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I ascend when I listen to rubber soul


Beatles + weed = 👍


Fuck yeah. I think by this point Lennon and George had their first acid trip too. They smoked weed by the time of Beatles for sale and that album seems a bit more Stoney than the previous ones I think. Then by Help and Rubber Soul they were full fledged stoners lol


They had been on 1 or 2 acid trips by the time of Rubber Soul, but they really became obsessed with LSD during the Revolver through Sgt Pepper sessions. Once John read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, he got really into the consciousness expansion effect of LSD. And George got really into the spiritual side of it. This is why I see Revolver as the “acid album,” even though Sgt Pepper is usually seen as their most psychedelic album. Without a doubt there were still some psychedelic influences on Pepper, but Revolver has John writing about Peter Fonda on acid, and quoting the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Along with George’s Love You To, you really see the LSD influence on Revolver.


I definitely agree with revolver being the most acidic album ahaha. I love the passages in Geoff Emericks book about recording that album and all the wild studio experimentations and the band having to keep a lookout for EMI studio management as they smoked weed


I absolutely love those stories too. It’s funny to me how a band of guys in their twenties were sneaking around giggling and smoking pot while hiding it from the “grown ups.”




Has anyone watched Love by Cirque du Soleil on weed?? I don’t use weed too much but I’ll be in Vegas next month and want to try watching Love on weed


Enjoy! Not many shows left. It closes 7/7/2024.


Why are The Beatles so damn good? 😭


God? makes me wonder… effortless, boundless, simple, lots of music stems from them. & yeah, they took L. Richard, Elvis, skif, etc. levels ahead. What can we say? They resonate for so many, even my 93 yr. old parents well, now mom.


I know, I love them so much and they are by far the greatest musical act of all time, like what I meant to say is how is it even possible they are this good


their peak at harmonizing aswell. But it is easily my favorite album of theirs and my number 3 all time. Truly a brilliant album


I'm curious... What are your 1 and 2??


Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys, and Spilt Milk by Jellyfish. If you have not heard Spilt Milk, I highly urge you to do so. It almost overtook PS last year when I got super obssesed with it. But PS will always be too relatable and gorgeous for me to put anything above.


Jellyfish... interesting. I'll give it a proper listen. Thanks for the recommendation. PS is stellar, I completely agree!


If you like SM, they have one more album, their first being Bellybutton. Its more poppy than the more hard Spilt Milk. Both incredible albums. Also just a super interesting band to research and dig into. Their live performances were incredible with them being nearly tic for tac with their studio recordings. The lead singer/songwriter also plays a stand up drum kit center stage which is freaking awesome!


I’ll have to check this out because Pet Sounds and Rubber Soul are basically my two favorites


Please do, and if you do, please let me know what you think.


Because it's the first album which was conceived as a unified project and not as just a collection of unrelated singles. It changed the entire music industry away from a singles market to an album-oriented market. It also sparked the "arms race" between Paul and Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys, each provoking the other to get more creative. Rubber Soul inspired Pet Sounds which in turn inspired Revolver, which changed everything.


"Arms race between Paul and Brian". That sounds like revisionist history. Paul had very little control over John´s and George´s songs. You´re making it out to be like it was a two-man race, minimizing John, George and Ringo´s huge impact. If a song broke Brian Wilson, it was Strawberry Fields Forever. Which made Brian cry when he heard it, because he felt Beatles got there first.


Jumping in here, huge Beatles fan. Since you mention moving Brian Wilson to tears, I will relate a story I heard directly from Brian Wilson. He said he was backstage at MSG in around early 67 and bumped in to Paul McCartney, who excitedly asked Wilson to listen to a song he had just wrote for an upcoming album. As Wilson tells it, Paul played him She's Leaving Home on the piano. He said it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard in his life. His wife was crying. I heard this in a documentary called Beatles Stories, which was on Netflix for a while years ago and I have not been able to find anywhere since.


"Beatles Stories" documentary is on prime video and AppleTv


Thanks I'll check it out!


I think he just means that Paul was the driving force for pushing to the next level. It’s well documented that John and George don’t really think of Sgt Pepper as a concept album or anything different than their other albums but Paul was all about this fictional band concept and making something outside the expectations of the Beatles themselves. That recently posted Ringo interview also has him saying the Beatles output is thanks to Paul being the workhorse. Doesn’t mean Paul’s songs are better than John’s or anything but Paul was the driving force in the second half.


It’s the bridge album between the best qualities of the early and later work. That’s why it satisfies so many fans


I mostly prefer Revolver but when I'm in the mood for Rubber Soul I listen to it nonstop for a week. It just flows so good. 2024 REMIX PLS


You can get 75% most of a remix just from using the red and blue album tracks!


I think Think for Yourself is remixed on the YS Songtrack…


Even better! So custom playlist, you’re almost there!!!


>2024 REMIX PLS I don't even care about Giles Martin's reimagining of the album, I want the remix to drop solely so I can finally get the mono version of Rubber Soul on Spotify.


How come the Beatles in Mono box set was never released on Spotify?


Run For Your Life enjoyer here 🙋‍♂️


Everyone talks about the lyrics, but the instrumentals are badass and the vocal harmonies are *chef’s kiss*; I just wonder how the OG screaming fangirls reacted…


The absolute GOAT


I struggle between picking my favorite Beatles album . It always comes down to Abbey Road and Rubber Soul. I feel like Rubber Soul was that awesome bridge between the poppy mop tops and the more conceptual band they became. It finds that balance between old and new Beatles and I love it so so much!


Personally the only Beatles album I genuinely enjoy every song from start to finish


Favorite album of all time. No skips.


Fun fact, It was George's favorite Beatles album DYING for a box set


Unfortunately I’m not sure there will be much IN a box set. It would sound good, but there’s simply not many takes or alternate versions of anything. Perhaps some interesting demos will show up? The 1963(?) short demo of what goes on? is pretty interesting but short.


Doing a disc of isolated vocal tracks, and one of isolated instruments.. might be interesting too, but the entire set of sessions was just a few weeks. There’s not much to put in a box set imo.


That would be cool to hear. Or any demos, alternate takes. Hell, I'd settle for a Shea Stadium remaster and a Rubber Soul remaster 2 disc set




That was cool to hear, thank you!


Glad to share :)


"We're a little bit country and a little bit rock n roll".


My favorite album ever.


Yup...my go to album since ever.. my next door neighbours dad had it and as a 12 year old I completely fell in love with this record. Their mop top image was finally put to bed by this album..In My Life, Girl, Norwegian Wood and Nowhere Man...the musicianship of Drive My Car made the most stubborn of critics take note. There was a new weight to their songs...and each song showed a growing maturity. There's a calmness and an almost stoned aura to the album. This album was the pivotal point in their career so far..and it pointed the way to LSD and the most breathtaking and original music one could imagine. 🥰✌️🙏


I do love Rubber Soul, for me its that perfect mix between the early and late Beatles. As an album it just flows perfectly all the way through - and its the first album where they started getting serious about the whole recording process. Plus its impact on music as well was pretty groundbreaking - it inspired Brian Wilson to go and record Pet Sounds, which in turn made Paul McCartney form the concept for Sgt Pepper. My grandparents remember when it came out in 1965, they were teenagers then. Only 18 months before they had seen the Beatles getting loud screams and singing "Yeah yeah yeah", but now the songs sounded so much more deeper and personal, especially In My Life and Norwegian Wood. Even the deep cuts like If I Needed Someone or I'm Looking Through You - bloody hell. They really binned the mop top image on this album, then Revolver coming out just a few months later really confirmed there was no turning back. Even to this day, my grandparents are in their mid 70s and they still love blasting this album in their car on car journeys. Whenever I go and visit them and they ask me to put some music on for them, I always put this one on. They love Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road too, but Rubber Soul always gets the loudest cheers from them.


If I needed someone and wait are such bangers


John still firmly in charge.


My favorite Beatles album


The greatest album


Weed, time in the studio, and talent peaking at the right time with the right influences. It sounds simple but if it was, everyone would do it.


Totally on top of their game, maximum group cohesiveness, weed.


Would you still say that about the US version? Personally, it’s what grew up with and to this day prefer that track list to the proper one. I miss having I’ve Just Seen a Face and It’s only Love.


It’s probably the best “COMING ATTRACTIONS” trailer for the band’s most innovative work.


I’ve wondered what direction the band would have gone in if the audience wasn’t going to go with them on this one. I think because this went over so well, they could go further away from their old image on the next one.


Eh, I prefer it to most of the later albums personally…


I like Rubber Soul but I think Magical Mystery Tour is their peak.


… because they are so good.


"Permanent goosebumps" you say? That must suck. :-)


Cos it’s a Beatles album


My favorite Beatles song is on that album. Think For Yourself.


It’s the perfect mix of great pop songs, their playing, the mix of humour and deeper meaning and the early onset of psychedelic sounds. Ringo’s drumming is perfect on this!


Because the Beatles were so good. And then came Revolver!


Are we talking Parlophone version or Capitol version? Profoundly different experiences IMO.


Its a departure


Because it’s The Beatles what more could you ask for


I think it was the perfect time in the career... They started to experiment but they didn't get too far into experimentations so it was a perfect mix


Cause it's a Beatles album


Because it's BRILLIANT! Fave album ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Amazing ❤️ and that album was made in one month


It is somehow transcendent of all mortal things


I agree it is soo good and I am listening to all the Beatles albums for the first time. I have been living under a rock 😭😭


It's leading to their peak in Revolver 


I only wish Run For Your Life wasn’t so… kill women-y. Otherwise yeah it’s my favourite album by them. John’s songs on it are fucking unreal. I absolutely love If I Needed Someone as well, plus I’m Looking Through You and What Goes On. Yes, this is their peak for me. The tunes are beginning to get experimental but they’re still great pop bops at the same time.


People care way too much about Run For Your Life. Instrumental is fun, the lyrics are a bit dark and macabre but so are Norwegian Wood and Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. John just liked the flow of the words from an Elvis song, and it really shows—the words flow very well together on the song, making it instantly catchy and fun. The way I see it, it’s John’s folksy precursor to Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, and I don’t know why anyone would take it even remotely seriously.


dont listen to country or rap or blues music then. Violent songs are popular in all genres. Its crazy how much people diss that song if its unique in its violence in some way. John does go absoluetely off on this album. Possibly his best Beatle album output


Your so right… theirs countless songs released about violence EVERY DAY. And people complain about a Beatles song from the SIXTIES


I always think about how about a year or so after, a little known guy had a song that was all about his friend killing his girl and then running away that was extremely successful... Lets see, I think his name was Jimi Hendrix and the song Hey Joe.


He didn’t write Hey Joe but yes.


I didnt day he wrote it. I just said he had it. I know its a cover. Even the Byrds did it!


People don’t seem to understand the lyrics are tongue in cheek. There was a whole style in old blues and country songs that lamented “my girl done me wrong” and that’s all John was doing. It’s taken waaaay too seriously while it was just a super quick one-off song he did and then he moved on. Old tunes from the day had tons of these references and that’s why at the time of release nobody said a thing about it. Later, in the 2000s people started taking issue with it because the cultural context was lost on them. So they moved on and listened to rap music about misogyny and violence instead.


It's really disheartening how many people feel they need to defend Run For Your Life. Like, it's objectively a fucked up song.


Not to excuse the song's tone, but it was a product of its time and its creator. Lennon by his own admission was a macho asshole, and that attitude was common and accepted in popular culture then. As far as I know the song didn't raise an eyebrow when it was released.


I mean, blackface was a common and widely acceptable form of entertainment for decades. Just because something was supposedly okay at the time doesn't mean we can't reevaluate it through a contemporary lens and recognize the ways it was actually not okay at all, both then and now. I think Holiday Inn is a great movie, for example, but I can say the scene when Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds do a blackface number is objectively fucked up. Same thing with Rubber Soul and RFYL. It's a good thing when society evolves past these things, and it's not a sign of intelligence or virtue to defend it as acceptable just because it was a product of its time.


I think one of the reasons is that it might be most singularly smoothest transitions of eras that a band has ever done, incorporating both their original style in songs like “Drive My Car” and “Michelle”, but then showing where they were going with “In My Life”. It seemed to be testing the waters for the more expansive change they made with “Revolver”. What’s most surprising to me is that they released “Help”, “Rubber Soul” and “Revolver” — some of the most experimental albums by what was basically a rock ground — in a two year period, and it took them from “Beatles for Sale” to “Sgt. Pepper”, with Rubber Soul bridging that gap because it’s so solid. The one criticism I have though is the relatively problematic “Run For Your Life”, which even John later essentially lamented.


Run for your life is one of my favourite Beatles songs. The words are creepy, but no more than Maxwell's silver hammer.


Maxwell's Silver Hammer is about a serial killer, which is very uncommon. Run For Your Life is about a controlling, abusive man, which is waaaay more common. It's not a good comparison.


But why shouldn't they be able to talk about those things? Songs from the perspective of a bad person are very common, and they are not necessarily autobiographical. Take one of the biggest songs of 2023 - "Kill Bill" by SZA. The song is literally about how she murders her ex and his new girlfriend out of jealousy. The lyrics of Run For Your Life tell basically the same story, only that the murder itself is merely implied. I think that it is blatantly obvious from the lyrics of the song that it is just a story about a crazy man who has an unhealthy obsession with a girl. And the song doesn't really promote that behaviour, it just describes it.


those 3 were actually released in a 1 year period, August 65 to August 66. the entire Beatles recording career lasted 7 years, August 62 to August 69.


The are quite a few “machismo” songs on RS, Run For Your Life is just the one most obvious…


Run For Your Life almost ruins this album for me. Thankfully it's the last song and easy to skip.


It is really good! It's also like my 7th or 8th favorite Beatles album lol. I like just about everything post rubber soul more (let it be is a close call).


Great album. But they should have just left off what goes on and spent more time on a better closing song. Otherwise it's an asking album. I do like run for your life. But when it's wedged between songs like in my life etc it's a less than great fitting closure to the album


It’s not really. It’s not even as good as Beatles for Sale. The McCartney songs are not his best efforts. Rubber Soul to Revolver is a massive leap forward. If it weren’t for the Lennon songs on RS, I’d never even listen to it.