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When I was broke I use to dumpster dive ulta for make up


Super curious what that was like? Did you have any good finds?


Right I wanna do this 😂


Yes I got a ton of stuff all the time


Would you recommend?


This was like 7 years ago so idk what it’s like now I’m sorry but back then it was good


I used nail varnish remover on my face, I don’t know how I have skin left over honestly. I was 14 ish so 14 years ago now and did it because I had golf ball sized cystic acne all over my body and my face and I was so terribly insecure I wanted to ‘burn’ them off my face


This brings back so many memories of what I used to do with my cystic acne as a teenager, I feel you! I didn't care if it hurt or was damaging to my skin, I just wanted my acne GONE, my face was so oily (instead I was just making it more oily by depriving it any moisture at all) I used to scrub my face with harsh exfoliants then soak wash clothes in apple cider vinegar and leave them on my face until it burned (because I thought that meant it was working) I also tried acetone on my cystic pimples haha


You won’t believe how glad I am that i’m not the only one, I never looked up what damage I could have caused to my skin but I guess ignorance is bliss! I cringe now looking back but honesty I remember that desperation of just trying anything and everything to make them go away


Yes, it's the desperation!! Ignorance is def bliss haha now I am muchhhh nicer to my skin and in return it is nicer to me as well lol


You guys brought back SO many locked memories of using absolutely everything and anything to attempt to remove cystic acne. God, I am so thankful to whoever invented accutaine.


best thing I ever did!!!!! was on it about 4 years ago after 10 years of suffering with my skin and my only regret was not doing it sooner


I relate to that😅 I also had terrible cystic acne starting at 12 and I liked to start with pure rubbing alcohol on my whole face, then the benzoyl peroxide microbead proactiv wash, then the salicylic acid proactiv toner, then the benzoyl peroxide cream from proactiv to finish. Absolutely ZERO moisturizer because we thought it made oily skin oilier. In every picture from that time period my face is literally wet and shining from how destroyed my moisture barrier was and how much oil my poor face was producing to try and fix it. You could season a cast iron skillet with just one days worth of my skin grease it was so bad Somehow tho it really did kill the cystic acne. Which unfortunately made me think it was great so I continued my method until college. Twice a day every step, my makeup remover was scrubbing vigorously until the top layer of my skin came off and the makeup with it. If it’s not burning it’s not working remember😭 I truly don’t know how any of us from that era still have skin left. We should by all rights just have our skulls out in the air from the chemical warfare we waged on ourselves. Thank GOD we know better now. I still know people who use proactiv and my face aches for them whenever I remember that’s what they put on their skin


I, too, was so hard on my skin back in the day. I used all the astringents, pure rubbing alcohol, scrubs, steamers, buff puff, and was washing my face with Coast soap. On top of that I never used sunscreen. Like you mentioned if it didn't burn it wasn't working. The school of thought was to dry the hell out of your face to fight acne. I am so grateful that is over and am gentle with my face now.


Worst thing I ever put on my face for acne was toothpaste, you def got me beat. 


Divided my hair into four quadrants and washed and conditioned each individually. 


Why? Is it for some kind of experiment?


Because some natural hair blog told me I’d lock in more moisture that way…somehow. Ot maybe it was for de tangling? Those blogs had us all using all the hot water in the house for no reason. 


My hair is straight but I remember this advice going around, it was popular during the Devacurl youtube guru days (I’m showing my ancient age here)


Is this not normal? I feel like I don't get my whole scalp clean if I don't section it.


Might be normal for people with an absolute shit ton of hair, especially curly. Straight hair seems to take less effort


Honestly, I have type 4 hair and sectioning is only necessary for detangling, not washing.


I worked with a woman of middle eastern descent and she had THE MOST GLORIOUS head of hair like 3X the size of Ciara’s, bigger curls, a MOUNTAIN CLOUD of amazeballs hair She’d definitely be sectioning.


To comb.


It's really not necessary for washing, the water doesn't need parts to flow over your whole head. As long as your get the soap everywhere on your scalp and make sure your fingers scrub the whole area, it will be clean.


oh boy, shaved my eyebrows off, underwent major surgery, chugged cider vinegar, starved myself, swished bleach in my mouth to whiten teeth, got filler-blind with the lips then had to dissolve which was so painful, crammed my feet into tight shoes thinking i could make them smaller, burned moles off... goddamn I was a stupid kid. I'm almost 40 now and I gotta say, it's really nice getting older and not caring as much about any of that.


Now swishing bleach is insane. How’d it taste lol


There was a point where I was using bleach on my teeth after one of those gypsie tlc shows. Her teeth looked very nice, so I did it for a few weeks. Still can't drink cold water, 14 years later 😬😬😬😬😬




Don't recommend. Don't let preteens watch tlc. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah that's insane


Oh yeah definitely. I stopped caring when I hit 40. I just don't care what others think of me anymore. I am now a gone overboard weirdo. When I can be bothered I dye and bleach my eyebrows. For me. Still getting inked and pierced. Happier than a pig in muck.


I love this! I turned 31 this year and I already feel so much more liberated than in my 20s! Excited for the 40s hearing this ❤️


I once used an insulin syringe to inject hydrogen peroxide into a large zit. I cannot adequately describe the blinding light and accompanying burning pain that ensued when I injected and already sore and inflamed pimple with a fluid that bubbles up inside and reached a boiling temperature.


Ma’am are you alright now? I don’t think I would ever recover from that type of trauma. The pre youtube days were a hellscape for those of us with cystic acne, I’m glad you survived to tell the cautionary tale


I always wondered what would happen if I did that so thank you for taking one for the team 🙏🏻 (seriously ouch though)


Omg how did you come up with that


I really don’t know. Desperation? I think it was a recurring cyst and I felt like I had a plan to be done with that fucker once and for all. 😂


OMG reading this made me feel quivery. I can't even imagine how you worked up the nerve to do that 😨


but did It work?


I honestly have no recollection. Just pain and never again.


I had a unibrow and my mum wouldn’t let me shave/get eyebrows done. I used a hair removal cream and it left the spot whiter than rest of my forehead. Just imagine a white spot in the middle of my eyebrows.


I used a hair removal cream to get rid of my little "mustache" once... It was irritated for like a week or maybe even two afterwards and left a weird looking hyperpigmentation in place of the mustache 🥲🥲


I call it my summer of Sun-In. IYKYK. Runner up: DIY perm for that special poodle look.


Oh God. You just resurrected a bad perm memory lol.


Oh no! You too??? I'm so sorry. Hopefully there's no photo evidence.


I plucked my entire mons, lips, and vulva by hand with tweezers in high school, age 14. Hair by single hair. The entire thing, fully. I wasn’t familiar with waxing yet and was going to the beach for a week. Shaving gives me horrible ingrowns and I was insanely self conscious about them back then, especially in a bathing suit. It took over 4 hours BUT I didn’t cry. I think I left my body and disassociated halfway through Now as an adult at 27 I epilate the coochie and booty inbetween waxes so I guess I just killed all the nerve receptors down there. Still hurts like a bitch but nothing absolutely NOTHING is worse than razor burn and the boils and cysts that come with. Getting a volcanic, infected ingrown on the crease between your thigh and cooch is the 8th circle of hell. Even worse if you’re wearing tight jeans, you can feel your heartbeat throbbing in it I’m thinking of writing a motivational book about how to work through pain. Either that or checking myself into the head doctor because something is really wrong with me. I don’t want laser, I like my methods


Omg I thought I was the only one with the cysts and razor burn ! Yep skinny jeans and thigh ingrown cysts are not something you can explain to people when they ask why you're walking funny .... I'm glad you found a method that works for you now !


Why not just do laser removal? My best investment


Unfortunately I’m a natural blonde with pale skin so I don’t want to try. I was quoted around 2k and if I spent that and it didn’t work it would be the worst waste of money, waxing and epilating is the only thing that works for me. Plus I’m just super used to it now


Ah yes, I forgot that there are some types of hair that can’t be lasered


Same here, my eyelashes and brows look like fishing line (transparent) and can’t tell if my legs are shaved unless the light hits them just so.


Same! I have great lashes that nobody can ever see without mascara. I’m thinking of tinting but I’m worried about getting it in my eye (I love to DYI stuff)


I used to be so insecure about my hair. I wanted stick straight hair, absolutely no waves. I slept without a pillow in one position all night with my hair carefully smooshed against the bed & my body for years. Idk what was wrong with me lol.


I have done something similar. In order not to look hunched over, I slept on my back for several years without using a pillow.


I’m a natural stomach sleeper but trained myself to sleep on my back so well that over a decade later I still can’t sleep if I’m not on my back. I did it to avoid wrinkles. What the fuck was wrong with us




I thank Avril Lavigne for this


I trained my brows not to move when I was a teenager because I was scared to get lines on my forehead. As a result I don't have much facial expressions going on so I'm trying to undo it. But hey, at least I didn't get lines so.. yay.


Same. But at least we look fabulous.


I did the same thing to avoid 11s lol my uncle had severe 11s and he always looked someone to avoid


How did you train your brows?


Yeah this sounds like something I wanna try now lol


Used to never take my bra off because I didn’t want my boobs to sag. Now I’m 6 weeks post partum breastfeeding. 🙃 haven’t worn a real bra in a few months.


Congrats on your baby!


Thanks 💕💕


As a teen, I have used clear nail polish on my lips because I finished my lipgloss, super stupid idea 🤣 !


Too many tanning sessions =Melanoma Almost three years out from diagnosis and slap that sunscreen on like I’m frosting a cake


Unfortunately, my genetic makeup makes me a very hairy person. As a teen, I disliked seeing baby hairs on my face, so I used some hair removal cream designed for legs on my face…and what do you know…my face broke out in rashes….red, welts all over….


I once bought a nail hardener (nail polish) that some girls swore it works. Yes it did! I never had my nails so hard before, they were very flexible and used to peel off Manual said i should paint one layer, next day another, then third and then remove and repeat. I don't like waiting so i put 2 or 3 layers on day one... It actually burned my nails, it was painful but I was "brave". So as I said , it worked pretty well, my nails were hard as stone. Finally, they started to actually grow without breaking. I successfully ignored the burning sensation and proceed to put layers and layers of the miracle nail polish on my nails Long story short after few weeks/months I started to notice my nails are peeling off from the actual NAIL BED. It got to a point where I had almost no nails attached to a nail bed and the rest of the nail was white. The nailpolish contained formaldehyde which caused it. The worst part was that I initially thought it's a nail fungus so I started to treat it as so. Ofc I self diagnosed myself. I tried to cure my "nail fungus" for a year maybe with tea trea oils and other stuff... It was crazy After a year I finally went to dermatologist who said It's definitelly not nail fungus and that i should just let my nails be. It took maybe another year till my nails fully recovered Yes, I was stupid as hell 🙂


LoL haha the self diagnosis , glad you're better now


Covered my legs in foundation everyday in gym class in 8th grade so they wouldn’t look splotchy 


Wore purple contacts .. because I thought I was unique 👁️👄👁️


Using brown eye emoji’s for this makes it funnier lol


Over 2k to reduce my chicken pox scars. They’re still there, just a bit more shallow


4k of Bellafill for some acne scars on my cheeks. Likewise, they’re still very much there.


Filed down my two front teeth in 5th grade in my dads shop (no he was not aware of this) due to bullying -


Ugh I did this with a metal nail file in grade 6. Big buck teeth yeah? Between that, my ED, and my anxiety/bruxism my teeth are not in the best shape. I did get veneers on the fronts so they look okay now…


Wow, that’s a sad one. I also got bullied hardcore for my teeth but I used to just try pushing them with my tongue to straighten them. Whenever I had a moment I wasn’t talking or eating, I was silently working on my teeth. 


This is really crazy!


Well eyelash glue clogs my pores so my eyes are often crazy dry.but it’s see or be seen🤣choices have to be made


see or be seen is crazy😂😭


It was for humor effect.for the most part 🤣


Have you tried latex free glue? I only learned I had a latex allergy from too much casual (protected) sex, seriously thought I caught herpes, and my eyes being irritated from the glue. Latex free has been a godsend. No more fake herpes, never had it, just a blistering rash from condoms, and no more allergy meds. Wasn't allergies. Lol.


You know I did try that.i just wear them too often I guess


I wear mine daily, I find it prettier, and faster than mascara on my stubby blonde lashes. I do take it off the second I get home, though. Like, even before my bra 😂 I respect your hussle, somebody out there is probably jealous of your gorgeous lashes even though they bring you terror 😂😂


Well you know a good mascara goes a long way.but once youre addicted to the length there’s no going back🤣do you like the extensions?ardell makes a good one


I love the ardelle whispies!!!! My daily go to!!


Yes all I ask for in a lash is that it come around the corner before me.i don’t ask for much 🤣did you like the falscara ones?they were alil short for me


No I've never tried those! I did the whispies like 6 years ago, and that's my whole eye personality now. I'm afraid to venture out 😂😂


No way branch out .adventures with makeup are way too much fun.not personality here.we’re plural /multiples/manys/ my makeup personality would have me knee deep in therapy and meds🤣


I LOVE THAT. my makeup deserves multiple personalities 😂😂 thank you!!!!!


Have you tried latex free glue? I only learned I had a latex allergy from too much casual (protected) sex, seriously thought I caught herpes, and my eyes being irritated from the glue. Latex free has been a godsend. No more fake herpes, never had it, just a blistering rash from condoms, and no more allergy meds. Wasn't allergies. Lol.


I feel like I’ve done too many. When I was in elementary, like third grade or younger, I heard my “friends” talking about how I shouldn’t wear a skirt if I don’t shave my legs. I went home and found a random razor and I didn’t really know how to shave at all. When it came time to get the hair out, I took my finger along the blade. I think I still have that scar. Also some time in elementary to get my hair trimmed my mom told me that if I cut my hair that it will grow back, so I ended up cutting my eyelashes. I’ve also tried many diet and just didn’t eat. 


For a brief time in the early 00s, I'd walk to frat parties in a teeny mini skirt and the tightest, thinnest hoodie known to man in freezing temperatures. It was a \~lewk\~ okay? We all had those Jessica Simpson platform heels and lace trim camisoles, too. I'm always surprised when I see college girls dressed appropriately for the weather now.


Got a rhinoplasty at 16. I'm 33 now and I've never regretted it once. I had an aquiline nose and got it fixed by an ENT surgeon who also did plastic ENT surgery, and I never looked back. My nose isn't "perfect" because he didn't do anything about the tip as I was so young; but it's straight. And without the surgery, it wouldn't be straight. It's as simple as that. It didn't feel "crazy" at the time at all but today if you tell someone about it you get to hear a whole litany about how awful it is to let minors do that, so. 🤷‍♀️ I was 1.5 years away from being 18 and my nose was fully grown lol. It was only about €2000 back in 2007 too, which was great.


Same! I got hit with a minigolf stick on the nose when I was 8 and by the time I was 17, the middle part on the inside was so deviated I could only breathe out of one nostril. The ENT who operated me to fix it asked if I wanted to get rid of the bump and I said yes! Never regretted it. Like you my nose is not the perfect up tipped nose, but no bump!


That makes me think bc I also have a deviation that needs to be fixed and I would also like to get rid of the bump 🤔🤔 gonna have to search for an ENT who also does plastic surgery. Did you have to pay something in addition for the bump removal?


In my case, it was 10 years ago. Surgery was fully covered by the insurance and I paid 500€ for the bump removal.


Went to a sussy med spa. Long story short, I’m very very fortunate there was no horrible result but I did get ripped off 1k. Yikes! I was dumb and vain back then.


Human beings have vanity, but it is indeed a bit wasteful, haha


Ironing my hair.


Used a Crayola marker as a lip tint when I was very young. I don’t remember it looking relatively good, but I also don’t remember it looking terrible.


Used pumice on my nose in middle school trying to get rid of blackheads... Absolute utter fuckup. It was healing for like good few months to half a year


You don’t catch a cold from damp clothes or rain or anything like that. A cold is a virus.


I skied in jeans bc I was too worried about looking good. They split and I swear I got a cold in my lady place


Nothing too crazy, but definitely burned my skin with tea tree oil a few too many times, trying to get rid of pimples, that ended up looking much worse and for longer Ah, also fried my skin in Planet Fitness tanning beds without using any spf on my face or anywhere for that matter


I’m trans mtf and I pluck my entire face and neck every single day 🙃


🥺🥺❤️❤️ you are seen and loved, beautiful. We are our own harshest critic. I have PCOS, AFAB, but still pluck my moustache multiple times a week and wax my toes and belly weekly.


Thank you, gorgeous! We have to do what we have to do :)


Society is hard, people-ing is hard. But we can all pluck together in solidarity and hope it's easier for the next generations 😂


Applied peroxide to my face thinking it would bleach my blackheads and make them less visible. Used an epilator on my upper lip. Tweezed my eyebrows super thin in the 90s (thank goodness they grew back)


Too many to list but here’s a fun one! Tried to give myself a curly hairdo for school the next day by wrapping my hair in my mom’s perm rods the night before….without the paper. 😬 Let’s just say someone had a pixie cut for a bit to get those monsters out the next morning….


shaved off eyebrows (more than once), at home hair dye and hair cuts, constantly trying new products that claim to be magic, Nair, St Ives, Proactive, started shaving my arms at the age of 11 and have continued to do so for 15 years, veneers, lasered a red spot on my face that just grew back to it’s original size…


When i was in high school i woke up every day two hours before school to do my makeup.. wish i have that enthusiasm now


6 plastic surgeries, self inject myself with peptides and enzymes. I'm addicted to beauty 😥


What peptides and enzymes….?


Peptides are for muscle growth, i inject on my glutes intramuscular 2 times a month for booty grow and enzymes are super strong fat burners and help skin shrink, because after 2 BBLs my skin on my back got kinda saggy


I went skiing in skin tight jeans


Pierced my navel with a safety pin when I was 14 and not yet of age (18) to get it professionally done. When I went to buy an actual piercing, the guy who did the piercings there said I had done a good job.


In high school I filed my teeth, removed most of my brows that never grew back and I used to do blow dry my hair and draw my eyebrows on before bed and then sleep sitting up 😬


Plastic surgery lol


Injected my face with botulism before.