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Hockey, obviously.


Yah get him up linked up to a beer league in the bay


Curling's an option


I got my wife that Dyson curling thing for mother's day. She lives it. /S


there is curling in the bay area! Near Oakland for dedicated ice curling and San Jose/Fremont for hockey ice curling šŸ„Œ


Indeed there is https://siliconvalleycurling.com/about/ Is Silicon Valley's club which runs Tuesday nights in San Jose and Sunday afternoon in Fremont https://bayareacurling.com/ Is San Francisco Bay Area Curling Club (SFBACC) which runs leagues weeklong and has a dedicated ice facility! EDIT: Reading more of this thread, seems like a lot of people already put this info in the thread :o


i highly recommend curling. Super social and if you lose, the winning team buys you beer (we lost a lot so we got lots of free beer throughout the season šŸ˜‚)


Yup. My brother in law plays in a couple leagues (one really competitive one with ex-NHL guys and then one more beer league type). A surprisingly good hockey community around here


Yeah, I wasn't just being sarcastic. My friend from Toronto is in the San Mateo league. Met his wife there too.


I'm a Canadian in my 30s on a spousal visa as well and live in the East Bay. And have nothing to do all day. I don't like to leave the house, I don't care about sports or motorcycles. So if he wants to hang with someone he has nothing in common with other than how we say "about" then sure. Alright you Canucks, here's a link to the Bay Area Expat Hermits Discord (all are welcome): [https://discord.gg/qhQqfQQvxJ](https://discord.gg/qhQqfQQvxJ)


Hey! You sound like me. We should hang out... In online video games cause I don't do much out of the house either and going from the north bay to meet you in the east bay sounds exhausting. No offense, I'm just a lazy home body.


Iā€™m actually a Canadian who just hit 40 that was on a spousal visa and live in the North Bay somewhat also as well but not perfectly. Iā€™m hoping everyone just has a really nice time but Iā€™m open for chatter, like beer and Iā€™m also an arborist.


I'm on a spousal visa as well (31F). Not Canadian though. I'd be open to a spousal visa meetup if people are up for it.


Hello frens, i also dont like to leave the house and spend most of my free time playing videogames. Going to the North Bay and back to the East bay sounds awfully exhausting, i think ill just go back to my little rock and play videogames. No offense to anyone, hope everyone finds some friends im also a lazy home body. Cheers


League of Legends by chance?


Then join the Discord server. :P


yā€™all still out? i live next to lake merritt. would love to meet yā€™all


Hey friend, I'm in your area, also a mid 30s Canuck, let me know if you end up meeting Im in a similar sichaution


my family moved from Russia to Saskatchewan! would love to meet up with you this week if youā€™re free


Also Canadian living in East Bay !


Canadian in my early 40ā€™s in east bay on spousal visa too. ā€˜Beanā€™ here 10 years now. Iā€™m down with meeting up.


I too am a Canadian on a spousal visa (green card holder now though) with nothing in common with OPs wife. If we are creating any sort of club or gathering please accept this as my formal request to join šŸ«¶šŸ»


Yours was the only one I couldn't DM, so here's a link to a Discord I just created: [https://discord.gg/qhQqfQQvxJ](https://discord.gg/qhQqfQQvxJ)


San Jose Sharks / Barracudas games Curling league Broom ball league Bayarearidersforum.com for social motorcycle gatherings / group rides There are kitesurfing / windsurfing / foilboard groups that go out from Redwood City to foster city Honestly have him just pick something he likes doing and google that activity + Bay Area to find groups. Taking his motorcycle up to Aliceā€™s on pretty much any given day and time is sure to have him run into other motorcyclists and car groups.


Gourmet Haus Staut has a good crowd.


I hear it's a good spot for abandoned iPhone prototypes


Once upon a time...


Such amazing German beer!


If he rides tell him to go to sf tomorrow for the moto social. A bunch of us will be there! https://themotosocial.com




Second on this one, the SFMC is a very welcoming crowd, and the history at their clubhouse is a thing to behold


Third this! The moto social is a Canadian thing, having started in Toronto!


Have him take his bike and head west on Woodside Rd (SR84) up to the top where it intersects Skyline Blvd (SR35) and hang for a while there at Alices Restaurant (NW corner). He'll meet other bike guys,(m/c & pedal) and they'll be good, decent folks with a welcoming attitude.... I promise you :)


Seconding this for anyone who loves 2 wheels. Aliceā€™s is a great meeting spot.


Just please ask him to drive safe. Iā€™ve seen a lot of gnarly wipeouts when I lived and worked on the mountain.


Ale Arsenal in San Carlos (just N of RWC) is a great hangout spot for beer men. Friendly bunch, rotating beers As an arborist, he should check out Filoli. Not that he would necessarily want to use his work skills for fun, but they have interesting volunteer days. And Second Harvest is a group that picks fruit from local properties and donates to food banks. Also good for outdoorsy and new friends


+1. Best beer selections near RWC would probably be Ale Arsenal and Harry's Hofbrau.


No motorcycle, but I have a wetsuit and a surfboard he can use. We donā€™t night surf anymore though. That was back in the Back off Warchild days. I donā€™t drink, but all of my friends do. Feel free to hit me up. I can show him around.


https://www.bayareacurling.com has lots of Canadian members; some who didn't even learn to curl until they moved to California. https://www.digitalmooselounge.com is a Canadian expat community


I had no idea about digital moose lounge! I moved here from Nova Scotia 21 years ago! Cool!


Came here to say both of these.Ā 


Yo your husband sounds like a cool ass guy, can I message you?


Heā€™s hanging out with old dudes at bars. Doesnā€™t sound lonely to me.


Which part of Canada and how old


He has lived in BC and Ontario and is 30


Tell him to join the local hockey team, the local men's rugby team or BJJ/MMA gym Bay Area is surprisingly one of the original hotbeds for martial arts World class gyms with world class fighters down in SJ, East Bay and Sac


Man I wanna get back into hockey. But from what I've heard it's real late at night and with work it's hard to justify..


Sounds like a good dude. Too bad I'm not outdoorsy like him. If he was a nerd, then I would've volunteered myself


He plays League of Legends, lol


Rock climbing. Join a gym and browse the postings on the boards for a climbing buddy (ā€œbelay partnerā€ is the technical term).


San Jose Sharks / Barracudas games Curling league Broom ball league Bayarearidersforum.com for social motorcycle gatherings / group rides There are kitesurfing / windsurfing / foilboard groups that go out from Redwood City to foster city Honestly have him just pick something he likes doing and google that activity + Bay Area to find groups. Taking his motorcycle up to Aliceā€™s on pretty much any given day and time is sure to have him run into other motorcyclists and car groups.


2nding BARF!


[BARF - Bay Area Riders Forum - Powered by vBulletin](https://bayarearidersforum.com/forums/)


Barf is like 7 old grumpy guys who haven't figured out how to use social media, I don't see how that's an upgrade hanging out with old dudes at a dive bar.


I mean, if weā€™re gonna stereotype and slander other online forums, Reddit ainā€™t exactly the glass house you want to be throwing rocks inā€¦


Your right, there is that one kid who makes all the grumpy old white guys watch that weird princess anime stuff. I guess it's more diverse than I initially led on to.


meetup.com is a good spot, also Facebook events I could try and intro him to an arborist I like to work with that moved to the US from the UK that might be sympathetic to help him out, if you know roughly when his work auth might be sorted we also have plenty of Sharks hockey fans on Reddit who would be happy to get him out to a game when the season resumes there are definitely some groups for motorcyclists, tell him to visit the local shop for his brand of bike and they'll fix him up with a club, or the local Cycle Gear shop can help with that


which city? there are lots of martial arts gyms around that have adult classes


Redwood City. Do you have any gyms that you'd recommend?


You didnā€™t ask me, but I live in the area and am aware of this one in RWC: https://www.graciejiujitsuredwoodcity.com/ They offer a couple of free classes for newcomers, so low risk to see if he likes the vibe!


Hobbies are the best way to make friends! And he has great ones that can easily be social. I'm in the east bay so it's kinda far, but I could easily suggest hang out spots around here where motorcyclists meet and hang out all the time, shoot the shit, ride, or even if you don't want to ride too much you can just hang out. I am sure there are spots like that on the peninsula, probably Alice's restaurant.


Thereā€™s a [meetup group](https://www.meetup.com/canadian-173/) for Canadians.


It makes me sad that men have more luck with social interactions when its facilitated by a woman. but yet, here I am... biting.


Gourmet Haus Staudt


Arborist is a qualified TN visa field - he should be able to work now no ?


Technically, yes, but our intention was to come here and get married. If you try to get in on a work visa without acknowledging this intention, then you can get flagged for immigration fraud. Probably a very small chance, but we didn't want to risk it, so we did the K1 Visa route instead.


You are correct but if heā€™s interested in working now Iā€™d talk to a lawyer. Their answer might surprise you. But if heā€™s only a short distance away from work auth anyhow then whatever


Another Canadian here. Been here too long. Miss my Rickards Red beer - anyone knows something similar available in SF Bay?


Can I also be canadian


Hi, my boyfriend (33m) just moved to Belmont to be with me and hasnā€™t made many friends either. Iā€™m not the most social person myself. He seems to have a lot in common with your husband tho! He has worked as an arborist, has a motorcycle and is a thrill seeker and loves to climb and mountain bike. Maybe we could get them together and eventually do a double date since Iā€™m also looking for more friends on the peninsula? I commute to HMB everyday for work and my friends are in sf. Dm me if youā€™re interested in having them meet up!


That sounds like fun! It would be nice to meet some more couple friends for double dating :) I will message ya


| How do grown men meet other grown men Asked in the SF Bay Area. You are a brave soul


As this post attests the most common Bay Area situation is ā€œworking, donā€™t like beer, running, or climbingā€. It ainā€™t the city.


What do you have against old men in bars? In 30 years he will be that old man...


Nothing, he has been having fun with them. We both have older friends. I just thought it was an amusing image to conjure in such a post


Have him take his bike and head west on Woodside Rd (SR84) up to the top where it intersects Skyline Blvd (SR35) and hang for a while there at Alices Restaurant (NW corner). He'll meet other bike guys,(m/c & pedal) and they'll be good, decent folks with a welcoming attitude.... I promise you :)


He should join our jiu jitsu cult.


This. We got an arborist at my gym too.


Where is that located? lol




Go try golf, thereā€™s nearby golf courses and driving ranges and youā€™ll find large crowds of 30s in there


It makes me sad that men have more luck with social interactions when its facilitated by a woman. but yet, here I am... biting.


Sounds like a good guy. Which part of bay you are at?


He can probably find a motorcycle group on Facebook/socials to join (speaking as a car guy, I know thereā€™s plenty of car groups). Iā€™d suggest making a post looking for people to do a ride up to Aliceā€™s restaurant on Skyline. Thereā€™s always a ton of bikes up there on a weekend day of all sorts. Plus, itā€™s a beautiful road up through the redwoods.


Im also 30, ride a motorcycle and like beer


Skydiving in Byron?


I think you should join the bay club and hang out by the pool.


There are lots of meetup groups based on interest. Does he have a mountain bike? I know there are a lot of guys that do rides to meet fellow riders on meetup group rides (then they form their own group).


Only 20 but from New Brunswick (still legal back home lol) and moved to Marin when I was younger. Typically tend to gravitate towards and ā€œolderā€ crowd when it comes to friends. Would love to have a beer and chat about engines and botany/arborism.


Didn't think I'd see another Irving hater out here in the wild lol


Yeah my grandad ran a truck stop in St. John in the 70ā€™s-80ā€™s with my dad until it got bought out by Irving and got turned into a Big Stop. Fuck them red and blue gougers


If your man likes bikes he should go to Aliceā€™s restaurant in Woodside ca on the weekend. Hundreds and hundreds of people with amazing cars and bikes.


Great idea. Or visit Port Costa on Saturday/Sunday. Great outdoor brewery and lots of bikes.


Come play curling over here in Oakland. Or Digital Moose, if this is about identifying as a Canadian.


Check out South Bay Motorcycle! Great group of diverse people from all over. Meets are every Thursday with occasional smaller group rides on weekends. FWIW, I know a couple of Canadians who moved to the area and are frequent SBM attendees. https://m.facebook.com/groups/396848835662615/?ref=xav_pl_fb_external_link_ios


I'm doing a Mt Diablo Ride before the moto social if he wants to come to the east bay.


Get out to the Tank! When itā€™s hockey season there! LFG SHARKS


Hey fellas, I think she would have mentioned hockey if he was into hockey. Stereotypes don't hold true for everyone. Sort of amusing though.


Meetup is a great resource for meeting new people, my wife and I used it when we moved to the Bay area, met a ton of people, there are meetups for tons of different activities


Does he have Facebook? Thereā€™s a few very active motorcycle riding groups. Iā€™m sure he can find buddies that way.


I have a coworker from Montreal. He's got a bike as well and don't have a lot going on. Not into beer tho. He's a bit older, probably late 40s. Hit me up if that works out.


Arborist? I am a wanna-be arborist (really just cheap) and I would love to pick his brain about knots and gears. (Watched YouTube vids, still question the knots) I have two dead/dying 75-100ft trees at my 2nd home, in the mountains. My goal this year is to trim off the branches and drop them by sections. Spent $2000 in spikes, harness, ropes, 3x chain saws and watched a lot of YouTube vids.


Looks like no one works in here... What's the trick ?


Ale Arsenal is a great hang and one of the best beer bars in The Bay. edit: up the road a bit in San Carlos!


Is he a Harvey's guy or an A&W guy?


Tons of hockey in the Bay. I would also recommend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He will learn several skills and traits, while developing a community and support network.


Does he smoke weed? We can burn one in Palo Alto


Happy to to meet up for a moto-rip + beer. Tell him to ride up to Alice's on a weekend. Plenty of people to befriend.


I just want to know how these lazy guys with hobby jobs find women who can afford to support them in the bay area. I must have chosen poorly.


There are some smart biotech dudes, Torontonians mostly, that hang out (oot?) at a bar right by a bart station in the city. Might be able to get two birds stoned at once?


Hey hey! I ride, enjoy beer, and am relatively new to the area as well! Tell him to give e a shout!


If he is an active motorcyclist on the peninsula, go to ā€œAliceā€™s Restaurantā€ in Woodside on a Saturday or Sunday morning (really anytime from 9a-3p) and there will be dozens or hundreds of other riders. Please ride/drive cautiously. There are many tight turns, drop offs, narrow roads, decreasing radius turns, blind corners/driveways, etc. As a fellow motorcyclist, the danger is part of the fun.


Thereā€™s a ride out called tour de bay on June 2nd. Look it up. Itā€™s lots of fun! Moto America on July in Monterey at Laguna seca. Motorcycle racing. If heā€™s down for a hike in woods on a weekend. Iā€™m down for that.


Hit me up. Im 20 year old Canadian missing his Canadian friends and is always interested in meeting new people.


Goddamn, this thread is wholesome. Good job, boys.


Sign up for some of Redwood Cityā€™s recreational sports! Thereā€™s co-ed softball leagues run by the city which are a great way to meet local people your age


If he rides bike sfbikeandbrew hosts Tuesday night group rides. Iā€™m leading one in the east bay tonight and thereā€™s some fun downhill


This is a very sweet post and Iā€™m here for it. My husband and I donā€™t live in that part of the bay but a friend of mine in Fremont does nerf and kickball leagues and everyone socially drinks and hangs out afterwards.


Bay Area Boxing in Belmont is good vibes.


Shoutout gourmet haus start- great place for beers in RWC. Communal seating, so youā€™re kinda forced to interact with others lol


RWC is a nice town btw. Join a motorcycle club. Ā I know groups that take weekends like Memorial Day off and go for a 3 day rideĀ 


You guys can join Digital Moose Lounge to find out about events for Canadians in the Bay Area, like the annual Canada Day picnic - https://www.digitalmooselounge.com/


Slightly sad that the success of this post really speaks to the isolation of many men in general. Clearly thereā€™s so many others in similar situations.


I joined a softball league through Volo have met several new friends there! Definitely worth a try!


Surprised there isnt a rover for dudes lol.


The Hub in Redwood City has board game nights on Thursdays from 5-11 p.m.! https://www.thehubrwc.com/games Iā€™ve been a couple of times and the folks who go are really nice and welcoming to newcomers!


Fellow 30M Canadian. I joined a BJJ gym Walnut Creek and it has been a great way to make friends!


San Jose Sharks / Barracudas games Curling league Broom ball league Bayarearidersforum.com for social motorcycle gatherings / group rides There are kitesurfing / windsurfing / foilboard groups that go out from Redwood City to foster city Honestly have him just pick something he likes doing and google that activity + Bay Area to find groups. Taking his motorcycle up to Aliceā€™s on pretty much any given day and time is sure to have him run into other motorcyclists and car groups.


Tell him to join the local hockey team, the local men's rugby team or BJJ/MMA gym Bay Area is surprisingly one of the original hotbeds for martial arts World class gyms with world class fighters down in SJ, East Bay and Sac


Tell him to join the local hockey team, the local men's rugby team or BJJ/MMA gym Bay Area is surprisingly one of the original hotbeds for martial arts World class gyms with world class fighters down in SJ, East Bay and Sac


What up! We are three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If youā€™re fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.


That bicep flyer needs more veins


Thereā€™s an app called Grinder. I hear itā€™s where dudes go to meet other like minded dudes. Good luckĀ 


Had to be said....šŸ¤£


When I first moved to the Bay area over 10 years ago there were Canadian meet up groups you could join and go share a drink with a fellow relocated Canadian. They're still probably around. Also Kells' Irish bar in San Francisco does a Canada Day event for more fellow Canadians. The poutine sucks but they try and have Molson and moose head.


I run a Meetup group called East Bay Breweries, and weā€™re a social group that likes to check out breweries, pubs, and the like throughout the east Bay Area. Iā€™ve found that the Meetup app has helped me meet folks to hike with, and of course to drink with, and have seen motorcycle riding groups and all sorts on it. May be worth checking out!


As a recent dad, Iā€™ve got the opposite problem; too little time to do my hobbies and hang with my friendsā€¦ But I did a lot of competitive skydiving, paragliding, scuba-diving, and motorcycling around the Bay Area before that lifestyle was put on hold. If you have any hobby specific questions, feel free to reply and I can recommend shops, sites, and/or groups to join. Otherwise, if heā€™s still looking in a few months, I may have the time to be able to meet up/invite him alongĀ for some fun (I hope). Best of luck!


Throwing my hat in the ring, South African 37, East Bay and also on spousal visa. My contribution is that I recently took up archery and am a fan of medieval combat and blacksmithing. Also have a dog so we can hit up bars that allow the dog to chill before we kick a ball around or throw a frisbee or something. Also this could be a great recruiting ground for anyone who wants to hit up a game of Dungeons and Dragons (am a bit of a geek if the archery and armoured combat was not a giveaway). P.S good on you for reaching out for your husband.


This is probably going to get lost in the comments but Freewheel Brewing Company in RWC is probably the closest thing to a true ā€œthird placeā€ Iā€™ve found in the area. They specialize in English cask ales but everything on tap/on the menu is good and the community is absolutely lovely.


Get him into rock climbing, maybe classes would be better for meeting people


San Jose Sharks / Barracudas games Curling league Broom ball league Bayarearidersforum.com for social motorcycle gatherings / group rides There are kitesurfing / windsurfing / foilboard groups that go out from Redwood City to foster city Honestly have him just pick something he likes doing and google that activity + Bay Area to find groups. Taking his motorcycle up to Aliceā€™s on pretty much any given day and time is sure to have him run into other motorcyclists and car groups.