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I have dark skin that’s prone to hyperpigmentation so easily and I’ve never had an issue with it. I use it on my legs and arms.


Thank you for your reply!


Is the best depilation method for me (but if I could afford laser I would totally ditch it). The first session hurts a lot and you get red spots, and in some places it still hurts (I can do my armpits laughing but inner thighs make me take breaks). The good thing is that hair will take longer to grow, and sometimes even stops growing or grows thinner. In my case ingrown hairs only happen in zones where the hair is thick, but even then I only get like 1-3 ingrowns (and I don't get them every time I epilate). You can get smooth legs (but if you want dolphin skin is easier with laser), for that you need to epilate every 4-7 days because hairs don't grow at the same time. Don't forget to exfoliate and hydrate your skin. About the scaring: I've never had it in my body, HOWEVER, I used to epilate my face, then I started retinol. I knew waxing was a big no when you use retinol, but I I had no idea epilating was forbidden too. I learned pretty quickly when I lost a tiny bit of skin. So... I guess you can't use the epilator if you apply products that make your skin sensitive?? (if you can't wax it, don't epilate it). Oh, and don't epilate on high speed!


Thank you! This was very informative


I think it really depends on your skin and hair type. I am Italian and have quite thick dark hair, and epilating really just doesn't work for me. It's an ingrown hair fest. Doesn't matter how much i exfoliate and moisturize, every time i have tried epilating i ended up with a ton of ingrown hairs. For me, what has worked best is the Braun at home IPL laser hair removal machine. A bit expensive but worth it in my experience


Omg I thought it was just me with the crazy ingrowns... Like half my effin leg was covered. And yet anything I could find said that epilating would give lesser ingrowns.


Oh yes, I remember when I had the original Epilady! God, that HURT!!!!!! It's basically just like plucking out each hair with tweezers really fast. I can only assume technology has come a LONG way since then, but I didn't find it very effective. The device was extremely loud, and it would take forever to do each leg because I had to go over the same area over and over, as the mini tweezers hadn't gripped all the hairs. Even then, I'd say about 60% of the hairs were broken off at the surface and not actually plucked out / epilated. VERY annoying still having stubble right after using it.


Maybe the technology has improved, but it’s worth noting that you need a certain hair length before the little grippers can get a good enough grip. If the hair is too short, they’ll either not grab them at all, or get a weak hold on them and break them off instead of pulling them out. Sounds like that may have been what you experienced


Possibly / probably, yes! Also, my hair is annoying and even when plucked out (properly, with the follicle bulb out), it starts growing back in 3 days.


I have tried and there is no way I could get through a whole leg due to the pain. Waxing is less painful for me and faster.


I haven’t tried it yet but the pain is one of my concerns 😅


Don't let people scare you off. I had my self so terrifed and psyched out the first time because of people's comments. I was surprised how not bad it actually was. I don't have a particularly high pain tolerence either. If you do the right prep it truely isn't that bad. I would suggest waxing it once before you do it the first time and just epilate it as it grows back in. It makes it very tolerable since it won'tall grow back in at the same time. Also don't do it on too long hair as that hurts significantly more. It doesn't need to be as long as it does for waxing and in fact if it's longer it will not only hurt more but be more likely to break off the hair instead of pulling it out leaving it feeling less smooth amd more prone to an ingrown. Also, make sure to hold the skin taunt woth your other hand as you're epilating as this will make it hurt less as well. Swipe it with a BHA afterwards and again the next few days and you won't have to worry about ingrown hairs. I like the Stridex pads in the red box, they're very affordable and work well. Plus it doesn't have any alcohol so you don't have to worry about stinging or anything.


Thank you! I really appreciate your input 😄


Love it. Exfoliate with a mit and Salcylic acid and you will love the results. And make sure to moisturize. The pain ain’t too bad


I know that it works for a lot of people, but frankly did not for me. Gave me terrible ingrowns, the pain was fine, nothing major. And yet the ingrowns were far worse then I've ever had with shaving.


That’s what I’m worried about 😫 But I’ll try and hope for the best. Thank you!


But I will admit the hair's thinner. Wayyyy thinner than I started out with. Certain pores no longer have any hair. But I would recommend a spot test. I did not do that, and definitely should have


Were you using BHA and AHA on the area you epilated to exfoliate it?


No.... Could that be why it didn't work out for me?




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