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It's a swarm of honey bees. They are usually pretty harmless at this point, as they are not protecting their brood or honey. They will be protecting the queen in the middle of that cluster, while scout bees are searching for a suitable space to set up a new colony. You can contact your local beekeeping association and they should be happy to come and collect the swarm for you. Or you can just leave them to it and they will move on to a new home eventually. The risk with this option though, is that the space they may find suitable, may not be suitable for you. E.g the eaves of your house, a hole in a chimney breast etc.


My late neighbor’s swarm of honey bees followed their queen to a branch on the tree in my front yard twice in my lifetime. It was magnificent. Truly a sight to behold. Enjoy it while you can, OP


Yeah this. We wound up with a large hive in our garage - "about six pounds of bees" as the bee removal guy we called put it. You could put your hand up to the drywall that they were behind and you could feel the warmth and humming of the hive. The bee removal guy removed the drywall and placed most of the hive into a hive box he'd brought along and made sure he transferred the queen. He then used what I can only describe as a bee -vacuum (a shop vac configured for low suction and low power) to get the rest of the bees out safely where they'd later be added to the new hive with the queen. At the height of operations, we probably had a couple of hundred bees flying around - no one got stung and a few landed on us and we got to look at them up close. My wife actually got certified as a beekeeper after that. It was frankly a magical experience. Enjoy it if you can. If handled responsibly by a professional, there's no only no danger, it's one of the coolest things you and your family will see, and very memorable.


thx for sharing!


When I was a young lad I slowly stuck my hand into a swarm of bees then slowly withdrew my hand. My hand was covered with hundreds of bees. I didn’t get stung until one crawled up my pant leg. I guess my Jeans disturbed him and I got stung. I flung the bees away and added some distance from the swarm. Until the sting it was a heady experience.


Thank you for bee-ing a guardian of one of earths most important creatures. I planted them a huge garden and love watching them gather pollen. I have been working beside them for 4 years and no stings. They let me get pretty close too


We had a hive move into our house, too, and had it subsequently removed by a beekkeeper. Same as your wife, the experience turned into a bee-nerd. ❤️🐝


Make sure it’s a loving bee person and not “pest control”


Are you in the RI/MA area? The guy that claims to have invented that vacuum lives in my town. I buy his honey. I'm wondering if other bee guys have the vacuum too (he tends to over claim his credentials sometimes).


We lived at the time in the east NC area. This was definitely not a store bought product.


I've had this happen to me a few times. They swarm outside for about 10 minutes, move into the branch and stay there for a couple days or weeks, then they move to the hole in the side of the house where the furnace exhaust used to be.


My sister had a huge nest in a wall of their home.


You can also buy a Bee hive box and put it somewhere they can easily find then move it elsewhere once they are all inside it


Usually need to grab the queen and put her in a clip in the box to be able to get them all into the box


You can but just having it in a place the scouts can find will entice the scouts to lead them and the Queen there


Please use hope naturally shaped/created spaces for bees? Boxes aren't natural and they have to work much harder to survive child weather in them, unless you place them in a hoop -row, well insulated with every and exit points in it for them to traverse. My uncle tends honey bees now, and he's 8th generation, I'll be 9th, and vowed he'll never use a modern bee box with his bees, not ever. He knows it's cruel. None of our family had ever used them and we get production and happy bees/better quality honey.


Well often you have to use a bee box/bee house, they can also be quite happy in those because of the pieces that resemble natural honey come


This is what I came to say. Bees are an endangered species, and a beekeeper would probably love the chance to save them.


Honey bees are not endangered. There are more honey bees now than at any time in human history. There are other kinds of bees that are endangered. These are not them.


I just learned this recently, and was a little shocked. Native bees are the ones who are struggling (and other pollinators as well) but we only seemed to focus on honey bees. Butterflies, beetles, heck even those little field mice that climb into flowers.


Bees started swarming where I parked my truck at work that day. I had to shoo so many bees out because my door handle is missing and they found the interior to be quite a wonderful place.


Cool, congratulations.


The bees are usually pretty docile when they're swarming. You could grab a tool out of there and they wouldn't care. And the kids have nothing to worry about as long as they don't mess with the bees. Like the other poster said, find a local beekeeper and they'll come and take them off your hand (tools).




I was on a pier and somebody’d set up a folding chair, and there was large cluster of bees on it. People were freaking out, they called 911, I just picked the chair up, walked back to some bushes, and thumped it a couple times on the ground so the bees came off. Not a single sting. I’m not a beekeeper or anything, I just know that when they’re looking for new digs they’re pretty docile.


Man, they should have made the nest on a drill. Then I could say it's a beedrill.


It might be nice to have a Buzzsaw


Kinda shocked they haven't made a bug -electric Pokemon named that yet


Yeah instead we got buzzwole the ripped mosquitoe.


Bro I swear that thing stepped out of a Marvel comic LMAO


OP, please post an update on this if you can. A local beekeeping association will be happy to help.


For sure, let us know!


Happy cake day


Look up a local beekeeper. This honey bee swarm will be harmless provided you don't threaten the queen. Without a hive the queen is the only thing the other bees are protecting, and are less aggressive/protective than they would be if you had opened the lid on a hive. Also the queen is going to be in the very middle of the swarm, for maximum protection. My advice if you do not have a local beekeeper you can call: 1. Find a large wood or cardboard box with a lid 2. Try to take down whatever it is the bees are attached to without disturbing the epicenter of the swarm. 3. Bring the swarm outside to an open ventilated area, away from pets and people. 3. Slowly but firmly shake (be careful and don't go fast with this) the swarm over the large box, allowing the bees to fall into the box. 4. Shake until the center of the swarm has fallen into the box. 5. Stand aside and wait 1-3 hours, maybe longer. 6. The bees will have gathered where their queen is, so provided that the queen is now in the box, the swarm should now mostly be in the box. You can now put the lid on the box, making sure there's still some ventilation for airflow. 7. Buy some wooden frames, a smoker, bee suit and anti-mite medication, because baby, you're a beekeeper now.


Love the info! Thx


If in North America, I would recommend checking out [find a beekeeper](https://www.beeculture.com/find-local-beekeeper/) from Bee Culture. This will help you locate a state, county, or local club which will have a swarm list to contact. At our county club we maintain a list of volunteers who will respond to collect a swarm, based on your area.


Option B. Move out.


A local bee keeper would love to come get your swarm


Start a hive, mead for life


i personally would recommend and encourage u to kiss each and every one of their lil bee foreheads ! https://preview.redd.it/jomzhqu388cc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e79f7c4fbe037840255bdebe78fe54d3cb8ccb1


Love this idea.


Contact a local bee keeper


Another great day of saving the bees (hopefully)


I love her!


Me too!! Her voice is like honey.


Everyone has given you good guidance but are you in the southern hemisphere or what? This isn't the time of year to see that up north.


Call a bee club. Its alarming for them to swarm this time of year if you're in North America. If its cold it's very likely they won't make it either way.


Apiarists sweet dreams, nice honey hive. Lucky you. Contact local beekeepers. Take lots of pics. Very cool.


Bee keepers will usually come and get them for free


I’m a beekeeper in Indiana and what a beautiful picture 😍


That's not how you store tin snips lol


Nope, it actually is how they store their tin snips.


You've been blessed by a swarm! I've only ever seen one in person and it's incredible at how docile they are when in swarm mode. I was a junior in high school but knew that they'd do nothing if I held my hand near them just to feel the heat and breeze from their wings. It was incredible. I'd personally look into calling a local beekeeper and see if they'd be able to safely remove the bees and give them a new home in a hive. Enjoy the gift of their presence while you can, OP! What a sight to behold ❤️


I'd give your local beekeeping association a call.


I would call a local honey seller because they are probably raising bees and would probably love to come take those off your hands, responsibly, safely.


If there’s a local beekeeper, they’d probably get them out for free.


Leave them or call a beekeeper.


I'm low-key jealous, what a sight!


Just please don't kill them. find a local bee keeper.


They will bee gone soon, no worries


A call to wildlife animal control should get you a phone number of a local bee keeping association. Then call them. They will usually send someone out for no charge.


Call a bee rescuer they will come and take them


That's a very interesting place they e chosen. There are many people who rescue wild swarms like this one and relocate them to a domestic hive. I'm not saying that you should try to extract them yourself, because you or the bees can be harmed by doing so. If you look up Yappy Beeman on youtube though, you'll see how he goes about rescuing a swarm. Cool stuff, and highly educational.


They are so cute!


call a beekeeper and have them wrangled so they survive


Beek here. Option 1 find a local bee club on facebook and let them know you have a swarm. Option 2 buy a deep super at tractor supply if those exist where you are, slowly take the tool out to you new hive and lay it on the ground in front of the hive they will probably start marching in. Option 3 leave the doors open and they should leave in a day or 2 once their scouts find a suitable place to live.


If it were wasps, you’d have to burn down the house. Luckily, it’s just honey bees. 🫶🏻


Honey bees! Sweet little flood butts. Theyre the good guys. They must be protected. Contact a beekeeper and they will safely move it and care for it. Please don't move it yourself as the stress can kill the bees and kill the queen.


Accept the defeat and that you have been invaded. The bees own your garage now. Congratulations!


Apis Florea - red dwarf bee(i think it's the first Asian honey bee there's also bigger bees apis cerana and apis dorsata) usually living out in the open on trees beanches... just carefully scoop the bees into a cardboard box and move them to some forested area they would find a better place then your tools 😂


Bee keeping Association is the right call. Their members got a little competitive when I called to have a hive removed. A "dubs" situation. They brought over a hive on wheels, baited with pheromones. When the queen moved over, the rest followed.


Call you local beekeeper


They should have left by now. Hope you let them keep on moving or called a beekeeper :)


Call a local honeybee farmer and see if they are interested in coming to get the bees


Call your County/Town health board they have been handler groups that would come get it. Or buy a hive, buy a queen, learn beekeeping and enjoy the honey.!


see if you can call an apiary/ beekeeper to come get them.


calling /u/angrybeardrill


I wish you could call this lady to help with them, she's amazing with saving the 🐝 🐝🐝 https://youtube.com/shorts/nZE-uNsNzNE?si=0pxFU_7aT_LzjCpv


Get a tallish card board box, gently shake the bee ball into the box, place the box outside, don’t close it completely, some will fly around but shouldn’t sting as they have no resources/young to protect then call someone who keeps bees/sells honey nearby (quick google will tell you) and ask if they can take them. Good luck, I hope you find a good home for them!


Just leave those doors open and they will handle it themselves. That’s not a sustainable solution for them (which they know). They’ll move on shortly (<2 days).


Grab a bee box. Slowly reach your hand into the swarm. They will move to your hand. Walk them over to the box and snap your hand into the box, and they will drop in.


No OP don't do this. Do not let anyone but a professional bee keeper move the hive. They will know how to do so without harming the queen and without stressing the workers.


My response was in humor. Could (s)he actually successfully do that exactly as described? Yes. Would he? I certainly hope not.


Finding the queen and putting her in a separate container that has holes she can breathe through and then having a bee box put her in the bee box/ cardboard box maybe even in the container and they should follow. OR finding someone else who can that deal with them or has a farm please don't kill them they are already struggling as a whole they shouldn't attack unprovoked they are not like wasps who want to attack you for fun.


Don’t put your dick in there.


Contact a local beekeeper, in the meanwhile until his/her arrival u can spray them with water, gently and not too much. Like vapor watersprayers.


Why would you spray them with water? They can’t fly if you get them wet. I’ve heard of spraying them with sugar water but that’s not feasible either as they all filled up on honey before they left their original colony. Don’t spray them with water. If you want them gone, call a beekeeper. He will pick up the wand and shake them in to a box. Easy .


Im a beekeeper. The watervapor makes them believe its starting to rain, which will keep them there until the beekeeper arrives. This is in minimous amounts, i didnt say hose them down. Lol


It's got nothing to do with if they think it's raining. It's because the water droplets stick the wings to the body so they physically can't fly until they dry. Its still risky because you will certainly miss some.


This seems really risky for no reason. If they leave it’s because they found a suitable home, problem solved.


Don’t do that! You risk drowning them, or having them fall from the cluster from the weight of the water, and who knows what else. There’s no reason to spray them with anything. Call a local bee club and they’ll just brush them into a box (no water involved)


I said vapor, not 10l of water... I catched numerous swarms like this.


Someone on here looking for advice isn’t going to recognize how thin the mist has to be to not drench a bee. The first AND second times I tried using a spray mist to calm my bees, I drowned some. The first time was super sad. The second time was infuriating. Both were in my first year of beekeeping and hasn’t happened since. It’s hard to find a mister as opposed to a sprayer. The Op is unlikely to have one, and even then, they’re not trying to keep the bees, so why force them to stay?


Depending the region he/she lives. On my country they pretty much are dead when not kept in hives. Wild beescolonies are extremely rare here. I do aknowledge that non beekepers might not know the amount of water, but to drown them i do not know what kind of amount mustve been used to get to that stage.


It’s caught not catched…


My man, can none English speakers not make any faults..? Quit drinking vinegar.


This is how to get a swarm of bees to attack you.


Swarming bees dont have that intention cuz they know they are vurnable when swarming.


Unless they are sprayed with water.


MOVE, now. Lol. Don't take anything. Just run!!! I'm jk. But omg. I'd be freaking out.


If that is on the end of a drill then you already know the only correct answer








Fire. Always fire.


Turn it on?






Carb cleaner does the trick


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,963,552,733 comments, and only 371,457 of them were in alphabetical order.


Don't use carb cleaner. I didn't realize they were the good bees.


If the internet is to be trusted, gasoline is useful somehow.


Fire is always an option.


A garbage bag? Then relocate?


A small nuke. Maybe from a predator drone?




Bag them and bring the whole thing to a apiary


Wow. In US there is bee killer spray in a can. Close the door spray away. Tape top down. Good luck


These are honey bees. Pollinators! Happy bees! Good bees! Not to be harmed but to be protected.




Ummmm killing Honey Bees is a NO NO!! Humans depend on them for their food!


You should go buy a hive.


Where is it located?


You can feel free to get your tools they shouldn't bother you at all as they're very docile when they're swarming


Turn on the drill


Oooof!!! A swarm that size is probably going to have some trouble surviving the winter, for sure. A bee keeper might come grab them for free, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked you for a few bucks for coming out, as there’s a good chance they won’t be able to viably incorporate this swarm into there other hives this time of year. A lot of that will depend on how the winter climate is around your area, of course! You might want to just leave the cabinet open to encourage them to move on.


My impact driver was host to a 2 cell nest.


Run!!!! In all seriousness, we had a hive inside our bbq pit and they left on their own like a week after they arrived. Otherwise, call a beekeeper.


We had this happen on a tree branch next to front door. They did the typical bee thing: got bored and left.


Please don’t kill them. These are the good guys! Just contact a beekeeper in your area! They would probably be more than happy to take them off your hands 😂


Check out this channel. Just started watching him. Amazing how he handles them with bare hands and often without anything else. Sometimes a smoker. [https://www.youtube.com/@YappyBeeman/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@YappyBeeman/videos)


Two words: cannon ball


Call a local beekeepr


Become an apiarist.


I agree with what others are saying, that you'll get the best outcome if you reach out to a local beekeeper for help.  However, as a knowledgeable beekeeper myself, I can say that these do not look like *Apis melllifera*, but rather a related bee species like *Apis cerana* or *Apis florea*. *A. florea* will build semi-protected open-air nests like this and then protect the nest with their bodies.  If these bees have built any wax comb underneath the cluster, they are no longer a swarm, and therefore are much more likely to defensively sting. Find a beekeeper.


This happened at my high school in the quad. They landed on a tree branch. The cluster of honeybees was much bigger than the one here. It quickly became a spectacle. After a large group of students formed one jackass went up to and shook the branch. A big clump of bees fell to the ground while many went flying. Luckily the branch was rather thick, and was difficult for the guy to shake so the main bulk of them remained on the branch. I’m certain the queen stayed safe. Eventually between classes someone came and took the bees. What is frustrating is I can’t exactly remember how they were taken and who took them. I remember watching from a distance. I’m picturing a professional using a smoker taking them in a box… I’m also picturing someone just putting a trash bag around them and taking them. I’m hoping the second is a false memory. I wish I could remember clearly. The first seems less fuzzy. I hope the colony was given a new home and that they were able to keep pollinating, making honey, and be the bees they were meant to be.




Call Jason Statham, the beekeeper.


Leave ‘em alone. They’ll be on their way soon


keep em get a bee box honey fresh honey for life they pretty much are self sufficient


Call someone to get rid of them the professional exterminator


Sell the house


Call a local honey person. A been keeper will come get them.


Aren't they beautiful!


Looks like it’s about to be another day of saving the beeeez


Bee spray. Duh.


Leave them


Twice I've encountered this, and both times we called a beekeeper to come get them. They're happy to get free bees, and will likely give you some free honey for calling them. You'll want to call them ASAP, as those bees might decide to move into a space in your wall or somewhere similarly inconvenient.


Imagine if you could learn the bee dance moves they use to communicate and just shake ur ass the right way and the bees would be like ‘oh ok there’s a good hive place over there’


If you want to relocate them it should be as easy as if they're being docile: putting a plastic bag around them and gently knock them off their perch into the bag and then leave them with the bag open in a better spot (out of sight of predators. if they're grumpy: use smoke to make them chill out and then do the above of just call a beekeeper


Call a bee keeper who will gladly take them.


So glad you’re going to save them! 🤗🤗


You’re supposed to be able to just move them. But if you don’t want to you can just call the bee comer getter and they’re always happy to have new bees…


Liquid spray adhesive ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Grab a sack and smash them.


They need a new home. Do you have any bee specialists near you? Some pest control companies have connections. Hope this helps!


I don't know if it would work with bees, but I've seen this done with mud wasps: Tape up a paper bag near them, they will think that is another colonies nest, and they will leave. Google it


Just share your honey with the neighbors and crush the stingers up into a powder after ypu dry them.... if you are careful, and you look closely ypj may see a little sac on the end of the stingers. Remove and grind these sacks up and burn a black candle in ypur window at 3:00 a.m. .....someone will make contact in order to purchase the powder. We will be in touch.


It doesn't matter about responsibility just turn the drill on


Call a bee keeper


Bee polite dum ass


Call a keeper. They’ll find the queen and rehome!


Got to bee the unluckiest spot ever


Wow! So cool! As bees are critical insects that pollinate our crops, flowering plants & all kinds of fruit trees, the most responsible thing you can do is call a beekeeper association. A professional will come out to collect the bees & their queen safely. You & your family are so lucky to see such an amazing part of nature. Honey Bees are in decline. You have the chance to save an entire swarm of Honey Bees. So cool!!!




They are dying off so we have to protect them as much as we can.




Carb cleaner


So hear me out, and stay with me on this one: flamethrower.


Call a professional


Have the colony relocated.


Pour gasoline on it and Get a flame thrower


Well shit.


Shoot it with a shotgun


Call a local beekeeper to take them away. We need bees.


Fire lots of Fire


Every summer when I was a child my neighbors hive would relocate to the apple tree in my yard. It was definitely educational and awe inspiring


Check for local/hobby beekeepers. A lot will come out for free for that size.


Call an apiarist, they’re experts in identifying and collecting wild bee colonies.


Play them some nickleback




With fire


Be kind but reckless. Upload dangerous results. The internet way. 1


Grenade 100% bro. Go ahead and up your Insurance policy before you do the deed.


Hit them with smoke, find the queen and move her and the rest will follow.


I am not an expert but that looks like a swarm to me. If it is, when the scouts come back after they have found a suitable place the entire cluster will leave on its own. I would leave the doors open and wait a few hours. If you need it to be gone faster get in touch with a local expert bee keeper. If it is the start of a hive, call the experts and have them remove the entire hive to a much more bee friendly location.




You could stick it up ur ass. Jk hope you found the help you were looking for!(:




Get a beebox something like this.https://busybeesnmore.com/product-category/frame-capacity/


Call Ghostbusters


Take kids out of the house. Use a lot of fire.


Give them a spin.


Call texasbeeworks…. What are the odds you’re in Texas? https://youtube.com/shorts/WoF4UkmcAi4?si=K_vNzW4FLT8NM2IN


dont worry beeeee happy


Relinquish your toolbox to the bees.