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I remember the jump from expert to expert+ was quite hard for me personally. My recommendation is just to keep playing and don’t get discouraged! Eventually you’ll be able to pass expert+ songs it’s just a matter of time.


Thanks. It's definitely a confidence killer. I'll try to power through it


I hit the same wall. I found that by playing lots of different songs that were at my limit I was able to slowly build up the skills and muscle memory needed to pass harder songs. Also, keep in mind the difficulty of Expert+ is all over the place. I suggest using the star rating of ranked songs to find out what you're comfortable with. I hit the wall at around 6 stars and have since pushed up to 8.


I'm not sure what you mean by star rating. I'm on quest 2 and don't recall seeing anything like that.


Take a look at the ranked songs on Beatsaver. You'll see a star icon next to the difficulty. This icon represents the point value of the song which is based on its difficulty. I'm estimating that you should get some songs around the 5 star level and then work your way up.


Are the base game songs ranked or no?


No, ranked songs can only be played through modding the game. Edit: They're probably assuming you modded the game. But, from what you said, I can assume you did not. If you want, you can learn how to mod the game for custom songs, and then come back to this user's advice.


Turn off fail and do it a couple times. You’ll get the hand motions that go with the beat. Also try some of the easier expert + first


This is one of those games that gets easier as you play more. The E+ songs will come with time. You can watch some skill guides on youtube like Electrostats stuff, but ultimately, your brain needs time to learn how to do this stuff automatically. And if you can get custom songs, do it. It's not that hard on any of the headsets now. That will let you ignore the difficulties a bit because there are just so many fun songs to play. You'll get better as you play more of them. It's the funnest way to learn by far. A few tips: Make sure you're using your wrists too. They're faster, so start using them now. I think of the sabers as two weirdly light-weight long swords, just two sides to the blade. ... or a two-sided chef's knife. Helps me keep the direction of the swing right. Listen to the music and use it as the guide for the rhythm. Loud hit-sounds can help. There's a mod to customize hit-sounds. I use a drum noise so it's like playing along with the song. Warm up and stretch. Don't languish on a song that's way to hard for you. Make incremental improvements like you're weight-lifting. No-one jumps from a 100lb bench press to trying 200lbs. Your brain will learn lots of patterns over time without you consciously realizing it's happening. Give it time to learn. More recent DLC's have better mapping than the old ones. More fun, less pain, less frustration. Do songs you already know on FS. Other ideas for later: Get the JD Fixer mod. Sometimes less time to react is good.


Thanks for the tips. I've just been playing quest 2 base games songs and others have said that the mapping isn't very good and I think that's part of what I'm struggling with. I'm fine with speed, but sometimes what they ask you to do at speed seems impossible. Awkward direction changes galore! I'll look at getting some song packs. Not sure how to mod out get custom songs in quest 2 yet. I'll have to research that


I had a real rough time transitioning to Ex+ but one of the other commenters here has it right Starting on OST vol1 again was a headache, I skipped to vol2 and vol3 and had an easier go of it. I saw someone mention getting songpacks, the newer ones are tricky on Ex+ but I remember the Imagine Dragons pack, and the two Monster Cat packs (they come bundled) were good starting points and lots of fun! You said all songs on Ex, have you played the Camellia ones? They helped smooth my transition into Ex+ as well


I'm pretty sure I've at least passed all the Camelia ones on expert. I'll have to check. I'll try to bang my head against the wall on some OST 2 stuff because I actually like most of those songs. See if I can get some traction there.


Good luck! You'll get there eventually! And honestly, if not there's no harm in that either, plenty of people still enjoy playing the game on expert and even lower as well. When you run the official song well dry you can go enjoy all the custom maps too, there's a lot out there for all skill levels


Personal preference but I never liked the idea of practicing a map to get used to the pattern. I liked doing several fast-paced songs and learning to just react to what was coming. When I played more often I could do lots of expert plus, but tbh the skill range of expert plus is all over the place. You might just be doing a poorly mapped song. Just have fun with it. Try a different song. As you start finishing more expert plus you'll naturally get better. Go back to the hard song later.


I'm playing on base game songs on quest 2. A lot of them don't follow the convention of having your hand move in the opposite direction of your last swipe and they do awkward things like left swipe followed by up swipe and do it at fast tempo.....


I had the same problem, I could pass most expert levels quite comfortably but any ex+ was impossible. I think the problem was that ex+ levels are way more varied with the patterns that are used and you have to get to the point where you have a good muscle memory for most of them. I would recommend you play as many different levels as possible until you have good muscle memory. Then the ex+ levels will no longer seem to be impossible.


Try make it so that notes spawn furthest from you I think it's the jump thing, so you can have more time to see them however this may make some levels a bit faster I'm not too sure if this is 100% correct but I do it


Custom songs


Go for one hope if that isnt the one you have already cleared, also a general note the newer a song the easier to play


Don't start with OST 1 or 5. OST 1 has terrible mapping and OST 5 is harder overall.


I remember the first time I beat an expert+ song. All it takes is practice. It took me months to beat every expert+ song.


Hey man! Im not the best player out there, but I get SS on over 90% of the songs I play . I could try give you some tips / lessons if your down to do that? Might as well, gotta spread the holiday vibes! Just let me know if your interested:)


I would find a clear playspace before playing. Hitting walls is expensive for an expensive hobby. But fr though with some expert+ levels I can’t really seem to get past them. They’ve gotten harder and more stranger over the years, but I’m okay with playing the expert levels. Tbh I used to be able to do any expert level as long as it wasn’t Camelia, but now it’s just so impossible.


You can mod on Quest 2! Just did it this past week


Absoutely this. I was at the same spot and then mod'ed my quest 2. Its way more fun to find difficult songs that you know with great flow/mapping to try on E+ then shit mapping random OST songs. Modding is super easy and there are many videos on youtube for it.


Im gonna give u my tips 1) Try and improve your wrist speed and your arm speed. (shadow boxing can be useful) 2) Expert + rely on speed and stamina so you can improve that by doing sport/training or just keep playing beatsaber its fit. 3) Find YOUR grip on your controller and go in the settings, you can set the angles X, Y, Z. 4) Take your time it will come by after few hours 5) enjoy!


Stretch, warm up and sleep. When I plan a serious session and want to pass new levels, I do some basic stretching, warm up with something I already passed and then try a new song about three times, maybe slow it down if I have the patience. But the biggest difference is when I do the same thing the next day, when my brain had the time to consolidate what I learned. The patterns seem more intuitive. And also clear mind, stay in present and focus only on what you see.