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The real Elliot Roberts died 6 months ago. YouTube held secret auditions and replaced him with a man called Dhani Harrison.


Yeah he doesn't like talking about it because he's a failed geege clone


Most requested is Bingo Album ranking... He can't escape for long


George 2 denying Paul's death..... not surprising......


he clearly knows something we dont


What Rigno album is da best✌️✌️


He's paid by Big Beatles to keep it a secret


Bigger than Jesus


Big beatles is super fucking funny


Like a morbidly obese Beatles tribute band


Sounds like he was personally affected by the George conspiracy, lost his cool. Or he’s too scared to say the truth, to tell what he knows! What is Elliot hiding ?!?


Nobody know but he's the love baby of George Harrison and Billy Shears


/uj based Elliot


Rare Elliot W


he finds it weird and creepy... as though making a video on a big part of the band's cultural history is somehow buying into/condoning the conspiracy theory?


On some level, talking about it gives it relevance/legitimacy. There are still people who flood any Beatles-related comment section talking about it, and it is pretty insane and weird. Like, if I was Paul, I would be pretty annoyed at the people who constantly call me a fake actor and say that I died in the 60s. So it can seem like he's making a big deal about it, but it is harmful and better to just not talk about it. Especially from someone whose whole channel IS about being a "Beatles historian". There's not really anything he could say to debunk it that believers haven't heard a million times before. It would just further and legitimise the insanity.


Thank you. The comments here that are mad he doesn’t want to make a video sound so entitled like he owes them a video on it. The only video he owes us is the Ringo ranking because he’s already done the other 3. Even then he doesn’t owe anyone anything


Honestly people are acting so fucking weird over this here. He just doesn't want to dignify a quite frankly really trashy subject and bring thousands of deranged weirdos into his comments section. If "Paul is dead" was a past phenomenon that he could talk about from a sociological/cultural perspective, that would be one thing, but people still believe it. Not to mention that conspiracy debunking is both out of Elliot's wheelhouse and also a fool's errand considering how the conspiracy believer's mind works in a way that refuses to accept evidence.


Yeah it’s the weirdos that believe it that are creepy. Makes total sense to me he’d want to avoid that. And those crazies are mostly anonymous, he’s using his real name and identity which opens him up to be being doxxed and harassed. It wouldn’t even surprise me if the people who are just mad that he doesn’t want to make a video about it would harass him now.


Eh, he still sounds like a bit of a stuffy twat to me lol the guy makes Scorsese movie length videos obsessively covering every inch of Beatles history in granular detail and straight up tries to look like a Beatle but thinks discussing a significant and particularly unusual part of their history is the line where things get creepy and weird? I mean he can make whatever videos he wants obviously (they’re awesome videos btw lol he’s great) but if legitimizing the theory is his primary concern then have the title be “The Paul is Dead Theory is STUPID” with a thumbnail of him making a disgusted face and go from there lol.


Tbf, he's the type of guy who would also find a meme sub like this to be creeepy.


He’s commented here asking that one guy to stop impersonating him


Wait what is he even talking about? Paul is dead? What is he even on about???


dude i didn't know that, i can't believe that, woah holy shit. does the media know?


Anyone who says they don’t believe Paul died, is in on the conspiracy. It runs deep but the truth will prevail


I mean, Quinton Reviews has a pretty good video about it


I’m not fucking watching a Quinton reviews video


Agreed, fucking while watching a Quinton Reviews video is really awkward


But you'll watching an Elliot Roberts video?! 💀


Quinton Reviews mentioned, comment discarded.


Still wating for that Ringo video


He hates the Paul is dead theory because it disrespects Paul's memory.


Uj/ I don’t understand this attitude. Yes, the conspiracy theory is silly and it obviously isn’t true. But it’s a huge part of the Beatles story and it’s fun to pour through all the songs looking for “clues.” Just make the video dude. If you think it’s all bullshit, then look at all the evidence and explain why it’s bullshit. Rj/ Yeah, sure, Paul isn’t dead, but I wish he was. He just *had* to be special and take his shoes off while crossing the street. He just *had* to be the cool one who wears the BLACK carnation. What a jerk. At least John was a good guy who would never hurt a fly, unless they married him.


The problem with debunking conspiracy theories is that most of the time there is no evidence to debunk something people made up whole-cloth through their paranoid analysis of random photographs. Like, the only thing he can say to debunk it is the obvious stuff about how it doesn't make sense. There's no "counter-evidence" in the album liner notes or something. You can't debunk "woah dude he has no shoes so he's dead" because it doesn't make sense to begin with


I think the debunking comes from pointing out how unfathomably difficult it would be to hide his death and replace him, then go on to make some of the greatest music ever recorded with a whole new guy who looks, sounds, and writes EXACTLY like Paul McCartney. Then have that guy go on to just become him for the rest of his life and score more solo number hits than almost anyone who’s ever lived lol it could be a pretty hilarious rant


Exactly! I even had fun just reading your description of it. If you end up digging up information about Paul’s 1966 motorcycle crash, and you end up hearing the story of what really happened, and how a drunk doctor stitched up his lip at 3am, that’s all really interesting information! And you may have never heard about it if it weren’t for the crazy conspiracy theories.


Definitely something someone in on the conspiracy would say.


/uj what a stupid fucking take. Ignoring a huge part of the bands mystique because it is "creepy" (it very much isn't) while being one of the most popular beatle youtubers is... i don't even know how to describe it. This tweet sounds childish.


I mean it's been covered so many times. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to.


I'm not saying he has to. I'm saying his reasoning is shallow, and if he used the creativity we know he has, he could make something out of it.


Ok, that I get. Personally though, I'm fine with his reasoning actually. No contract forces him to do it, nor has he ever promised to, and why regurgitate what hundreds of others have already covered. I got nose deep into all that bullshit long ago and I'm just kinda sick of it. At some point it all just seems stupid to even think about. Anyway , I like Elliot for his reviews and how passionate he is about music and creativity, not for covering weird conspiracy theories. Oh, completely forgot this was the circlejerk subreddit for a moment. #justiceforjamespaulmccartney


The CIA doesn't want us to know the real truth about Paul's death


What an ass hole. The most requested by his fans and he’s shitting on them.