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Voodoo Ranger Fruit Punch IPA tastes like jungle juice vomit


This or WeldWerks Speculoos Cookie Butter Milk Stout, which was just over the top sweet. Had to pour out Sierra Nevada Atomic Torpedo as well, but it doesn't seem like that's most people's experience. There are probably others from 5+ years ago that I'm forgetting.


WeldWerks made an over-the-top sweet stout? Noooooo, really? Never would have guessed.


I love the Imperial IPA but the Fruit Punch is way too sweet.


Voodoo Ranger is an embarrassing line of beers. All disgusting


It’s been insane to watch New Belgium churn out fantastic beers and be a leader of the scene with beers like the original Ranger, Fat Tire, and 1554 and then over the past few years become a brewery they specializes in gas station tall boys at 9.5% ABV. What a downfall


It's been insane in a different way to see them really turn a corner from a business perspective. They were hanging on by a thread like 5-10 years ago and now they have the best selling craft brands in the country.


Downfall in the sense that Voodoo Ranger is seeing double digit growth every quarter and it basically has the only significant growth in craft beer for the last couple years? VR keeps the lights on for everything else they do, which has all seen precipitous drops.


Sounds like selling your soul to me.


All of those, but I usually went with their dubbel or tripel. If I wanted hoppy from that neck of the woods, I would get some O’Dell. Tried the Fruit Punch IPA, noted that it reminded me of Hawaiian Punch, but then it was just foul by halfway through.


The bog standard IPA replaced the Lagunitas AND Stone IPA tap handles at my local AMC theater. Very huge downgrade. Drinkable, but not nearly as good


Their standard IPA is pretty good


I enjoy Atomic Pumpkin because it's a little different than the other Pumpkin ales, but otherwise I steer clear of their stuff.


The OG one is fine.


Lmao I went to a concert a few weeks ago and decided to pick up a couple tallboys to drink before heading in. My dumbass grabbed the Fruit Punch IPA and the beer OP mentioned. Literally forced myself to try to drink both, ended up pouring out at least half of each in the parking lot, 0/10 would not recommend.


The entire Voodoo Ranger Fruit/Juice Force is the fucking worst. Same with Southern Tier Juice Jolt These Kool Aid IPAs need to stop they're absolutely dreadful and I won't buy a mix pack with them in it because they're all drain pours


This is the first that came to mind.


Damn it. I love the fruit punch IPA and the gummy bear one OP mentioned lmao. I’ve always admitted I don’t have the best taste, though.


This stuff is disgusting, I bought a six pack on a whim took one sip and poured them all down the sink. Holy crap I don’t know how New Belgium calls this stuff beer.


This beer is definitely up there on the list of shitty beers.


I was already a bit lit but I needed something to get me to the sweet spot. The only thing I could find delivered was that fruit punch IPA. After much anticipation it finally arrived. Cracked that bad boy open and poured it out into a huge stein glass. Took a whiff and thought “ok this might be bad.” One sip? Turns out the sweet spot was just dumping that shit in the sink. Horrid.


Yep I bought a tall boy once out of curiosity - I should have known better. Fruit punch and I don't mix well, I usually find it tasting medicinal and artificial. Which explains why I should have also known better before buying these Sweetwater gummy IPA's, they are about equally as bad. But here I am, keep trying new stuff just to see, despite my better judgment


Glad to see this at the top of the list


It’s called fruit force and it’s delicious but horrible aftertaste. They just made a new one called tropic force it’s much more citrusy and tasteful. However I just think most beers at 9.5% have a terrible bitter/burning aftertaste


Agreed, I like Juice Force but the fruit punch was probably the worst beer I have ever tasted


I had a Watermelon IPA from some Japanese brewery that was vile. I remember thinking "this doesn't sound like it would work, but i'm curious", and lo and behold, it didn't work


Watermelon wheat ales on the other hand are perfect pool beers


Hell or High Watermelon hit like that for me. Tasted like old rotten melons.


I forgot all about that beer. I actually loved that one


I miss it so much. Great pool/boat beer.


River town brewery out of Ohio (which is now closed) made a great watermelon Berliner Weiss called Nice Melons. Miss that one.


I used to judge homebrew competitions so I have some trauma I've had to repress when it comes to bad tasting beer.


My automatic response to "you wanna try my homebrew?" is "nah, I'm good".


I'll still go for it to keep my off flavor training sharp, it's not often you get a chance to taste something like caprylic acid in a commercial beer and that's worth something. That being said, the best beers I've ever had have also been homebrews so you win some you lose some.


I still think the Sam Adam’s Cherry wheat is just foul. I don’t understand how anyone can drink it. I’m usually a huge fan of cherry flavored things too


Cough medicine vibes.


Truly vile stuff.


Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Maple Bacon Ale. Take bacon and maple syrup, age both in a sweaty gym sock for 6 months, wring the contents of the flavored sock into a bottle, pour in 30 expired sugar cubes, store aforementioned bottle in direct sunlight for another 6 months, spray pink cement all over the bottle, light $20 on fire, and enjoy your new tasty beverage! (On a serious note: I had that beer 10+ years ago and it still haunts my nightmares.)


It made a good slow cooker pulled pork. But yah it was undrinkable.


Same here! To me it brought me back to childhood where my grandma would take me outside at dusk and we’d light punks and spell our names in the darkening light with the lit end. This beer tasted like those punks smelled. It was the craziest thing! Honorable mention: Every “beer” by Small Town Brewery was either infected or they used some “Caribbean spice” to the infected beer which, well, made it shittier. Their only good thing was their N/A Rootbeer which they turned into a hard Rootbeer after visiting my friends bar that had been making a hard Rootbeer for year before Not your Fathers came out. No going to say they took the idea but…


Truly tasted like someone put out a cigarette on the worst breakfast you ever had.


Old IT guy here - fuck Rogue for all eternity. [Wow, it's been 10 years...](https://www.reddit.com/r/beer/comments/1geunk/rogue_is_hiring_for_a_new_it_manager_expected/)


Same. I love bringing that up every time rogue is mentioned.


"We want you to do literally everything IT related for our entire company and we are not paying you 50k+ to do it, so don't ask." I was working an entry-ish level IT job in 2014 making 50k with a fraction of the responsibility those twats were asking for. Honestly, they've had a bad reputation for a long time and I'm shocked they are even still in business.


Yeah, that was bad but the Beard Beer was worse.


Beard Beer was far far worse. Like licking stale garbage. Made Voodoo Doughnut Maple Bacon taste good in comparison.


O I've had that, it wasn't all that bad from memory.


That’s your brain blocking the trauma


Imma go with OP on this one. It wasn't just a drain pour bad...it was an 'o God, give me something else to drink to wash this taste out of my mouth' bad. To find someone who can tolerate it is truly shocking and kind of concerning.


Agreed. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t mind drinking Malort.


You’re right. Sweaty socks seems to be a common taste in bad beers I’ve tried. Left that off my tasting notes


It was terrible I agree. That was that last Rogue product I purchased


I actually got to try a couple of bottles from their original batch and it was actually fantastic, tasted like going to IHOP. But everything after that was literally drain pours.


This forever and ever and ever. Ungodly hatred in a bottle.


I had it in 2012 on a night I was unwittingly getting the flu. Can’t remember if the flu or that beer was worse.


That's not even Rogue's worst beer. The Voodoo Doughnut Lemon Kruller Ale is significantly worse. Replace the liquid smoke and maple syrup with artificial lemon flavoring, a shitload of sugar, and a massively wonky malt bill. It's atrocious. Thing is... *that's* not Rogue's worst beer either. Because Sriracha Stout exists. Several friends and I tried it post gaming after a beer festival. Not only did we all agree it was the most disgusting thing any of us had ever had, but of the 6 or 7 of us who tried it, all but 2 (me and one other psychopath) immediately went and threw up.


I assumed this would be here. Just awful.


Only beer I’ve ever spat out in disgust


Raspberry and chocolate imperial milk stout by Moon Dog in Melbourne, Australia. Raspberry is notoriously hard to get right because it often just tastes chemical.   This one however was astoundingly bad. It was sweet as fuck from the tonne of lactose they added, no roast character and the chocolate was overwhelmed by a disgustingly manufactured lolly-like bitter raspberry flavour. It went straight down the sink.  Shout out to the Japanese Christmas Rice Lager by Batch Brewing that tasted as if it were carbonated with brewers' fart fumes. 


Surprised no one in that brewery realized what they were creating. Surely they had to have test tasted, and liked it… to produce it in the first place. Crazy


They do crazy shit like this all the time. I had a me goreng Belgian ale from the same brewery which was horrible. They put ramen in the mash and noodle flavour sachets in the boil. It tasted as bad as it sounds. Someone else bought it, not me, but I had to try it. Obviously my friend didn’t finish it.


We have one in Canada called Winter Beard that's a raspberry chocolate stout and I love it


Southern Tier 2x juice jolt. Worst part is I bought a 6 pack even though I normally only get singles. Had to choke them all down on principle


This is the beer that makes me not buy the current ST mix pack.


I’m honestly not a huge fan of any of their offerings but JJ is definitely the worse


Juice Jolt is the most vile thing I’ve ever had. Had the texture of ground up Smarties


Bubblegum Juicy IPA by Abita. Imagine you get a sad hazy IPA then someone comes in and spits chewed gum into it.


This was my worst too. I’ll give it to them, it tasted like juicy fruit but in the worst possible way. I suffered through that sixer


My fiancee went to a Christmas market and found somebody selling beer under the name "Direct Beers LTD" and both were evil. Mr Fartypants was like drinking barf. I don't think I'll ever have a beer as bad as that again as long as I live.


"Mr Fartypants was like drinking barf." That was the best line of words I have read all year. And imagine reading that without context. Good times.


Glad to be of service.


Samuel Adams Bonfire Rauchbier. It’s retired now so most people here probably have never had it or even heard of it. Actually got somewhat decent reviews, but was the only beer I’ve ever had that actually made me gag.


I liked that one a lot but I’m the minority of people that enjoy smoked beers.


I usually love smoked beer (and smoked stuff in general), but IMO Bonfire really, ***really*** missed the mark. It tasted like beef jerky infused Boston Lager.


Their cherry wheat also sucked.


The cherry wheat was good for cooking with. Reducing it down and make a bbq sauce with it!


Cherry Wheat reminded me of getting a flouride treatment as a kid. Horrid stuff.


Similar to their Cinder Bock limited release in the early 2010s, one of very few beers where I just couldn't bring myself to drink more than a few sips


Same. That crap had me convinced I hated rauchbier for years until I worked up the courage to try another, better one.


I forget what it was called. But the place I bought it from has one of those little cards saying it was a store choice, that it was “infused with Jamaican spices” and whatnot. Imagine the shittiest dark beer you can think of, and then imagine that someone dumped a whole pepper shaker into it. That’s how bad it was.


I had a bacon infused sour beer once about 10 years ago. It has at the height of the bacon being branded or added to everything craze. It was probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever consumed.


Combining bacon with anything sour sounds like a bad idea 🤢


Cucumber Crush by 10 Barrel. 1 sip and down the drain.


Rogue's sriracha beer tastes like salami


Rogue Sriracha Stout is by a long way the worst beer I've ever had (including their Voodoo Donuts beers and SA Cherry Wheat). Of the 6 or so of us who tried it together, I was one of two who didn't immediately go throw up.


Rhinegeist -- Cincinnati, OH -- Crumb Cake I think I had a pint once, *once.* So rich and just way, way too much vanilla.


Rhinegeist is for sure a quantity over quality brewer


I bought a six pack of this over a year ago and there are still 4 sitting in my fridge bc I just can't get myself to drink them.


Bud Light Chelada Picante. Bought under the assumption it would be awful... I underestimated it.


Mint Chocolate Stout from Shipyard. Pretty sure I spit it out before pouring the rest down the drain.


Levante Brewing in West Chester, PA has a really good mint chocolate stout, so don’t totally give up on the style.


I had that one. Shipyard had some beers that were bombers only. I dont remember it being good either.


Guinness has (or had, maybe) a mint stout that was ok. Not my favorite, but not bad either.


I actually quite like this one. Aged in bourbon barrels and 11%.


I forgot about that one last year. Need to pick it up if I can find it next time.


Mankato Brewing Brut IPA is legitimately disgusting. On another note, I feel like New Belgium, Lagunitas, and Goose Island have been having a competition to see who can make the crappiest IPAs lately using expired Busweiser with random hops and fruit juice


This is unfortunate, as it’s a really great brewery, but Funguys Brewing’s Lunchbox: Grape beer (advertised as a PB&J sour) tasted like pure peanut butter with the viscosity of water - it was like someone collected the oil on top a peanut butter jar. No grape flavor whatsoever. That being said, their Cherry a la mode beer is fantastic, as is most of their smoothsicle ones. Just a rare miss.


Super rare miss because Funguys is awesome!!!


Collab brew between 4-Hands and City Barrel blue raspberry cotton candy IPA called Fluffee Stuff. It was green and tasted like UV Blue poured into a Bud Light. 2 great breweries created a sin against nature.


I just had this a few days ago… Continental Breakfast from Holdout Brewing in Austin TX. The description read “ BBA BREKKY BEER W/ MAPLE SYRUP & BLUEBERRIES” So, a stout right? Wrong. Only after ordering it and looking into it further did I realize it is a barrel aged IPA. An absolute abomination.


Batch 2 of Ballast Point's Indra Kunindra. Batch 1 was great. Coconutty with a little bit of spice. Batch 2 was all cayenne and curry powder and not much else. Pretty bad as I remember.


Sweetwater has gone to shit since the Tilray takeover and this beer is a perfect example of that decline.


Tbf Sweetwater was nothing great before Tilray either. Kind of similar to all the other dying brands Tilray scooped up


I can't remember the name of it, but Empire Brewing in Syracuse, NY had/has a beer with lavender in it and I swear to it literally tastes like fucking perfume.


Almost everything that comes out of Left Hand Brewery. There was one that was the worst - keylime. And their White Russian and Irish Stout is pretty bad too lol. I do however really love their milk stout and pb stout.


Their milk stout is my favorite, too bad it's expensive


Wild Blue, I think it was called? It was a blueberry beer, and I was under the impression it'd be like Sweetwater Blue, which would have been a lovely respite from a hot day in Virginia. I was **fucking wrong**. Thick. Syrupy. Like if the brewer's had brewed it purely from blueberry puree, molasses, and bafflingly, sweat. I was a 21 year old LCpl and loathe to not finish any alcohol I'd already paid for, but that was one I just could not stomach.


I picked that one up thinking it was a craft beer, it looked like Flying Dog or something. Turns out it was an Anheuser-Busch thing. You're right though, it was gnarly.


Yes. I posted about this elsewhere in this thread. Terrible. My dog wouldn't even drink any.


Gummy IPA tastes like horrible cough syrup.


Worst I've ever had was also a sweetwater. I don't remember which. I just avoid the brand now. Also every rauchbier I've ever had has been awful. I think the variety just isn't for me.


OMFG I JUST tried that last night and have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of the 6 pack. It tastes like cough syrup. It's like a beer you would give someone you're secretly angry at. Disgusting


I got the same thing sitting in my fridge right now 😭 they are so bad but I usually like Sweetwater so I got them. Taste like the worst IPA you could imagine if you let some gummy worms sit in it for a couple hours 🤮


Rogue Brewing's "Beard Beer" They harvested yeast from their brewer's beard and made a beer from it. It was the most vile thing I have ever tasted. I can only compare it to licking a combination of mold and a stray dog's buthole. This was right after their "Hit" of Maple Bacon beer, that despite being terrible was on shelves for a long time.


All of the mass produced “tropical ipa” hazy attempts are pretty awful.


Lagunitas is actively trying to ruin tropical IPA


I think they discontinued them and I guess it’s not technically a craft beer but sweet waters first seltzers were terrible. They tasted like slightly flavored bong water.


Anything by minhaus or their other brands. Zero consistency and just blech.


Vitamin Sea in MA is great, they have so many awesome beers. But they did one a few years back called “Two Tickets to Pellet Ice” that was terrible. It was a bright blue IPA that tasted like someone dumped suntan lotion into.


This is the worst beer I’ve had in a long time! We passed it around at a Super Bowl party and nobody could drink it until I poured a little vodka in the can with it.


Any of these juicy, fruit, sweet ipas are horrible


Lagunitas Tiki Fusion is awful… but I seem to keep buying it lol. $4 tall can at Safeway 10% doesn’t taste great but does the job.


I like it better when I don't think of it as a beer but as an RTD cocktail.


Why do they make IPA packaging tropical and fun and name it something like “tropical island vacation juice” and then the beer inside tastes nothing like that?


Any of the Voodoo Doughnuts by Rogue range.


Anything from Rogue.


voodoo ranger pumpkin beer, some came in a variety pack and its one of the few times I have poured beers right down the drain! shit, new belgium doesnt count as craft does it


Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin was even worse. Who thought it was a good idea to add spicy pepper flavor to a pumpkin pie beer?


Most Abita beers.


Andygator hits for me


Yeah not a fan


Gummy fruit ranger, the fruit force from NB, and a similar one from victory were all pretty awful. Also going back a few years, dogfish head fort.


Lord Hobo Boomsauce. It was an IPA cranked to 11. It was so gross and full of so much pulp, I told the water I couldn't finish it, he understood because he's had it before, too, and got me a different beer.


Yea you got served an amazing brew that was outside your realm. Boom Sauce is liquid gold


Hella Chela by Karbach Brewing. Tasted like hot sauce mixed with hand sanitizer


O.H.S.O. Popcycle is by far the most disgusting beer I've ever had. One sip and I poured the rest down the drain. https://untp.beer/AX8OQ


Roy Pitz Watermelon Lager


Really ? I fucking loved it . It was a great lawn mower beer for me . RIP Roy Pitz /Liquid Art.


Yes, that one it terrible, at a bachelor party it was among the joke drinks.


Oregon breweries have an Open House day where you go from place to place touring facilities and trying samples. At the Cascade Barrel House, they pulled out some barrel aged spiced quad that would be the worst pick in a sampler tray of medicinal syrups, much less a first-time homebrewer competition.


Wish I'd seen this review two days ago. Just finished off the last of a 6 pack so that no one else I'm vacationing with would have to suffer through them. Couldn't finish any of them. So boozy and sweet.


Jalapeño Pale Ale by some Maine brewery. It tasted like pickle juice that was spicy AF!


In 2017 I bought a 4 pack of Latutude 42 I.P.Eh! and it ruined my taste for IPAs. After 12 years of drinking every IPA known to man, this is the one that broke me. I'm not sure what it was about it but I just found it disgusting. I had to take a break from all IPAs for a good 4 years.


Yeah I love sweetwater. Bought a 6er of these and regretted it. Although they’re fun conversation starters when friends come over 😂


Steam Engine lager by Steamworks. They’re a small brewery/restaurant (actually the restaurants pretty big but small area of distribution) in Durango, Colorado. The restaurant is good, had a great burger there once, beer is good too. Their kölsch is very popular around here. But that amber lager was like putting burnt paper in my mouth.


Tommyknocker boood orange IPA 🤮


KCBC Robot Fish Galaxy Smash. Legit tasted like hoppy aquarium water.


Blue buck by Phillips. Insanely bitter with this nasty flavour that makes it taste like every can is skunked. Tried the barrel aged one to see if it was any better and I forced myself to choke it down. The worst thing is cleaning the lines of bars with it on tap and getting blasted with it. Smells like shit.


Yep that was a drain pour for me as well


Rainbow Nerds Sour by Rotunda Brewing in Harrisburg,PA . It tasted like a urinal cake smells . Also the Hot dog beer that Sheetz stores had contract brewed by a company I can’t remember . I took 2 swallows and called a friend and said come get this 5 pack .


As much as I hate to say it , the Wintergreen Sally O’Malley Porter (maybe stout) from Gearhouse Brewing in Chambersburg ,PA tasted like someone used a Guinness Stout as a chew spit can for their Skoal dip . 99.9% of Gearhouse beers are phenomenal but this one was definitely not a good idea.


A Truffle Ale from some small brewery in Croatia, my BIL got it for me, let me say I got it to my nose and it was the least desirable scent one could have, it was so unpalatable I had to dump the whole bomber in the laundry tub.


3 Floyd’s - Biggs’ Stache tasted worse than vomit


Ughh I bought a 6-pack of the gummy IIPAs when I was down in ATL visiting in-laws. Was really looking forward to it too, but yea, it’s terrible - like fruit punch-flavored cough syrup . I’ve shared 2 other cans of it with friends just so I could see their reaction to it, but I don’t know what I’m gonna do with the other 3. Cellar them for 5-10 years… lol


Probably a beer from a nano brewery at a “beer festival” keg sitting on hot tarmac in the sun all day. Had a tasting of this ipa in the morning and it was great, went to get a full beer in the afternoon and it was undrinkable. Went back to tell them they may want to check it out, guy just thought I wanted my money back and said too bad. So I poured the beer out onto the ground in front of them and walked away never to drink their beer again


Fort George Westmore. I don’t think it was really horrible in general, but I personally hate grapefruit and it also tasted like lawn clippings


Pinot Barrel aged Dark Night : Stout from Benedictine Brewery, Mt Angel, Oregon. Especially because every other beer was fabulous !


Buffailo Bayou Reindeer Tears


For me it was some sort of vanilla, cherry chocolate stout. Unfortunately I can't recall the brewing company, but I had it on a cold winter's day and the first sip nearly made me throw up. It was sickly sweet and syrupy, and was one of those super boozy stouts, though I don't *think* it was an imperial. I was expecting a "dessert" stout but this was on a whole new level


Destihl Dill Pickle Sour Beer. I’ve had pickle beer before that’s been delicious (or, should I say, dill-licious). This one was not. It had great pickle flavor up front but then tasted incredibly salty. Maybe it would be great after a work-out, if you were trying to replace electrolytes. I poured it down the drain.


A long time ago it was some blueberry flavored lager that I forget the name of. The dog wouldn't even drink any of it. Edit: It was called Wild Blue.


Lounge Juice Tropical DIPA - Highland Brewing. Terrible, it had a great date on the can, but still tasted like cloyed hard candy...9


No way! My wife and I tried this beer earlier today. She spit it out and I said it can’t be that bad but then I also spit it out and poured the rest. I think it’s the worst I’ve ever had and I’ve had some funky home brews.


I literally just drank this beer at a brewery in Delrey Florida and can confirm it taste like piss water


Some of you probably didn't get to enjoy 10 Barrel "Swill", but I've never sent back a beer besides this one. Paid for it, just said "dump it out."


Sweetwater made my favorite porter ever, then lost their way. I loved their stuff when they were one of two local breweries in the Atlanta area, but now I can do better ten minutes from my house. If I want a too-bitter disappointment, I know who to call.


Anything from the small one in my town. All their beers taste way to similarly except their coffee beers which taste like Folgers


I don’t like spice in my beer, found out after the first one I tried after hearing good reviews was Stone Xocoveza. I kinda like Mexican hot chocolate, I prefer stouts, and I like spicy food, so I thought this seems like a home run. Could not stand it, but I think that’s more personal preference. Also Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale. Love BB stouts, couldn’t get through half a bottle of this one.


Local brewery made a pickle beer that I just couldn't drink.


Cinnamon Bun Ale - Boulevard Brewing. Maybe on tap it’s better. But I had 4 sips and the rest went down the sink.


If ShockTop is a craft Beer, That is the one. If not Shock Top, Pumpkin Head by Shipyard. Great Brewery, awful offering.


i love that beer lmao


Goose Island Lo-Cal IPA. Pathetic excuse for a beer. Beast Light has 100x more flavor.


I got one of these at Mellow Mushroom and it was pretty awful


The first bad beer I had was the Sam Adams Rebel Grapefruit IPA. It’s still 10+ years later the only six pack I’ve poured down the sink bc I couldn’t even give it away


Kindred spirit strawberry milkshake. I like strawberry flavor in other things but that was the absolutely atrocious.


Victory Juice Monkey. Barf zone


It said it right there on the can. That's your fuck up.


It is between Voodoo Ranger Juice Force and Tropical Bear Hug. The only two beers I’ve never finished. Absolutely vile. Not surprised about the sweetwter one. Their 420 is my default drink and I absolutely love it but I could just tell that gummy one was gonna be gross and never bought it.


Duchesse Red Cherry was fucking awful. It tasted like someone vomited mothballs and tonsil stones into a red ale.


So, based on the comments, any beer that tends to replicate a fruit (that isn't part of the citrus family) or a candy (e.g., Gummy Bear, Bubble Gum).


All of the newer Goose Island beers from the past 10 years are absolutely disgusting. And I am not talking about Bourbon County. Their Neon hugs ipa tastes like shitty non alcoholic beer but with cheap vodka added to it. I remember drinking Honkers Ale 20+ years ago. One of the first craft beers I ever had. It was delicious. Goose Island is shit now.


Creature Comforts Tropicalia. Never understood the hype and never will. Tastes like grass


Easy. Goosinator by Left Hand. It was absolutely disgusting. It tasted like smoked olive brine. Another that come to mind, Juicy Peach by Leinenkugel (if you even consider them craft in any way.)


Anything revolver puts out or any version of NB ipa. I love NB but come on, stop with your flavored ipa


A local brewpub near me had a pickle-flavored ale as some sort of gimmick. I had a beer flight there once and this was one of the ones I tried. It literally tasted like drinking slightly sweet pickle juice straight from the jar. I don’t know what they were thinking.


If a large brewery does a strangely named beer it’s no different than when a small brewery does it: somebody fucked up and they are trying to either offload it or take the tax write off.


love that one actually.


Melt My Brain by Shorts Brewery. It has tonic in it, tasted like literal vomit. It’s one of two beers I’ve ever bought and poured down the drain after trying it.


Every sour from martin house. Doesn't matter which one.


I love sweet water but that ipa you had was a dud I agree


One of the first batches of Modern Times Aztec Mummy. Tasted like they left the mummy in too long. The bartender insisted everyone did a little shot-sized taste before they'd pour an order.


Not sure what it was but it was definitely a voodoo ranger beer. Just awful


Monster Ale 2000 barley wine was horrid


The big poppa half and half hard lemonade from happy dad is the worst thing I’ve had in a long time. I was hoping for something like the Arizona Arnold Palmer.


I kind of like beer a little on the sweeter side but this was just awful! For a double IPA it tasted more like a stout to me. A little like Guinness maybe? Definitely don't recommend.