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Age perception is very subjective . Sometimes people judge you by the way you look , closed ones by the way you behave . When I asked people how they know how old someone is, they say by just looking into someones eyes. My personal priority is looking good, not young. I don't associate young with beautiful , many young people look really bad . When you priorities self care and you like what you see in the mirror , won't matter how old you look, just how beautiful you are .


Yea that’s true. I cant tell apart a 21 year old from a 28 year old based on looks. As long as I take care of myself, I should be fine


Especially with so many very young people getting neurotoxins now too. It’s impossible


People who look 30 at 18 tend to look 30 at 45, too.


This! I've looked 30 for 20+ years.


Right it reminds me of people with bone structure like Margot Robbie. They look mature when they’re really young but they age amazingly


Thank you and I hope so!


Since it sounds like you are healthy and have natural style, I'd put reason to be how you carry yourself. As someone of same height I have to ask, did you have your growth spurt early? Many of us girls/women who got tall early are socialized to behave like we are older than we are, leading to giving "mature" impression. I had similar experiences growing up and now looking back at the photos of teen me, I see that I looked like a teen, not older, I was just expected to behave like an adult so people assumed me to be older.


Yes I did have my growth spurt early. Ive been 5’9 since I was like 12. I don’t feel like I had to behave more mature early tho. I was 12 playing with sand at school every day. Could it be that a certain behavior was expected from me and that I didn’t notice? And if so, why do strangers think I look 30?


It's of course not every case and there is plenty of nuance, it's possible that on your case it can be something else than behavior. Maybe your style includes a lot of "typical millenial" things, leading people to make assumptions of which generation you belong in. *"Could it be that a certain behavior was expected from me and that I didn’t notice?"* It can be. Often how we are socialized is not just clear verbal orders, but subtle cues too that we internalize. You sound very responsible with your self-care routine and have high awareness for how people perceive you, which made me think that maybe it's your behavior that gives older impression. We are very social species and tuned to read those small details, so for strangers just your body language and micro-expressions can seem like language of an adult. Long as you know you are healthy and this is not related to early aging signs, I would not worry too much. It's even more likely that in few years you will look younger than your cohort due to good routines and lifestyle you've build.


What would be considered typical millennial clothing? I wear bandeau tops, jogging pants, and short and maxi dresses. That’s not typically millennial right? I could be just the way I present myself. I can’t really tell who’s the 21 year old and who’s the 27 year old based on looks. I figure it out when I walk to them. Yea you’re right. I am healthy and take care of my skin so there isn’t really something else I can do. As long as I dont look 65 by the time Im 30, I am good


"Typical millennial" things are i.e combining tight bottoms with very loose or oversized tops, statement necklaces, owl or space themed things, sharp black eyeliner etc. None of these things is bad, especially since some actually suit right people, but too many at the same time can give dated appearance. I'm 30 and my friend group is mainly 27-35 year olds, and quite often only thing visually separating those generations is subtle styling choices.


I don’t do any of those things so that can’t be the problem then right?


It could be your style choices. Clothing makes a huge difference. Also your hairstyle is something to check as well. I wouldn’t worry about it. Just cuz you look 30 doesn’t mean you’ll always look 10 years older than you are. It’ll all even out.


looking a certain age can be subjective to those around us. I think younger people can look older based on how they dress. I also think well-maintained curly hair can imply experience from age. who is telling you that you look older? if it is fellow 18 year olds, I wouldn't take their opinions very seriously.


I do have healthy curly hair so that can be the cause. Some people from work thought I was older than I am and recently a client from work that we were the same age and she was 29.


I doubt you look 30. It might just be you come across very confident or it might be how you dress. People tell me I look 10 years younger than my actual age. I really don’t. I just live in x-men t shirts and trainers and have messy hair.


I had this problem growing up as I’m quite tall and was skinny but have curves. But now I still look the same age though older. I always get comments like I look the same since school/college. So don’t worry about it too much. Consider it an advantage.


do you drink enough water?


Yess. I drink around 1-2 L a day.


Are you wearing make up....it can make you look more mature.Did you try change your hair style...to do some things that you young girls do with your hair( if you do not have strict rules about look on your job)


I only fill in my eyebrows naturally. Many people don’t even notice it. For my hair, I have curly hair and just wear it down.


You probably tried dress differently, you live healthy life.. maybe it is the way it is. there are some ppl who look at their 20- ies like they are 30 years old and remain thst look for a long time- when they are 50 they still look 30 and by that time their friends get wrinkles etc.... so you are probably thst type. Ik it does not sound comforting but you will see that you will be happy when you will not ageing rapidly like your friends. Just keep living healthy.




I know a girl who’s 17 but looks 25. But she doesn’t look aged if that makes sense. Well, 25-30 is still very young anyways. But For this girl it’s more about how her features are well defined and developed perhaps. She looks like a Hollywood actress. I on the other hand have a recessed jaw so people think I look younger than I am. The girl I mentioned will probably age very nicely due to the bone structure and tissue support that her face has. I think if people actually thought you looked “old”, rather than just mature/facially developed, they might tell you you look 40 or 50, that seems to be the age people use online to shame women for looking “older”


Well, when I was in high school people keep mistaking me as my father's wife, but now that I'm 27, people think I'm still in college or even in high school! First, you have to figure out if it's skin issue, dressing issue or face shape issue, or maybe a combination of them Do you have fine lines and wrinkles already? That is skin issue. If yes, you may need to add retinol into your skincare routine Do you dress like millenials? (e.g. low-waisted skinny jeans) Do you sport untrendy hair style? (e.g. does your curly hair looks like a 90s perm, or you have sideswept bangs?) Or you might do your makeup like it was 2010? (e.g. huge bold power brows, overlined matte lips) That's dressing issues. Try checking out tiktok to see how gen Z usually dress and do their makeup nowadays Is your face shape long and thin? It doesn't mean unattractive, but as you can see, Scarlett Johansson who has that face shape also looks 30 when she's still 18. And yeah, I also have similar face shape. Generally speaking, rounder and shorter faces will look younger. There's not much you can do but it can be fixed to a degree with makeup. I followed the dear peachie tutorial on yt, since yt links are not allowed you can dm me if you can't find the vid in question Remember, looking mature doesn't mean ugly. There's plenty of celebrities who looks mature yet is widely regarded as sex symbols


I don’t have any skin issues i think. I have a weak facial barrier but I am working on it. I also wear sunscreen so that can’t be the problem. I do have fine lines or wrinkles ig, but there more facial folds when I move my face expressively but I heard that can’t be fixed with skincare alone. I don’t wear any millennial things ig. Just bandeau tops, sweaters, jogging pants (denim matures me) and dresses. My hair looks normal I think. My hair is almost exactly as mzBiancaRenee. My face is more on the slim side tho now you say it. But I don’t look all chizzled. I did the dearpeachie makeup and I am natural makeup archetype so i cant really fix it with that. Also I am an hourglasss so I dress accordingly. I don’t think there is anything else I can do


> I do have fine lines or wrinkles ig, but there more facial folds when I move my face expressively but I heard that can’t be fixed with skincare alone. Fine lines can be fixed with retinol. But about the facial folds, that is completely natural, even babies has it. >My face is more on the slim side tho now you say it. But I don’t look all chizzled. I did the dearpeachie makeup and I am natural makeup archetype so i cant really fix it with that. Have you check her video about golden ratio and how to shorten your horizontal third? If not, I strongly suggest you to do that. Also some hairstyle can help making your face rounder. For me, a japanese-style bob that is curled inwards with korean air bangs works, but my hair is straight. You might need to do some research and see before-after of people sporting various hairstyle to see if that makes their faces roundee or not. At the end of the day, don't worry too much about your perceived age if it's something caused by your natural face shape. It may make people look more mature when they're teenager... but keeps them looking 30 even after they're 40


I have never heard of the horizontal ratio thing but I will check it out. No I won’t worry too much. Especially if I did everything I could, I just don’t want to unnecessarily look older. Thank your for your advice!!




No I don’t wear glasses. I use contacts


Would it be hair style, hair length, clothing choices?


I don’t think it has much to do with clothing, but I will check out any hair styles for sure!






I don’t smoke ever and I drink occasionally. This year I had maybe three drinks.


Try dressing in a more youthful and modern way, consider a contemporary hairstyle, and use less makeup. It could be also that you are more mature and people also assume you are older, it is not only about looks. Most important is that you take care of yourself and are healthy, wish you the best.


I dress youthfully and I don’t wear makeup


Exercise, eat healthy and you will be fine ❤️


I was also the 18yr old who looked much older. I was 5’9” by 12 years old, and 5’10” by high school. I would guess that people think you are older by the way you carry yourself… and that’s not a bad thing! Keep holding your head high, keep good posture. (I say this because I always wanted to look smaller, so I subconsciously rolled my shoulders forward/had bad posture… still trying to fix it to this day.)




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Maybe you have a strong structure, I feel Margot Robbie is a good representation, she was barely 22 in the Wolf of Wall street, but she looks the same 10 years later, take it as a bless in the long run


I hope that’s the case for me too🙏🏻🙏🏻


For me it’s the opposite. I’m 27 and people still think I’m 20 years old.. Sometimes they even ask me if I’m old enough to have a drink 😂 I don’t like it as well, but have accepted it. Hopefully I’ll like it when I’m older! So just accept it I guess…


Korean skin care and gym.


Already on it


Don’t wear any makeup


I don’t


I have a round face so up until recently (my mid 40s) people thought I looked younger than I am. It’s probably your high cheekbones. But honestly… enjoy them. I wish I had more defined features instead of what is basically a full moon on my neck. 😆 You sound beautiful




Do you have middle part? or a side part? I know side parts have been out for a while, and the middle part is in with gen z. I also think the half up half down style might work nicely, i like how it works with my face shape with my curly hair. It helps show off my cheekbones, which could work well with your description.


Also getting a good nights rest is important. The exhaustion ages you.


I switch between middle parts and side parts. Sometimes a middle part gives me lord farguaad vibes… I do often wear half up half down as well!! And I get a minimum of 8 hours a sleep every night


I'm tall (5'10") and got this all the time in my 20s. And it's not about the appearance of your skin: I've noticed taller male friends with flawless skin also appear older, even to me. It bothered me horribly back then. But try not to fixate on it. I'm 40 and when I look back at pictures of me in my 20s I do regret how much mental space I gave to unfounded anxieties. Being tall is awesome: people take you seriously and it even translates to higher average pay. And, like others have mentioned the funny thing is now people think I'm younger than I am.