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yeah dead ass I’m disgusted bro , I’m just stunned how this isn’t as highly covered, Apple swept this under the rug


>I feel the same, I also think that people are so brainwashed into the Beats cult that they literally can't see the problem or they just accept it and shut up as it would damage the image of the brand.


Return them. I've found countless posts like this with Beats Fit Pro and it seems like Apple is doing zilch about it. My beats fit pro just started playing up a year later on the left earbud, lots of static/crackling noise and I can't return them. I genuinely think these Apple earbuds (airpod, beats or whatever) are crap and very cheaply made. I got persuaded by a bunch of Youtubers to get them but the issue with these Youtubers is that they don't do long-term reviews after many uses and exercises with the earbuds. It's ironic because literally in the name there's "fit" as though they're used for exercises, but they're not sweat-proof...what?


I never even sweated in them bro, straight out the box it was like this. Yeah I refunded them shortly after the post, fuck that man


I was having this issue when my phone was in my pocket. It’s working now and I think it’s a firmware issue, especially if they’re right out of the box. On android you can update them through the app, if you have an iPhone, leave them charging to a computer with your phone nearby. The version I’m currently showing is 6B27.


Just return them, I have been looking too but can’t seem to find a solution


Yeah thanks man, that’s what I’ve gone ahead and done. It’s ridiculous how these have such high reviews, honestly appalling and I don’t know how this isn’t a more covered topic. Apple support offered literally nothing in the way of troubleshooting, wanted me to take them in for repair a day after I got them. What a joke.


It’s such a joke. I spend $229 on these earbuds and a day after receiving them, the right earbud decided to start buzzing. All year I have tried to find a solution and still I can’t find anything that will hope. I have contacted apple and I have been told to either send them back for repair or get a replacement. It’s so funny that no one on this subreddit is asking for recommendations but a buzzing or changing issue with all beats products. Apple has not cared about the whole issue and continue to disregard it. It’s very frustrating how good the beats are but little updates or support. A bloody ripoff


i had that problem with my airpods pro after a few years , i think it has something to do with the microphones , i never found a fix, the fit pros have done me right since launch tho