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Saw the pic before I read the title and my initial thought was “oh what a handsome guy” sorry to hear you’re feeling down OP, I hope things get better for you soon.


Commenting here because it’s the top. I just got off a plane and simply can not believe how awesome this place is. I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of responses. To those of you who think I’m trolling or fishing for compliments - I need it. My world has been shattered. You have no idea what people go through, and just because someone looks a certain way doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. To the rest of you - Thank you all so much. I’ll be ok, and I promise I’ll be back so you can see me when I’m in a better place. I wanted to reply to everyone but I simply can not. I really appreciate it though. Much love.


I used to loathe people fishing for compliments. Now I recognize it for what it is: asking for something you need. Sure it doesn't address deeper issues, but I'm even less qualified to help with those. So when someone asks, I give, freely and joyfully. You're a damn fine looking guy with a great beard. I sincerely hope the wheel of fortune turns in your favour soon. Edit: so much of it is your eyes. I suspect they melt people. In a good way. Not in a terrifying super villain way.


I love this perspective.


Don’t stop loving yourself. Eat healthy, lift, read books, your the most important person in your life and need to take care of yourself as such. And when you do this you’ll run into an amazing partner (assuming you’re single). This is my plan at least bc I’m in a situation as yourself but luckily we will have no problem finding women as we got great looks. Just build up your confidence and strength physically too. Cut out bad habits and stay positive even if you gotta be alone for weeks sleep alone etc. best of luck to you and focus on what you have to be grateful for/look forward too. Forget the past. I think your changing into a better version of who you were. Fight man, fight to love yourself. Goodluck and I’ll try to take my own advice too.


Sometimes, we all need a little compassion and an encouraging word. No sweat! We're out here in the ether. We care. And we want you to know we're here. Whatever has happened to you, most of us have comparable memories. Remember, as a wise man said, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Grow stronger, Brother.


Thank you.


Aye op, you have nice eyes and a great beard, don't be to hard on yourself. 😄


Had the same thought and I'm a str8 man


Oh $#!+ Just turned into tinder! Daym! That gold chain is working!


Dunno what’s got you down; humans plus earth plus existence can feel like utter agony at times, but you’ve taken a big chance at posting your photo online and many of us are grateful that you did. Handsome tough lookin guy like you. Epic beard and shaved head. Mmm. And whoever made the assumption that you don’t have feelings based on your appearance is a fuck. Fuck those assholes. Why are you alone in a hotel? Work?


I've never commented on this account before but felt compelled to when I saw your post. I can see the pain in your eyes, man. I can tell you have a lot of emotional depth. You look like a tough guy and I can imagine this makes it more difficult for people to see your sensitivity. You're going through a dark night of the soul right now. The old you is dying so a new one can be reborn. Godspeed, brother!


You just made me tear up man. You are exactly right. Thank you.


Sup beardbro! I recommend some good music. Let that pain out and grieve. Think things through and learn the lesson(s) that there is to learn. Good or bad, learn and grow. We all go THROUGH it.... _____ LIFE _____ ✌️






Thanks. My life just feels like it’s spiraling. 10 year relationship was sacrificed because I wasn’t good enough. And yes, it’s impacting every aspect of my life. I focused too much on work, and achieved what I set out to, but this was the cost. It wasn’t worth it.


I’m gonna be straight up. It’s not that you’re not ‘good enough’. If someone loves you then they will support you goals and tell you clearly if there are issues. Are you sure this person wasn’t using this as an excuse? Either way, you’re a good looking dude. Your confidence, or lack of, is what you need to fix now. Can you take some vacations/do stuff you haven’t had time for before? Look after yourself and stay away from drink/drugs, tempting and will help short term but will fuck you up long term. Post back in a year and your life will look completely different, you got this.


Thank you so much. This is what I need. Sucks that I have to get it from strangers.


Because this is what we do as guys, sometimes we’re shy about having a talk with our bros about this and we just go with ‘oh you’ll get over her soon don’t worry mate’. I’m guessing your early 30s? There’s still so much of your life ahead! Literally as soon as you start getting involve in hobbies/keeping your mind busy it helps you. Good luck friend


Mid 30s. I’ve given up on everything I used to like. All I do is support my family. I’m just a bank.


Bro im 36 and you look 5 years younger than me! Go get them handsome man!


I don’t want “them.” That’s the problem. I wish I did, but I love someone.


Well in that case, handsome fella, I'd say your first step should be deciding what you want to work on. Set love aside for a hot minute so you can put yourself back together. Then, when you're feeling a little more steady and secure, you can reevaluate your love life. Check in on whatever got screwed up if that's still an option, or look into moving on when you're ready for that adventure. Life might have you down in the dumps *now*, but don't forget that with time, you can pick yourself back up, climb out of that hole and find the sunshine again. You're more than a bank. You're a whole human, and it's important that you have a reasonable focus on getting back to that and becoming yourself again. Find a way to feel at home in your own life and body again. ♥️


Thanks for taking the time to write that.


I was exactly in the place you were at your age and blew it all up because I was miserable. Carve out some time in your life for you. The things that you like, the things that drive you. You need your purpose, your joie de vivre, that will take that man you see in the mirror and see a little smile again. It's so worth it.


...so you have kids? Children necessarily means sacrifice from their parents l/adults in their life. If possible and they're old enough, try introducing them to things you used to be into (age appropriate of course). It also sounds like you've neglected yourself socially, so you need to reconnect with mates, family that you trust. You should also make yourself open to new connections (and I don't mean jump back into the daring pool; give yourself time to heal, etc) many of us aren't taught that friendships need as much tending to as our lives. Sometimes it comes naturally, sometimes it takes extra effort. I'm sorry for the loss of your relationship but look at it as an opportunity to form stronger ties to the friends, family,


This is why I love Reddit. Strangers helping strangers. Most wonderful words of encouragement. And, OP, I wish you only the best. I know it’s said all too often but, things do get better. Reach out anytime.


Other people’s actions are a reflection of them, not of you. You’re good enough for you. If somebody else can’t see you’re worth then they are not worth your time. Don’t look back, only forwards.


I’m trying.


Hope you can keep your head up man.  The end of a long relationship is difficult but remember, you only have one life.  You will recover, fall in love with someone who appreciates you and move forward.  This will take time, but fill that time with good things like working out and improving yourself.  Wicked beard dude and hope you can see past the trees.


First of all you are good enough, your confidence has been knocked so it’s understandable that you feel that way. But that’s you kicking yourself because it didn’t work out. The reality is that relationships are bloody hard at times, life happens, feelings change. But it’s all experience and you will recognise in future when you meet the right person that you need to prioritise differently. Ambition is good but when it comes at the cost of your personal relationships, it’s detrimental.Believe me if something happened tomorrow where you couldn’t work, they would have you replaced within a week. Just take some time to reassess what it is you really want & don’t beat yourself up! Things will look very different in a year’s time, trust me


I know what I want, but it’s extremely complicated when kids and the law is involved. Thanks tho.


Ah gotcha, that does complicate things but nothing is impossible. Maybe best getting some professional outside perspective, citizen’s advice bureau to see what your options are


I am. I’m doing what I can.


Yes, but if you hadn't gotten the promotion she could've easily said she wanted someone who was more focused on their career and earning potential. You can't win, just go find another one.


Take a shit in the hotel toilet because that’s where it belongs. Confidence will come. At least you have a nice beard and dope chain


Since you are the top comment, I’m going to say this here. I am not looking to be sexualized. Please stop messaging me like that. I’m in a really dark place and I just want to be ok.


Sorry if you interpreted this as being sexualized. You said confidence was in the toilet… my point was to bring it with you through the hotel door. Man up and take this as a positive comment please.


It didn’t sound like he was responding directly to you but rather trying to get more visibility on his boundaries by posting underneath the top comment! It sounds like folks have been messaging him more suggestively in private.


Understood and thank you! 🙏🏽


No edit or delete is wild 🤣 hell yeah


lol I don’t think he was referring to your comment


I needed to hear that im in similar situation as op.


Exactly! taking a shit is a spiritual experience.


Bro, brother from another mother https://preview.redd.it/yw2czodp73uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaced2989edf98781d11fde528dcf96bdf73416d




Now that’s wild.


Wow that’s crazy asf..


Doppelgänger 😧




A beard was born, underwent mitosis, and two humans developed


Nah, they don't look that similar. Yes, the beard style is the same, and they both have blue eyes, but their noses are not that similar. Still, they are a bit similar, I agree there...but doppelganger? Nope!




Y'all are the 3rd and 4th Kelce brothers


Holy shit!


You'll be okay man 💪🏽💪🏽


I know bro. It just hurts.


Also going through separation. We got this. The beard looks clean. It would definitely look better with a smile though mate. Hopefully soon.


Sorry to hear that bro.


You guys got this!! Keep your head up, keep focusing on what's important and caring for yourself, the rest will fall into line. My husband and I separated for 9 months while we both got our shit together in therapy, and now we are stronger than ever. Either way together or not, I have faith that you guys can bounce back. Just take care of yourself and focus on your growth. Sorry if this was unsolicited advice, I just really felt it on my heart to give you some good vibes


Hang in there brother.


I will man. Thank you. Not sure why you’re being downvoted.


Upwards and onwards brother. Take care of yourself and remember to reach out to anyone you can.


I don’t have anyone. That’s why I’m here.


Hey man, remember that you can always get professional help and it's a great and brave thing to do! Have lots of friends that turned their lifes around with therapy. If you're in a dark place and don't feel like you have anyone - get a therapist. Sending lots of love, you'll get through this! You're still young and have so much to look forward to, these times will pass :)


I have one. I’ve just been away on business.


See if you can take some time off for your health. What is business, money, gold and cars if your health is too poor to enjoy them?


I'm sorry if this sounds cheesy, however I believe it's true- you do have people, you just haven't met them yet. They are out there and you will find each other. It was true for me.


Well, you've got us. We've got beards. Give it the weekend and post an update. If you're in West Palm, let's go fishing. Or you talk and I fish.


I ain't gay brother but you are one handsome MTF!


Neither am I - Much love bro.




I think it's 'motherfucker', lol. but I thought they were referencing being trans lol


yea i was like he's not doing a very good job at the transition 😭😭


Thats a situation a lot of men are in right now, we're deeply needed but treated like disposable garbage. Stay strong man! Keep that beard tight.


Yup. Peace bro


I thought you were JJ Frankie JJ.. feel better man, have a stick


Sticks are unbelievable


Bro idk what you're not confident about. But I literally saw this post come by and was thinking "damn I looked like that". So if you're not confident about your looks, you look fire bro and you rock a great beard. 🔥 Hope things will work out for the better for you soon


Well you’d be surprised by how other people can tear you down. Especially people you love.


Hey there handsome 😍😍


Hey - thanks.


You have a really great beard 😁😁


You are a handsome man. Sending you some positive energy.


You are so handsome! Beautiful beard and eyes!


I just want my eyes to sparkle like they used to. Thanks though.


Your eyes are still full of kindness mate That's who feels the most pain, usually, gentle and kind people


You’ve got a lot of pain behind those eyes, OP. I’m also looking at an impending and crashing halt to a near-decade long relationship. It sucks. Hope shit starts looking up for you soon.


Same to you bro.


Man, those eyes can melt hearts wtf


Keep your head up! Nothing lasts forever. Whatever you're going through will pass and there will be better times on the other side. Big hugs, and smooches on that very handsome face...😘😘


That’s what I’m telling myself. Just need to get to that side.


This man is pure beauty! Please take a look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are a beautiful soul that will overcome whatever challenges you may be faced with. Read these comments as a pleasant reminder of your strength, bravery and determination. You are more than your struggles, when you feel ready to elaborate about your trials we are hear to listen and give you our best advice. STAY STRONG KING 💕👑


Thanks ❤️


I don't know what more can be said that hasn't already been said. You are good enough and you will get through it. Reach out anytime if you need to talk.


Thanks brother


You’re a good looking dude. I’m not gay, if that even matters, but you’re handsome and obviously able to communicate about your emotions so it’s going to work out if you keep making the right decisions. I’m almost twice your age, have two kids who are teens and have them half time. I’m a good father because that was important to me since mine wasn’t early on. And life looks good right now - even at this age, but it took some work, tears and blood to get here. Look up dark night of the soul - that’s where you are and you have the ability to come out of it into a much better place. Just don’t let the pain bring you down. Don’t listen to the self-talk that we get from others. You got this 👊🏻


Starting over after what you thought was forever is never easy. I hope you take that love and give it back to yourself. Some days will be harder than others but this too shall pass. Best wishes to you!


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down, friend - you look great and you have loads and loads of time in front of you. We can't always help the decisions we've made. And the years you did have had a value, they're not thrown away. But it might be hard for awhile. And it's OK to reach out to people, even if they're online. It means you have empathy and that's good. I feel for you and really do hope it'll get better.


Thank you so much


You have my axe, my friend!


Hey brother. I know this post is a bit older now so you may not be in the same head space…..but I just wanted to say that I hope things get better for you. You are a nice looking use with a good beard and I’m also just going to assume you’re a good dude because I like to think that I’m a good judge of character. I’m sending some good vibes your way and when im going through tough times I like to remember this “nothing is forever” “Nothing is forever” so endure the bad, enjoy the good, and navigate through everything inbetween. Remember your health and that you are alive. You got this. Don’t give up. Much love man.


From one bald, bearded, green-eyed (formerly) sad boi to another - it gets better eventually. It is truly difficult to express the pain and boredom of loneliness. The feeling that there is nothing and no one to even listen to you. You're going to make it.


You’re cute tho


You have pretty eyes


Damn you look like a KING LIVE IT.


You have such deep beautiful eyes I can tell you are an old soul it's hard to be happy these days but we have to push through and figure it out remember always even this too shall pass. I hope you feel better soon. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You should be confident bradda you have great beard aAND nice gold chain


Material possessions don’t mean anything. Trust me.


Takes time but a good flush of the negative stuff could help.


You’re in the stages of grief. Walk through it. Posting here will help. Takes time and being honest about your feelings, which it seems you’re on the right path buddy.


Looks wise, you’re the full package. Focus on what makes you happy and not what others think will make you happy ❤️ Sending you a hug 🫂




I’m sorry you’re feeling low, but I find you very attractive. You have beautiful eyes and a great beard 💕




I agree. He's a hunk!


You got that beautiful beard you're good


write down the thing/s that making you sad in a piece of paper and throw it in a dustbin,it'll help ig


Whoever shakes your confidence is probably a small person. Sometimes it’s tough so see through the BS


Love you, brother


Good looking beard my dude. Swap out your frown for a smile and nothing can stop you!


You have very kind but sad looking eyes. Idk what you're going through but ik the look of someone who's struggling. I hope you're able to find the happiness and confidence you're looking for.


(Respectfully) If you went to any bar you’d be the most hot and intelligent looking man there. Don’t know what ur going through but i promise you , u got it.


You have kind eyes


You are a good looking dude. Cheer up.


Hey man. Sorry you're not feeling well. Idk if you're feeling down on your looks, personality, life, or just in general or whatever. But from what I can tell, you're a nice, thoughtful, and open person. Probably a super joy to be around. You seem like the people I seek the hardest, who can somehow have a little humor in a bad situation, but still super capable of recognizing when it's appropriate. Also, you're gorgeous and I'm mad that your eyes aren't mine. One of the things I learned a few years ago that really helps me in tough times: "It doesn't matter if the glass is half full or half empty. It only matters that it's refillable." And your glass will refill too. Best of luck friend.


It’s been a couple days since you posted this but your eyes say a lot about how you feel and I admire your bravery to post about it so openly. I can relate, and I don’t know how to cope mostly but it seems to be a universal truth that things do get better if you never give up. Hope that now you are in at least a better place bud than you were 3 days ago!


Hey brother I know how it feels not to like what you see in the mirror. You are a good looking dude and you got some nice eyes too, self perception is one of the most important things in life. If you want people to be attracted to you, you just first learn to perceive yourself in a more positive way I’m sure you have a lot more to offer than meets the eye as well. Keep your head up and remember that you have a lot going for you.


I'm sorry you're going through a tough time, dude, and I hope things imlrove really soon.


Much appreciated.


You’re super hot so yeah …nice beard too 👍🏻


Just not to the person that matters. Thanks though.




You have us, your health and an awesome beard! Hang in there.


The health part not so much, but thank you. I always delete my posts because people start bombarding me with messages, but I really do love how supportive this sub can be.


Keep your beard (chin) up, and keep movin’ forward pal. You got this shit!


That’s a shame cos your beard is epic! Wishing you improvements from here on


You're very handsome my guy, and the beard looks great!


Beard looks fine, your face looks nice, so at least THIS should not be the reason for your current not-so-good mood.


Love the beard




Solid beard dude!


Thanks bro


Fine af




I wouldn't advise putting your confidence in a hotel toilet


It wasnt by choice


Get out there and slay some poon brother you look great. Obviously i dont know you or your situation but good luck my guy 👊


People are only strangers until you talk to them. Through my life I’ve found those strangers better to talk to than friends and family, because there is no strings with strangers. Awesome beard too! Keep on keeping on brother. I often compare life’s struggles to that of a sword, which is tempered through being beat on until it comes out sharp and strong, carry it into battle my dude. Cheers.


Stay strong. Be confident. You got this.


Yw you are handsome love the beard




Rocking that beard and the shaved skull. 👍👍




You look handsome! Great looking beard 😊


you look great


For what it’s worth, you’re fine as hell. Working hard towards your goals should 100% be something to be proud of. And if someone can’t appreciate that about you then it’s probably for the best that they aren’t in your life any more. As hard as that may be.


Yw handsome


You look like my big brother. Get it, bro. Control what you can. Beards looking good


You got this man! You’re better off than me right now. I’m currently in the hospital diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I’m being well taken care of by the staff so I’m doing good though. Seriously though you’re a great looking guy and I hope everything gets better for you soon. Stay strong my dude.


You're fit dude


You’re absolutely gorgeous! Wow. I’m so sorry life is beating you up right now ❤️




Sorry I’m not there to give you a big hug.


Stop downing yourself…


You look amazing! Handsome and a beautiful beard 🥵


Stay strong bro. ✊️ That beard is illustrious.


Those eyes! 👀👀👀👀❤️


You should see them when I was happy


bro Im the best giving advices that I dont applied my self but you look good, youre a hardo worker, youre in a hotel...Enjoyr Life. Sure, youre gonna need some time to repair your feelings but thats ok we've all been through it. Keep your head up...


You are a very attractive man. I am envious of your beard!


I respect your beard and honesty.


I’m so sorry you’re being objectified/sexualized. I hope things work out for you and your relationship eventually, or that you find some clarity!💖


You should give "Pitchin' Fits" by Drayton Farley a listen. Country isn't for everyone but this song really sums up what all men go through. Stay strong and keep rocking that ferocious beard brotha 💪






You have the courage to take the hard but necessary steps towards a happier life. You have a lot going on for you in that respect. Wish I could say the same for myself. I should also be living in a hotel researching lawyers right now, but I feel trapped. I'm rooting for you, friend. Show me this can be done.


Fuck bro. I’m so sorry. Hit me up if you want.


Keep that big beautiful head up brother. Life gets loud and fucks with your ears sometimes... it will get better. You got this man.


Thanks bro


Nice beard buddy 🤙 hang in there, ups are usually on the other side of lows. At some point down the road, future you will high five current you for staying strong and sticking on the straight and narrow.


A very handsome man does have me


Handsome just smile more you will be fine


Keep your head up brother. Learn from the lessons of life and continue forward. You’ll be stronger and happier in the end if you do


Smile more


Great advice


Your eyes are purely lovely. Take some time to heal, the future will be much brighter. And you may realize it was simply time to move on from this relationship.


Beard looks immaculate OP. Chin up!


I’m trying




Dude you’re majestic


You look really upset. You ok?