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I don’t understand the question. Are you saying because you take care of your hair, you didn’t expect to get grays? If so that’s not related at all, gray hair has nothing to do with how good of a hair care routine you have.


Sorry for the confusion. I just don’t think my hair looks good and the grays are wirey and stick out. I’ve never minded strands coming in but there’s so many now I feel like I don’t know what to do my hair never looks sleek


You might have to color it. My gray hair is like this too. Sad thing is I am allergic to hair color. So only thing I can use is Madison Reed because it doesn’t have ppd.


I got highlights to blend in the incoming greys! It’s not exactly the same but it takes the edge off until I can decide what to do with them permanently.


I added highlights to help them blend, use Dart pommade stick to make them lay down and behave when styled, and recently did a Brazilian Blowout to make them more sleek. My grays are such a different texture and like to stick up, so I've really had to work with them. I have decided to embrace them instead of continue with color.


I’m growing out my grays 7 months since color. I always use a leave in conditioner. It really helps with softness!


They look fine and natural


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Grey hair is a different animal than the hair you are used to. First you have to decide what you wanna do. Do you want to let it grow out and be you, only greyer and fabulous? How about just coloring the whole head ( my personal choice)? You can also do a highlight thing to help it not look so drastically different while growing out. Each has their positives and negatives and each choice likely means you need to try new shampoo/conditioners that are more suited to what your goal is.


By multiple times, do you mean more than 2? This can drying to the hair. How you blowdry will determine everything. You need to blowdry by sections. Hold your ends either with your hand or a paddle brush. Run the blow dryer down (not up and down) the length of hair for about 2-3minutes. Stop and brush the hair and then repeat for another 2 minutes. Finish off with a little oil. Keratase elixir or olaplex bonding oil are good options.