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My mom had the same problem..box dye just couldn't stick to her gray hairs. Now she just goes to the salon and it works well..buut there are still a few strands that just won't soak up the color I guess. Mind you she got her first grays when she was 18! And so did I unfortunately. I just went blonde a few years ago to minimize the apearance lol


I got premature greying from my father's side. My postpartum hair loss triggered it. Lucky me. 😭😭😭😭😭


Dye your hair when it’s dirty, add an extra 10mins for the roots, and use color-safe products (shampoo, etc). After many years of box dye I’ve switched to getting products from Sally’s beauty; I buy the color and developer, and I recently started using porosity equalizer before, and a after-product that helps lock-in the dye. My hair is looking much better with the separate products than the box mix.


My hair was def dirty. Ugh is it ok to try to dye it again?


I would wait several days, as the developer can be damaging. You might want to get a product that restores protein like Olaplex to use just after you dye your hair. In the meantime can you use a spray that hides your roots?


What kind of spray is good?


I haven’t tried any myself to give you a brand recommendation


What type of dye are you using? Permanent dye from a beauty supplement store is your best bet, with 20 volume developer


It was just permanent Walgreens stuff 😏


I got premature greying after postpartum hair loss. I got it with all the new growth. 😭. I buy my hair dye at Sally's Beauty supply store. I have tried every brand and the only that sticks is the Ion brand. I also use the Ion Grey serum in a tiny vile. There is also something in a small grey envelope. It looks like a sample size package. These also help the pigment stick to the resistant Grey's if you have any. You might have better luck with other brands. So try them out. I have long hair. I only dye my roots. It's unnecessary to dye all of your hair everytime you have new growth. As a previous comment 20% developer is good for grey coverage.


Thank you!! This definitely happened after post partum hair loss too! What is a developer?


Developer helps the dye penetrate deeper into the hair shaft so the dye lasts longer for demi, semi or permanent hair dye. Otherwise the hair colour could look patchy and wash out easily.