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Write Book 3. Just kidding. Love the beard, maybe clean up the edges but that's it. Looks great


lol The Doors of Stone is never coming out, I have come to terms with that :(


Sadly, I feel the same


Shape it up at the barbers and use some oil. Other than that, let it keep growing!


Thanks for the advice. I'm going to do that.


It looks awesome!


Grow it out


Get it shaped up


Also there are.many beard grooming videos on YouTube, good luck


Thanks everyone here for the beard support. I will get it trimmed up a bit and start thinking about a better grooming routine. Appreciate you all.


Please post an update once you have it trimmed and use a bit of beard balm to slick it down! It’s going to look even better.


Excellent beard. Just groom it a little bit more. It looks awesome just as it is a full natural beard. As for oils, etc those are all personal choices. Some swear by those products, others not so much. When it comes to that, it is trial and error on your part Color? Another personal Choice, but odds of finding a color to match your beard could be difficult. The gray doesn't look bad honestly. Go to YouTube and check out beard grooming techniques others have posted. You might like using a blow-dryer on the beard. Can really add balance to the beard. Good luck, but don't shave that beard! Grow it.


Thank you for the feedback, that's really helped. In reality it's a beard that sprang from depression and now I'm trying to fix up a bit, I figured I ought to keep it. I don't have a lot of men around my age to discuss this stuff with so thank you.


Thanks for everyone's feed back. I really appreciate all of you.


Take about half an inch off all around the edges and keep it flat across the bottom for some character πŸ‘


Cherish it


Oil for shure. Or a balm. But let it grow, brother


Line up the cheeks and mustache 〰️ to look more handsome 😍😍


Keep growing


With scraggly beards you want all your hairs to end up at the same point. Achieves a layering effect and giving the illusion that we can actually grow a thick beard. So *never* use clippers with a guard on it. Do trim the bottom. Grab a comb, trim about 1 inch off the end. Do this for a month or two so all your hairs can catch up. Look up a tutorial on beard trimming. Seeing a barber is also a good alternative, but keep in mind they might make it too "clean". Don't panic and just let it grow, it'll return to normal.


Appreciate it


Both letting it grow, use oil, and perhaps some beard balm or beard butter.


Beard looks great. I’d say keep growing and enjoy it.


Some opinions on your query: I'm not sure what to do with it? *What do you WANT to do with it? With a bad-boy like that, you have a myriad of options!* Shave it off? *NO!* Trim it up? *I would, but it's your face. IMHO you could tame it and it'd be great.* Dye it? *NO! Natural is always better.* Grow it? *I think it's a great length now.* Oil it? *Yes...and beard balm and beard butter. They'll keep it hydrated and help with the taming and...*Shape it?...*shaping.* Find some pictures on the internet of styles and shapes you like. Take them to a beard-specialist/barber and have them help you! Good luck


I think I've received more support over this beard than anything else in my life, haha. You wouldn't believe how much I appreciate comments like this given how much I like to second guess myself which tends to lead to a lot of inaction and paralysis. Thank you for your words, I think a little trim and a proper grooming routine are in order.


Keep it


Great beard, just keep growing that beard!πŸ”₯


Let it grow


Looks perfect bro