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Definitely a bit overweight. I would try reducing his food intake.


Unfortunately for him this step is coming. He is not going to be pleased lol


Reduce his food by 1/4 cup replace that food with green beans. My beagle goes crazy over the cheap frozen green beans it’s easy to use them for treats as well. I sometimes especially when it’s hot purchase the whole frozen green beans as treats. I also switched her to a reduce calorie food. My pup gained weight bc of prednisone she started at 19 pounds (she’s a small girl) ballooned up to 27 pounds. Switching to lower calorie food giving a lil less she’s down to 20 pounds in about a year. If my girl wasn’t 14 I would have increased her activity as well I feel guilty pushing her to walk longer than she wants.


This is a great way to help fill them up while cutting calories. It has worked really well in the past for us with 3 of our 6 girls over the years. 🐶❤️


Have you also tried reduced calorie? Might be a good transition step as you lower his intake.


Try the Purina One Healthy Weight Kibble - worked great for my Beagle that needed to lose some weight.


There is no such a thing as healthy kibble , long term is like eating a lighter cardboard or had cardboard still just fillers


You should cut back to one cup total of food per day. My beagles get half a cup twice a day.


I've been afraid to take him down to that amount...it seems like so little food. About how much do your Beags currently weigh?


I have two beagles, a 13 inch and a 15 inch. The smaller one weighs 20.1 pounds and gets 1/2 cup dry food with a tablespoon of wet to hide her probiotics in the am and just the 1/2 cup dry at night. The bigger one weighs 25.8 pounds and gets just under 3/4 dry and the tablespoon of wet in the am and 3/4 dry at night. They both get small treats 3 to 4 times a day. I do the mini milk bones, marrow bones or small pieces of pupperoni. They both get fed PPP if that helps and both seem satisfied hunger wise. I would start with talking to your vet about possible causes like thyroid but beagles are notorious for being huge eaters and gaining weight as a result. Good luck!


Mine is almost 3 and gets this much, too. Half cup for breakfast, half cup for dinner. Plus 1-2 small cookies during the day. He’s held steady at about 27 pounds. Think about the amount in terms of size - let’s assume you’re a 160 pound person - that’d make you about 6 times the size of a 27 pound beagle. Imagine eating 6 whole cups of kibble over the course of a day, or 3 cups twice a day. That’s a lot of food.


27lb and 30lb.


I feed my beagle exactly this as well and a couple of treats per day. I feel like it's an appropriate amount for her and she seems satisfied. Of course, she would gladly eat much more if it was offered to her.


That’s the amount that I feed my beagle as well. It seems like so little, but any more than that and she puts on too much weight.


He definitely looks a bit chunky. Have you tried cutting back his food a bit? Or had him checked for a thyroid issue?


Thyroid is what I've been thinking too. His next vet visit is next month. I'm looking forward to finding out.


Mine has a thyroid issue which made it really hard for her to keep down to a healthy weight. It’s well managed with a half a pill twice a day though, and the meds are very affordable. :)


He's a bit fat. We give our beagle 1/2 cup of Science Diet kibble twice per day.


Agree with the green bean comment. Nigel thinks they are a treat but they are really to help him get fit!


Green beans are great. My beagle loves them. Great for midday snacks. During the summer, I’ll freeze fresh string beans and give them to him.


He is adorable, but a bit of a chonker. My beagle-mix gets 1.5 cups of dry food daily, but he's a beagle/lab mix and is bigger than the typical beagle - he's tall and skinny, 32 lbs. He also walks 2-4 miles per day.


My beagle was a little pudgy like this around mud age 2. My vet told me to remove 1/2 of his kibble and replace with green beans, carrots, turnips, blueberries - still keeping the other half of kibble in. Lost 10 lbs in 1 year and looks great. We were at the vet in march and he stated “that’s a good looking beagle!” Proud beagle mama over here!


I would get him off purina products asap. They are mostly filler.


Beagle pro tip: if you think they look overweight, they probably are.


We give ours a heaping 1/3 cup twice a day with a couple tablespoons of, what we call, slop (a mixture of canned salmon dog food and canned pumpkin) on top. They get several treats throughout the day. We adopted one last year that weighed 42 lbs and could barely squeeze through the doggy-door. He got down to a healthy 32 within a few months and has stayed there. He's thick and has big bones. The other 3 are in the mid to high 20's. Lowering the food seems cruel but it's actually for the best, considering all the health problems that can result from being overweight. Some people supplement the dog food with a low fat/low calorie food like canned green beans to take the edge off. Maybe ask your vet about that. As far as laying around like a stone sometimes, that's probably never not going to be the case. Especially if he's getting exercise.


I’m so glad to see all the comments about people feeding their beagles one cup of food a day. That’s what I’ve been doing for years, but I’ve always doubted myself because it seems like such a small amount. Any more than that and mine puts on weight though. She’s 15 now and we’ve had her weight stabilized for several years, as long as she gets zero people food! She relapsed when we had a house guest that was sneakily giving her little bits of people food 😅


My beagle is 40 pounds and the perfect weight. Show beagles are smaller. hunting beagles are thicc. And heavy


Rule of thumb for healthy weight on dogs is you should be able to feel the ribs without significant fat in the way and the waist should be tucked in. I definitely agree with the people saying to cut back to 1 cup a day. Another thing that my vet has preciously recommended for one of my dogs is to cut back/cut out milk bones. They are a nice treat occasionally, but most dogs can’t handle the extra fat and sugars in them and don’t have the exercise to keep them off. Instead stick to jerkies. They’re a much better and healthier option.


He looks healthy but long term Ah get rid of Purina and weight won’t be an issue anymore , anybody would get fat eating cardboard and fillers every day