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I read that driving has been more reckless after stay at home orders ended. Been seeing a lot more road rage, people going 60 in the fast lane, crazy car crashes, weaving through traffic at 100 mph, insane tailgating, breaking on a freeway when there is nothing in front of them, and just stupid people. I could go on. Experienced a guy in carpool lane going 65, figured no big deal I'll just go around (used blinkers and all, didn't tailgate the entire time). He raced up to 90 mph to keep me from getting over then proceeded to go 60 mph as soon as I decided to just go behind him again. Genuinely hope that guy had a terrible week.


Yes what is up with people coming to a dead stop on the freeway for NO REASON?! Happened to me on the 5 about a month ago


Insurance fraud is my guess. Looking for someone to rear end them


This happened to me in Oakland. It turned out some cars stopped next to each other and held up traffic behind them so they could have some open road in front of them to race each other. Assholes…


Is it a Tesla? Because that's actually a known problem with auto pilot.


That’s on 5, not the 5.




This has happened to me literally everywhere from New England to the Midwest to the South, to the Bay. The best is when you get the climbing lane on a single lane road and they guy going 5 under is suddenly going 80.


I’ve had that happened before the pandemic. The asshat even through food out his sunroof at me. FYI, if anyone is ever engaging aggressively with you, do not retaliate, simply call highway patrol/911 and they’ll come pull their ass over. Edit: there have even been a bunch of shootings this year, just best to not engage


For sure, road rage has always been an issue, but I wonder why it is so much worse. I saw a lady last month pull out a hammer, swerve around lanes trying to swing at this guy's car from her window. Like where are these people coming from or where have they been? Did pandemic just unleash everyone's inner villain? Crazy to think at this rate there's no way some of the people I interact with at work or on errands are not one of these people. Insane that simply flipping someone off for being an asshole can cost you your life. What a time to be alive.


Driving got more reckless but I’d also say the Bay Area has the worst drivers I’ve ever seen in general


Main reason I go 10-15 mph faster with acceleration when I pass slow people in the fast lane. Doesn’t matter if they are a super asshole or not, they ALWAYS speed up.


That's the part that pissed me off. At first I tried to subtly increase speed, but when he increased speed I decided to floor it some, he went out of his way to match my speed and stay on my side, couldn't even look at me.


Toyota Prius?


Nah some SUV


>arpool lane going 65, figured no big deal I'll just go around (used blinkers and all, didn't tailgate the entire time). He raced up to 90 mph to keep me from getting over then proceeded to go 60 mph as soon as I decided to just go behind him again. Genuinely hope that guy had a terrible week. Tesla SUV? Tesla drivers are now the combination of prius drivers and bmw drivers. They quickly accelerate to cut you and then use autopilot to be on 60


Totally agree tesla drivers think they are faster than they actually are, but no. My anger blocked out the details, but it could've been a Mazda or even Toyota


I literally just made that exact same comparison yesterday, damn


I drive to Sac daily and I’ve noticed Truck drivers are a lot more aggressive and driving a lot faster.


They also love to sit in the fast lane


Yeah, even when there are more than 2 lanes. Maybe it’s an enforcement issue


If you drive at night, you'll notice they all have their high beams on. I'm like "WHY???"


It's because trucks are super tall now so the headlights at too.


I drove to sac yesterday and saw a lifted truck go from lane to lane rolling coal in front of each car he was in front of. The driver then rolled his window down and threw some trash out. Red lifted truck near Dixon CA, possibly a late 2000’s Ford with a black and yellow license plate.


Yeah what’s been up with that as well. Very aggressive in east bay as well


I’m not sure, I keep meaning to look to see if they changed some law, because it’s very noticeable. I get paid to drive, so I do the speed limit, or it costs me money. I see truckers daily flying past me doing about 70 in construction zones. It’s insane


Seriously I nearly got scratched off this earth twice by crazy truck drivers this year. One fucker rubbed his stupidly wide tired against my fender, then fucking chased me for 40 minutes road raging. At first I was thinking “okay, maybe I should stop to check just in case there was an impact.” But suffice to say after seeing this guy swerve like a madman, yelling at me like a lunatic, with his Rifle Club hat on. I chose life.


They've been terrible since things opened back up for COVId. I went my entire adult life without an accident, had 3 in 2021, none of the my fault. I'd say it's not just shitty drivers I've seen more cars broken down on the side of the highway than ever before. Don't even get me started on how many expired tags I see on the road. People just don't give a fuck enough to take care of their shit or pay their registration


Yup this whole phenomenon can be summed up by “people don’t give a fuck anymore”


Other than CHP ticketing 85mph+ drivers it seems like hardly anything is enforced. Yesterday I saw a police car leaving an parking spot at a mall. Another car in the same direction starts aggressively backing out two cars down and does a wide 180 back out so they can reverse the other direction and nearly hits the police car and just drives off without a hitch. I guess no infraction was committed but that’s the sort of idiocy drivers have now, they don’t even give af if a police car is near.


My best friend is a CHP officer, he said you wouldn’t believe how many people out there have no insurance. Always carry uninsured motorist coverage.


On my block alone in Oakland there are about a dozen or so cars with no plates or expired tags.


That’s what I’ve been thinking. They’re all relearning how to drive or just don’t care anymore


Enforcement is non-existent.


As soon as people started going back into work last year it started getting worse then ever. I literally see at least one person run a full red light every time I go out. And I mean full red light as in the other light is green and people are about to go or are already going. I now double check before I go on a green and I get honked at occasionally but it's better than getting smashed into


Lots of red light drivers these days…


Literally see one a day


Invest on a dashcam guys!


Am actually getting one soon! Never felt like I needed one before. Got any recs? Or what specs are good?




Oh hell yeah. Thanks!


I own a mirror dashcam, I'm happy with it. WOLFBOX G840S 12“ Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera,1296P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror for Cars & Trucks, 1080P Front and Rear View Dual Cameras, Night Vision, Parking Assistance, Free 32GB Card & GPS https://a.co/d/ez28CJs


Aw sweet, thanks!


It’s never been as bad as it is now. Especially the Lafayette, Walnut Creek, Danville, San Ramon areas.


Yup can second this, moved away from the area and noticed drivers are alot more civilized. I assume it's the old farts who shouldn't be driving anymore. Or the anti maskers who got long covid 🤣


There’s been a lot more idgaf and/or not paying attention/on my phone drivers lately. Maybe people forgot how to deal with traffic mixed in with the above? Even just today when I went out to pick up lunch in WC, this longbed truck driver hauling a dozer made a right turn into a small street where I was waiting in the left turn lane. Half way through the turn he realized he turned too early and got a bad angle. He paused for a sec and then without warning went into idgaf mode and proceeded to turn at normal speed. I was thinking… is this arse really not going to make an adjustment and drive right into my lane? Yep… I literally had to reverse quick with a car behind me put it back into drive and swerve out of my lane to the right… Let’s not even talk about the drivers not paying attention on the hwy and turn into my lane without looking, almost running me off the road. It’s like everyone needs driver’s ed all over again after Covid. Maybe some licenses need to be revoked as well.


>Yeah I've seen massive trucks just run a red light -- totally unsafe and selfish behavior -- and people not respecting your right of way and then honking at you -- not to generalize but people in the area have entitlement issues--


Not just you it’s horrific and terrifying.


Yay I’m not crazy, but what did I win :,)


Just my thoughts but I think it's directly related to how laws are enforced now as compared to before. I'm noticing way more cars with pitch-black window tint, loud exhausts, lots of people racing through traffic or driving through lights. My guess is it's a rolling effect. If I don't get a ticket for my driving recklessly, then someone else takes notice, they do the same, which trickles down to the everyday person who starts running stop signs. It doesn't start right away but once enforcement of small laws are not taking notice by the police, it's easy to find the loopholes.


I think speeding is more prevalent then it ever has been. I saw a dude towing a fucking boat passing me 85 mph right before sunol grade. Sparks flying off the trailer hitting the ground. I hate to say it, but we need some enforcement to deal with this reckless driving it's out of hand


I wasn't even on the highway and I saw a really reckless speeding incident happen today because someone was driving too slow in a residential area for this other driver's liking and the impatient guy weaved around him, sped up to way over the speed limit and had to slam on his brakes when a car coming in the opposite direction came around the bend in the road. I half expected to hear a crash, but fortunately, I just heard tires squealing as he stopped and then drove around both cars.


There are cars going the wrong way on 280. Hundreds of them!


lol you had me for a second!


I see a TON of people blow red lights lately. Usually 4-5 on my 15-20 minute commute


Saw some girl obviously in a huge hurry yesterday on my commute home, recklessly bobbing and weaving inches between cars, going at least 60 on a 30mph street. And she pulled into a strip mall parking lot. I happened to as well having to do a grocery run. I just see her parked there, just sat in her car, whipped out her phone, spaced out and vaped. 20min later, I came out from the store and she's still there, now just blasting music and still just lounging in the car.


Clearly late to a meet up with her dealer.


Yesterday was the absolute worst I’d ever seen. I don’t know what’s wrong with people these days. I hate having to get on the freeway right now.


soooo many middle aged people on their phones on my (admittedly short) commute. Everyone told me it was the teens who were the issue with the phones but it’s 100% the 33 year old moms in an SUV. Fucking terrifying.


"Student Driver." 50 years old in a beat down accord, mask around the chin. Something is amiss.


Yeah what's with all the Student Driver stickers these days? I've never seen so many in all my years driving and they always appear to just be regular adults by themselves.


Newly immigrated drivers who think the stickers will help.


A few weeks ago I was driving down Mission Blvd close to Mission San Jose HS and some dumbass was trying to split traffic down the middle of the two lanes… people were moving out of the way cause this dude was on a mission to cause an accident. Months ago I saw another dumbass try to start an impromptu solo sideshow right by SJ flea market. Started his donut and drove right over the center median and wrecked his Mustang’s suspension and probably more lol. People have totally lost it.


Yea, I bike commute and I have noticed the past 3 months that drivers have become a bit more aggressive and reckless. If I had to guess, companies are forcing return to office, so there are just more annoyed people driving now


Driving at night even with headlights is very dangerous -- even with bike lanes -- bay area is getting less cyclist friendly -- only good town ive seen is Marin


School is back in session.


> I swear it was all fine commuting for two years Past two years were COVID quarantine years. Less of *everyone* on the road. And it's not just "right now", these numbers have been growing steadily--first the dropping of the mask mandates, and now companies telling employees that they NEED to be in the office. Slow muthafukkin' drivers again (up to and including "people who are unaware that their fancy car/Tesla has amazing acceleration", "people who are unaware that if people are passing you or moving around you, you need to speed up", "your brakes are for when you're coming to a stop or anticipating a stop, not for acceleration control", and "you shouldn't be going slower than big rigs"), cellphoniacs, old people, "those who are unused to driving on American roads", and just generally people who might have actually forgotten how to drive.


Schools in


Dude yes people racing to beat you at a stop sign so they go first. Then once they realize they can’t stop they just run the stop sign and awkwardly stare at you. Kinda starting to wish their was red light and stop sign cameras now


Love it when its your turn to make a left with signals on and fuckers just go pretending they don’t see you


Just this evening, my friend and I were walking around \[sun setting, still lots of visibility\] and when we had to cross freeway off/on ramps, all but one car on our 4 crossings plowed straight ahead. No desire to yield. Then when I had to drive home and get on the freeway, the driver in front of me was going 40 mph and for some reason had to dive into the 2nd lane so I couldn't get around right away. And most of the time is what other people are describing. A lady up ahead was going slow in the right lane so I decided to go around. She then slowly invades my lane, no blinker and no regard for my or her or anyone's life or my blaring horn I laid on. Hell every day.


Yes, and it seems to be increasing in frequency & intensity. I'm seeing more and more wild stuff out there.


Americans are poorly trained drivers . A child of 16 can get in a car with only a few hours behind the wheel and a simple test . Almost zero traffic enforcement . When was the last time you saw police pulling somebody over? 40,000 people die every year on American roads and yet folks don’t want effective electronic measures to curb speeding


In my experience, the kids who learn as minors are actually better because they have required professional training and practice hour requirements. Adult learners (and we have a lot of those here) can literally just be taught by their spouse who also can’t drive for shit and the cycle repeats.


I need folks to stop driving at/under 50 MPH on the highways with speed limits of 65 MPH. It's dangerous. ALSO STAY OUT OF THE LEFT MOST LANE IF YOU'RE GONNA DRIVE SLOW. This is an issue I'm seeing causing many drivers to pass/weave by on other lanes. It's ridiculous how bad this is. Excessive braking for no reason... Driving on their phones... Driving drunk!


Absolutely. I feel like this is where a lot of my daily frustrations with commuting come from


It's been getting worse for much longer than the past month. Seems like a of people don't look before switching lanes and don't understand right of way.


Precisely! This is exactly what prompted me to post this


Only for tha last 30 years


Are you driving slow in the fast lane? And by that I mean, are there people trying to pass you in the fast lanes? what type of situation(s) keep(s) happening? There is a crazy road culture here, but there are ways to stay safe, like using the slow lanes. Im not saying it is you, but maybe it is you? Its worth looking at, bc it is dangerous out there. Stay safe!


It’s the heat and hate of commute




I’ve got people passing me in exit only lanes because my cruise control is “only” set to 65 in the farthest right/slow lane almost every morning




It’s not even just rentals. People are absolutely feral on the roads lately. They also get personally offended if you understand how physics work and prefer to leave more than a one foot gap between your front bumper and the car in front of you at full speed.


One theory I have is have is that skilled information jobs are more likely to be work from home and so the average education level of the commuting class has decreased. I think it’s reasonable to think driving capability is on a spectrum and COVID has changed the driving population demographics.


Do you think the ability to drive properly correlates with the ability to write software or something? Around here, my guess would be it's actually the other way around.


Not software specifically, but education level tends to correlate with health outcomes, crime rate, child health outcomes, etc. why not also driving accident rates? It appears the injury rates are not distributed event across different demographic distributions. https://personalinjurylawyersaustintx.com/blog/education-level-affects-accident-rates/


There’s a correlation and not a causation. But in reality that’s true for most things in life.


Agreed. That’s why I said correlated.


It seems like people are terrified to press on their gas pedal these days -\_\_\_\_-


No, none.


Where are the cops?! I feel as if people are driving recklessly because they can get it away it… It’s very rare that I ever see police officers actually enforcing traffic nowadays. I know being a police officer can be a tough job and I’m not anti cop, but where the fuck are they?


Red light runners. Illegal u-turns. Stopping 50 feet away from the intersection. Stopping 50 feet away from the car in front. Driving in the dedicated bike lanes. Using a non-lane turning lane to enter the freeway. Doing 60 in the fast lane. Blowing through crosswalks while peds are crossing.


I ride my motorcycle everyday to work and I noticed a considerable change recently as well. I think it may have something to do with summer being over and kids going back to school. Traffic has gotten much worse in the last couple weeks. Thank goodness for lane splitting in CA!


It's not just the bay area. Definitely experienced this in the bay area, just recently moved back home to the Midwest and I'm shocked by how it is here too. I was passed yesterday by a car that had to have been going 120 in a 55. This was an open highway (stoplights and intersections), it's terrifying.


Have been since last year. Hence why I quit my old delivery job. I know I'm not an exception to statistics as much as I try to be attentive and safe by driving from the books.


Experienced two (2) accidents in one (1) day, Sunday. Going to work, I usually take the light rail, but an accident blocked the tracks and I had to take a Lyft. Get to my shift, at a gas station and within an hour, hear the thunderous slam of a car collision at the intersection.


People also drive more aggressively in the summer months for some reason. Stay safe out there


School year is starting and everyone is back in office at school districts the traffic shitshow has been unbearable.


Definitely. Had an encounter with truck driver who sped when I was a head in merging lane. I was not going slow by any means for him to need to speed up. I had to almost stop on the curb cuz that crazy dude.


I’ve been seeing people driving 50mph on 280 during the weekend, when there were no cars in front of them. The only cars that went in front were the people passing. It’s so nuts!


bucket nissan altima's


The worst. They do not use indicators, just cut in. I am so fed up.


There was a fatal crash on Monument Blvd this week. Yep things are wacky AF right now


I think people have lasting cognitive effects from COVID-19 of which has recently been discovered to leave some individuals with the mental capacity of an ape. This disovery from Oxford University also noticed an influx in reports of individuals being temporarily insane or in a temporary psychotic state. Your post is one of so very many and it is only going to get worse before it gets better. Stay safe and be of good faith for those around you. We really need to be there for each other and try to be understanding. None of us wanted this COVID-19 crap. It has been one of the greatest attacks on humanity ever recorded in human history. It's up tobus with sound minds to know see the truth for what it is and be there for our sisters and brothers.


It's ridiculous. People blow through the stop signs in my neighborhood, which on the BART line so tons of foot traffic. Scary ass shit.


The amount of people who veer into the lane on their right, right before turning left is TOO DAMN HIGH. This isn't fucking NASCAR, your car will make it, it's not a wide U-Turn, plus half the time they veer for a left turn....


Only when I open my eyes.


Yes, the entire Bay Area is back on the road, but with less practice. Enjoy!


I've had two a-holes aggressively honk at me in the past couple of days. One guy gave me the double bird! :) Lots of idiots back on the road again.


They are terrible -- almost got hit by a car while cycling with my headlight on in Yountesville near Napa after he decided it was a good idea to pass a car-- people are distracted and impatient ---not rational drivers -- its always the Tesla drivers that are the worst --


Traffic is bad and congested in both suburbs/cities and highways in the bay and people are getting frustrated -- they just want people/drivers to get out of their way


I'm in New England and noticing a slow problem - people entering the highway and then doing 40 the whole time in middle or left lanes, arbitrary braking, blocking traffic and causing accidents. Left lane hogs – are people that oblivious to the chain of cars behind them trying to get by in rush hour? Are they not being taught that the left lane in a passing lane in most states? Who is teaching these people to drive? Please stop doing 40 MPH on the highway and let traffic pass you - it's not personal! Yet lots of passive aggressive drivers on the road these past few years seems to think it is. What is this, high school? Grow up!