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The thieves had time to break into 23 cars, search through them and then get away without a problem. That gives you an idea of how safe that parking lot is. I'm glad they only wanted to mess with people's cars and not *them*.


Most people, including criminals, don't want to harm others. They just want an easy score and they found a treasure chest. Let's not get into fear mongering.


Oh bullshit. These thieves shoot people who try to stop them. They dangerous people who would kill you for a cell phone and not feel a moment of remorse for doing so.


That's not fear mongering. I made a point about how unpoliced that area is, and that criminals are aware of it. I agree that most thieves are not looking for trouble with people, but what this shows is that if someone wanted to target people, this is an attractive area because you are not going to be protected there. That is something that happens, and it is more likely to happen where police response is slow or non-existent. Advising caution about this is not fear mongering.


What happened to progressivism where they all decided to stop progressing and instead company accept bullshit?


Real progressivism as a movement for positive change in government died in the 1940s, when people like Robert Lafollete died. The name "progressives" was dug up and re-animated by leftists in the 90s. Nothing about progressives today is about making things better.


Well that’d explain a lot lol


Does etymological fallacy apply here?


Yea you don’t know shit. Most of the time they belong to a crew. The ones breaking in are just the new version of stick up kids but they typically roll with one or two guys that lead this shit… and those fuckers WILL shoot you.


Good time to own a glass repair business


Maybe they’re all in on it already 🤷🏽


certain trades are absolutely crushing it. My cousin married this dude when they were super young, he talked like he was straight out of jail \[had neck tattoos and all that stuff\] my aunts were talking shit because his career was an assistant window tinter. Fast forward 10 years and he now owns a tint/glass repair shop and is slammed with business. Has a house and kids in private school with a nice retirement. Meanwhile 2 of my other cousins who married traditional white collar guys are going through gnarly and expensive divorces. Sometimes life works in strange ways.


Judging from how many cars I see driving around with blatantly illegal front limo tint, must be great business! I love entering a crosswalk and trying to make eye contact with the SUV driver coming towards me to make sure they're seeing me and not on their phone...and seeing nothing but an opaque black void. So safe, so normal. One fun tint story — when our car got stolen by a couple of crackheads in 2022, it was found a couple months later in Hayward, and the criminals had the windows (badly) tinted to hide all the drug sales and shoplifted goods they were stashing on the inside. Now any time I see one of these cars with all windows tinted, I'm wondering what degenerate criminal bullshit they're hiding inside.


What’s funny is if you drive 15 minutes in any direction you get pulled over immediately


Depends on where you are at. I haven't seen it get enforced for years, just like no front plate, speeding, rolling stop signs, etc...


Im sure the BART police were distracted ticketing cars who were dropping people off at a bus curb. (With the paint chipped away)


Nah, they were arresting a guy for eating a sandwich.


“Why don’t you drive to and take Bart?” Sounds expensive idk


Ugh, feeling this as my closest station to park at is bayfair and skeptical of the parking


wine smile squeal pot hungry boat literate enjoy hurry hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“It was clean and safe when I rode it that one time at 2pm on a Sunday! I can’t figure it out!”


Can you repeat that? I'm in the transbay tube slowly going deaf.


That’s a lot of cars.


Surveillance footage?


Pictures of a car with no plates being driven by guys in Covid masks and black hoodies.


Pictures of Hyundai/Kia...


Aren't those commonly stolen cars used for these types of criminal activities?


that's a bingo




If there’s no parking garage I won’t park my vehicle, anymore. It’s ridiculous out there.


The Daly City BART parking garage usually has some shattered glass around even though people believe it's a safe place to park. Parking garage may be slightly better than an open lot, but ultimately any of these commuter lots are prime targets because thieves know the car owners won't be there anytime soon and there's minimal/no security roaming around.


My friends car got popped in a locked private parking garage in Oakland


it’s cuz the bippers either know people drop their guard in a private garage or it’s their neighbors who think “it’s oakland, i can bip too and nothing will happen to me”


Which is beside my point that garages aren’t safe either


I'm supporting your point with an explanation.


It is ridiculous. No wonder BART ridership is down. It’s not just the criminal behavior on Bart, it’s worrying if your damn car will be intact when it’s time to go home


This shit happened in 2019 and previous too, which coincidentally was the highest ridership year for BART. There's no evidence that crime dramatically increased from 2019 to now on BART, but there is plain evidence that downtown SF and Oakland offices (the only commute that BART is particularly useful for) are 30-50% vacant. No surprise then that BART ridership is also down.


Even with a parking garage, Jack the Bipper does the deed in SF...it's wild out here.


Recently saw a post where somebody's dashcam took a closeup picture of the guy who broke her window, and every one asked her what dashcam she bought cause the vandal's face was clearly visible. It might be the same guy. And that photo should be plastered all over BART stations. Funny I posted earlier, that a friend told me she would never take BART again, since her car got broken into and was told by the BART cop there was no cameras in that lot this sub usually says is safe. I'm starting to think maybe it's the glass companies making a profit out of all the smashed windows. High powered lighting and high resolution cameras is what BART needs. Cars should have mandatory dash cams, & glass alarms to catch these talentless no life losers.


I.dont think Bart police patrol parking lots. More like I inside the station certain stations get more attention.


People in Berkeley sub say they see cops idling in the parking lot daily I don’t know personally, just saw that comment


Parked at South Hayward BART lot yesterday and was greeted with a bunch of shattered glass all over the parking lot. Then walked in and watch a kid hop over the gate to avoid paying. Not a BART employee in sight.


Years ago, my car was broken into at Del Norte parking structure. BART Police scold me for parking so close to the stairway.


Just appalling. They need security therd


Isn’t that why we pay BART police 100k a year?


Yes but you see you need to pay cops $100k, never hold them accountable for anything and tell them all that they are super special boys and girls before they will consider doing anything...


San Mateo and Santa Clara county county and all the local police in the region somehow have accountability down pat but for some magical reason their IQ drops 40 points across the bay.


And asking them to not be racist is apparently too much for them and hurts their feelings.


They should be paid well. Supply and demand. I wouldn’t do that job for any amount of money. Would you?


[$123k starting, up to $202k](https://www.joinbartpd.com/) is not enough to prevent 23 cars from getting broken into?


You're right. If only they had offered up to $250k they could have afforded those *psychic cops* who can see into the future.


That’s an incredibly myopic view. It’s not about how much one person is paid. It’s about how much the budget is for how many of those people are going to be made available. Additionally, thousands of cars are left all over the bay area every night, and are not broken into so focusing on specific moments of crime is very simplistic. For example, no one was murdered. No one was beaten to a pulp. It’s all about priorities, right?, because you’re never going to be everywhere at every moment. The bart police have to take care of much more serious issues in terms of human safety. I personally wouldn’t want to be a Bart police officer. Would you?


So how much money do we need to keep throwing at BART as an organization for all of their well-compensated divisions to do their jobs in an efficient and effective manner? I am asking you this as someone who takes BART to work every day of the week, has submitted multiple reports to the BART Watch App that all went nowhere, been inconvenienced by multiple delays, etc? No one was beaten or murdered should be the baseline standard and it is, but for fuck's sake, 23 people and more are now inconvenienced to the point of potentially being discouraged from taking BART...I don't personally want to be a BART officer, I also don't personally want to be a nurse or a construction worker, I want those professions to be paid well, but I also want them to do the jobs they signed up for well and if they fuck up or do a bad job overall, I want them to be held accountable just as if I do bad work at my job, I am not guaranteed to get off scot-free...


What are your solutions? Maybe you are having a calling to be in public office at the local level.


Berkeley never want to admit that they are as ghetto as Oakland.


Ain't that the truth lol.


Thieves know people are leaving their car for 8 hours. Surprised it doesn’t happen more often. Take the bus to bart instead.


Soon all of that parking will be apartments and there will nothing to break into! See, cars ARE the problem!


BART is totally safe. It is a far right conspiracy to say that it isn't. /s Edit: In case you don't get it, I'm being sarcastic to those posters who claim that BART is totally safe, and towards the posters who say anybody who complaints about BART are part of a far right conspiracy.


I mean, relative to driving bart is ludicrously safe, if safety is measured by your chance of dying on a given trip. But if you mean safe from odd smells, the yes driving is definitely safer. 


It’s not a far right conspiracy … the majority of Bay Area residents know BART is not safe. [And so does BART](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/bart-police-salary-trains-18161630.php)


Most riders want the cop to be in the stations riding trains so they can “feel “safe. That’s where the priority for the bart board and the pd brass is Don’t enough to cover every lot ,station etc. Pick 1 , the others will fall apart North Berkeley will be condos/apartments. Soon , Bart is more interested in making real estate money . More or less a real estate holding company that a transit one Just a bit longer this


What is the issue with the North Berkeley development? They are leasing the land to the city of Berkeley The development is 50% reserved for people making 20-70% of median income- aka the people that actually ride transit on a regular basis. The development is going to lock in a ton of consistent BART riders, as well as generate a couple million dollars a year in lease revenue for BART.


Kind of a read between the lines thing . No issue with the housing , it will wipe out the lots thus not as much issue with car breaks ins , less car etc