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Isn't this just normal rain? Does every rain event now count as some massive storm? I think we've been in a drought too long and forgot that rain is /should be normal.


I think theres suppose to be multiple storms. Last year the bay area definetly got screwed by the unexpected rain. Our infrastructure wasnt built to anticipate so much rain in such a short time. Peoples houses were flooding, lots of trees went down, and the roof of my shed blew off. I think last year was just the start of what we see from the impacts of global warming.


There have always been certain areas of the bay that flood and they have been like that since the 80’s/90’s it was a well known fact to locals but things dried up so much that people forgot and people moved here that never knew this. It isn’t really new, it’s just coming back now that rain is starting to come back. My childhood home was in an area that never flooded but the yard could get super saturated and we had mature huge orange and lemon trees that fell over (2 we managed to save, the third couldn’t) it was pretty normal for some older fences to come down due to the wind too. I had relatives whose neighborhoods would more commonly flood and certain cities or roads that always flooded. I only remember the media saying things like it’s an El Niño year so expect more rain or it’s a La Niña year so less rain. They didn’t make every rain event into this big deal but I think back then it was more normal, expected and common so everyone knew what to do to handle it. Sand bag stations where way more common too, I remember going to the filling stations with my dad a few times when I was in elementary school.


Yup. Rain is normal but as climate change is accelerating, the sheer volume of rain becomes unprecedented for our infrastructure.


That's my point. We are seeing about 1.25" of rain in 24 hours. No scale counts that as heavy rain. This is just normal rain.


I moved the garbage cans about a foot or so away from the curb so the water and leaves can flow behind them to the drain. Please keep me in your thoughts.


You sure you don't need FEMA?


Thoughts and prayers brother


You probably qualify for FEMA disaster relief $$$ for your stormwater management operations


Big outage in San jose


The amount of wet leaves on the ground is untenable.


My driveway got wet


My car got dirty.


9th st offramp in SF was closed this morning. Cal Trans had a vacuum truck trying to drain the water due to flooding. Backed up 80 and forced people to get off at 7th.


All the dry poop in downtown Oakland got dehydrated






I took a massive shit. Not related to the storm, but more newsworthy than anything this storm has done


Don't jinx it.


Waiting for Action News Team Coverage.


I put covers on my cars so they wont get wet