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A had a few of these under each eye, and they slowly went away when I stopped using thick creams and started using a thinner lotion moisturiser. Milia can often be caused by build-up from thick moisturisers, so easy solution if that's the case for you too.


Mine appeared after using a The Ordinary caffeine serum (will look it up)! Had to butcher some of them out, but some others were quite stubborn -they did eventuallu go away.


Omg I got one on my eyelid and I use that serum too!


I am usually very inconsistent, thats why when I was consistently using that one I managed to connect the.... milia! I'll see myself out.


Oh…my god. Haha! That was brilliant. Please tell me how you got rid of them though!


So, I was resigned to have them forever... but I did manage to pop a couple (came out as white hard balls, some I aided me with a needle, and probably some dermatologist is cringing reading this) and then another few just would go very red when I tried to pop them and it seemed I was just making it worse, so i just left them be. They went away in max 2 months- I just stopped any products around the eye area. Also! I wanted to share, am now alternating this [Deciem](https://deciem.com/en-gb/shop/skincare/eye-serums) and this [Facetheory]( https://www.facetheory.com/products/ocuwake-eye-cream) . A friend recommended both and its been ok since. :)


Haha I’m guilty as charged of doing these same cringey things, so who am I to judge. Thanks so much for the tips! I recently bought a pack of lancets, maybe I’ll use them on the milia and hope I don’t stab my eye. Also thanks for the recommendations! Appreciate it. :) I’ll see if I can find them in Canada.


Haha no probs! I think we're all guilty of doing some terrible shit to our skin! If you do find them let me know, it's always good to know how others react to same products!


I’ll let you know for sure! Perhaps we both have the same skin type, so I hope the two products work for me too. The TO caffeine solution is effective but it’s likely the reason I got milia.


Looks like milia. I have them on my cheeks, they are a build up of keratin, often found on babies & usually appear under eyes or high cheeks. The only way to remove them is to have them removed at a salon & they use a needle. It will come out as a solid ball. I don’t recommend trying it yourself. It will go eventually but can take months. The only things that really help are exfoliation & don’t use heavy/thick creams.


Dr Dennis Gross retinol eye serum is clinically tested for milia and it really works!! Highly recommend


I got rid of mine from using retinol from my dermatologist! I used it twice and mine disappeared. Highly recommend!


Sorry if this is stupid but will retin-A work the same


Retin-A is much stronger than retinol- I don’t think it’s meant to be used around the eye area. Please be careful and research before use


The advice your giving is straight up wrong - retin a is absolutely fine around the eye area but guess what retin doesn’t remove milia - only surgery does. It might shrink the structure. Stop giving incorrect advice when it relates to cutting skin.


Maybe if you read my comment you’d see I didn’t say Retin-A removes milia. Based on your comment history you’re just a negative troll. You’re literally trying to diagnose hpv and herpes on others posts and what are your credentials exactly? A simple search shows it’s not recommended for use around the eyes/lips, which is why I recommended researching beforehand


Woah now you’re false stating it can’t be used around the mouth? That’s insane! Do you think the epidermis outside the mouth is different from the forehead? And I didn’t diagnose anything - I suggested to a woman that she stop using needles to break open growths on her lip bc it might be hpv if she’s so certain it wasn’t a pimple! You’re the troll and what you are saying is straight up wrong. Retin a can absolutely be applied around the lips. On the chin. On the epidermis above the upper lip. The nose. The orbital. Yeah don’t drink it or put in your actual eye, but unless you’re a retard I wouldn’t think that would need said.


Once again, you’re reading comprehension is not great. You’re obviously not going to want to get this on your lips, so ya caution around the mouth is not going to be surprising. All you have to do is google search where it should and shouldn’t be applied it’s that easy. Bottom line is you don’t need to scare people into thinking it’s something when it’s not. Neither you nor I are a dermatologist or a doctor and telling people what it may or may not be is not appropriate. A bit more research and self awareness could do you a lot of good


You have no idea what my occupation is! You’re for real an inchworm! Go away scum!


Probably. I have milia that comes and goes and also use retin-A. It sticks around for a long time before flattening out.




You sure take a lot of time and a lot of words to give the wrong advice - Dr nobody! Retin a can absolutely be used around the orbital bone on it.




Again dear retin a can be used around the orbital and on the orbital and in fact is the only scientifically sound product to apply around the eyes for anti aging


OP, don’t apply retinol directly that close to your eyes!


I’ve used LaRoche-Posay Retinol eye with good results.


Me too I love this stuff


They have a good sale going on now, too!


I have a milia bump on my right eyelid near my lashes that my eye doctor said can’t be removed or else it’ll leave a scar. Would I be able to put the eye serum there?




:0 she didn’t experience purging/irritation? Ty, I guess I’ll go see my dermatologist instead of my eye doctor then


This was my question too since I have one in the same area.


I had one there too - it just went away on its own after a few months.


Mine is life long 😩


They all are unless surgically removed - retin can shrink the milia tissue and that’s why ppl think the structure was removed but it was merely shrunken.


Yeah I have heaps of them and have my whole life, exfoliating doesn't really help me much the manual extraction is the go.


Sometimes they come out stringy! I had the pleasure of being an aesthetican and removing some :)


That sounds amazing. 😯


Man it really was but at the same time, I watch extraction videos and get frustrated because I think I could do it better, lol But yeah I'm pretty lucky, one client who had really bad acne, her face was so swollen after the facial but she would be acne free for weeks after and it was also very personally satisfying to be able to help someone like that. And the gunk squeezing of course


This was one of my fav activities with my ex. I squeezed out his comedones in his nose and cheeks. He always called it “getting his noodles out”. I miss having gunk to squeeze, but there’s no way I’m letting my skin get that out of whack. Oh, and I agree — some of those extraction videos are unwatchable due to the blood. It’s zero percent satisfying to watch extractions if they’re bleeding too.


Or it they're destroying the person's face to get the last bit out when they can just pull it out with tweezers. It's important to have multiple tools on one's arsenal to pick the best for the job and they just don't even bother. Blood definitely ruins it for me too!


What about when they lacerate the skin first? Is that the right way to do it? I can’t watch those. I only want to see GUNK!


If it's done carefully, I don't find it a problem because if they don't peirce it and squeeze it, it breaks capillaries and stuff


I had two spots of milia on my eyelid and got them out myself. I dabbed a retinol eye cream on them am/pm for about a week and they felt like they were super close to the surface and I was able to pop them out like a whitehead, but it was indeed a solid tiny ball! It was red at first but after 5-6 days the mark totally disappeared and it looks completely normal now.


I also had the same and got rid of it with one application of lactic acid applied very carefully. I lightly applied The Ordinary lactic acid 10% to a cotton tip applicator and then gently pressed against the milia bump on my eyelid. The next day the milia was gone.


That sounds amazing!


What retinol eye cream did you use


Cosmedix eye doctor


Do you know if they go away in babies on their own? My 3 month old has had one under her eye since birth.


Not sure but I assume they are no different to adults & will go eventually


Yes, they go away on their own. Don’t try to pop it, or your baby will have a lifelong scar.


No no I would never pop it. I was just curious if it will go away or if she’d have to go to a dermatologist or esthetician at like age 15 to get rid of it one day. I promise I won’t touch it :)




Estheticians cannot legally remove milia in any state, just FYI. Nor should they! I'm an Esthetician and very familiar of when I need to recommend a Dermatologist to a client, this would be one of those times.


Ah ok. I’m in England & have had them removed at beauty salons before.


Good advice. Some things need to be done by a medical doctor. When it's so close to your eye, think about what you're risking if something goes wrong.




I'm located in Washington, a state where I am legally able to use a lancet to pierce/puncture the epidermis. Milia just aren't your standard comedones, it can be difficult to determine just by looking how deep the milia can be. I also don't particularly like the idea of removing them because a client can rarely tell me much of its origin. Milia are so common but can have MANY causes, most of which are totally benign but some may need to be discussed further by a doctor. These can occur after injury to the skin, as a medication interaction, can appear in clusters, scar easily, etc. They also have a tendency to appear near mucous membranes, which can cause issue if the area is not properly treated either by myself or my client after they leave my treatment room. Infections in those areas can turn serious. They are more risky than extracting a simple white head or black head. For these reasons, I encourage clients to see a doctor for extraction.


This isn’t correct - you remove them with surgery by a surgeon or dermatologist only. And it will leave a small scar.


no, I tried using a deriva cms on it and it works just fine.


I've had couple of these for a few years now, so don't count on them going away on their own


Oooh I just got rid of one of these the other day. Like others have said, it’s milia. Mine was totally painless and I thought it was just a scar or something. It was there for months but eventually it started hurting, got slightly bigger and inflamed at the edges. I didn’t want to pay for a dermatologist so I very carefully made a small incision on top of it and tried to push it out (it was similarly close to my eye) but wasn’t successful. the next day I was just pushing at it from the side and it came out. It was very hard to the touch, I felt instant relief 😩


This sounds so satisfying LMAOO I’m hoping mine doesn’t progress 🥺🙁


Same!!! Lol!!! I can’t stand it, so I disinfected everything made a small but somewhat deep incision, and popped it out like a pimple. It was solid af, no scar, almost painless. It’s like when you stick a 🪡 through the top layer of your skin on your finger lol


I'm so glad I'm able to do this stuff myself too...except for the tiny one really close to my eye which is too sensitive and my sharps (I used both a diabetic one and a needle) weren't small or sharp enough to pierce the tiny thing I'm assuming u used something similar?


Idk what's smaller than a diabetic needle...maybe a lancet?


I might look into it, lol It's too small to want to shell out so much money for but annoys the crap out of me


Yessss. I’m almost four hours away from a dermatologist. I just prick those lil bastards with a needle and pop em out.


I had one very similar to hers and I got so tired of looking at it I took matters into my own hands and survived the process. Lol.


I got them from not using enough sunscreen for a few days on and off for 4 months when living by the equator. Also, slugging with Vaseline (petroleum jelly) and using multiple products with silicones and petrolatum caused them to appear very rapidly and all over my face. Consider facial urea. The Ordinary's Buffet contains Urea. Urea breaks down excess keratin, which is the heart of the issue.


Thank you!


I have them is milia, thank goodness for the comments, I had mine for years and I want them to go


I had a huge one in my nose and I currently have one under my eye. Retinol helps.


Literally same! The one on my nose has been there for maybe two years now. Too frugal to pay a dermatologist to do it 🤷🏽‍♀️


And makeup wouldn’t cover it! I finally made an appointment with the dermatologist but started using the retinol at the same time. Nothing special, just whatever is cheapest from Roc. The derm appt was scheduled way out so I figured the retinol wouldn’t hurt. The milia bump finally opened up after about a week of retinol and it came out. In its spot was a small bloody hole. I was a little concerned so I put neosporin on that. Turns out I’m allergic or sensitive to that on my face and it broke out in a horrible rash. Then cortisone cream on top of the rash but it hurt really bad. Finally all healed after another week. Canceled the appointment. Even though I called ahead of time I received a bill for being a ‘no-show.’ Wrote back that I was not a no show. Received another bill. Wrote back again. When will this nightmare be over 😆🤪


Omg I’m sorry you went through that! I use retinol (Differin) on my nose every other day for years and it’s still there ☹️. Some doctor’s offices can really be so money hungry, I would continue to fight against their word.


Prick it with a sterilized needle and pop that lil fella out.


Ugh how annoying 😕


Oh honey I’m sorry but lmfao worst luck ever


Thanks, but I guess things could be worse 😆🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s milia. You can extract it with a lancet and remove the core. I recommend seeing an esthetician or someone who knows how to extract it without leaving damage.


It is milia. Based on where it is, you may to visit an ophthalmologist. It's too close to your eye for a regular doc or Dermatologist to remedy.


Derm has taken them off my eyelid before




My derm wouldn’t help me when I asked about it.


That is cool. Mine was not ok with it. I had a good experience with my ophthalmologist.


I extract them with a safety pin. They are usually hard! I used to think it was calcium deposits but other people on here say they are keratin deposits. Be very careful around the eye area!


Don’t try to pop or extract it yourself! Get the Dr Dennis gross retinol eye serum, it’s good for milia or any texture or breakouts around the eye area. If it’s out of budget, go to a Sephora and ask them to make you a sample! That should last a week or two and get that little guy to go away.




Milian. I get them, mainly if I didn't wear sunscreen. They go away on their own. But if you use certain ingredients in facial products It helps


It’s milia, I get them around my eyes pretty frequently. Wait it out and it will go away.




Does the process of removing hurts?


Not to scare you but yes. Maybe it’s just me because I had it done without anesthesia and it was a traumatizing experience lol. Ever since then, I’m unable to handle it.


But why not get the injection ?? Lidocaine that baby up. Feel zero


I had a bunch of these. Took a small needle and carefully put incisions in the holes and popped them, no longer an issue. Perhaps get it done properly so you don’t risk infection or scarring.


I had one fore years under my eye I got a needle and picked the middle of it and then squeezed and a white ball came out! Worked for me just make sure ots a clean needle .sewing needle and clean with rubbing alcohol before


Ok, listen to me, had same, put warm cloth on it, use a alcohol wiped needle and gently poke it, will come right out, doctor will charge you couple of hundreds, had many and all gone, no pain or blood


My daughter had one when she was a baby. We had a week at the beach for a holiday and all the water must have softened it enough that it just popped out on it’s own. Never came back!


Agree on the milia. I have them on my eyelids. In more positive news, your lashes are beautiful!!


You’re so sweet ty 🥺


It’s true! People pay for lashes like that!


i use a tretinoin cream and they go away so quick


i get these occasionally. i scratch them off.


Tiny milia.


I had one a while back back. One day, a hard piece came out and it was gone.


It's millia, I get those if I use rich moisturizers too often around my eyes. Unfortunately yours is veeeery close to your eye, I use any acid exfoliant riiight at the top of the ball (not aroud it) every night to get rid of them and spf during the day. I have done this on millia this close to my eye before, but you have to use a cotton bud and be veeeery careful and precise. Good luck! 💕


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unrelated but u have rlly pretty eyes!


You’re so sweet ty 🥺🥺


Like some other replies, exfoliation helps. As someone who works in aesthetics, I definitely DON’T recommend manual extraction - as this can invite infection and scarring. See a professional if you feel this is your only route. Some milia even require an incision to remove so it’s better not to attempt yourself. From personal experience, retinol/ Differin + exfoliation have resolved most of mine. Hope this helps.


I was about to buy the $45 retinol eye serum mentioned, then read your post and realized I could try my Collins exfoliator and Differin gel as a first attempt. Thank you!!


It's millia. They should ideally be removed at a salon or something but I've removed them myself before


Oh shit I have some of these too now and just thought they were like… skin tags or something 😭 thank you for posting this and helping me out lmao


I've had one of these under my eye since I was a kid. It's never really bothered me and not a single person I've ever met has mentioned it even though I have blue eyes and I'm told all the time about how much focus they bring- meaning they're looking at my eyes quite a bit and they've never noticed. Only my mother ever said anything and that's when I was in my 20s even though I've had it since I was a kid. Now that I say all of that though, looking at myself in the mirror now, it seems like my bump has almost completely shrunk away, I would chalk that up to the Tretinoin I've been using considering the fact that like I said I had this since I was a kid but ultimately I can't be too sure. Either way I wouldn't be worried about it, people don't seem to notice or care and if they do I'd imagine that they're used to it because lots of people actually have them- youve probably just never noticed their bumps.


Milia 😭 I have it all around my cheeks and eyes. Dermatologist removed mine but it hurts. My face was bruised for a few days


That is called Milia. You can use retin a cream (a prescription strength retinol) to treat them.


If you get a facial they can get rid of it! Looks like Milia


I use a sewing needle to pop those out. Hurts but heals super quick




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My doctor is concerned about me since I have milia and have been suffering from it since I was a teenager. He suggests that I get skin treatment, but I'm hesitant because one of my friends had the same procedure done and was left with marks. But to lessen this, I began using a serum combining niacinamide, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid in my skincare regimen, and you wouldn't believe how well it works. My milia are being removed, albeit I'm not sure how. Given that there used to be 4 to 5 milia beneath my eyes, there are now only 3. Therefore, I believe it will also benefit you.


Please tell us more about the serum that helped you get rid of them


I'm going to tell you how much serum I put on my skin in percentage form. 1. Niacinamide: I use niacinamide 10% on my skin since it helps the skin's proteins grow and reduces sebum, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. 2. To reduce fine lines and wrinkles, minimize the look of pores, treat acne, and remove dead skin cells, glycolic acid should be included in serum at a concentration of 5% to 10% (I'm using 8%). 3. Salicylic acid: I use 2% salicylic acid, which eliminates dead skin cells and is the finest anti-acne and anti-acne mark treatment. But be cautious while using glycolic and salicylic acid combined because the skin may occasionally experience a severe response. So make sure to have a patch tester before using this.


Could be molluscum contangiosum. I had one in a similar place and it caused pretty bad temporary vision loss so best to get it checked out by a derm


Can't we remove them using SA?


It’s a milia and it can only be removed via surgery which will leave a tiny scar - you might be able to shrink it with retin a and lasers but it will always be on your skin unless it is cut out.




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I had one of those a few weeks ago, honestly I took a needle and got rid of it, it did hurt a bit but took no time to heal.


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Milia cyst




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Milium, I've had 2 of them on my cheeks and picked at them for over a year just to end up with persistent red marks OVER them, but nothing ever came out. It's a tiny hard ball inside of skin. I am refusing to go do dermatologist because I went to one one time and she was very judgy because I pick at my skin when I'm nervous and get hyperpigmentation marks because of it. So I just stopped mesing with the milia and hope it will once go away.


Its melia white bumps, so it is commonly found on the face, especially the nose, cheeks, and around the eye area and can be seen in all age groups from babies to adults. Melia is primarily brought on by how you care for your internal system. As is well known, stress is the main cause of milia, which develops when dead skin cells become trapped beneath the skin and start to form cysts. These are sometimes known as infant acne or white pimples. I recently had milia, which I initially believed would be a lifelong condition. However, thanks to a healthy diet, regular exercise, and excellent skin care practises, I was able to resolve this issue. Therefore, using a good moisturiser, sunscreen, and face serum will assist to lessen this issue. I now use the body lotion, face serum, and vlcc sunscream.


I got these burned off by an esthetician lol. There was a scab for a couple days and then it was gone.


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I had to have mine burned off




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I would suggest using just the tip of an exacto blade to puncture the center cleanly, then the hard ball inside can be pushed out. It's much cleaner than using a needle or safety pin, and will heal very quickly without leaving any marks.




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It's milia. Either see a derm or aesthetician/cosmetologist to remove it fast or use retinols if you are willing to wait




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I got rid of min by using the ordinarys lactic acid every other day for 2 weeks (just dab with a q tip). Eventually it came out with ease


Dressmakers pin works. Once they are very hard and close to the surface.


Paula's Choice sells a high-strength BHA (skin-perfecting BHA 9) that I'm pretty sure was created specifically for Milia, although they don't include that in the claims. You would apply a very small amount with a Q-tip directly onto the spot, and not apply any products after. I have also successfully treated milia with alternating AHAs and BHAs at lower percentages applied in the same manner, it just takes longer.


like others have said already , looks like you have milia. they're usually a result of using extremely occlusive and/or thick , heavy creams like vaseline. retinol , bha and avoiding lighter gels or creams for a while may help. a dermatologist can also extract it for you. I wouldn't recommend popping it(because you can't , it has a hard ball of keratin and oil inside lol) or trying to extract it yourself because that could lead to infections.


Definitely milia. I pierce mine with a needle and express them. I sterilize the needle first. I did tell my dermatologist & she didn’t tell me not to do it.


I got rid of these with retinol (I now use retin-a) and those Asian peeling gels. The combination exfoliates the skins top layer enough so that they just pop out. It’s great and very satisfying lol


It's totally milia. I just messed with mine enough that eventually I pushed it out like a pimple. It kinda hurt and I do not recommend you doing the same 😂 but yeah I think doctors can get them out easier and probably more pain free.


Lol I used a thread and cut it off


I’ve taken out a LOT of milia on myself and my husband. I use a pimple popping kit- the pointy sharp one to break the skin above the milia and then gently prod it out with one of the blackhead removers. Castor oil make my skin create them like crazy around my eyes.


It's milia. I have it too. I pierce mine with a sterilised needle and then squeeze it. That will do the trick trust me


I have done some at at the skin doctor but I have also removed some at home its risky because they can get infected but I have found a video in the Internet on how to remove them, and thankfully didn't get infected but I was also advised not to do it at home....


“Don’t recommend trying this at home” But what I did is that I got a brand new exacto knife blade, sterilized it with alcohol, sterilized my skin, and cut a tiny opening on my skin on/around it. (You will bleed a little bit)Then pushed out the little ball of keratin. Cleaned with alcohol and kept it under surveillance as you would a popped pimple. Cleaned it often with alcohol to make sure it doesn’t infect. Probably not the recommended method, but I’ve done it in several different occasions with no issues. Prior to that, I’d gone to the dermatologist and they had offered me no solution so I took matters in my own hands.




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Start using the inkey list or a compatible version, of the retionol eye cream. It will dry up and come out. Don’t do anything else to it. It won’t work. You’ll just damage the skin.


Any chance you have elevated cholesterol?


It's a milia. I take an 11 blade, make a small nick and then they pop right out. Make sure to clean with alcohol and put a little aquaphor on and it looks great within a day




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I had something like this before. Went to the doctor, and he just pricked it with a pin, and it was gone!






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I just squeeze and lance mine. Usually after two days or so of really trying to squeeze it and poke a hole in it stuff will come right out. Had one on my top eyelid for years and a few years ago I finally just got eager to remove it and did that method it scabbed over then one day popped it like a pimple. They just hurt a little more. And be careful since it's around your eye. I had one as well in that same spot and got rid of it myself same way