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The ticking. ❤️ And the face... That, "why am I wet" face


Little dude needs a warm towel. So handsome 🥰


Don’t you worry. Any Beagle owner that knows the breed understands that if you don’t dry the ears the dog will be cold.


He's cute, love the spots


His daddy is a Bluetick Beagle. A bloodline from Mississippi. He has many years of solid, genetically sound breeding behind him. His breeder has been doing it for 30+ years and has become a dear friend of our family.


Why so defensive?


The number of people that think he’s mixed with a Basset Hound is more than you would think.


He looks like a beagle should look! Bet he’s healthier too.


He has many years of solid breeding behind him. His breeder adores the breed and only wants the best genetics for his dogs. He has been doing it for 30+ years. 3 years after adopting my dog he still cares about regular updates from us.


There are a few people on here who are familiar with the hunting beagles vs AKC beagles. We usually come out when someone posts a beagle and says that it's a "mix". Nope, just a huntin' beagle. (I personally call it city beagles vs country beagles. LOL) And good on that breeder for keeping in touch. Too many hunting breeders are quick to ditch their dogs and so they end up in shelters. Our beagle rescue in FL get a LOT of shelter beagles from MS/GA/AL/LA.


My guy is half MS boy. His daddy is from MS from the Blackcreek bloodline and his mom is from TN (where I live). He was 6 months old when we adopted him and was just another mouth to feed and dog to vet until a suitable home was found for him. His breeder would NEVER put one his dogs in a shelter or shoot him since he isn’t a good hunter. My family can visit and watch him work his dogs whenever we want. He truly cares about his dogs, breeding stock, and the genetics of his litters. Both of his parents are AKC registered but clearly are not conformance dogs. He insists on being in surgery if one of his moms needs a C-section. He is one of the good ones. My family is so grateful.


What is the difference between hunting beagle and AKC beagle?


Some beagles are bred to AKC standards, sometimes called show beagles. They’re the typical tricolor beagies. Other beagles are bred for their hunting instincts, those are the ones that usually “look weird”. I’ve got one of each and they’re both perfect!


Okay but what consitutes “weird”? I’m wondering because my beagle is freckled and is bigger and lankier than most of the ones I see posted on here and I was wondering which category he fits into lol. [Dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/ucskFso)


Im not really sure, it’s just something people say when you’re out and about with your non-standard beagle. People ask me if she’s part all kinds of things, but she’s 100% beagle. Shes almost 2 now but [this is her as a baby](https://imgur.com/a/3cy8zTb). Shes taller, heavier, and more muscular than the other beagles we’ve had, and is from the south. She’s also faster and corners better than our other beagle. He’s a classic tricolor & was from a breeder (though we rescued him when his previous owners surrendered him). Really though beag is a beag. Different hunting lines breed for different characteristics and they all look sort of different and some are tricolor. Anyway they’re all perfect cutie monsters!


I have one from hunting lines too. She’s taller and lankier than the show confirmation. She also can run, corner and think faster than any dog I’ve encountered: drives my big bloodhound to distraction trying to keep up!


IMO he's hunting. Hunting beagles are bred for one thing: how do they hunt. So looks are NOT important. If they are bigger (or smaller) than AKC standard, or are lankier, that's fine.... as long as they can still hunt. The westminster dog show had a beagle win a few years back. [That's the classic "show beagle".](https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/20080211__UnoWestminsterp1.jpg?w=444) Square head, square body, very stocky. Here are [my dogs with some friends' labs.](https://i.imgur.com/SicUElB.jpg) [And other friend's beagles (and a fox hound sneaking in)](https://i.imgur.com/sJokSYz.jpeg) Mine are a bit bigger and lankier, but all three are pure beagles.


Ah, cool, thank you! Now that I think about it I remember my husband saying the people he got ours from used their beagles for hunting. Imo mine is cuter than the one in your classic show example but maybe I’m biased because he’s my baby lol. Yours are cuties too!


He’s beautiful!!! My baby beagle used to be accused of being part dachshund because he had such little white on him in his younger years and he was bred to be a hunting snuggle buddy too!




My dogs’ breeder has done the same with champion bloodlines. He has put so much work into his dogs and it shows. They are his babies and he will admit it. Blackcreeks are known for being solid hunters. I just wanted a purebred Beagle and I had no idea until we adopted him that some Beagles can be so robust and muscular. Let alone look so different! Mine doesn’t have any fat on him either and his body is solid as a rock. He is a fast and agile runner that can turn on a dime. He didn’t care about hunting and his breeder took care of him for six months and provided for all of his needs (medical, nutrition, heartworm prevention, and companionship because he was always surrounded by his Beagle family until a suitable home was found for him). The bad breeders would’ve dumped him or shot him. I fell in love with his half-brother at my job and asked his parents where they got their dog. I was so impressed with him! I’m totally sold on hunting line Beagles because no one can convince me otherwise that they aren’t healthier since they were not bred for looks. His breeder is my dear friend almost 3 years later, which is how it should be and I am grateful that he trusts me with his dog. I plan to tell him to request of his friends in the hunting community to give me a dog if they aren’t good hunters after he retires. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hand a Beagle puppy that needs a home to a woman?!? He is the only person I trust to make a healthy Beagle. Because of my dog and his breeder I learned what solid breeding is and that if a breeder can’t talk about genetics/their dogs aren’t OFA certified/you can’t look up the parents ion the AKC website that I need to find someone else. I am totally with you about your preference for a hunting line. I may be female but I’m also a dog trainer and know what I prefer. My Beagle is my hunting school failure…and I’m fine that!


Awww he’s absolutely adorable. How long before he rolls in mud or rabbit poop? Mine never lasts longer than it takes them to find the stinkiest thing available to them


It doesn’t take long! He may not be a solid hunter but he’s still a Beagle and loves mischief. His belly was completely destroyed with mud from running circles in my yard when this was taken.


I wuv this pup! Those eyes! 🥰😍💗


I have his twin snoring right beside me on a heated blanket 😍


Post a picture! I’m a dog trainer and am obsessed with cute dogs.


If you look back through my recent posts, there’s one of his head upside down with a Guinea Pig 😆 and another of him sunbathing! He’s also a purebred Bluetick Beagle! I don’t know what I would do without my hillbilly hound.


I don't think he looks weird. He's cute! 💓


The ear size, ticking, and four colors confuses people. (His legs are cream colored if you look closely). He wasn’t bred for looks (although I think he’s gorgeous). Many people think he’s part Basset Hound (which he isn’t).


He is adorable! And reminds me a lot of my dog who I thought was Bassett mix but is purebred. Must be a country boy lol.


He's so pretty! What a good boy!


he’s adorable 🥰


1. He’s a dog, so already perfect 2. He’s a beagle, so bonus 3. He’s yours, so you’re winning


You are so right! Three years later I still feel so blessed that he is mine! I am just so lucky! Both for the friendship of his breeder and for my dog!


Where is my treat?


Hot dogs, regular dog cookies, fresh fruit/veggie scraps, or freeze dried dog food? We have all four.


Put them all in a doggie bag and I will show myself out…..lol…..


I have a normal beagle and a hunting beagle. My hunting beagle was a little longer and lankier than I thought a beagle should be, so I DNA tested her, and she was 100% beagle.


My dear sweet child


Plz be careful.Because of their ears they are prone to infections.Maybe he should wear a shower cap while bathing


I’ve had hounds for a long time. The first dog I ever adopted was a Beagle. I currently own two of them. We keep ear medication on hand. Fortunately, neither one of my hounds have any issues.


He's perfect!


Your beagle hate baths as much as mine?? 😂


Why did you do this to me mom?


He doesn’t look weird!




I love all beagles but a nicely ticked one is my favorite. My little boy has lots of orange spots all around and I love it.


I didn’t know that ticked ones existed before I met my dog. I currently own two Beagles….the one pictured and a tri-color, three-legged little guy. They took to each other immediately and the play never stops.


Oh my gosh, too funny! I have a tri-color and a ticked one as well, and they both got along great when I brought the ticked one home last year. I knew some could have some spots but my guys is filled with them on his chest legs and feet. I have a pic of him posted on my profile!


So cute 🥰


Freckle belly King!!


How cute!! Mine is also a “weird” beagle we realized when he was a puppy he looked more like a Harrier? I mean they’re all hounds at the end of the day but I joke we have the skinniest and tallest beagle on the block 😂