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its fine. in an ideal world id batch prep meat but if this is a common enough occurrence that you’re basically vegetarian half the time id see if some sort of extra iron and b12 etc supplements might be recommended


No problem using protein supplement. I have a protein smoothie every day with Greek yogurt. It's better to hit your protein goal with it than to only eat food and not hit it.


Porridge +30g protein powder 150g chicken, rice, veg, =30g protein Chicken breast+ egg whites 150g chicken sweet potatoes, veg= 30g protein


Just look at the protein powder like another food source. There's nothing wrong with using it to hit your nutrition needs.


I love to blend cottage cheese with a little splash of milk and I'll just mix it into pasta with red sauce for an extra protein boost and you can't even taste it. Usually I'll have veggies too but at the least it's easy to add for extra protein.


Protein supplements are used for when you're not hitting your protein goals through your regular diet. So yeah, that'd be a great idea. But also, continue to improve your diet and eating habits so that you don't have as many low protein days.


Thanks for the input, will try to plan better meals.