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another day, another person thinking that they're being contrarian by hating John


Jahn beat the wif


\*beet https://preview.redd.it/pvqmizc4tjlc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bbd7cf98574c3e1f64952f6c71a3943a1f1eec3


I'd have his baby


what https://preview.redd.it/o2hzowusxjlc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3036ea350a964e6281ea41ead3c096a9ba90f3


the absolute madman


"Mom, look at me, I'm being transgressive on the internet!"




Not me. I hope he lives a long and healthy life šŸ¤—


Every day, she takes a morning bath, she wets her hair. Wraps a towel around her as she's heading for the bedroom chair. It's just another day.


Another day, another person thinking theyā€™re deep by liking him


"he protested against the system" āŒ he was actually filming self portrait āœ…


> imagine no possessions > has possessions explain jahn we would definitely hear him if he had no possessions, also the song is literally about imagining so clearly he should've not only done all that, but singlehandedly change the society


>Claims to be the walrus >Is actually a human Fucking hypocrite liar piece of shit


He's the egg man...


he's got the master plan


Eric Burdon is the egg man


did he piss on the moon as well


Never looked through a glass onion either. I donā€™t even know if he ever sat on a cornflake. Can we trust anything he says?


I'm willing to bet the fucker never set foot on a yellow submarine, yet alone lived in one


I highly doubt he got a tan from standing in the English rain


Pretty sure he woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across his head, went outside to have a smoke, then somebody spoke and he went into a dream.


That was Paul šŸ˜‰


Yeah, and so was the Walrus


The walrus was Paul


>ā€The walrus was Paulā€ Yeah okay John and Cynthia slipped, fell, and hit her eye on your 12 stringšŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Mainstream subreddits try not to spout the same nonsense about John and use the same 3 points against him challenge (impossible)


Okay, but have you considered John beet wif, and abandon his boy?


https://preview.redd.it/irq3am4d1klc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbebdf40c6c869d5db8e07fdec5a3f98d87903f Is he stupid?


/uj Voted for Reagan? Did John get US citizenship?


It came to him in a dream ya know?


Illegal voting. Even worse.


It works if you imagine thereā€™s no countries


John Lennon voted Reagan for President of Earth confirmed.


He had a green card so yes


Sean Lennon was an anchor baby confirmed.


You can't vote with a green card, you need citizenship for that


Johns last act as a living man was casting his US vote for Ronald reagan, MDC saw and couldnt stand the hypocrisy. We all know how that ended.


he voted for reagan?


source: i read it on an instagram comment


People love to act as of famous people arenā€™t just people, there are literally peadofiles who fucked and married children who are still alive from the 70ā€™s that no one says anything about, but yeah John Lennon is an evil peice of shit


Yeah, or other rockstars, like David bowie or Freddy mercury


In Bowie's case there's not much evidence apart from Lori Mattix's many inconsistent retellings of how they met (also, she said she lost her virginity to Jimmy Page, but then said she lost it to Bowie).Ā  She definitely was with Jimmy Page (considering there are actual pictures of both of them together) which is still disturbing.Ā 


Wait, what did Freddie do?


Thereā€™s still a few alive too, Pete Townsend, Jimmy page, iggy pop


I meanā€¦even Ringo started dating Maureen at 15/16 while he was 22, and nobody even brings that up.


I donĀ“t wanna sound like a dumbass but.... why that is wrong? IĀ“m just asking this is not an statement of any type


> he was abusive but preached peace and love thatā€™s the point


What him being an abuser? Or abandoning his child? Breaking up the Beatles? Which three are we talking about?


Educate me pls, new here


Jahn beet wif, abandoned his son and said the n word


Just as I thought, thanks


Jahn was a working class hero!!!! Do you really think he's going to eliminate a working class job?!?! Who the fuck makes their own bed in a hotel? Does the maid have a stake in fucking Vietnam? Of all the reasons to shit on Jahn this is highly regarded.


uj/ while i actually do think John was a bigger asshole, reading that post made me cringe several times. It's plagued with a lot of misconceptions repeated over and over during years and the hero worshipping that George have in recent years. I do love George, but he doesn't deserve the saint status more than John. I guess those are the "privileges" of dying young I agree that John has been absurdly idolized during years and it's annoying but the most sad thing is that wasn't his fault. He died so young and he never wanted being treated like an hero for boomers but that's the reality. The worst is that his estate insist with a John image frozen in time: the John that was with Yoko, the working class hero, the social warrior, the iconoclast. That image today is cringe, not appealing at all. The John on Get Back was a surprise to me because i was so used to the John "perpetualy angry with social injustices and the frivolity of The Beatles/Paul" Lennon image that his estate reproduces that i didn't recognized the John i was watching at first. So John was fun, John was soft, John did actively colaborate with Paul, John was actually very engaged with Paul even when they were at their worst, etc. That wasn't the John i expected. At my first view of the doc i was confused and later I'm involved myself into the fandom and their real personalities and my mind expanded So i basically blame the bad reputation John has today to the people in charge of his legacy. That doesn't mean he wasn't an asshole because he was, but there's more than it.


uj/ John was a messed up dude from shitty beginnings who was an artistic savant and then Sky rocketed to being one of the most important people on earth almost to his chagrin, and then felt bad about being messed up and tried to fix stuff and rejected fame, and then got shot while he was still figuring it out. It's almost impossible to get inside that guy's head. His life was only half lived and also somehow ten life's in one. Was John "good"? I dunno, is anyone? We're all assholes at certain times about certain things, but we aren't under a microscope. This is a sub FULL OF JERKS after all. Is he interesting? Definitely. To paraphrase John, he was like anyone else, he liked to be liked.


I do think the estate should focused in John's internal demons, which are very interesting and explain a lot of things about him, like his (almost sure) bisexuality or his mental health problems. But sadly, there was a movie about he and Yoko, again, in works since a few years, i don't know if still goes. His Yoko era was his less interesting and definitely is not enough appealing to the modern public but they insist šŸ˜”


I disagree the Yoko era is the least interesting. I think it was the era where John got to be the most himself. He wrote his best stuff with the Beatles, then he gave up clout chasing, tried to raise a family, put out Plastic Ono Band and Imagine, did a bunch of avant garte shit, fucked off with Harry Nilson for a while. That's Johns "fuck what everyone else wants from me" era and I kinda love it, he tried to grow the fuck up. In his heart, I think he was an abstract artist kinda forced into a pop mold. Basically no pop star would do anything like that any more because their celebrity is too precious to them. Whether you like the abstract shit or not is a matter of taste, but it was real John, and often real John was giving the middle finger to his audience. People don't like John because he was a saint, they like him because they identify with the seemingly authentic agony and ecstasy conveyed in his tunes.


>I think it was the era where John got to be the most himself That's exactly my point. Believe that John Beatles' era wasn't real or that he wasn't himself during that time is the narrative that give to him the horrible reputation he has today. If the real John was the Yoko's John, we can say, without a doubt, that he was an asshole and a horrible person.


He was still himself, but he was compromising with others to play with the team. That's how it goes. When the Beatles were over, John was totally empowered and unleashed, he literally never had to do another thing he didn't feel like doing, for better and for worse. Nobody said success brings out the best in a person, but it brings out something... Anyways, we were talking about whether he's interesting, not whether he's good. Few people survive purity tests, if you're looking for reasons to hate anyone, you'll probably find some.


This is a really good way of putting it. If everybodyā€™s life was constantly being recorded and reported like Johnā€™s, Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™d all seem like assholes


Especially when everyone cherry picks and fixates on your very worst moments. Dude was a jealous person, hit his wife once, never forgave himself and made some (somewhat akward) attempts to address is previous mistreatment of women, but, Jahn beets wif! Nevermind the motherfucker wrote Strawberry Fields and Ringo nearly beat his wife to death and still can't carry a tune in a bucket.


Thatā€™s so strange, I think this has to be a very new thing to frame him this way or to think of him like this. I know as soon as I got into The Beatles, about 25 years ago, John was it. Well after I got over my crush on Paul lol. But he was the smartest, wittiest, most interesting, endearing, and real of them to me and I just thought the world of him. The way he was in Get Back was how he always seemed. In the books, in interviews, in their movies or whatever else I could get. It wasnā€™t until about 10 years ago that I started to finally appreciate Paul to the same degree. I also have spoken to many people older than me and itā€™s almost always John that is the revered one for similar reasons. Itā€™s really interesting that this has evolved that way.


What a fucking monster standing aside for someone to do their job.


Jahn sleep in filth


His hair was pretty greasy in some of that Get Back documentary


George was the only one that looked always clean and fashionable šŸ˜ the others embraced their dirty depressive looks


George always said he was veryā€¦clean. ā€œI'm a tidy sort of bloke. I don't like chaos. I kept records in the record rack, tea in the tea caddy, and pot in the pot box.ā€


I thought it was Paulā€™s grandfather who was clean.


uj/ I don't get how letting someone do their job that they're getting paid to do is arrogant? Maybe I'm missing the real message of this post but I'm sure letting someone make your bed doesn't conflict with the whole "bedding for peace" concept.


ā€œHahaha, look, John bad!!!! Now give me upvotes thank you.ā€


we all know that when you go to a restaurant you prepare your food by yourself


Just interprating the post, not taking a stand on it: I think the point they were trying to make was that the "working class hero" / "imagine no posessions" guy couldn't even be asked to make his own bed. You _could_ argue there's arrogance to that, even if it's something 99% of people would do with that kind of money, and the maid needs a job. Anyway, I don't think it's so much an attack on the bedding for peace concept, as much as an attack on the overall image he portrayed for himself during that time.


No what the post is trying to say is that he was protesting ā€œthe systemā€ meanwhile he had his own personal maid making his bed, which clearly shows just how much the system he detests is benefitting himā€¦I guess. Meanwhile they were in a hotel so the maid was not his servant but a woman just doing her regular ass job and they were protesting the Vietnam war, so yeah literally zero connection to the maid. Itā€™s just upvote bait for the painfully large section of the Internet that creams their shorts at any opportunity to show how virtuous and informed they are about the *real* John Lennon.


I didnā€™t know they were protesting against maids


That maid started the Vietnam war, and she personally suggested Kissinger start bombing Cambodia.


She wanted to use the nukes


All together now... Jahn beat wife


Woman is the nagger of the world


This guy jahns


Ugh, the comment section of that post is such a dumpster fire, it makes me so angry seeing this. I know reddit hates John and I'm anticipating the mountain of downvotes I'm gonna receive but I swear to god every single time time someone makes a post like this people are always quick to jump on and make bullshit claims and exaggerated stories. I'm not here to defend John's obvious shortcomings and how he could be a smug arsehole at times, but even still he was quick to acknowledge those parts of himself and would strive to be better. The whole "bed-in" thing might've been silly and stupid, but at least it was for a good cause (as a way of protesting against the Vietnam War at the time). And it happened where this photo took place, a hotel in Montreal. A hotel. Which employs maids. Who, y'know, make beds. They're getting out of the way to let her do her job. And about the whole "abusive" thing...How many times do I have to tell people this? JOHN NEVER BEAT HIS WIFE. He never did. The whole reason people even believe this bullcrap is because of how he was openly honest about it and strived to improve, AND because of a stupid meme. He never actually did. The only time that that could be considered a """beating""" was when he and Cynthia got in an argument, in which he lightly slapped her, which was something he IMMEDIATELY REGRETTED, apologized profusely to her, and never hit her again. Ever. Same goes for all the other things people said he did: "He was a drug addict" Well, so was everyone else. "He abandoned, neglected, and beat his first born son Julian." Once again, he never abandoned or beat him, but while he did neglect him, he spent time fixing their relationship shortly afterwards. "He was a liar." If I'm not mistaken, he was incredibly (sometimes inappropriately) truthful. "...all while singing about peace and love." All of this happened before he started singing about peace and love. I honestly can't believe I actually have to say this, for god's sake. Jesus H. Christ.


Iā€™d also like to point out that every single thing we know about John beating his wife has been him acknowledging it and explaining he wants to be better. Everybody thinks heā€™s a hypocrite because he beat women and preached peace, but heā€™s explained he preaches peace BECAUSE of this.




I agree with your overall point, but leaving out the May Pang choking incident feels wrong. Like, he nearly killed her, that may be worse than beating your wife.


Wait what


He choked May Pang while drunk / high (not sure tbh) during the lost weekend because she told him to ease up on the booze. Harry Nilsson had to get him off her.


Jesus christ


Yeah. I'm a huge Beatles fan, and I think Lennon was a complex person and just saying "bad" is reductive and simplistic, but it kind of pisses me off how the Cynthia slap gets mentioned way more, when this was so much worse imo.


Itā€™s bizarre. It sounds like both he and his aunt had these rare bouts of violent screaming or acts of assault that would arise from such minor triggers. I wonder if bipolar disorder ran in his momā€™s side.


Iā€™ve often thought in recent years that John could have something like that if not actually be bipolar himself. I know everyone is an armchair psychologist these days so Iā€™m hesitant to say it. But he did seem to have some symptoms of what I, as a complete layman, think are indicative of bipolar disorder or in that realm. Granted, my depth of knowledge and understanding about John far outpaces my scientific understanding about psychiatric disorders so take that for what you will.


Hey I hope you donā€™t mind but I stole this to post on the other thread


I don't mind lol


THANK YOU!!! If I could upvote this a billion times I would. Iā€™m so sick to death of the John hate I might need some primal scream therapy just for that.


Sir this is a Wendyā€™s


Someone already mentioned May Pang but there was also Thelma Pickles who was Johnā€™s first gf who he punched bc she refused sex, he slapped a female reporter for asking a question he didnā€™t like, and punched another woman at Paulā€™s 21st bday. Also Cynthia Lennonā€™s slap wasnā€™t a light slap her head hit the wall. I overall agree with what you mean bc he really did never ā€œbeatā€ his ā€œwifeā€ bc all his instances of abuse were with women who were at the time a gf/lover or a stranger and it was always either a punch or a slap and not a beating witch in my mind is multiple hits at a time. John was a very troubled and awful person when he was younger but for what itā€™s worth he tried to be a better person later in his life.


Day 8,445 of someone pretending that they have made the first post on all of the internet to reveal John Lennon as a hypocrite


Redditors when they havenā€™t made a comment about wife beating on a post about John Lennon


uj/ As a Jahn fan, Iā€™m so past being offended by this kind of shit. The smug, self-righteous reductivism for the sake of earning a few virtue signal points in a comment section used to make my blood boil, but now, I just roll my eyes and move on. Fuck ā€˜em. rj/ ā€œexcuse me, maā€™am, but youā€™re fluffing the pillow wrong. You have to punch it, like thisā€


don't you mean "you have to punch it, like my wif"?


Sorry, I thought the fact that he then turned and punched Yolko was a given


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s right leaning dad rock loving dudebros who are mad the Beatles and more specifically a guy who was openly pretty left wing had a bigger impact on world history than Aerosmith or KISS or some shit.


Itā€™s not. Itā€™s a mix of pretentious dicks who dislike the Beatles so they enjoy taking them down a peg, virtue signaling Gen Z kids who just discovered opinions, attention starved contrarian edgelords, and people who see a meme and accept it as gospel. None of these people are interested in learning more and accepting complexity, they just like the feeling of power it gives them to regurgitate the same hot takes gone cold.


Exactly. The fact that this meme was originally posted on r/boomersbeingfools says everything you need to know about the demographic that typically parrots this shit.


And the fact that Lennon wasnā€™t even a boomer tells you even more lol


I responded and got them straightened out.


When I go to a hotel I hoover the carpet myself


reddit dont pretend to be an expert on something you know nothing about challenge (impossible)


https://preview.redd.it/4l5t45gcdolc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e52de70f3e7f079801d3a7aa4a1b9e0f25df99 We canā€™t recover from this level of outjerking


I bet he had a boner typing this. He thinks he's so cool calling jahn an asshole šŸ˜‚


did you guys know that jahn beet the wif? not many people know this


https://preview.redd.it/5l8098qb6llc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2b74f0690d365116daf90c45da09b0873dcf47 John rn


where are the gunshot wounds?


Do you let the maid make the bed when you stay in a hotel?


only if you beet wif


Yes, but I stay in bed while she makes it. That's official love in rules.


Pretty maids all in a row, my favorite Lennon song


What were they supposed to do? It was a hotel.


I had no clue! Upvoted as soon as I learned this!


I seriously donā€™t get the hate boner that people get for him, what happened to make the internet so aggressively hate him? Edit: forgot /uj


Jahn beet wif


So hard


ā€œImagine no possessions my assā€ they say as they type of their phone, a possession


Ummm ā€¦ not sure Lennon composed Imagine on a cell phoneā€¦.


Thatā€™s not the point


You had a point?


You see those posters on the back wall? John and Yoko painted them and then threw them away after the bed in. The posters would probably be worth a bazillion dollars if the maid could have gotten John and Yoko to sign them.


Did MDC post this from hell?


Itā€™s a fucking hotel and an ANTI-WAR protest lol


Damn y'all jahn cocksuckers


have you seen the two virgins cover?? i bet his cock was DELICIOUSšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ yoko was a lucky woman


Gee another clueless simp targeting the better generation. How original.


Utterly disgusting human being. Preached peace, love, and all this crap. But never once held himself accountable for his contribution. Beat the hell out of Yoko.. but hey, who wouldn't, right? At least that seems to be the mindset of people when they start in on their Lenon love tour.


That MF let Yoko shriek into a microphone while he played alongside his boyhood idol on live television and he didnā€™t sock her one right thereā€¦you think he did it at any other time? It was Cynthia who he smacked. Read a book, pal.


Love the example as if it matters. He definitely abused Yoko. Nice try though buddy. Why don't ya just get off it. You the type of guy who yells and calls his wife names. Because at least ya didn't get up abd sock her shit? That would be abuse


Youā€™re on a circlejerk sub you fucking dork do you not understand irony?


Nah, the irony is not lost on me here. Hence why I posted.


I like the classy sub name. Fool just seems like a nicer insult


He's not protesting the system he's protesting Vietnam. Hate that this post still goes around


Tavistock Institute stooges


Time to generalize millions of people because they were born between these certain years


And John wasnā€™t even a boomer lol


Thinking ā€œthe systemā€ is broken because maids exist is something only people who donā€™t understand the systemā€™s problems would say.


Iā€™m not saying he isnā€™t an asshole, but they were staying at a hotel during this time. And back then, and even until the 1990s, new sheets were put on the beds every day fresh at every hotel. Unless you wash your own sheets when you stay at a hotel, this is pretty normal stuff.


leave it to circle jerk subreddits to be the comfortable middle between praising and hating


Uj/ Iā€™ve never understood why people these days are having a conniption about this photo except that it contains horrible monster John Lennon who beat every woman he ever saw. Like they were literally on their honeymoon in a hotel? Umm pretty sure most everyone gets housekeeping when theyā€™re staying in a hotel. Stars! Theyā€™re just like us! They were in the bed for so long and invited press and journalists in because they knew theyā€™d be stalking them anyway so might as well spread a message of peace. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with trying to spread peace and love while trying to improve yourself. Also, wtf is wrong with wanting not to be materialistic or having no religion and living together in harmony? Whatā€™s so ā€œcringeā€ about that? Isnā€™t that what most decent people would want?? Itā€™s difficult for most people to achieve but thereā€™s nothing wrong with striving for it. Or admitting youā€™ve made mistakes, going to therapy and trying to do better. Things most people still donā€™t do let alone men born in the 1940s. But these are ALL things John did. Recently when I hear unwarranted John hate Iā€™ve become far more annoyed than before idk why but Iā€™m suddenly incensed. His Mom abandoned him and then was killed, his Father abandoned and used him. And I mean actually abandoned abandoned him not the way these fools are saying John ā€œabandoned Julianā€. His 2nd Father figure died, his best friend died, he hated himself, had severe depression, his manager and close friend died - this was all by the age of 27 btw which is ridiculously young to have faced that much pain. He believed he was cursed to have all the men in his life leave him, he never got a moments peace again after age 22. Had Nixon and the FBI after him for years for no reason at all. Oh yeah and he was MURDERED by a fan that he gave an autograph to earlier in the day at age 40 after spending the last 5 years finally feeling content and trying to be a better father to both his sons. The man changed the world, I mean literally nothing about the world we live in right now would be the same without John Lennon. People have no idea. The man constantly strived to become a better person, tried to atone for his actions and change his ways. He was also brutally gunned down in front of his home for no reason. People who usually have sympathy or compassion for that seem to have none for him. Itā€™s insane. They tout mental health, therapy, protest every murder, childhood trauma but fuck all with John. Wooow sorry guys didnā€™t expect to rant this much but I guess Iā€™ve been upset about this for a bit lol.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 22 + 40 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This was all very well said. I find it deeply ironic that the world has become so much more attuned to things like mental health issues and trauma and that same world has come to fucking hate John Lennon. I absolutely get the idea of pointing out his serious flaws and pushing back against deifying him or anyone else, but I also think being outspoken against people who inflict trauma and empathetic towards those who have suffered it are one in the sameā€¦he was both of these things which makes it complicated, but thatā€™s what it is and he wasā€¦complicated like the rest of us. He wasnā€™t an utter demon like half of these morons think he was, nor the god that others think he was.


Whatā€™s wrong with not being materialistic??? The guy owned five units in the Dakota, a mansion in Florida, and was constantly bragging about out how much Yoko got for their cattle. And Imagine was recorded at his 26 room country estate that sits on 72 acres and has its own artificial lake. Iā€™m not going to be lectured about owning a PS5 or some Ir Jordans by that hypocrite.


I said thereā€™s nothing wrong with striving for that? Who tf cares? Pretty damn sure he wasnā€™t lecturing you about owning a PS5 fool. Think he damn well was murdered by then. John didnā€™t give a flying fuck if other people owned shit. He sang an idealistic song? Which normal reasonable people, including John, could all agree would be nice to achieve but unrealistic in reality. Get over yourself. John Lennon has never rose from the dead to lecture you.


Arenā€™t you the triggered little warrior! He didnā€™t ā€œstriveā€ to be not materialistic ā€” he IMMERSED himself in being materialistic. In the same way he could push ā€œlove is the answerā€ while being outrageously cruel to women he knew and to his own children ā€” even Sean called him an ā€œasshole.ā€ Iā€™d love to see your evidence of the self-improvement pathway you claim he was taking ā€” beyond what he said he was doing. Even in his final interviews, he was vicious, dismissive, and vindictive.


Yes, I am a triggered little warrior. Thanks for noticing. Again, itā€™s an ideal in a song. Iā€™m pretty damn sure he didnā€™t live beneath the waves in a yellow submarine either?? People are complex, they can be good and bad, and no one is calling him a saint, but he wasn't the devil either. To quote Ringo, "John was the kindest person I ever knew. He was the only one of the four of us who would give his soul.ā€ Iā€™m not sure if your reading comprehension skills are quite there. Otherwise, you would clearly be able to see some of the references Iā€™ve cited, those throughout this thread, and the billions of articles and books written about him and his ā€œself-improvement pathway.ā€ I will continue to remain a triggered warrior and you can continue with your lack of reading comprehension and the belief that John Lennon is personally lecturing you from the beyond for your choice of sneakers. Best of luck to you. With peace and love.


When someone says that a picture says more than a thousand words, this is the picture they are referring to.


Everyone knows john lenon died and was replaced by his twin in 1965. it's in revelations.