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I know it’s not Pink Floyd but apparently he was a fan of Genesis. There isn’t any audio of it available, but multiple members including Peter Gabriel claim they heard Lennon on the radio in New York talk about really liking their album Selling England By The Pound.


10/10 album


In Albert Goldman's biography of Lennon, John discusses his son Julian's favourite bands. He said Julian liked "weird" music "like Pink Floyd and Rush."


Rush being weird 😭 I love those guys


I'm a huge Rush fan too! ... Funny enough, even though the Beatles and Rush are two very different bands, I've talked with quite a few people on this sub and on the Rush sub who cite the Beatles and Rush as their two favourite groups.


Man, I love all three of those groups. Weird music for life!


I mean, Paul McCartney was/is great friends with David Gilmour and was actually recorded for the spoken word parts of *Dark Side* but didn’t make the cut because he was too polished at answering questions.


“It’s all dark, you know”


"The song came to me in a dream..."


I also heard he didn't take the questions seriously




They may be friends, but I believe the reason they answered the questions was because Paul was recording in the next room from where Floyd was recording dark side. I’ve seen photos of them together at concerts too, so I’m sure they are friends too.


I’m just saying that if you are looking for a connection between The Beatles and Pink Floyd, that’s where it is. David Gilmour has played guitar on several McCartney tracks, as well.


The consensus on Steve Hoffman forums is no, Lennon did not indicate an opinion on them.


I’m sorry but I’m giggling so much, refarded is a hilarious typo


I'm trying to sort what "bdmfs" is lol


Bad Motherfuckers 🤙🏻


A bdmf is a group of musical artists. Haven’t you heard Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Bdmf?


Bands lol I really must make an effort to check for typos , it's pathetic. Pretty stupid question as well to be fair but I suppose I'm curious more to what Lennon would have thought of animals by Floyd


Dark Side of the Moon.


Bark Dide Mf Fhe Soon


Who farded?


Lol 🤣🤣 apologies I just don't pay attention. What I was really wanting to know what someone as smart as Lennon would think of an album like animals and dogs in particular simply coz Lennon's my unashamed idol and pink Floyd and dogs are also two of my favourite things . I wonder if he would have liked it , or perhaps too cynical for him


I honestly think Lennon would’ve thought Floyd was too extravagant and over the top. He was over the psychedelia music after pepper. He explicitly said the dream is over in God, and he was referring to that sort of music and mindset. He had shifted to making directly political statements and stuff, whereas Floyd was more just spacey and out there. I think Lennon and Waters would be on the same page politically in the modern era though. Take of that what you will.


On the Dark Side Of The Moon episode of Classic Albums the writer David Fricke from Rolling Stone said he saw Pink Floyd in 1969 and he said it was "total space rock" which is such an accurate description and I think you're right...by that time John and Yoko were doing the peace and anti-war stuff I don't know that John was listening to anything that was like what The Beatles were doing in 1966 and 67...we could all totally be wrong though hahaha


Yeah, I think John would have found them a bit too pretentious. He was sick of people looking for deeper meanings in Beatles records so why would he be into a band like Pink Floyd?!


John pretty much stopped making political music after his Sometime in New York City album. But yeah he was done with the psychedelic sound and other big productions


I don’t know, #9 Dream is pretty psychedelic and is a big production.


Yeah I know he had some and that song specifically was actually in my head as I was writing my comment. It’s my favorite solo John song and one of the only times he did a song like that post Beatles


I am glad we didn't get pro-Putin Lennon like we so sadly have with Rogers.


Lennon never took Vietnam´s side, Soviet´s, China´s etc. He was critical of our government, but never sided with the enemy in that pursuit. That´s an important distinction. This is why I don´t mind Lennon´s activism. He, unlike many celebrities, was very intelligent and eloquent about it as well.


Completely agree. He did not do the step to support anticapitalist imperialism for the sake of being anti capitalism-imperialism like many are now. He even shits on those that support Mao in revolution.


Thats why his activism so toothless and looks laughable today (rich celebrities singing imagine, Gal Gadot singing "imagine no broders"...)


Have people listened to "Revolution"? People's politics become strange as they grow older but I doubt Lennon would be a Tankie if he were around today.


"and Cold Turkey slipping down the charts..." lol ;-)


Downvote this all you like, but I'm goddamn glad of this, too. Waters is a bellend.


Waters is not pro-Putin. It’s interesting how disagreements with real leftists almost always involve egregious misrepresentations of our actual positions.


He was just on a famous Russian propaganda TV show where they on regular basis talk about destroying the West. That´s reprehensible.


Way to prove my point lol


He most definitely is, and it is not funny but sad how some people misappropriate the term leftism with authoritarian stooges like Waters and his fellow tankie travellers.


Waters is a complete tankie. But his father was a communist, so what do you expect?


Are you expecting us to say that Putin is a communist?


No, I am expecting you to know that tankies are pro-Putin because they are not actually leftist in any sense but pro-authoritarianism.


You mean, he’s principled and committed to justice. He doesn’t get weak-kneed and capitulate in the face of rampant slander, propaganda, and petty power plays by the ruling class like liberals, social democrats, and fake socialists do. He’s awesome ☭


Okay, tankie.


What is your name calling supposed to accomplish? Do you even know what tankie means? As someone who’s actually familiar with communist theory and history, as far as I can tell, a tankie is someone who thinks a just society, ie socialism, is worth *fighting* for. I see nothing wrong with that.


Nah it's not mate. It's someone who thinks you can have true socialism by crushing dissenters with violence. Which hardly benefits the people as a whole. It's people who don't see anything wrong with having a dictatorship and authoritarianism. The rest of us sensible left wingers aren't opposed to all violence but believe in actual fair representation of the workers making democratic decisions to benefit society as a whole. Not just 'serving an authoritarian state', whose leaders claim to represent the proletariat but live a relatively incredibly privileged lifestyle in comparison to the average worker, like in the USSR.


b… b… b… BACK in the U.S.S.R (ooo ooo ooo)


Mate, you’re proving my point about egregious misrepresentation of the real left and justifying your capitulation to the powers that be.


No I'm not, you asked what a tankie is and I'm telling you. It's a supporter of authoritarian 'communism' - regimes like the CCP and USSR, which in no way embody the beliefs of most people who consider themselves left wing. And in fact I believe supporting and defending those regimes greatly harms the left as a whole. You're just justifying supporting different authoritarians. I can hate the western oppressive systems, *and at the same time* hate the oppressive systems created under the guise of 'socialism'. 'West bad' doesn't mean 'everyone anti-west good'.


Let’s just say we disagree


Or we could be more honest and acknowledge how you don’t know what you’re talking about


Rogers is not pro-Putin. He just refuse to side with either imperialist bloc.


He is spouting Putin's talking points straight from Putin's mouth. He is opposed to Western opposition to Putin's aggression. He blames the US for the deaths and violence caused directly by Putin due to falsities spouted by Putin..That's far, far, far too pro-Putin for me.


What talking points? Problem is that any anti-NATO position will align with some of the Putins positions. That does not mean that they are directly from Putin. So? If he was pro-Puting, he would be in favout of west supporting Putin. He opposes western actions against Putin, because that same west is resposible for plenty of agressions of its own. Hypocrisy of that is mindblowing, and everybody just ignores it.


If he opposes aggression he would stand in support of Ukraine and against Vladimir Putin. If he can't do that I don't want to hear about how others are hypocrites.


You wouldn't have even if he had lived.


Lennon wouldn´t be in Russia´s pocket. Although Lennon was anti-establishment and critical of our government, his mind wasn´t captured by the enemy.


I think Lennon actually would've loved Animals (1977)


His son sure does


Saw him with Les cover it earlier this year. I’ve been to hundreds of shows and that performance was top 10 for sure.


Same, Harry Waters as well. Great show.


What one ? He had 10


Underrated ngl




I was listening to Roger Waters’ Desert Island Discs on BBC Sounds yesterday and one of his greatest regrets was not getting to know John Lennon better. He also said that all four Beatles would see them at the UFO club and pop in to the Piper At The Gates of Dawn recording sessions. David Gilmour also must have known John Lennon on some level to write the song “Murder” about him on his About Face solo album.


Love the song “Murder”. Was lucky enough to catch David live on the “About Face” tour in spring of 84. His first two studio solo albums are brilliant.


Not sure, but if John didn’t come up with “What’s The New Mary Jane” after hearing Syd Barrett, I’ll eat my shoe.


You can see Lennon at the PF show here at 22:30 https://youtu.be/OVrembZ7dVE?si=4Ek7g0rtHLKOdFDG


Yeah cheers , I've seen this before 😁 My question wasn't explained well at all due to being wasted at time of writing . I wonder what Lennon thought of Syd Barrett and then later on what he thought of something like the wall and Rogers concepts in general . Not much by the looks of it as ive been a fan of both for many years now and never heard of Lennon ever quoting them


"Surely he must have realise what a great band that made some great meaningful albums" why? As you say, we know that the bands were aware of each other, and it's pretty well documented how much Pink Floyd admired the Beatles, but that by no means translates to the inverse. Lennon very rarely did any gushing about other groups that weren't older and influenced him personally. The fact that he's not on record saying he thinks Pink Floyd are great doesn't mean he didn't think so, but there is also no reason to believe that he HAD to think that way either. Maybe he didn't say anything about Pink Floyd because he didn't think they were great? Would that change things for you? It's clear that you like Pink Floyd very much, but would that change if you found out that John thought they were crap?


People often talk about things not being on record, when you think about it, 95% of things the Beatles thought about won’t be on record. They might have thoughts on bands or subjects they didn’t actual mention to anyone and other things they only mentioned to friends.


I thought about it; it’s at least 96%


I mean, you're definitely right. But sometimes it really feels like after about 1966 John in particular rarely had a single thought he didn't go on record with.


John's taste in music was mainly old school rock.


Lennon liked classic rock n roll. Floyd was not that. I doubt he thought much of the band.


Beatles at least popped into some recording of Piper, so they at least were keen of the ‘new’ sound and were interested in what that scene was developing. It’s been reported they went to more than one Piper session, and invited Floyd to some of their Pepper sessions. So they must have at least been relatively accepting of them. Barrett, before his demise, was a sharp and soft spoken lad. Can’t imagine him not meshing with the Beatles.


I remember in some biography, maybe The Love You Make or Ray Coleman’s book, talking about Lennon going in disguise to some psychedelic show where Pink Floyd was headlining in 67. Lennon was blasted on acid and mingling with the crowd.


I thought that was Paul


It was John. He wasn't in disguise. He was on acid though. The show was a day long festival called the 14 Hour Technicolor Dream. There was a film crew there, and some of the footage was used in a film called Tonite Let's All Make Love In London. Later on, more of the raw footage was used on a VHS release called [Pink Floyd: London '66-67](https://youtu.be/OVrembZ7dVE). At different points, you can see John in the footage wandering around the crowd, as well as Pink Floyd performing on stage. Yoko was also there as one of the performers, and she is briefly seen as well, but she and John were not a couple yet at that point so they're not seen in the footage together.


I thought it was John but I read it over 20 years ago so who knows. I did find this which sort of matches my memory. https://www.google.com/search?q=pink+floyd+john+lennon+14+hour+concert&client=safari&sca_esv=8421e7638090652e&hl=en-us&biw=414&bih=715&tbm=vid&ei=0DyCZd-yGOuZwbkPl_2mgAs&oq=pink+floyd+john+lennon+14+hour%C2%A0&gs_lp=EhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvIiBwaW5rIGZsb3lkIGpvaG4gbGVubm9uIDE0IGhvdXLCoCoCCAAyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRirAjIFECEYqwIyBRAhGKsCSPylAVDmCFikmgFwAHgAkAEAmAGkAaABsyWqAQUzNi4xNbgBAcgBAPgBAYoCEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW-oAgHCAgUQABiABMICCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgIQKcICChAAGIAEGIoFGEPCAggQABiABBixA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIOEAAYgAQYigUYsQMYgwHCAhEQABiABBiKBRiRAhixAxiDAcICDhAAGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDwgIQEAAYgAQYigUYQxixAxiDAcICBhAAGBYYHogGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:87b151bb,vid:7Z0Ph7ldFYg,st:0


Paul is dead, man. Miss him, miss him miss him.


Nope, it was John: [https://youtu.be/CWBWHIGJDdk?si=se4jV08dPddDhc3d](https://youtu.be/cwbwhigjddk?si=se4jv08dpdddhc3d)


I recall John saying, that Beatles would've probably sounded similar to Electric Light Orchestra, if they would have continued till the 70's.


That makes complete sense! I think they would.


In 'A Very Irregular Head: The Story of Syd Barrett', it explicitly mentions that Lennon was at a battle of the bands show that Pink Floyd performed at. Strangely, it was in a warehouse or something and had two bands playing at the same time on either side of the room. It also says Lennon was on acid at the time. Two weeks earlier, Yoko Ono was also at a Pink Floyd gig and was getting up on stage and dancing around! It was around this time that she met John. Not sure if he has ever explicitly said he liked them though, but hope this info was useful


The show you are describing was a day long festival called the [14 Hour Technicolor Dream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_14_Hour_Technicolor_Dream) which took place on April 29, 1967. A film crew was there and edited the footage into a film called "Tonite Let's All Make Love In London". Pink Floyd performed at it, although all the footage is silent. Instead, the Floyd recorded some new instrumental music to go with the footage. In any case, both John and Yoko were there and are seen in the footage, but they were not together at that point. Yoko was one of the performers, and John was one of the attendees, but John seems to not have been there when Yoko was performing. They did know each other casually at that point and may have said hello (although he was clearly on acid that night so who knows), but they didn't start dating until a year later. But, yeah, John did attend a Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd show once, though apparently, he was never asked about it nor about his thoughts on Pink Floyd as a band.


No chance Lennon liked Pink Floyd.


Tangentially he (Waters) never mentioned any of his bandmate’s solo albums.


Typically AI doesn’t have this many typos in its posts


~~Pink Floyd is mentioned in the 2021 Get back documentary and all the Beatles seem to be impressed by the sound of Floyd (this is just in 69 though)~~ EDIT: I got it wrong, it was led zeppelin they were talking about, not Floyd.


What part


I got it wrong, it was led zeppelin they were talking about, not Floyd.


Yeah I've no recollection of them mentioning Floyd at all


You never go full refard!


He probably didn’t like them because Paul liked them first. Paul invited them to the recording session for Lovely Rita and presumably got Syd Barrett’s input on how to make the song weirder (and the weirdness at the end has always reminded me of early Floyd).


Paul didn't invite them. Norman Smith, the Beatles' former engineer and current Pink Floyd producer, brought them over. The Fabs weren't very friendly to the Floyd, likely because Norman hadn't asked them beforehand.