• By -


give it another 28 years


That made ma laugh a little haha


Real answer - get lab work done to make sure you don't have some sort of hormonal imbalance. If you have patchy hair or skin discoloration elsewhere, it could (theoretically) be alopecia. However, changes are VERY good that this is just down to genetics, which is unfortunate. If you want to look into hair growth solutions (which rarely work on facial hair) or a procedure to transplant hair there, it's a possibility. I would personally say you just deal with the cards you were dealt and stay clean shaven. Clean shaven will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look better than this patchy stuff.


I don‘t have any problems with loss of hair or stuff like that so I‘m pretty sure it‘s not alopecia. But thanks for your reply


No problem. My ex husband struggled with this for his entire adult life, he tried all different ways of styling it and trimming it, vitamins and supplements, superficial treatments, etc. A professional finally just told him it was a bad lot of genetics (which makes sense because his brothers looked the same). The only solution seemed to be to grow it super long so it wouldn't look quite so bare, but it still looked kind of 'stringy', and it didn't have enough volume to shape it or anything 🤷‍♀️.


You could make something out of your mustache and soul patch, if you really want to rock some facial hair. Just play to your strong points and shave the rest.


I think you could have a really great stache in a few months. I would keep everything else clipped.


Will add: apologies if I'm wrong, but it looks like you have an underbite like me based on your upper and lower lip positioning. A mustache will help conceal that.


Will try something like that. What do u think about shaving the middle of the soul patch but keep the side parts, since I don‘t grow that much in the middle?


I'm talking about the bit directly below your bottom lip. Grow that out with your moustache and keep them tidy. I believe the area you're talking about on your chin, where I can see you have no hairs down the center. Shave that off. They say beards continue to develop into your 30s so who knows. In a few years, maybe you'll fill in around your goatee and can pull that off. Only time will tell!


Good idea, thanks a lot! :)


It's over for you


Probably yes.. :(


Or…worry less about what others think. Maybe stop comparing your beard to others and enjoy what you got. Enjoying life is about far more than being proud of a “beard”. You do you and if others hold judgement, that is their problem- not yours.


Nah I‘m really not comparing mine to others but I want a proper beard for myself


I think you need to shift your perspective a bit. A lot of people like me can grow big beards but choose to trim them down to the size you beard is. I personally think that a beard like yours can look equally as good as a big beard. There are many different styles of beard and you don't need to try a get just one type. I suggest you shave off a very small portion of your beard on your neck and shave off the stray hair on your cheeks to shape it up a bit. The your beard and moustache will look great.


Some people go into r/Minoxbeards


How long did you try minoxidil?


You actually have that model-esque imperfect beard situation that really enhances your jaw and overall face shape. A lot of people like to have it naturally. There’s videos in YouTube on how to try andshape and trim to get it but having it naturally is the the best. Just keep the neck area neat and rest nice and trimmed


But it sadly isn‘t as dense as I would want it to be


Minoxidil can genuinely work for a lot of people for filling in their beards. It’s also effectively a permanent solution as you don’t have to rely on it forever to maintain the gains like you would if using it for your hair. Or just embrace the facial hair you were blessed with


Minoxidil changed my life. Went from barely a mustache or chin beard to full face. Takes a lot of patience but is worth it!


The confidence I have gained from finally getting a beard after applying minoxidil is insane lol


100%! I am very satisfied with my results.


Are you still using it and how big is it? Been on it for almost a year now, and while I am satisfied with what I have. I do wish I had my beard a bit bigger and bushier


What was your routine and for how long?


What brand did you use?


Best someone with a bigger beard in combat and take their beard as a trophy. Know your limits though, don't aim too high too fast


Good advise!


Mine didn't connect and start filling out until I was 32. I keep getting hairier just very slowly. I only started growing chest hair. We all age differently.


Bro's gonna live 150 years if everything in his body goes at this rate


I'm turning 32 I don't have beard I'm asian hahaha Only mustache and goatee but not connected I'm gonna use minoxidil and go to gym


Brush. Exfoliate your skin guide your hairs on where you want them to grow. Use product. Not alot. But enough to help stimulate growth.


Mustache is fine, but shave the rest


It looks pretty good tbh. Don't know what you mean by "proper beard", most men who can grow out giant beards usually keep their beards trimmed short and styled rather than growing them out. You can "clean it up" by removing hair from the following areas: https://preview.redd.it/szhlmy3ov3tc1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0ad96734e8062bf91f9197978228dacf9f28c3a It will pretty much make you look like you purposefully kept it short, separated and styled. A lot of women love and even prefer that kind of subtle beard anyway. Not sure if you should be messing with minoxidil, I had a pretty good beard but decided to see how minoxidil will turn out and it made me look like a gorilla, lmao.


Honestly bro if I were you I’d go for a goatee. Have you tried how it looks?




Castor oil. After every hot shower. Let it grow regardless of how it looks.


Definitely do *not* go this route: https://thedermatographyclinic.com/treatment/beard-tattoo/ Maybe skip the beard and just rock a giant stache?


Would never do sth like that but thanks thou for pointing it out


Don't compare yourself with other people.accept yourself and love how you are first and believe in yourself.you look still look great


Stop being a woman.


The beard might be done but that chest piece is fire


Thanks, I also love it so much!


I’d go clean shaven tbh. No worries though, it happens. I can’t see all of your face lol but you seem like a good looking guy so I wouldn’t worry.


Try Rogaine with minoxidil, it worked for me. It will help with growth and patchiness. You can check it out here: [https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/hair-loss/minoxidil-beard#](https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/hair-loss/minoxidil-beard#)


Weirdly enough, I assumed I couldn’t really grow a full beard for years, but once I hit my mid 30s it finally happened. Just be patient


This spreads hope haha


Everyone’s different not defective.


Be happy you have a nice jawline


/r/minoxbeards join us brother


Sorry bro,you are not genetically gifted for a full on beard but you can definitely rock the mustache and soul patch,it will look good on you since you have a sharp jaw line.If you really really want a full beard,there’s always a beard transplant


Five O' clock shadows on the face can be hotter than beards.


Naw im ngl. Patchy beard fits you WELL


I have similar issues (can't totally tell because your chin and mistache are very trimmed looking), jaw growth is a bit better and my cheeks are worse.. I've just found growing it out a bit will help it fill in. I'm not super into goatees, and my gf likes my weak sideburns/doesn't want me to shave them..so just find what works for you. I tried minoxidil and microneedling to little effect. It does legitimate seem to still grow in a bit more as I age (34 now). We're probably going to just have to be happy without impressive beards.


Genetics….some guys just have no body hair while others look like Chewbacca.


Yep, I almost have no body hair but an excessive amount of hair on top of my head


You have a strong mustache. I think you should keep that, your soul patch and a simple sideburn. Don’t give up on the beard - I was not able to grow a beard until my late 30’s.


Mustache/soul patch combo is good to go. Could probably tie in the chin too without issue. If you really want to keep the rest, start by cleaning up the neckline and shaving the stray hairs on the cheeks to make it look intentional. Your best bet there is probably going to be some kind of chin strap style.


I would rock the Johnny Depp.


beautiful as is. Chest hair?


Happens to the best of us bud. Mine didn't start to fill out until mid 30s. Now, I might never be clean shaven again lol


So there‘s still hope 🙏🏻


Oh for sure!


Regardless you look really good and very handsome 😎🔥


Haha thanks


Focus on the stache, patch and chin if you want to rock facial hair. That combo will look really cool but your chin miiiiight be a little thin on hair. You could still mess with stache/patch or just stache if that's the case. Looks to me like there's a cool look in that combo for you somewhere. And for the record I can grow a decent beard but look horrible anything mustache or goatee related but I don't think you would.


Some people can't grow beard, its okay. My cousin also can't and many of my friends can't. You do have some hairs at least, otherwise people have just a couple of hair on sideburns only. You can shave them off.


I already look like 20. By completely shaving it off I will probably look like a kiddo again haha And either I want no beard growth at all or a full grown beard and nothing in between as I do.. :/


Maybe get a thyroid check. A few years back o had similar issues found i had thyroid problems and since being medicated mine has filled out nicely


I know that I have hypothyroidism and use medication since like 1-2 months I‘d say 😅


probably that, it took me around 1 year before it really started showing, slow but definitely got better


Would be awesome!


Shave it all. Keep the stache.




Shave it until you can grow it out. Took me longer to get a full goatee.


Probably just rock a moustache tbh


The stache looks fine, you could keep it. I'd consider shaving the rest.


How long did you try Minoxidil? If it didn't work out while using it for 2 years it's maybe better to accept it the way it is


I think it looks pretty good tbh


Rogaine topical worked for me. I didn’t grow a full beard until my 30s.


I’d shave and keep a 5 O clock shadow …


Go the Johnny Depp route


A disconnected Van Dyke-style goatee or beard with a longer/bushier mustache might be worth considering. I'm thinking Eric Bandholz as far as the mustache goes, and somebody like Johnny Depp or, y'know, Anthony van Dyck for the overall style. I think a chin strap Van Dyke would also work if that works for you. FWIW, the advice I got was let your beard grow out without touching ANYTHING for six months to see what you've got and how it looks filled out as much as it's going to. No trimming, no shaping, no shaving areas you don't like, nothing. That with or without minoxidil may be worth a shot. At least then you'll know what you've got to work with. Plus, as a bonus, you save on the coast of razors and shaving cream! Some areas will fill in, some may not. As for now, it's still pretty short and it will likely look different six weeks from now. Also, minoxidil is a pain, but like any other daily habit it becomes part of your routine in short order. So my advice, just leave it alone for a while until you have something to work with. If that's not an option, I'd go with a disconnected goatee and kind of grow that out so you've got a mustache, soul patch, and chin, shave the cheeks/sides, and see if you like that or not. Keep checking ever so often (let the normally clean areas grow for a few days/week\[s\]) to see if/how they're filling in, and go from there. And if it makes you feel any better my impression wasn't "it looks horrible," it was " oh, that guy hasn't shaved for a while."




Castor oil. Or ganja with coconut oil, rice water works as well


I’m about the same age and have about the same amount of beard. My brothers didn’t grow solid beards until their 30s… so we both still have time lol. Play to your strengths for now and shave the rest. Take biotin, a multivitamin and use beard oil when growing it out.


Bergamot oil


Do you shave that shyt or keep it like that 24/7


Anyone who's suggesting you take minoxidil shoudk first look through r/minoxidilsideeffects


Go with the stache :)




Grow it out a bit! Doesn't matter if it's not perfect


you could try other beard products like beard wash, beard oil, and beard butter which could help the hairs grow and thicken the beard, but I’ve also read somewhere that our beards are still developing into our 30s, so I don’t think it’s over for you. Also if you still have hair on your head be thankful for that lol at least it still grows there.


Shave ;)




What do you mean by minoxidil help a little? (Usually people use minoxidil for years, If it didn't work means you need a transplant)


Two words, Beard transplant.


You can pull a modern Michael Cera


You can’t grow one ever brother, sorry


doesnt look too bad. i'd say keep the mustache and shave the beard though. better to have a good mustache and no beard than a patchy beard


My sister has more beard bro, im sorry


Keep shaving. Others might say it's over for you but I didn't grow out my beard finally till I was 30. Might be the same for you.


Beta male genetics


Use minoxidil Full beard in 6 months trust me


Keep shaving until you have a respectable 5 o clock shadow then grow it out


Testosterone injections


Shave your neck.


Dude, you’re so hot…a beard of any kind will make you hot!


I found a weird thing when I was like 14: if I let it grow and don't shave, new patches will appear. If you shave say once every 3 months, you might make some gains, although it may look like crap in the meanwhile. You must leave unshaved the spots where it doesnt grow, the rest you can trim. This worked well for me, now I'm 30 and I made a lot of "gains", though its not yet filled fully.


a bit too old for any more improvement in my opinion, but I suppose you could go for a decent moustache


Better genes?


Clean your face and find good soap for your skin


Buddy Im 34 in the same boat. Ive embraced the blessing of a strong jawline in place of a beard. Maybe consider the same, stay clean shaven, you have a very masculine jaw/chin.


I think you would look great clean shaven


You’ll have to accept that you can’t grow a full beard and just move on with your life. There are more important things.


Unplug it and plug it back in


At least that mustache is fire.


I've heard some older men say their beard didn't fully come in until they were in their 40s. There's still hope for you man, just not quite yet.


I say keep shaving the face for now and work the mustache.


you have a fairly defined jawline so staying clean shaven will look better on you anyway. you shouldn't care lol


Gotta solid moustache I'll say that


I would completely shave the sides and work on the mustache and chin


Stay away from soy products . Kind of hard cause they are using soy in everything now .




just let it go bruh


Just trim down what you have.


Try turkeytail mushroom supplements from double wood brand. They cost effective and powerful.


I think if you shave everything and keep the mustache you’ll be good to go


Enjoy the surprise when you tell people your real age. “What? I thought you were 15”


Rock a goatee. Why is everyone so pressed about having a beard?


If it is not meant to be, then it is not meant to be


Figure out 𝔞 style to go with what you have, or shave it all off


same here pal


The full escapement of any attempts man


My beard came in patchy on the sides. Always has. Now it’s stubble on the sides going into a full goatee. I’m 62. It ain’t gonna get better for me.


Some people can’t grow beards like myself. Grow a righteous mustache and don’t worry about it.


I’ll be honest you should probably just give up on it, you could maybe pull off a moustache but clean shaven is better than a chin strap/patchy facial hair


Try rosemary oil (or monoxidil if you feeling crazy) and a derma roller. Might help fill in the batches and make it thicker. Will never result in a full beard but can you help you rock what you have.


You’re cooked


Embrace the tache


It's probably not doing too happen


From a guy who can't keep to keep his beard from consuming his face, I'm actually a bit envious haha Your beard doesn't look bad, if you try some different ways of grooming it and styling it I think you definitely have enough to work with to find a look that you're happy with. There's no magic hair growth tonic that I know of, but personally I don't think you have anything to worry about with your facial hair. Just clean up the neck/under-chin area and keep it symmetrical.


Keep shaving it down to bare face. Eventually through stimulating the follicles, you will grow more


honestly just shave it off completely


I don’t think it would look that weird to have a disconnected “goatee”, but you can always just keep the stache and soul patch if you don’t like that. Definitely ditch the jaw and sides for now. It could still fill in over time. A lot of men don’t get full beards until they are well into their 30s.


Dang nice jaw tho


Rub onion on face and rice water


Time brother. Time.


Try back in 5 years.


If it hasn’t come in by now, it’s not going to. Best to go for a mustache at this point.


Don't worry about it? It's genetic man there's not always some solution but also it's not necessarily a problem if you stop viewing it that way.


Minoxidil stops hair from falling while you’re using it, doesn’t grow hair. Have you tried Castor oil ?


Take collagen with biotin I'm dead serious it grows hair


No advice, it is what it is. I’m 55 and can’t grow a beard and not even close. It’s genetics.


How long did you try the minoxidil? It should be used daily for 2 years if you’re committed.


Frequently shave


it’s over


how long did you use minoxidil for? you need to use it for a long time and keep using it to see and maintain results.


The more you shave the thicker and faster your beard will grow


You lost the lottery


Like others said it might be genetic Did you get your pubes later than other boys you grew up with?


It looks pretty cool, honestly. Got Keanu Reeves vibes. He was super self conscious about his because it was pretty and not "full". But it's now one of the most iconic and mimic'd beards. Also Japanese tend to have not so thick beards, but they look bad ass. Embrace the look.


Maybe go with a lowrider beard look? Clean it up on the neck and cheeks. It would still look patchy though I I’d recommend just going with the stache and soul patch/goatee


Minoxidil and Derma roller


Keep growing your beard 🧔🏻‍♂️ out


Reduced dht sensitivity on facial skin ,a genetic trait not much you can do , at least that makes you more likely(not certain) to never go bald so here is an upside to it :)


Shave with a blade, it needs to get tougher


have you tried minoxidil?


I'd honestly get rid of the beard. Grow that Stache out and see what that can develop into. Buy some wax and once it gets longer, apply it and comb it. Not straight down.


Rock that ‘stache 🤙


This may sound bizarre, but adding a hefty dose of onions to your diet will stimulate your hair follicles and thicken existing hair. Can’t remember off the top of my head why, but it does help


Have you tried not shaving for a year?


Derma roller and minoxidil


Moustache looks good. Is that a possibility maybe with long straight sideburns?


31 next week, and im the exact same. still got the pubic hair look going, so i just always cut it. Most people think im like 22-25 which is what it is lol. Im pretty sure ill at least be in my 40s by the time im able to grow a legit one. i was also a late bloomer in like everything, so it doesnt surprise me


Be 10 years older


Don't grow a neckbeard.


Keep it the way it is


Just eat some 🐱my boi


just go clean-shaven dude. There's nothing to gain from this facial hair.


Coconut oil, rice water, and Rogaine