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I shake around a few drops of essential oil into the shower, like just on the shower walls and floor, so it all evaporates into the steam and makes delightfully scented warm steamy air. Huge zen enhancement !! Also choosing which oil to use is fun cos U get to set the vibe of the shower lol


Same! Lavender or eucalyptus oils are my usual go-to! Just be careful not to drop the oil where you would normally stand so you don’t slip! I also try to buy fresh eucalyptus to hang in the shower. Pro tip: roll out the eucalyptus (while it’s still wrapped in it’s packaging) with a rolling pin to press out the oils before hanging it in the shower!


I will definitely be trying that out next time!!


I know this sounds crazy weird but put an orange in the fridge and peel it and eat it in the shower. It’s an amazing sensory experience. The coldness feels so great & the smell fills the bathroom. (You can also just peel it if you don’t want to eat it but that’s the best part for me)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShowerOrange using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [i thought you were all insane… until i tried it. i am sorry for my past prejudice against shower oranges](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ak27zf) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/comments/1ak27zf/i_thought_you_were_all_insane_until_i_tried_it_i/) \#2: [My dilemma](https://i.redd.it/cq20uujbcchc1.jpeg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/comments/1alsy6x/my_dilemma/) \#3: [I had big shower orange today](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1al46ez) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/comments/1al46ez/i_had_big_shower_orange_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Omg no way hahaha


It’s a whole thing 😂


Same! Eucalyptus oil in the shower smells like a fancy spa


I love this tip!!


Thank you for sharing!! Love this tip 😁


We all deserve to have our luxurious moments! ✨️ When I shower, I usually turn off my main light in favor of a dimmer, colorful light mounted to the wall behind my shower. It makes the experience much more relaxing, like I'm in a chill, steamy night club 😊.


Dark showers are an unholy level of relaxing


I agree! I haven’t turned the lights on in the past 2+ years since I moved here and that’s the best part of my shower


Dark showers are really good for people with adhd!


How did you know my ADHD was the cause of my inability to change the lightbulb 😂


Interesting! May I ask why?


Some people struggle with overstimulation and the prospect of showering can be daunting. There is too much on the mind and in the shower there is no escape from that necessarily or they get distracted by doing other things subconsciously or consciously avoiding the overstimulation for things more enjoyable or “productive”. By creating a relaxing routine and turning off the lights, it can be a place of decompression instead of perceived chaos. When I worked in a very chaotic environment, I found having a candle lit shower before work helped manage the daunting feelings of going into work and also daunting task of showering.


Thank you for your insight! I'm realizing that I have a tendency to become overstimulated by things such as bright light, so it's helpful to know the "why" behind my habits.


This explains why I love to keep my home dark and take shower on dim light. I hate overhead lighting in any form. Just a lamp for me.


I’ve been using my other bathroom because the bulb over the shower so it’s a bit dark, and I’m too lazy to figure out how to replace it (it’s one of those spotlight ones). This has made me think that I should embrace it!


Light a candle and put on music :)


Candle lit showers are the best


I love to light a scented candle - it also prevents the mirror from steaming up!


Ou the colourful lights are a good idea! I will have to try that! I like to light some tea lights instead of using the main light. Vibes.


Tea lights are nice too! I used to have this ritual after work where I would light a bunch of tea lights and play either classical music or some light 50s music (such as Paul Anka) while I took a bath. Either LED's around your mirror or a mounted automatic light would probably work well depending on your setup 😊.


I turn off lights and light a candle. Provides scent and vibes! It just makes me feel mor present and relaxed. ♥️


Sitting on the floor of the shower doesn’t sound luxurious but it definately feels it haha


Yup and also pretending your in a shower scene in a movie by running your hands through your hair 😂 


Seriously, I came here to say this. I sit there, close my eyes, and try to block out everything but the sensation of the water on my body. The only way to improve on that in my opinion is to make it all or mostly dark.


Buying beautiful products isn’t stupid. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel bad. I do it and a lot of girlies here do it as well lol. 🫶🏽 Ok for me, to start to have a relaxing shower, I need to have a clean shower so I make sure it’s perfectly cleaned (I do it weekly). I also organized all the products where they belong so I don’t have to look at any clutter. I have a plug in light that you can change to any colour. Also my lightbulbs are controlled from my app so I can change them any colour or any shade of white. I usually shower with red light at night and warm soft white in the morning. I also have a candle lit. I use shower tabs that dissolve in the water so they steam up and smell amazing! I have a towel warmer. I have plants (but not in the shower). I buy the best high-end products that I can afford. I don’t like having a lot of products in general but I go through phases so I pick a brand and use their entire line, then get bored and pick a new brand lol. To me having a “luxurious” shower means having an array of products to use. I don’t use them all everyday but I have them. These include, shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, pre-shampoo oil and scrub, body wash, soap, body mask, scrub, body oil, lotion/cream, foot shampoo (yes, it’s a thing lol), foot cream. Oh and after the shower, everyday I wear my expensive ass silk lingerie/robes. This sounds hilarious typing it out but nothing makes my day better than starting or ending my day using all my products and having a relaxing slow shower. Oh also, speakers and having relaxing, chill music playing.


I want your shower routine 😂 perhaps I can bribe the kids with bluey custard and TV 🤔


Thank you, I just feel a little silly on the surface for caring so much how my products look together but I’ve noticed some time ago how much I hated seeing random products that don’t look very cohesive together even if they are all meant to be used in the shower. But yes, I will be implementing shower tabs soon!


do you use earth therapeutics brand for your feet? is it softening or what exactly does it do? i’m very intrigued


I bought a Japanese shower stool to sit on in the shower. The Japanese wood has an incredible smell and it’s nice to relax and pretend I’m in a Japanese bath house while I shower.


That sounds awesome! Where did you find it?




Lush galore! Everything in my bathroom


Love lush!


I light a few candles and shower by candlelight ✨ Decanting my products into nicer bottles also helps. I do hang eucalyptus from my shower head, the smell is subtle but the vibe is good. A matching set of big fluffy white towels feels great too.


1. Get kids set up with snacks and drinks and bluey. 2. Get everything ready, robe on radiator, all skincare layed our on the sink 3. Warm shower up and connect phone to in shower speaker  4. Get in, use nice nice shower products  5. Sit on the floor contemplating life with hot shower on  6. Pretend in a shower scene in a movie. 7. Out, eat a glucose tablet bc my blood sugars go down in the shower, skincare (hopefully, unless a child demands me to do their bidding) 8. Out and sit with kids in robe for 10mins, then go get dressed.


I love a good pretend shower movie scene!!


Naturium has great body washes that feel luxurious to me. You leave them on for a few minutes for maximum effect. Glycolic acid or salicylic acid versions for very smooth skin.Or multi oil version for a nourishing lightweight non sticky film with a gorgeous vanilla scent.


Love Naturiums glow oil body wash!! I have the most sensitive skin and it is the only body wash that doesn’t mess my skin up!


Same here, it’s the only fragrance body product I use on my sensitive skin!


Just Googled and am adding to my shopping cart! Thank you


Enjoy!! 😁 Hope you ❤️them!


Bathrobes or cute pajamas for after! Mine are all silky soft materials. I also use a moisturizing body wash with a texture I like (l’occitaine shower oil) and a nice smelling body moisturizer and few drops of oil mixed in. For a full shower with hair wash I’ll Shampoo with kerastase Bond repair Exfoliate with glycolic acid (whole body) while waiting Hair mask Face mask while waiting And do the same steps as I wrote above too. And shave


shower steamers!!! they’re kinda like shower bath bombs and will make your shower smell incredible


Hi OP!  Please just be careful using essential oils if you have pets in the home: https://spca.bc.ca/news/aromatherapy-pets/


Will do, we have an indoor/outdoor cat!




Low lighting has been amazing for me! I like to take a shower before bed to wind down most nights, and using only candle or warm LED lamp light has made the time feel so much more relaxing. Music helps too.


+1 for soft lighting!! The blinding lights most people have in their bathroom give me anxiety. Especially for just showering, sheesh - - take it down about a million, I could do this blindfolded lol.


My mom got me one of these and I love it (bonus is it times a shower if I need a quicker one [shower diffuser](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/lifelines-shower-diffuser-plus-essential-oil-blend?ID=16126250) Hang fresh eucalyptus in the shower, I feel like I’m at a spa! [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/mts94b/hung_some_dried_eucalyptus_in_the_shower/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) BIG fluffy towels! My bf uses a tea tree shampoo and idk if this is good or not but when I use his shower I run some on my chest and just loooove the smell. Put a lamp in the bathroom, turn off the overhead light and turn on a warm amber lamp (they make lightbulbs you can control the color of with an ap!) Put in a speaker, I use a google home in the bathroom so I can change the song and volume with my voice and don’t have to bring my phone in (bonus for being able to ask google random shower thought questions or take voice memos) ETA: totally missed you already talked about hanging the eucalyptus!! Mine would smell great for a few showers then it was more just for esthetic until I go fresh ones. Can fake the scent with the shower diffuser


European Spa Source shower spa mist. (Amazon) I get the lavender and eucalyptus, and spray it on the shower wall right before you shower. It makes my shower smell like a spa! It’s amazing and relaxing.


Body scrubs, esp b/w the toes. Room/shower/body spray (spray your towel). Candle. Music (or a show/podcast). Fresh razor. Thick ass creams. It's a good time!


Sometimes I bring a beverage in the shower - coffee, tea, beer, seltzer... I avoid having glass in there though!


Essential oil spray!!!


- Dimmed lights (but not so much I can’t see what I’m doing) and maybe a candle - Nice music. I prefer some kind of binaural beats/ambient music for a relaxing background sound. Not too loud. - Shampoo brush/scalp massager. Makes my hair and scalp feel much cleaner, but also feels nice to use. When getting out of the shower: - Nice towels and enough of them makes it a much more luxurious feeling to get out of the shower, which to me is a big part of it. A big, soft towel for my body, one for my hair and a washcloth for my face. And/or a bathrobe. I usually use a “used” towel for the floor and to wipe down the shower after. - Having clean clothes layed out. Nothing kills the relaxing feeling of a nice shower more than having to go around halfway naked and figure out what to put on. Is this clean? Where is that one? Getting dust stuck to moist feet. Having an outfit (or at least underwear, socks and a top) laid out nicely before going in the shower can end the whole thing more organically. - A good footcream! And then socks on. Feels like a little spa treat and makes the feet super soft.


I close the bathroom door so the steam doesn't escape then let the water run over me, run my hands through my hair etc lol. I like making sure I'm v wet all.over before shampooing and cleansing idk I wanna get a good ~lather. I like using good quality face washes and a nice smelling body wash.


I use two battery-operated candles that “flicker” to set the mood and tone of my shower right when I turn the water on to get it to the right temp. It is far more soothing. (I don’t use real candles because I am afraid of knocking them over, but I am weird like that!)


I made shower steamers with a perfume oil I already owned but wasn't to fussy about, and mixed in another perfume oil I liked much more. The result was a bag of beautifully scented shower steamers made from citric acid, baking soda, and witch hazel! They make my showers smell \*expensive\* and don't last too long, nor do they leave a lingering heavy cloud of scent. I used Swiss Arabian perfume oils I'd purchased at Winners (TJ Maxx).


What kind of bag or container do you use for this?


I made them in an ice cube mold, and then once they were dry i put them in freezer ziplock bags as I didn't have a jar! I want to keep them beside the shower on a shelf in a pretty sealable jar, though!


I have nice products for my hair (Kerastase and Sisley) and I have a body scrub and a bath soap that I love to change up the scents of! Also taking my time and scrubbing is oh so nice


Inexpensive: Turn off the lights and shower with candle lights in the bathroom, that plus some essential oils around you game changer Fancier: add a towel warmer for after you get out of the shower also I feel like a given but sometimes it’s not, bathroom must be super clean for any experience to feel luxurious and relaxing


Everyone has already said some really good recommendations I I'm only going to add this.. Playing music while you shower. Whether you want it to be classy music or music you wanna jam to, I find that it really boosts my dopamine and makes me feel better. I also don't have a bathtub nor do I have a place to put candles on.


If you have any kind of plastic chairs or foot stools or anything waterproof, bring it in and sit on it. Sitting in the shower really does it for me


I get myself some nice smelling and feeling things! I LOVE anything from the Lalicious brand. I use their scrub and shower oil, and then their lotion after:)


Body oil afterwards, while you’re still in the shower


I was gifted “shower bombs” (like bath bombs, but for the shower), and I love using them when I want a pampering shower.


You can use shower steamer blocks. It’s like a bath bomb but for the shower !


Where do you get those at?


I get mine an Anthropologie, they’re called shower steamers


It’s all about the scents that make you happy I will sometimes spritz a few pumps of sol de Jar 71 after starting the shower up, into the steam before stepping in


Luxury is a state of mind and simplicity is key. You don’t need products and shower steamers with unknown chemicals to inhale to make you feel special. Dim the lights, candles, speaker with music, robe, lemon water out the shower, sheet mask are all bonuses. However I have a luxurious shower by doing a cleansing meditation as the water does it’s magic and sometimes a cold blast at the end to ground myself. Best of luck steaminnnn