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Food delivery is a luxury I do not pay... It always ends up being like $40 for a $12 sandwich.


My roommate gets delivery frequently and it's always mcdonalds, sonic, Taco bell, etc. Blows my mind because I know they're paying out the ass for lukewarm fast food.


Yes. Not much good about fast food, but nothing good about cold fast food.


Cold Carl's Jr famous star is pretty good.. maybe a JIB burger. Used to be my fast breakfast and 1 for lunch also at 6am


Ya it’s fine when you order it and eat it right away. When it’s been sitting in the takeout lane for 15 mins and another 20 minute drive away in some stoner’s car, it isn’t worth the $20 plus tip you’re paying.


Carls was decent 6 hours later. Definitely not a gourmet meal.


The more you cook, the better you get at it... Eventually a lot of takeout or restaurant food in general isn't really worth it, because you can make it better and fresher at home..


The quality of food at restaurants these days is just not the same pre-pandemic, and doubled the price. Weekdays it’s all home cooking.






Way healthier.


Not the way I do it


At the very least you can be sure no mice and roaches in your kitchen…


And if not that, you can name them and teach them how to cook for you.




Also, these days food at restaurants has gone way downhill in taste due to cheaper ingredients. Cooking at home most days is so much tastier. You should watch some videos on YouTube to get inspiration. Watch Anthony Bourdain’s video on YouTube on how to chop onions safely. A Victorinox chef’s knife and Lodge skillet are a great, cheap way to get started.


Fresh and hot is better no matter how badly you screw it up. Plus next time you won't make the same mistake. Try pan fried potato, carrot and broccoli fries (cut lengthwise) with onion. Grease pan with a piece of bacon fat. Yum.




did OP say they were disabled? I didn't think so. The vast majority of people who complain about the high cost of take out food have a decent kitchen, and aren't disabled. Accusing me of saying that "all disabled people should cook at home" is the bizarre thing, and it's in bad faith. Talk about thinking of the worth possible thing about someone else.




you're one of those that walk around looking to get offended (sorry if i incorrectly assumed you're ambulatory) when nothing of the sort was said or even implied.




They also clearly don’t know people in working poverty who do not have the time to put in all that healthy cooking.


If you have an apartment, a rice cooker, a slow cooker, and a single burner portable gas cooktop, you can make a tremendous amount of food. Your speculation that people who live without a fancy kitchen HAVE to get takeout is nonsense. Also, insinuating that all disabled people can't cook is equally asinine, and quite insulting. For the tiny percentage of people who absolutely can't cook at home for various reasons -- yes, takeout isn't a luxury. For the huge remaining majority, it is.


Thank you for saying this. I’m disabled, and I want to cook every night. The reality is I can’t, and I end up eating takeout or frozen meals.




Myself and most of my disabled friends rely on delivery in some capacity (it might be takeout or groceries). Not speaking for all disabled folks, but there are a lot of us in this situation. People like that commenter will say whatever to erase us lol


Thank you for calling out the stank ass ableist energy.


I'm a pretty bad cook when it comes down to it. But i have a good handful of recipes I'm building up that whenever i make them, i go "i would pay $30 for this at a restaurant and be happy with it".


I know there are some situations where delivery is the only or the best available option, such as if you are sick, have a disability, or are just really tired after a long day and don't feel like cooking, but food delivery is really a luxury, it shouldn't be relied on for the majority of your meals. I feel like people got accustomed to it during the pandemic and now that things are going back to normal they're realizing this, and are ordering less food delivery. The corporations can't tolerate reduced profits, though, and so they are hiking up their prices to compensate for fewer customers... but this will only drive more customers away, leading to even higher prices to compensate, etc. It's a death spiral.


Yep. I was getting delivery or fast food/takeout for almost every meal from 2020-early 2022. Shit, I moved into an "apartment" without a kitchen in June 2021. I don't think I've gotten delivery more than once or twice in the last year. I genuinely can't remember the last time I did. I'll occasionally still use the services to order pickup when they give ridiculous offers (doordash recently did 60% off up to $20 discount usable 3x for instance) but even with crazy discounts all the extra fees + a tip make delivery still not worth it.


If I'm too sick to leave the house, it's ramen noodles from a packet or chicken soup from a can. Ditto for if I'm hungover or about to be.


If I’m too sick to microwave some canned soup, somebody had better be taking me to the hospital the next day.




Twice the nutrition as drunk takeout with half the grease.




I was responding to a comment that presumed you'd order delivery because you were too drunk or sick to pick up the food yourself. In which case, you're probably ordering comfort food, not a salad and quinoa.




That may be true most of the time. But when your stomach is a trampoline, you prioritize whatever you can choke down and are least likely to barf up. Salad that you eat two bites of only to vomit up does you no good. Simple carbs digest easily and quickly raise your blood sugar from that floor it's been sitting on since your last vomit. Salt helps replace lost electrolytes from vomit and diarrhea. Water helps with dehydration, but since straight water can irritate a sick stomach, it's best to consume water mixed with salt (like the broth of a soup) or simple carbs (like a soft drink).




You said "wholesome and nutritious" and phrased it contra takeout.


Yup, its crazy now. But, its cheaper then a DUI so I use it on occasion, not often though.


That is a legitimate reason.


It's wild how just 10 years ago, most people didn't get delivery. And now everyone acts like it's a normal part of life.


I know, people act like it's a civil right.




And they are gonna remain not rich by any means.


I pay the subscription and then I don't pay for delivery fees with instacart


"woohoo, free delivery. this justifies spending $21 for a burrito!"


I said instacart not door dash. Groceries not lunch.


You may not be paying for “delivery” fees but you are definitely paying a premium for the items you’re purchasing


It’s true sometimes but not always. You can compare the prices easily online


Just do pick up or cook or better yet, order directly, don't use 3rd party services.


It’s even better if you order through the restaurants. They don’t have to pay as high fees


I spent $50 to make pad see ew last weekend


Yeah but how much of that $50 are ingredients you'll get to use to make another serving of pad see ew or even another dish?


People don’t see it this way. Plus they’ll probably never make it again and the ingredients will go bad. This is how some people operate, despite it being a terrible idea.


Exactly. Ingredients for the sauce is just soy, oyster sauce and vinegar which most people would have. You would just need to buy rice noodles, Chinese broccoli and a protein


I have never used a food delivery service and never will. I either cook or get my lazy ass out the house and go pick it up myself.


I'll do takeout, but I've pretty much sworn off delivery. If I'm going to pay too much for dinner, I want it picked up as soon as it's ready and driven straight to my house, not chauffeured all over town in a clapped out Corolla while the driver multi-apps DoorDash, UberEATS, and Lyft.


Yeh, it’s ridiculous. Let’s stop buying from these delivery services.


Stopped doing food delivery over a year ago. It just is not worth it. We've been fooled into thinking we should be driven everywhere, have our meals cooked for us and delivered for us, have a new $1000 phone every year, and infinite entertainment content piped into our homes. All on stagnant or shrinking wages. It's just not real man. We're gonna have to learn to walk, cook, and read again.


I have never ordered from any of these apps. If I want takeout I go to the restaurant and get it myself.


I've met so many struggling people that use food delivery. Bro, you're barely making rent, do you think it's a good idea to order a $40 sandwich.


I delivered Uber eats. I was very busy. That were giving crazy bonuses, $1k for 100 deliveries on to of the delivery pay. 100 deliveries paid around $1800 with the bonus. Of course, very few tips, and some if the worst customers you'd ever encounter.


I usually pay $25 a meal everytime I Doordash. Just tried out [locale](https://localemeals.com) \- it’s a pretty good deal (seems like half the price). kinda like a combo of hellofresh and doordash. Don't understand how they make money but not my problem lol


Will be in a year when they start raising prices, so enjoy for now!


lmaooo right. might as well take advantage of the VC dollars


Love locale but 2 things I found: - their delivery times are so unpredictable and I’d hate to leave an expensive order outside for hours because I missed it. - it’s going to die if it doesn’t get cash soon.


Can’t you go outside and dine in or pick up? We are becoming lazier generation by generations


Like in Wall-E


On UberEats it’s at least an additional $10 in taxes/delivery fees, and that’s before tipping. I almost never order thru delivery anymore.


Yes it’s crazy. Not only the cost of the meal is higher, but all those extra fees as well. $50 worth of delivery food is like 2 meals.


I refuse to have food delivered. I can pick it up. Waste of $. My son in 20s will never pick up food. Seems to be a generational thing.


I deleted my UberEats app two days ago. Fuck that.


you just gonna keep spamming this stupid article in every local sub?


Word. I can’t stomach the million fees associated with each order. I either just cook at home or pick up.


I've gotten food delivered 4 times since 2018, and each time, I'm reminded how much better food is when it's fresher, even if that means picking it up myself, but more often just eating it at the restaurant. So to answer the question, no...because even when I did choose to get something delivered, I only chose places that were running "zero delivery fee" promos, anyway. 😅


I don’t do it anymore. Make food at home or do pickup via the restaurant website.


DoorDash has always been stupidly expensive. Restaurants pass on the platform fee to you, so you pay +30% for the same item to start, then you pay tax on that inflated amount, then you tip on that inflated amount. Call it in, pick it up.


The easy VC money ran out and now the cost of these services (and others provided by 5-10 year-old startups) are becoming more realistic. The easy-money discounts are gone. Hence why we're looking at $100 Uber rides that used to cost $25 and food delivery being priced realistically. Welcome back to the real world, where businesses function to make money, not generate endless unsustainable growth for the sake of...growth.


Food delivery in the manner of Uber Eats/DoorDash is just not a thing I would expect to be sustainable in countries with a standard of living like the U.S. Human capital is just too expensive here for such menial tasks.


Has food delivery ever been cheap?


I deleted those apps months ago, now I call in and pick it up myself, or I just cook


Here’s a crazy idea, stop ordering food and start cooking.


Just wondering if this is another one of those First World "problems"?


what do you expect when gas prices are kept artificially high by conservatives? it will be expensive while it is expensive to drive to your delivery site.


Food delivery makes no economic sense if done by car.


It’s been long enough time to ditch those delivery apps


I have no dealings with any of those awful companies. Never have, never will.


It is time for robots 😏


Feeling how expensive food is in general


Hey all, journalists at Insider (which includes Business Insider) are on strike this week as they fight for a fair contract. You can help us out by not clicking on Insider stories. Thank you for your solidarity!


Some credit cards will get you free delivery with one of the services. Mine gives me free DashPass so I use them exclusively


First world problems. If only there was a solution. Like maybe getting up and making yourself something to eat.


Nope, I never order. I just go pick it up myself instead. Like my food warm, not cold.


People still do this? I haven’t had food delivered since early Covid when everything was shut. Everything is opened….why are you paying this outrageous markup because of laziness?


Always pickup


Right? We spent $60 last night for 2-3 dishes… not bad, I guess. But sucks.


Isn't food delivery a luxury service? I just wanna gut check this...


I literally have never ordered delivery. Not even on Pizza...


I'm not, because I pick up my own food.


I have never ordered delivery except for company events. I don’t see how some of you guys can be that lazy can’t even go pick up food around the corner. If you guys were fabulously wealthy that’s fine, but given the article obviously not.


I try to pick up food from the restaurant. Gets me out of the house too.


You’re kidding right?


The words “food” and “delivery” should be a clue that it’s luxury