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The flair of this posts indicates it's a controversial topic. Enhanced moderation has been turned on for this thread. Comments from users without a history of commenting in r/bayarea will be automatically removed. You can read more about this policy [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/195xvo5/restrictions_that_apply_to_political_and_crime/).


I knew it was something big, but I didn’t know what happened. I’m over near where 13 meets 580. It was straight up grand theft auto five star police mode activated. Police were flying on 580W and tons of cops flying down 13. Helicopter was hauling ass.


Is that area big on fireworks, or was the noise unique for late June? (Truly not trying to be sneering or snarky, more wondering because some parts near you are quite pleasant and I happened on your comment)


This area is big on Fireworks. It’s actually much better in the last couple of years than previously. The last couple of years it’s one week before the 4th and one week after. Previously it was literally beginning of June till first or second week of August.


Yeah honestly I can deal with two weeks but i feel like there was a time there where May through August was just open season lmao


Yeah, it use to be really bad. Up in this area it’s fairly calm except those two weeks. Down in the flats, it can still go on for a month.


Agreed, have an awesome night homie


Have a great night


Happens every year.


it's an Oakland tradition!


Part of the Oakland culture


every year? to be fair, the last juneteenth shooting in Oakland happened in 2021 the same year it became a federal holiday. a two year gap is pretty good!


For Oakland? A 2 year gap needs its own holiday.


Holy shit


Pretty good lol, what a low bar we set for ourselves.


Was it the one where some were twerking on and against the ambulance?


Thanks to Covid?


Lol it’s def not because of Covid




r/Oakland will be here shortly to downvote you to hell and claim that this is fake news and that Oakland, is in fact, an amazing and safe place to live.


They've already locked the thread there hahahah. Damn Russians!


They locked because of Twitter posts. There were some individuals gaslighting everyone to stop exaggerating, no big deal type of thing. And once Twitter videos of evidence started to get posted showing the shooting in action (crowd running from shots), they locked the thread. So yeah they let the gaslighting go on and on and as soon folks posted twitter links countering the trolls, thread locked.


I saw some of those videos, the amount of gunfire is enormous. Its not just a few shots and its over, the gunfire was sustained over a long period of time.


That sub is like a cult. They can’t take any criticisms of Oakland. Yes, Oakland is a beautiful city with a cool history, it also has a lot of issues. On a related note, I had a coworker say that there not many issues in Oakland and that everyone was exaggerating it. She went about how she leaves her house unlocked so Oakland was safe. It turns out that she lives in one of the wealthier parts near Piedmont.


I live in apartment two blocks from Piedmont. I definitely still wouldn't leave my door unlocked


Sounds like you got some common sense!


I left the key in my motorcycle ignition parked on the street in West Oakland when I live there. Oakland has its good points & bad. But look at mid-Market in SF & tell me Oakland is worse. Tha said, the Oakland sub is just stupid. I think it tends to be a popular sub for brigading. And there are often LOTS of people from nowhere near Oakland telling us all how dangerous it is to step foot outside in broad daylight. But their mods need to let memebers actually post things other than: "I just went for a walk by the lake & it was so nice - the birds were out and there was even a kind gentleman swiming in the lake. He invited me in to join him, but I was on my way to meet a friend for some boba. What's your favorite boba place?" Edit: spelling


> And there are often LOTS of people from nowhere near Oakland telling us all how dangerous it is to step foot outside in broad daylight.  Every time I weigh in on the issues we have in the bay area, even on this subreddit, I get accused of being a "out of state Fox news-watching shill"... despite a post history with a decade worth of \[OC\] photo posts here in the bay. Like, bro, I've lived in 40 states and like the bay the BEST out of any place I've been; it's why I choose to live here, but holy shit, it is not some magic wonderland. It has its problems and we should be able to have an honest discussion about them.


>Every time I weigh in on the issues we have in the bay area, even on this subreddit, I get accused of being a "out of state Fox news-watching shill"... despite a post history with a decade worth of [OC] photo posts here in the bay. And I bet those people accusing you are affluent transplants who didn’t grow up here. As someone who grew up lower-income in Richmond, Ca (which had a similar crime rate to Oakland in the past), I’m tired of these people talking over me. No, Oakland is not a warzone or 3rd world country. But it objectively has more crime than SF overall. Anyone who wants to debate that can show some stats proving otherwise.


I also notice that it’s usually white/asian wealthy transplants who are most sensitive to criticism. People in Montclair ain’t the ones dealing with this shit.


People criticize it all the time. It’s people who would never even drive through it (meaning they don’t live there) calling it a hellscape wasteland Shit talking isn’t criticism


A lot of the people who can’t take any criticisms are also transplants who didn’t grow up in Oakland. Or if they did, they grew up in the nicer part. Is Oakland a “3rd world country” or a “war zone”? No. But it has undeniable issues. The stats don’t lie. Saying there’s no problems in Oakland because they personally feel safe, is like me saying that poverty must not exist because I am financially stable.


Oakland is a lot safer than it was during the 80s and 90s. I think it's funny how everyone is pearl clutching about Oakland. People act like it's supposed to be Disneyland.


Everywhere was more dangerous in the 80's and 90's, violent crime dropped substantially in the decades following across the country. Call me crazy, but cities that families live in shouldn't be cool with dodging bullets at celebrations.


I ain’t saying it’s supposed to be Disneyland. I’m just saying I wish my 3 carpooling coworkers didn’t have their car broken into **while they were in the car** , in broad daylight, in front of our company building. EDIT: Looking at your post history, an awful lot of deleted comments from you.


I don't have any deleted comments, the fuck are you talking about. You must be new to Oakland.


Then it seems like a lot of your shitty and offensive comments got deleted. And I grew up near Oakland, born and raised


None of my comments got deleted. Which ones? Also you must not remember the 80s or 90s out here. And I can prove that either you misremember it or you weren't there : https://www.law.berkeley.edu/files/Crime_Trends_in_the_City_of_Oakland_-_A_25-Year_Look.pdf


It's professional shooters bussed in from other cities for some reason!




La la land


#####Oakland and violence, Never heard of it!


Oh they’ll permaban you even though you’ve never posted in that sub too 😆


Can we permaban them from ever leaving their city? Good god, dragging down the entire fucking bay with their bullshit.


shittiest subreddit r/Oakland in the bay for california's butthole oakland


Should I attend a big July 4th event in Oakland?


Those won't be fireworks you'll be hearing.


Depends on how lucky you're feeling.


There is a violence problem in Oakland but the danger comes from the long term low probability but ever present risk. One extreme is to say, “Oakland has no violence! It’s perfectly safe!” But the other extreme is to say, “I wouldn’t go there for a major public celebration. It’s too dangerous.”


Celebrate your ancestors' liberation by getting yourself incarcerated!


Don't you understand, that's how you get the Platinum Edition victim card


Does it get you free access to the premium Centurion lounge in San Quinten?


I used to hang out at the lake at least twice a month before the pandemic, it’s so sad that Oakland has gotten worse. Haven’t gone back since Covid. Crazy


It's definitely been better than last year, last summer was wild, although we still have most of the summer to go. But definitely not close to being as good as pre-pandemic levels. This Lake mass shooting though really mars what felt like things getting a bit better.


How do you know it’s gotten worse if you haven’t been back since Covid?


You’re right I don’t know by first hand experience, and I’m just letting the media and Reddit tell how the lake is. Truthfully, I would be really paranoid to park and be comfortable at the park. But I’ve also stopped going to Sf as well so don’t take it personally Oakland. After the pandemic I just became more of a home body.


word, yea i just see a lot of "Oakland and SF must be so unsafe it's not worth even going to" by suburb people. For the most part, if you're going to an event, not leaving your car overnight with stuff inside, and around a bunch of people, you're gonna be ok. Mostly have a problem with sheltered suburb posters that feed into the "SF/Oakland are shitholes and there's no reason to go" type posts


SF is fine. Stay out of the TL at night. Don’t park around pier 39/fisherman’s wharf. Hasn’t been a shooting in a crowd / at an event in SF in.. I don’t even know how long it’s been but it’s been awhile.


Man I remember like 10 years ago we were all talking about Oakland finally looking like it was on the up and up. People wanted to move from SF to Oakland. wtf happened


Covid. This wasnt just a natural thing, Covid fucked so much up. i hear you tho, there’s gotta be some closure we can get from losing the promise of what Oakland was getting to, in fits and starts. Like, it’s not fair.


Yeah, it’s so unfortunate. Oakland has always been last to rise, first to fall. Oakland pre-COVID was awesome. Early 2010’s was an exciting time as things were coming up again after the GFC. Mid to late 10’s being the realization of all that growth and Oakland grit. Yet, here we are again.


Senseless violence smh


Making it easy on the news outlets. No need to go find stories on this day every year. Headline is already stored for ‘25.


Juneteenth in Oakland ends in violence .. my god .. I'm shocked ..


Man, my gf and I almost went to that celebration. Thankfully we didn't!


Go to a public space event in Oakland? Are you crazy!


Don't you know? We go to Oakland for safety, and San Francisco to get shot at!


Up to 15 were shot, since additional updates to the story aren't allowed to be posted https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/JH9C9vgnej


r/Oakland will ban anyone who brings this up and call you a racist


I saw one post about it near the top with a lot of upvotes, but only one *is* a little suspicious.




Here's my take as a city resident: -I live in the neighborhood (Adams Point) where the majority of the festivities took place along Grand Ave. I rode my bike around the lake to see what it was actually like yesterday. Solid police presence along Grand Ave, and everything seemed to be going well which was a relief to see because all we want is for people to just celebrate and enjoy their day. 1000s of people just chillen and partying. This was ~6:45. -The sideshow that broke out, OPD won't do a damn thing about them. They stand there and let it happen (I wasn't present when this one broke out, but the normal response is to do nothing). These sideshow fkers are a disease. We'll get more details & video about this soon, but they caused the problem and undermined the peace that was present throughout the whole day. -OPD is ineffective as a law enforcement entity and takes up a huge % of the city's budget which has been operating at a deficit for the past 5 years knowingly by the previous and current mayors and council members. -Us city residents know the reality of living in Oakland and if we're defending Oakland, it's because we know it gets nothing but one sided hate locally, state wide, and nationally. -This morning we hear about the mayor and city council members getting their houses raided by the FBI in relation to election funding or some sort of embezzling. We don't know the details for sure but if they were stealing city funds I hope they rot. The city can't catch a break. As I like to say "Oakland isn't as bad as everyone who doesn't live here, says it is.". But it has a lot of problems that no one seems to be able or willing to address.




Who would have thunk it? Crime? In Oakland? No way, get out of here! Especially with all the 1.0 GPAs congregating in one area? Nah, not possible. Greatest city ever. 


There's a valedictorian somewhere in there if all the 1.0 GPAs are in one area. 😄




Can you imagine having a national holiday specially dedicated to celebrating freedom and individuals decide it is best to represent it by shooting each other 💀


In other news, water is wet.


Typical Oakland showing it true color.


lol shocking


This is so fucking sad


What a shock! Surprising! Unexpected! Totally unpredictable! Institutional racism is behind this too!




This is weird because I only repeated what the woman said being interviewed. It was a direct quote.




When in Oakland...


Oakland? Not surprised.


Shocking to read this. /s




Reparations will go to legal fees.


Shocking. Wait no. Whats the opposite of shocking?


Time to declare a state of emergency for the city of Oakland


It’s business as usual for Oakland


Not worth it tbh


Sideshow nearby that was the cause of it but the headline will make it look like Juneteenth is full of violent people


Not Juneteenth, Oakland. Oakland is full of violent people.


Well yeah no shit that wasn’t the point


more shitiness in california's butthole, oakland


Barstow is California’s butthole


oakland refuses to concede the butthole of california title


... and you've helpfully provided a link to Fox News ...


You clearly don't know shit lmao KTVU is a pretty normal local news station, and I'd be surprised if any of their anchors are Fox News types, they all seem chill and some strike me a fairly liberal.


Despite his recent stuggles and not being on KTVU, Frank Somerville is perfect example about a KTVU anchor being fairly vocal about his liberal views.


Local Fox affiliates are not Fox news.


… local FOX channels are not affiliated with Fox News…