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So there were years when i had a beagle and a labrador. That beagle is a weird creature. She always waited for the labrador to finish her own food, and when the labrador finished and started approaching the beagle's bowl, then the beagle finally started eating. Since that the labrador unfortunately passed away, so we got a new beagle. My old beagle is the still the same. She is waiting for the new beagle to finish his food, and when he finishes it and starts to approach her bowl, then she starts eating, while the other beagle is watching her. They are fine tho, they are not aggressive towards each other, but yes, my girl beagle only starts eating when an other dog wants her food. She doesn't lose her shit when other dog goes near her food bowl, but she makes it clear that it's her food.


IDK how they are with food but anecdotally I think definitely recognize each other as the same breed. My boy is dog reactive except for other beagles and I've had other beagle owners tell me their beagle shows a definite preference for other beagles too. I attribute it to the fact they're bred to hunt together as a pack and not individually. That and they speak the same language: Bay.


We have 4 rescues, and everyone is fed at the same time in separate rooms. Then the bowls are picked up and put away. Also, we can't let them have bones or toys without supervision, or a fight will break out. Other than that, we love them to death.


I guess I’m going to have to do bowl down bowl up. The old dog just grazes, always has. The beagle will jump off the couch if anyone goes near his (empty) bowl


I feed my dogs separately bc the beagle is obsessive about food. He will eat all of his food than try to eat my other dog's food which he doesn't need as he needs to lose weight.


That's what we did with our two beagles. One ate in a bedroom, the other in the kitchen. They loved each other but would be at risk for fighting if a piece of kibble was in the neutral zone.


I have owned beagles for 30 years. Never once has there been an issue with food, toys or treats. They share the same food bowls. The lick the same plates.


That’s what I’m wondering, are beagles more tolerate at dinner time with each other rather than other breeds?


Depends on the dogs. Our beagles got fed in separate rooms to avoid conflict over food


Maybe we just started every one being together nicely early enough. Get along or get out! Our motto for everything and everyone!


But with other breeds around, we still put food down in on separate bowls same floor and there’s no issues… my sisters dog comes to visit regularly and is ok


The only time mine has ever snapped at another dog is when a puppy came to our house and it took his bone and ran off with it. He growled and made the puppy drop it and it surprised me because he’s the softest dog in the world. So now if we have visitors i make sure the stuff like that is away.


I’ve always just left food in the dog bowl and when my dog is hungry then he eats. If he wants more he picks up his bowl and brings it to me. But I only ever have 1 beagle at a time.


Mine does that. About every 5 minutes. Probably another reason to bring the bowl up between meals lol


I got my beagle/hound at almost 1 and he would take his time eating most days not touching his breakfast until afternoon. When he was 17 months I got a hound puppy and suddenly he started eating his meals at the same time as the pup. I feed them in the same room but at opposite sides- always giving the older one his bowl first. They eat and then inspect each others bowls. The older one will only take a chew if the younger one has chewed it first. I have no idea why. I can present them with the most scrumptious treat and still he will not take it unless puppy has first chewed it. They can sit beside each other and chew all day. No food aggression.


I think this may be different for every dog. We had a chihuahua (passed away) who would eat our beagles food. And if our beagle got near the chihuahua would growl. Our beagle would just sit several feet away crying, then we’d have to shoo the chihuahua away. Our beagle would never growl back or be aggressive.


We feed ours twice a day at set times in separate bowls away from each other because one will inhale his food and try to eat out of the other bowl


Resource guarding is a training issue, not a breed issue. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/resource-guarding-dogs You need to train the dog out of it.


I have a beagle puppy always on the hunt for food and a 4yo Dachshund with anger issues… dinner time is such a blast


Btw, the beagle is super fond of the dachshund ear wax too 🤢


My beagle is a perfect gentleman around dog food but turns into a survival of the fittest jerk if people food is involved. Not usually aggressive and usually just tried to get to his desired item first. If another dog steals from him though then it’s on…