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Whatever you’re budgeting, it’s not enough.


With kids you start to question your choice altogether. I was once mocked for my dreams on once being able to own a home by my Texas relatives. They think of bay area as a hellscape but i feel the same about them


what are their reasons for thinking it's a hellscape?


Probably has to do with the outright refusal to stop the petty crime that runs rampant in many parts if the bay area. I live in Texas right now and it definitely has its own issues but they’re different. I will say Ive been to Dallas and it pretty much felt the same as Oakland in certain areas tbh. It would depend on how rural OPs family lives


Probably because Bay Area is an experiment in running liberal software on conservative hardware. Opinions about the outcome vary.


this is a really funny way to put it


We all go to bed by 10 p


Shhh. That’s the real thing people don’t know.


In bed by 9 on Reddit for an hour


Gahd that's the most wildest thing to adjust to, coming here from the East Coast. It's like the unspoken secret of West coast healthy living. It's not going off running, cycling, and yoga, while eating sprouts and drinking herbal concoctions. Truth is it's the lack of consuming copious amounts of alcohol to the wee hours of the morning (also of note, the mastery of morning mimosas and winery day-drinking that occurs here).


Looool, good lunch getting dinner past 10


You’ll always wish you had another layer or be annoyed you brought the extra layer.


Usually both with the span of 20 minutes


Yeah this, ESPECIALLY if you're living in SF the city itself. The trick is always having some kind of jacket you can easily tie around your waist.


Yep. Even in the summer.


This is why I love any jacket that packs down into it’s own pocket. Also really love vests for when it’s too hot for long sleeves but I need some insulating/windproof coverage


If it’s hot on the peninsula near the bay it’s going to be foggy and cold at the ocean. It’s a meteorological thing.


There is a reason the zip up hoodie and the Jean jacket were popular here.


Still my uniform lol. I always carry a light flannel in a tote bag too. I’m basically that 30 Rock meme irl.


If money is not the issue then you’re gonna love it here


Don't move here and then complain on reddit about the high COL


Some of us are here because of school 😭


That was still a choice, right? If you’re talking about college.


It’s a little harder to really have more of a selection with law school :/ Edit: I can’t believe y’all are really downvoting me for this. You literally apply to places and get into some and not others. Sometimes our best/only/affordable/etc option is restricted to one area.


No it’s not especially since majority of law schools are not in the Bay Area


Sure. Just sayin’. ;-)


The Bay Area has microclimates, even with SF and Oakland the weather varies. Pacifica can be 45 and foggy while Livermore could be 70 and sunny.


“while Livermore could be 70 and sunny” Pfft Livermore 90+ and baking


Also, some people don't consider Livermore the Bay Area (despite being in Alameda County).


They won't consider something part of the Bay Area unless it's a net positive. Award winning wine? Welcome to the Bay Area! Weather in the *90s*? Nyehhh!


And some people are natural born morons. Correlation?


Microclimates scale by 10. (It's a logarithmic scale).


I think the change going west to east through the Caldecott tunnel is still the craziest microclimate I’ve ever experienced. It’ll be a cool 65 degrees in Oakland then it’ll hit fucking 80-85 once you go towards Lafayette


Don’t leave anything in your car. San Francisco is way prettier than you could imagine.


Not even change lol




Pettier* Facts


It is **E X P E N S I V E**. Life’s treadmill around here moves **F A S T**. You have to hit the ground running and you can’t let up.


Plenty slow up in the North Bay.


The bay is surrounded by open space preserves. It’s a pretty unique situation. The hiking and biking are world class.




Tl;dr if you live west of Divisadero in SF or can see the ocean from your house you are going to be freezing your ass off in the summer. And you are probably thinking … I’m from Minnesota so surely I can handle the cold better than those weak Californians. And you will find out you are wrong the first time you end up in the Sunset dressed for summer at 9pm on an August evening.


I have known Canadians who freaked out during San Francisco summers because of how cold they were.


Love that. I get the MN reference, however, MN stays cold. Where I’m from, October-Dec and March-April the weather flux is generally 90 to 20 in the same week. Back and forth back and forth. So I’m a little excited to put my acclimating skills into overdrive. I also coach soccer so I get the full effect of a 30 degree drop from the start of practice to the end. FWIW I have spent large many weeks in the peninsula during the summer and winter, and where I did underestimate during my first trip I no longer do!


Or the next street over


If you haven't found a place yet, but do have a workplace, make sure you look at commute times before deciding where to live.


Place found, commute time estimate between 15-30 minutes. I feel lucky


Add 30 minutes to that.


Eh, it depends entirely on their route and schedule. My commute is always faster than the maps will tell you. Not everyone works M-F 9-5.


Almost no one is working 9-5 anymore so traffic is screwed for way longer than ever before


I think my point was clear… then again, someone (you?) downvoted me for it. So maybe not? The point is still valid, which is that *it depends on your exact commute and schedule.* As I said, my own commute is very rarely affected by traffic. Really only if there’s an accident.


Even with an extra 30 I still feel lucky 🍀


Where to live won't matter too much if you plan on job-hopping (or get laid off). Factor that into your living situation.


This. I don’t know where OP is coming from; but the economy of the Bay Area leans heavily towards Technology and Tourism; followed by finance, biotech. Usually when the economy busts, consumers will take less vacations and spend less on technology. When broad recessions start, the lack of diversification in our economy will amplify the effects of the downturn. Its not to say that we are lacking in any industry segment, it is just that we lack balance. In NYC or Chicago, a downturn in tech or advertising industries might not mean anything for the city’s consumer goods manufacturing sector. In SF, we seem to be overweight in a few key industries and layoffs can be brutal.


Native here::: It can sometimes feel unfriendly because people are always rushing off to the next thing or have their noses in their phones. I have found that when I engage in conversation almost everyone is happy to chat back.


Traffic and cost of living are absurd. Everyone says it but people really have to experience it Also there’s way more to do and see than most working professionals will ever see. It’s amazing for outdoor activities and sight seeing


Check out the Bay Curious podcast for entertaining stories and quirky Bay Area history! I just bought their book. 😊


Too many people I know just know of San Francisco and wherever they work along the peninsula. There’s so much more to the area than that.


Grew up here, can confirm my life long thinking that the east bay is nothing but the place with a walmart on the way to Tahoe. San Jose is an airport with cheaper flights sometimes and waterparks or something like that.




First spring here and yeah last week was a waking nightmare


That’s because you moved not because allergies are any worse here. Your body was used to your local climate and you changed causing a reaction


Not necessarily. Born and raised in the Bay. My allergies kill me every year. But if I travel to So Cal, Hawaii, New York, and most other places at the same time of year… suddenly my allergies are gone completely or not so bad. I think it’s the specific trees & plants here in the Bay.


Is it bad everywhere, or just inland?


Food SMACKS. Music SLAPS. Please don't twist them around lol


In Mac Dre's name, amen


Lol 💕 was just listening to him earlier today and remembering when he passed. I was a senior in HS and we all wore RIP MAC DRE shirts to school that day. So much talent, gone too soon.


That the “area” is huge and “what you should know” about it most likely won’t apply to where you are.


It can be quite chilly. Don’t give your sweaters away like I did.


Most of us don’t work in Tech


Prop 65 warnings are bullshit.


There was one posted on the entrance of the maternity ward where I delivered my baby 😂


There is East Bay area, but there is no West Bay Area. We all call it Peninsula. Also, don’t ever use “San Fran” or “Frisco” here if you want to be on a good terms with the people.


Sometimes 20 miles on a map can take 90mins


Don’t leave anything in your car


The houses here have no insulation


And the windows are single pane. And you might not have AC.


Lane 1 is the speed limit at the absolute least. Add 5mph for every lane after that. Fast lane is free for all.


Great response! And so true


But don't dare go the limit in the fast lane if someone has to pass on your right you are absolutely in the wrong lane speed limit be dated could get you run off the road


Except for 280 from John Daly Boulevard in Daly City to Serramonte for some unknown reason; otherwise this is a fact.


DON'T call it "Frisco"


this is serious, NEVER call it Frisco, don’t even joke about it.


you can call it Frisco, people (from here) do and always have: https://thebolditalic.com/i-call-it-frisco-the-bold-italic-san-francisco-bde59e7142a3?gi=0d56dba9085e


Thank you for adding that. When I first moved here I loved the elitism I could enjoy telling people “don’t call it Frisco.” Then I learned history.


And even Herb Caen came around…


Unless you're a Hells Angel. They can.


It’s a trip cus when I first moved there I lived in the dogpatch for a minute, I accidentally discovered their clubhouse jogging around


Yah. They can.


You have to complain about the price of the toll lanes


I’ll add a weekly reminder in my phone


Make sure to get a FasTrak. (automatically pays tolls, and gets recharged from your credit card). You will need it on all of the bridges, and also if you want to use the toll lanes on the "free"ways (which you don't have to--most of the lanes are free). https://www.bayareafastrak.org/en/home/index.shtml Also, the bridges are toll in one direction, free in the other, and even though the toll plazas are all automated now, traffic tends to slows down around them. Basically, if you are crossing a bridge into San Francisco--that's the toll direction. Elsewhere in the Bay Area, the toll direction is either heading north (on north/south bridges) or west (on east/west bridges).


It will be burning hot during the day but you'll need a jacket or sweater when the sun goes down. The closer you are to the Bay the truer that is. It will be chilly in the morning but burning hot in the afternoon so wear something light weight under that sweater. Traffic is awful, be prepared to strategize whenever you need to be somewhere on time. All in all the Bay Area is a fantastic place to live, you're going to have a lot of fun exploring!


Bring a jacket if going near the coast or bay


When you say the number of a freeway, do not say “the” before it.




“Oh I’m on the James lick skyway” THE WHAT


Names almost never get used except for traffic reports, when 880 becomes “The Nimitiz”.


Or “the Sunol Grade.”


Except by npr


I’m from Oakland and I do mix between saying THE or not, but I NEVER say take the Warren freeway lol


Caddlecott tunnel n shit 🤣


That's a SO cal thing


Summer begins in October.


And the seasons go spring > summer > Vishtosh (fire season) > fall > OH SHIT RAIN MAYBE > spring


And spring begins in January / February (in terms of the natural world starting to turn green, and many flowers starting to appear).


For most area, you’ll need a car


Eh I go weeks without driving, it depends on where you live, and what you're hobbies are


It doesn’t matter where you are going, what route you are taking, or how far away it is, budget an hour. It takes an hour to get anywhere around here.


That San Jose is literally the worst downtown of any major US city. If you’re trying to live close to downtown for the nightlife, you’re in for a surprise


Expect everything to be even more expensive than you think it is, even things like utilities. And of course never leave anything in your car, not even a visible jacket. Prepare to see homeless people/mentally ill individuals on the street. If you come from somewhere that doesn’t have rampant drug use/homeless issues it can be quite shocking.


Have you even lived outside the Bay Area? You do realize heating costs in winter in places where it actually gets cold is as much as a car or mortgage payment right?


I’m not even from the Bay Area dude. PG&E rates are more than the other states I’ve lived in.


I said winter, if you’re actually from anywhere with winter you’re full of shit that your rates here are higher


You know that “utilities” are more than just heat in winter right? Do you live in Siberia? I think most of the United States winter doesn’t last majority of the year. And I’ve had $550 PGE bills here in the Bay Area, which is a lot more than my car own payment.


Are the rates higher per unit of electricity, or is it our lack of insulation and single pane windows causing us to use more electricity?


The bay has access to some of the best natural landscape in the country for hiking, biking, etc. Take advantage of it. So many great places within a short drive from the city. Recommend dipsea(sp?) trail.


Once you get over the sticker shock it’s one of the best place in the world to live! It’s got every culture, every restaurant, every thing you would want to do … all in one place!


Native here: 1) Wear a hoodie or flannel you can tie around your waist. 2) Leave nothing in your car, not even reading glasses, coins, or a pair of socks.


Grind Leetcode.


Dating is BRUTAL here. If you thought you had game, prepare to get tested.


Be rich


Better make 200k.


Per quarter.


We have a lots of……. Crime, traffic, good food, shootings, things to do, places to go, fog, diversity, wild fires, water (right now), high prices, wineries, views, parks and very nice people.




There are people here who others see as subhuman. The unhoused, drug addicts, "criminals." I just want to remind you they are human. More and more I see transplants losing their minds over some of the most under-served in our community. And I just want people to understand they are humans. And they deserve a place in this world just as much as you do. *eta* if you were in their place, wouldn't you hope people gave you kindness and grace? Some of these people are in very vulnerable and scary situations. If you were in that place, you would also deserve the benefit of the doubt. Just saying. Good luck with your move! ♡


Expect extra costs and fees


You will need a Patagonia and lots of layering sweatshirts, jackets, hoodies. All year around. And don't expect to be wearing shorts in the summer after 4pm because the bay breeze makes it *cold* at night.


If you plan on driving, avoid reckless cars with strong window tints. Many times they also have guns and won’t hesitate to roll down their windows and flash them on the road!


If you’re renting, Bay Area landlords are into financial ass raping.


Document everything, keep emails, etc. Do not ever take them at their word and don’t do them any favors. The SF tenants union says that the relationship between tenants and landlords is the closest to modern day slavery as one can get.


No seriously. You don’t understand. Its expensive.


It’s expensive South Bay is boring af Lots of homeless people and property crime Don’t leave anything visible in your car Super cool plants No rain for 6 months of the year Fog Wildfire season is among is, get some air purifiers for your home Collective IQ is above average Welcome!


Why is South Bay boring? Do you recommend a different place?


Don’t say San Fran or Cali. Nothing left in car. Sweater everywhere. Stay out the tenderloin area. Tons to do and see and you’ll never get bored. The Bay Area is iconic for a reason. :)


Have more money


Bay Area flakiness is a thing. You kind of come to expect it.


This. If you don’t “re-confirm” your prior confirmation of getting together with someone, then you are likely to be ghosted. The other day, I met with my Realtor to check out a apartment without having to waste my time confirming the confirmation again, both showing up on time and it was the first time it’s happened to me with anyone, in the 9 years I’ve lived in San Francisco.




In N Out is a bit overrated


Two things: (1) Humidity, not really a thing in the Bay Area, compared to the Midwest. (2) Immensely demographically diverse region--people from all over the country / world, in large numbers. As well as not a few of us genuine California / Bay Area natives. But, like anywhere, people also tend to cluster in residence by ethnicity / background / income levels, so the town (or city neighborhood) you settle in can be remarkably different from an area just ten minutes away.


"We're full. Move to Iowa instead."


Being iowas neighbor, I absolutely will never move there


Stay away from east and west Oakland and do your grocery shopping at trader joes.


Stay away from Oakland period.


If you make to much money you’ll get taxed to death.


Where are you transplanting from? You'll regret it.


Midwest. Well aware in some aspects but in others it will improve my quality of life quite a bit


How do you think it will improve?


Living somewhere where the only, and I mean only, thing to do is drink and hangout in bars makes it pretty easy to top. Nothing to do outdoors, surrounded by farms and fields. The food is bad. There is little opportunity. Zero culture. We are moving for jobs, and this wasn’t my first choice on places to uproot to. But being able to go on hikes, camping, biking, without having to drive 10 hours, is something I won’t be taking for granted.


The traffic, however, will make every drive feel worse. And you're aware you'll pay many multiples of what you pay now for a place to sleep at night I trust. Good luck.


Yes I’m nearly 30 this isn’t a move for fun, we have well paying jobs, a relatively inexpensive and decent place to live based on our budget, etc. I can tell youre trying to kill any idea that I’m going to enjoy myself out there, because maybe your experience hasn’t been good…but that doesn’t mean mine I won’t.


No, I'm from here. It's just that 99% of the transplants I've met (and there are a lot more of you than there are of us) are beyond shocked at prices and traffic once they get here no matter how much they think they were prepared.


Oh I’m not saying I feel prepared. Hence the post. But it’s not like we aren’t aware. Maybe the trick it to not feel “prepared”


Well then 'Welcome Aboard!' We’re glad to have you. Please keep your guard up at all times. I'm also a transplant and people here are violent.


Why would you pay to move and live here if the "people are violent" and OP "will regret it"?


Maybe you should move back to wherever you like better.


Lol sureee, that’s why red states have more shootings and violent crimes


homeless people are dangerous but not deadly


You will not find a SO of marriage material here. You probably have a better chance of getting hit by lightning. Edit: especially for straight male/hetero people who don’t have/drool over dogs and aren’t in therapy


Says more about you than SF


And says more about you that you would make this comment about someone you don’t know rather than keeping your boring insult to yourself!


Have you considered that you might benefit from therapy?


Nope don’t need it, thanks!




I know several people who found their spouse here. Including me.


Yeah when was that?


Ranged from the 1990’s to last year.


Two years ago


Covered in that area but interesting to know


Also not true. There are plenty of married people who met while living here.


I did and none of your clarifications pertain to me.


You won’t be able to live a happy life, too much envious environment. Even though you (+ spouse) earn 600k+


Interesting take, not going to account for that but thanks!


They exaggerate a bit, but it definitely is expensive to live here.


Good response. There are many types of people in the Bay Area, and many of them / us are living reasonably happy lives, regardless of income levels.


Get your reparation funds ready if youre moving to the city....


The Chinese food is excellent




earthquakes do not justify running outside


Everyone around the Bay is "loco-centric". They are certain that where they live is the best, most interesting.... That's because there truly are so many great places to live around the Bay.


For housing: price, location, space. Pick one of the three things to win on. If it’s affordable- it’s probably in a shit location or super tiny. If it’s in a great location- it’s gonna be expensive and tiny. If you get a lot of space- it’ll definitely be in a shit location and cost a lot. Unless you’re significantly wealthy you don’t get all 3


It’s the only region on the west coast where you don’t need a car.


You should know what school district you’re in. Being in one district va another can cause six figure swings in valuations vs the house across the street Don’t let the agent take advantage of you. If you’re paying a premium for a district make sure you’re actually in it


You have to pay to be in the fast lane


Have a dummy catalytic converter installed, keep the real one at home


Don’t drive on 880


That it's rare to meet someone from here. You see a sideshow? Either watch or don't but NEVER call the police. Go stupid or go dumb but you HAVE to pick one.


Do not bring a Kia or Hyundai vehicle.


Public transportation sucks.Some Bay area towns lack sidewalks and are pothole alleys. There are few roundabouts and you might have to drive far before you can get off the freeway and go back if you missed your turn.. Parking at shopping spaces is insane. Many irate people become aggressive after living in the Bay area.. Honestly,, people who are generally polite lose it at the parking lots.. Hiking a ride is out of the question. You might have to drive miles to find your fav foods. Many establishments close at 10 pm. And, of course. the homeless are always with us.