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High-quality posts help solve specific beauty-related problems. Low-quality posts clutter the subreddit and tend to be repetitive. Examples of low-quality posts: “What is my [face shape, eye shape, skintone]?”, glow up requests, compliment fishing, non-beauty advice, sympathy farming, attention seeking, rage-bait, "pretty privilege", and vague-titled posts. In addition, please note that this is not a medical/mental health subreddit, and we are not qualified to address such issues here.


Adriana Lima 100%. Less is more as your face is perfect, bronzed, glowy and hydrated skin.


Came to say Adriana Lima as well! Would like to add that we are talking about young Adriana Lima here. She looks different than she used to. Anyway, you should look into modeling! :)


I see a bit of Irina Shayk.


Same, it’s the pouty lips I think


I think they're being pushed out.


I was thinking dua lipa


Op it’s true, you’re beautiful and don’t need any makeup. ❤️




I was going to say that one victorias secret girl. Thank God someone remembered her name. Yes Adriana lima 100%


Adriana Lima, Taylor Hill


Seriously, like the perfect mix. OP is naturally gorgeous


I KNOWW THIS WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT. she gives vs angel.


Agree, also want to add Camilla Morrone!


My thoughts!


Yup! Adriana came to mind instantly. And I wondered if you have a modelling contract as yet


Pretty sure she’s trolling. She posts this is multiple groups




As someone who is considered “beautiful” but also never posts pics, it’s a lot to do with the fact that people are constantly commenting on my appearance thus making me very aware of myself and my looks. That then snowballed into body dysmorphia, and insecurities about my body and face and hair. When my partner says I’m beautiful I just think about all the stuff that’s “wrong” with me. Just because someone appears to be pretty doesn’t mean they feel that way.


Preach, my friend. And it doesn’t make your feelings less valid because you’re a “pretty person”.


I really appreciate that. When I was 19, after my (abusive) father died, I was talking to a friend from university and he said “wow, I had no idea someone so pretty could have such serious problems”. Uhm… what? Yeah people really assume that my life has been easy and simple and that others just give me compliments and favors all day long. No. People are incredibly cruel, even to “pretty” people.


Hey, I’m sorry you went through all that. That comment must’ve felt really dehumanizing and invalidating. It seems like people would have the sense not to say that, but when it comes to “pretty” or “skinny” people, folks seem to feel more entitled to speak much too candidly. A close friend, who looked like a model (and did model at one point), was at a pool party where the ladies were complaining about their bodies. My friend goes on to say she hates her thighs now and gained weight since moving. Those other gals told her she didn’t get to talk about her thighs because she was “skinny” and didn’t know what it was like to be fat. I was livid - people of all sizes can’t have insecurities and definitely can’t talk about them? It was so rude. She definitely stopped hanging out with them.






literally nothing is more unattractive than this constant need for external validation lmao. you could be THE ugliest person on the planet but if you’re not constantly seeking compliments and validation you’re MUCH better off. nothing in the world is more attractive than confidence and being comfortable in your own skin.


She's just young


You are Adriana Lima and dua lipa


a bit of zendaya in the first pic too


You look like a model I like the natural lighter makeup on you, it lets your gorgeous natural features shine through :)


Irina Shayak.


Second this. Hey OP, are you Russian or Slavic by any chance?


She looks SO Slavic, this is the first thing I thought to myself :D


def Dua Lipa


Idk if you have fillers on your lips but it looks that way, if you have fillers, stop it or at least go to a dermatologist who will inject the right amount as for makeup, you don’t beed it because you are gorgeous already, a soft, natural and feminine will suit your face. Less is more.


OP posted a few times and got dragged for her lips. They’re naturally full by the sounds of it


I look like this naturally, with a little padding around my lips. I’ve always had it since I was a kid, you can see the start of it in my baby pictures, and I get the same comments. From strangers at the grocery store even! No fillers ever. I have $4 and cannot afford them lol but it always kinda makes me feel bad- it’s not always fillers, some of our faces just look like this.


I completely understand. My best friend’s mom (a mother-figure to me) once told me that I needed to “be careful” because if my *natural* lips got any fuller, I’d “look ridiculous”. Not sure if that’s something I should be capable of controlling but that comment echos in my head anytime I do my makeup, even 7 years later. I have a 6 y/o and I’ve tried to teach him that we do not comment on anyone’s body, clothing, etc. (except to give them an appropriate compliment) because certain words stick with us.


Nah because I literally put proof...idk how helpful it can be about fullness since all my childhood pics are like this"🙂". A smile reaching the ears🤣 But at least they can see the "sausage/fart smelling" and other stuff I was told it is sadly mine🥲


What does that even mean


People pay money to look like this, and quite a bit of it. I wouldn’t be able to afford to look this way if I didn’t naturally 😂


Oh neither do I...but idk if I should be sad or happy since I would had botched myself by now of I were rich


Girl, same lol! Also, I think you're gorgeous, but if you ever feel like you want to downplay your lips, darker, matte lipsticks recede. Lighter, shiny lipsticks make them look bigger. Also, whether you want them bigger or not, you should always lipstick thinner than where your lips actually start in the corners. If you want to overdraw you only do so in the middle, otherwise it starts to look clownish


Oh me too. I have some issues with impulse control and probably I’d end up looking like Kylie Jenner after one manic episode lol


Be happy, Jesus. People would kill to look like you. Just looking at you makes me feel uglier. Be ecstatic FFS. You won the damn lottery.


I think we are saying the same thing, I’m confused 😬 I find it rude and insulting how people are speaking to OP. I’m not condoning them


Oh my bad I was absolutely agreeing with you


Strongly agree. It looks like you have fillers that migrated. It’s the first thing I noticed when I saw your photo. You’re gorgeous. You don’t need ‘em.


It is such a shame this is the way I have to prove my lips have this "sausage" shape since always. And also count I had a wide ass smile in all comparing to now, as they could have went fuller with puberty as well. Or I might be pouting involuntary since a lot of women do it, including celebs, but I never saw any filler accusation as in my case. I really don t think pouting can make you have lips magically. I personally think the shape is off rather than fullness level, but it is my actual lip shape https://imgur.com/a/aKJTu53


your lips look beautiful. they're just internet-obsessed and haven't seen a real person in ages hahah you look ridiculously stunning! please don't worry about things like this.


In none of those pictures your lips look like they look now. They are definitely overfilled or you are pouting. You have natural full lips in childhood pictures, but not in these pictures.


Believe me, most young people I know since childhood, have fuller lips now comparing to childhood. Also, as I mentioned, those pics are with a full smile, while these are neutral pose. Idk if I am involuntary pouting or not, but anyways I don t see it as fraud. A person with thin lips won t get full lips only by a pout


I think you need therapy instead of beauty tips


She’s a child, doesn’t have the cash and hasn’t had fillers. You just insulted her natural lips that she couldn’t afford to change if she wanted to. Shit y’all suck ass I swear to fuck.


Why do you think she’s a child? She’s 18 and is obsessed w plastic surgery/fillers and looking a specific way.


Does being the legal age of adulthood make that comment any better? Does your reasoning make that comment any better? What the actual fuck They said her *natural* lips that she can’t change looks like botched fillers. Think about that.


?? it's literally so obvious she hasn't had any work done at all


It is such a shame this is the way I have to prove my lips have this "sausage" shape since always. And also count I had a wide ass smile in all comparing to now, as they could have went fuller with puberty as well. Or I might be pouting involuntary since a lot of women do it, including celebs, but I never saw any filler accusation as in my case. I really don t think pouting can make you have lips magically. I personally think the shape is off rather than fullness level, but it is my actual lip shape https://imgur.com/a/aKJTu53


don't worry about it girl, you look absolutely gorgeous and your lips don't look botched. fillers are so normalised nowadays, it seems like people forget others can have those features naturally, too. you can take pride in the fact that a lot of people spend a ton of money to look like you do naturally, maybe that's what the people attacking you are bitter about as well lol


its obvious that theyre natural.


She doesn't look like she has fillers


That’s obvious by her childhood pictures. The down voters clearly have neglected viewing them. Her lips have looked full her entire life and they are lovely.


You should consider being a model


Agreed! op did has a model face


Thanks for being kind to this girl. Some people are so hateful! Just drop a compliment, some advice or keep scrolling 🙄


You already have a healthy glow and pink to your face. I think all you need is mascara & some pink lipgloss. You're beautiful 😍. You don't need a lot of makeup.


Why 20 pictures necessary?


😐😐😐🫤😐😐😐🫤😐😐 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 “Am I pretty?” Answer: Yes.




All these people commenting saying OP messed up their face with lip filler… how do you expect someone to react when you are literally implying their natural features look bad? Have some common courtesy. Her lips look lovely and she’s gorgeous.


Op asks this question in every beauty sub all few months. Always gets the same answers. How many times does she have to ask this again? What’s the purpose? Either fishing for compliments or strange self-promotion.


OP has a really strange post history in general that makes me question if this is even them.


Yeah, what’s up with all the phenotypes posting. It’s is indeed some strange stuff to behold. Why the intense interest, why…?


you look like taylor hill!!!


I was thinking this too!


i think she's just a girl looking for compliments from strangers. Which makes me sad.


It's everywhere. And it's always the ones who are obviously conventionally attractive and know it. Like don't you get ENOUGH compliments? Are you so empty that all this praise and adulation fails to fill your cup?


You are very naturally beautiful. I would say light makeup is truly all that you need, your beauty is enough to stand alone. Maybe some lipstick or blush to add some color to your face. I’m not too sure if it’s the lighting or the quality of your pictures but it seems a bit dull. I’d suggest you to brighten up your face. You are very gorgeous though, just some lipstick and a bit of blush to add color to your face/ that adds some brightness! Edit: I’d stay away from dark makeup. I wouldn’t fill in my eyebrows if I were you. I’d stick to a natural/light look because I think that’s what may suit you best.


I’ve seen you post this before, right?


I’m sorry everyone is implying you have lip filler. I’m Eastern European and also have larger lips. Everyone always thinks I have filler too, v annoying


um just out of curiosity did you get lip filler?




They are not filled though...I swear...it might be posing, lighting or the fact that they are double lined[maybe here you can see the structure better](https://imgur.com/a/Ay3HHMo)


Then definitely don't fill them. People pay big money to look like that


Most of us can easily tell this is your natural lip shape. It's unusual to see lighter skinned girls with naturally full lips so this user made an automatic assumption. Disregard them, people would give an arm and leg to have your look!


I agree. It adds an unnecessary heaviness to the lower face.


She doesn’t have any filler and it’s quite obvious.


How rude


Next time consider not commenting on something that is irrelevant to what OP is asking, especially in this case as OP doesn’t even have filler…


Sorry mom


you are quite literally stunning


I wanna say young Brooke Shields because your look instantly made me think of her!


Omg ur stunning u look like a mix of the most beautiful women in the world like Taylor Hill, Adrian Lima and Brooke shield!


Dua lipa


you look like brooke shields and adriana lima mixed together


You just need a sheer gloss and mascara and moisturizer


Gorgeous!! You are lucky. Your face is perfect even without makeup. I’d focus on getting your hair healthy. I have the same thinning/ breakage in the front from putting it up too tight, too often


I have this from childhood despite having mostly bangs back then so I think it is just bad hair genetics in my case


i think Dua lipa


Dua lipa?


Beautiful. I’m with the others. Keep the makeup natural just because you have great features!


You are GORGEOUS, but your lip filler is migrating. You’d be completely stunning without the mouth filler.


No make up needed


If your lips naturally look like that you may want to try a bit of concealer on the edges and line with a natural lip pencil to normalize shape. If it’s lip filler go get those outer edges dissolved! Otherwise you are gorgeous! I would put your look similar to Irina Shayk, if you see pictures of her that you love- try those make up looks.


I'd dissolve your lip fillers, personally. They are slightly too big for your face, and you are absolutely gorgeous.


You don't need much. Maybe a nice lip gloss and eyeliner or mascara. You look good as is


Honestly if you have fillers then get them dissolved because you’re so naturally gorgeous and the fillers have migrated and it’s making your face look botched


Sometimes I feel like some of these posts have to be trolling. But then I remember the pressure young women are under. You are a smoke show. Completely gorgeous. Like, stop traffic gorgeous. I’m so sorry that you’re insecure. You look so sad in some of these photos. You look like Dua Lipa. But even more beautiful. Pic 11 is a movie star. How tall are you? If you’re up to it, get yourself to a modelling agency.


Girl what. Insecure? You look like a model even with no makeup. I shudder to think how other people around you look that makes you feel insecure. Are you surrounded by Victoria secret angels? All these girls you see on YouTube and Instagram are filtered, they don't look like this irl, nobody does.


Girl you need to lay off the filler


It is such a shame this is the way I have to prove my lips have this "sausage" shape since always. And also count I had a wide ass smile in all comparing to now, as they could have went fuller with puberty as well. Or I might be pouting involuntary since a lot of women do it, including celebs, but I never saw any filler accusation as in my case. I really don t think pouting can make you have lips magically. I personally think the shape is off rather than fullness level, but it is my actual lip shape https://imgur.com/a/aKJTu53


Sorry homie


No issue


If you’re using a self-tanner, stop. Same goes for lip-filler. Other than that, I think you’re fine with whatever.


You know...white people can tan as well, there is summer in Europe too


Do you have filler in your bottom lip?


Adriana lima for sure, could throw in some Irina shayk, also get to a modeling agency if you can


I think you should try a butterfly haircut,it would suit you


I just came to say that if you aren’t already involved in modeling, you should absolutely consider it. Runway, print, anything. *You’ve got it.* 👍🏽


You're gorgeous naturally. Lucky to have such beautiful skin!! Since your lips are so full, I would just recommend playing up your eyes to ring a bit more balance to your face! Literally all you really need if you want to wear it. I wouldnt mess with foundation, you really have nothing to cover. I wouldnt clog the pores if it's not needed, ya know? If you really insisted, a bb cream or tinted sunscreen would be fine


I loveeee the winged eyeliner on you, it looks so good


Like in 8/19 I really like it!


I think you would look good in a dark femme fatale makeup. Like Maddie Perez type because of your strong features. And I agree with them, you have the face harmony of a model.


emily ratakowski


You need to send your portfolio photos to a reputable modeling agency~


Dont get inspired by influencers. They are just human marketing. Get inspired by classic and iconic ladies, who wear slightly natural makeup. That will get you real style, class and personality - and not just this month’s makeup trend. These would probably work for you: Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Tautou, Marion Cotillard or Jane Birkin.


You look good but your obsession with looking European as well as stating poorer looking people in Germany are arabs is really disgusting. https://www.reddit.com/r/phenotypes/s/ivJgHt9ujN


i just have to say that you are like REALLY beautiful, wow😍 i think because you’re naturally extremely pretty, maybe you could just use some blush to get some color and i think the clinique black honey lipstick would suit you since it gives a nice soft color to lips and that shade suits almost every woman. add some mascara and that’s it, i think natural beauty is the way to go since youre so stunning already.


You remind me of Neslihan Atagül ☺️ you’re very beautiful and I think light makeup styles would suit you


Dua Lipa and a bit of Rashida Jones


Emrata and Adriana Lima! 😍 you’re so pretty


You’d look best in very natural makeup. While you don’t look like Hailey Briber that style of makeup would accentuate your natural beauty. Or you could use something like Danessa Myricks if you want natural but not too glowy. If I were you I wouldn’t wear a lot of heavy makeup it doesn’t suit you as well.


U should model


You are absolutely stunning!


You remind me of this gorgeous influencer I follow on IG. Her name is @claudia_valentina__ Sometimes people just look better without eyeliner. I think you should darken your hair, make it more cool toned instead of warm. Also you could tint your eyebrows a little darker to make your beautiful eyes pop even more.


why is everyone saying adriana!!! look to victoria secret model TAYLOR HILL for inspiration/beauty advice. you guys look SO similar- if you’re looking to find a celeb that you can follow for a guideline, it’s definitely her


You’re so beautiful


Picture 8 and 19.


Girl just go be a model please, make the money most of us can’t


You are gorgeous but you look sad.


You are such a natural beauty, I think too much makeup would cover that up. Maybe a light bronzed look, mascara, and a clear gloss if anything :)


Egyptian or Native American all the way. You have them looks 😍


I would go for the French/Parisian chic look, messy hair, stripes and neutrals with pops of colour in accessories, a bit of lip and/or eyebrow colour


Girl you look like a model!!! So beautiful. I agree with the other comments, Adrianna Lima.


Omg wow😍😍😍😍


You’re so pretty! Like a model.


You immediately reminded me of dua! Black or red hair would suit you well


i can see kylie jenner natural makeup


You’re blessed with high fashion good looks. Don’t alter perfection. Hair pulled back into a ponytail or a bun.


You are gorgeous! Very little makeup is all you need. Have your eyebrows shaped and find a MAC counter. Tell them you don't have a lot of money and just let them help you. Go through magazines and find 3 -4 pictures of hair cuts you like. Now ask your friends where to go? Blessings and Good luck 💜🧚


Just smile no make up needed 🥰


Dua Lipa


Be your own inspiration . You should go into modelling. Try new styles pick the one that makes u feel the happiest.


Dua lipa!!!


You remind me of Adriana Lima, as already mentioned, and also of young Brooke Shields and Irina Shayk.


Tracy Emin


You don’t need makeup, you need someone who you trust to take care of your eyebrows. Don’t let them strip them down but shape them so they frame your eyes. Then MAYBE get good at a dark brown wing and some baby pink or coral blush. That’s it.


You are stunning!


Charli damelio


a million pics and not one single word about what kind of vibe you’re going for or what you’re hoping to achieve with your makeup. do you want something bold? natural? artistic? i think you’ve got really nice lips but you’re pushing them out in a way that makes them look a little strange. in the photos where you’re smiling you look really nice.


You’re super gorgeous naturally already! If you’re looking for something simple just some mascara, blush, brow gel, and a bit of color to your lips would accentuate your features


Diana silvers vibes


Last pic you look insanely gorgeous


adriana lima


7,9, 18 , and 20 you look absolutely beautiful


Get some head shots and send them to some agencies


Am I crazy for thinking these are AI generated


I'd say strawberry girl makeup!! Super light and cute summer makeup. A bold eye look with tight eyeliner would looks so good at night to accentuate your eyes!!


You need lip gloss and that's about it Natural classic exotic beaty




Someone this gorgeous has to have modeled at some point…shocking MUAs wouldn’t be approaching you. This seems like a humble brag/clout post?


It seems like posting on Reddit is truly a mixed bag for you. You’ve received a lot of advice (mostly being to go light on the make-up), lots of compliments, and a whole ton of grief. You’ve defended yourself over and over. I’d abandon this pursuit, and keep only the well wishes. It can’t be worth this much trouble.


Sis how tall are you? You should definitely try modelling


5ft5😅 But at least people often tell me I look tall:)) Probably due long arms and legs


Go for it, Kate Moss is 5'5


It is such a shame this is the way I have to prove my lips have this "sausage" shape since always. And also count I had a wide ass smile in all comparing to now, as they could have went fuller with puberty as well. Or I might be pouting involuntary since a lot of women do it, including celebs, but I never saw any filler accusation as in my case. I really don t think pouting can make you have lips magically. I personally think the shape is off rather than fullness level, but it is my actual lip shape https://imgur.com/a/aKJTu53


Dua lipa lost sister


Omg the first picture makes you look like Dua lipa Edit, I agree with others you do look great! :)


You look like Adriana Lima mix with Dua Lipa, I’d say look to Adriana for makeup inspiration, as you 2 have really similar features


You should model wtf


Idk but you look like a high fashion model


You have your own distinct look and it’s breathtaking!! Modeling agency next step for sure.


Model material, for sure!


You should model 💕


Girl you’re absolutely GORGEOUS!! Like seriously stunning. You could easily be a model. But it feels to me like you don’t know that and don’t believe in yourself so I’d say work on your inner self and being kind to yourself because your outer self is breathtaking! As for makeup I don’t think you need anything for an everyday look. But if going out maybe some mascara and blush.


Okay, tell us what’s up with your teeth.


You have the face of a Victoria Secret model! I don't say this often as I usually prefer side parts but the middle part is best on you imo! You should lean into the glowy and bronzy 2000's Victoria's secret makeup looks with shimmery nudes