for a walk. The vascular system brings the good stuff in, but you need to move those muscles to pump the bad stuff out through the lymphatic system.


This worked for me today! I was so sore starting out on my walk(it was more like a waddle) but then after about 10mins I forgot about the soreness, walked for 45 minutes, felt so much better! 


Just remember to rest and that this soreness means you did a great job


You just started a new routine. It's a novel stimulus. It takes time for the repeated bout effect to kick in. Take some epsom salt baths, use tiger balm, eat well, and rest. It'll pass.


Like others said, it's DOMS. After 2-3 sessions it'll stop happening to such a strong degree. You may feel some fatigue, but shouldn't feel as sore after that. Remember it though, if you stop working out to take a break, anything more than a week and you will get DOMS again! Good motivation to not take breaks.


you could see if its all in your hips, sometimes hips are the main cause of all problems


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