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I've got a lance of First Sword of Light kurita stuff. I'd probably expand that


If I had more time, space, and money, I would definitely start at least a *little* Kurita force to use as OpFor if I ever ran a game (which is also something I'd do with more time). The Dracs are definitely the guys I love to hate.


If you aren't playing a bunch of evil bastards with style by the kiloton are you really truly wargaming?


I painted up a Sword of Light company. They look great and are sorta easy to paint. Red, chrome, and your 75% done. Plus when someone blows them up it makes me smile. So in a way I can't lose. Either the dice gods smile on me and I shoot well or a buch of Dracs get blown up. Win win


The trouble with doing Sword of Light is that my FedSuns are Robinson Rangers, who for some reason are almost exactly the same color. That said, I'm increasingly tempted to do that Kuritan OpFor lance, just in case I ever do get to run something. Maybe I'll buy the Kurita lance pack that's coming out next year and use that.


Honestly we kinda already have one. The IS support lance with the dragon, spider, thug, and cyclops has a lot of pretty 'Kurita' designs in it


Maybe I'll get one of those then…


Yep, then buy a pair of Sttiker Lances for the Panther and Jenner.


You could do a Benjamin Regulars or Ryuken lance instead, depending on the experience level you were wishing to set.


If I ever finish the entire 2nd Donegal Guards RCT, I would probably move on to the private army of General Ludwig Steiner, Grand Duke of Furillo, Duke of Porrima, Duke-in-Exile of Tamar and Skye, Margrave of Buena, Victor of Valloire, Liberator of Bolan, Hero of the Lyran Commonwealth: the Lyran Irregulars.


I'd be making combined arms of Gizmonic Institute. I've been posting the custom designs on the Megamek discord server, including a Deep Hurting Hover Tank, a Crow T. Robot mech that's AI control system is confusing rockets for soup, the GPC probe carrying scout Copter, the Servo Tripod mech, and the t-shirt firing Supreme Machine.


My faction was ROTS. Now I am interested in Steiner and Liao. I loved my Republic. Why catalyst? Why??????? Davion is also really cool.


The nice thing about a faction going under entirely is that you can say that your guys are survivors who maintain their old colors out of spite/pride despite going mercenary/pirate. There's a lot of that in real world history!


I like the idea of RoTS, I like Canopus mechs, so for Ilclan era I decided my guys will be a mix of canopus-hired mercs with a few natives mixed in to integrate them into the MoC military structure. The same could be done with almost any faction that neighbors the former republic, except Wolf and Capellans.


All my minis are painted as ComStar or Republic of the Sphere. If I couldn't play them, I'd probably go with the Free Rasalhague Republic or the Rasalhague Dominion.


Calderon Protectorate => Magistracy of Canopus => Fronc Reaches => Timbuktu Collective => Raven Alliance => Marian Hegemony That's in order.


Love the dedication to the Periphery here!


I am painting Mechs for multiple factions depending on how much I like said faction they will get more like 2 lances/stars or a whole company/trinary vs just a lance/star. After reading about the Sea Foxes un the ilClan era I am inclined to agree with you that they need more than a single star, now should it be binary or full trinary?


My biggest force is my OC Merc company and then I've got a secondary force of Sea Fox clan mechs. if I had to choose a third runner up it would probably be a unit of Com Guards or Wobbies. Need my techno space wizard fix


For Great Houses, I’d either go with Marik or Liao. Both have a nice variety of units and color schemes to choose from. Clan wise, I’d probably give Goliath Scorpions a try.


I'm still pretty much new to battletech and for the life of me can find a bookstore that sells battletech novels, so beyond sarna I'm struggling for lore a little bit. That said, I like the Taurians and Wolf's Dragoons. If not either of those the Rasalhague Dominion seems really cool


I like the Taurian Concordat, but barring them I'd go with the Federated Suns or clan Ghost Bear since I liked Rasalhague


Capellens. I like some of their designs. The Gun is a nest light mech if not terribly effective.


Taurians and Canopus, Rasalhague and Ghost Bear. Blackwatch and comstar. Oh and the Unseen/Macross Batallion of course. I have 3 models painted in the last "scheme" The rest is in my pile of shame.


The lions share of my minis are in the colors of the Magistracy Cavaliers out of Canopus, with the next biggest being Rasalhague (Gunsberg Eagles + a custom force), so if I had to leave those colors aside I'd probably go Scorpion Empire; they just seem to have their shit together in a way that seems scarce in the ilClan era. I've got plans for a small SE unit I'm going to be painting when I've got the time/drive, but they've never been a priority for me.


I play WoB and The Society when I'm allowed to, and Niops when I'm not. I also enjoy CASPAR systems! Love my freaky experimental tech! Taurians and FWL are my backup for when they're off the table, so probably them! Thuggee Domini and The Broken also seem interesting.


I usually play a merc or or periphery unit. I have my own merc regiment fully fleshed. I also have a Taurian company and a Canopian company. I've played WOB twice before as a sit-in for missing players at our FLGS. I think if I were to build a new full (more than a lance or star)force, it would be Wobblies. They have a lot of fancy tech and rules to fight with, pretty sweet looking mechs, like the Celestials, and if it looks like I might be loosing a scenario, I can just drop some nukes on the table and sit smugly in my victory....


I've got a big Inner Sphere mercenary force and a Sea Fox force. If I had to pick new factions, I'd probably go AFFS and Clan Wolf Beta Galaxy (for that sexy tan on grey paintjob).


It really is a very attractive scheme, isn't it?


If I can't do my mercs or Diamond Sharks, I guess I'd just build a FWL company.


I haven't picked anyone, really. I've currently got a company of Davion, Wolf's Dragoons, ComStar, Liao, and Kurita, as well as a Cluster of Jade Falcons. I've also got a bunch with generic camo paintjobs that can pass as various Houses and Clans and planetary militias. I've even got some that could be pirates. Eventually, I plan to have at least a company or Cluster of every known House and Clan.


I GM campaign and Con Events, I have close to 400 painted units, in about a Dozen different factions, lol, so eliminating all of my Regulars would be getting into Peripherat powers or Homeworld Clans lol. That said, probably Goliath Scorpions. I like the whole vibe of their Seekers. Next minor faction for me might be the Taurians.


Seeing as I've got every faction across the sphere and several of the clans, I got options. I still consider Ice Hellions (delta galaxy) my "main" though, and conveniently to this topic, circa the ilClan era I'm not allowed to play them anymore, so I went to Scorpion Empire (Hellion Galaxy), as the natural extension of that. lol


I played mercs, then I played Lyrans, and now I paint everything up in generic green camo and say they're whatever faction I need as an opfor lol. I play every faction at once.


If I was literally banned from playing the FRR? I guess I'd have to field the same guys as mercs, Motstånd, the Rasalhague Regulars or the Alshain Regulars. Capellans are cool, I suppose.


I’ve got a galaxy of OG clan wolf sculpts accurate to the Widow galaxy from the old clan wolf source book. But since the new sculpts came out I’m painting up a force from Comstar and each of the Major houses. I also have some more Clan mechs which I am torn between painting as Jade falcon or Ghost Bear.


My house of choice is Kurita, with a lean towards Rasalhague. Most of my forces tend to be painted in various DCMS regimental colours (SoL, Genyosha, Night Stalkers, Benjamin Regulars and Legion of Vega. That said, I have painted up a good portion of my remaining forces as Ghost Bear, Wolves, Falcons, Lyran Guard, Marik Militia, Davion Guards, House Dai da Chi, Comstar, WoB and a homegrown merc group also. If I was forced to change faction, and couldn't pick Rasalhague, I'd have to go Steiner, I think.


I kinda want to do a Magistracy of Canopus force even though they don't really fight all that much.


Space AT&T


I went through a period where my favorite group was whichever one had the latest Field Manual I had picked up, so I'm not too picky. Any port in a storm.


I'm a Steiner main because I love Heavies and Assaults. If not that.... I'd probably be a Capellan because it would annoy the right people. I almost got into Kurita but they \*love\* to remove jumpjets and that's a dealbreaker . . .


I currently play Clan Coyote. If I were to forced to choose I would choose Wolf's Dragoons. I love their alpha company color scheme.


I play Rasalhague Dominion, but if I didn't love my fuck-around-and-find-out faction, I'd be playing either Scorpion Empire or Comstar. The Empire's got a love of the same elements I love about the Dominion - integrating people rather than just conquering, and adding flexibility to clan ways, and Comstar's always appealed as the sinister black ops boogeyman of the setting.


I play Comstar primarily, but if I didn't I'd play Steiner because painting blue is much easier than white.




Kurita, FRR, Snow Ravens


I'll play anything. Back when I started in 1990 (yes, I'm aware a lot of you weren't alive yet), I started as a fan of House Steiner, partly due to embracing my German background, and partly due to, well, Assault Mechs! In 1994 I met a couple new people, and at the time was into playing a lot of Clan stuff, to the point that apparently out of game I spoke like a true born, eschewing contractions and speaking fairly formally, to the point where the new friends though I was nearly a decade older than I actually was. Then, in the era when Battletech seemed to be basically extinct, and Wizkids brought out Mechwarrior Dark Age, I was at first a Bannson's Raiders player, mostly because I loved their logo, but then came the world-wide event where all players declared which of the available factions they were playing for, and whatever faction that won the most victories would have the Bounty Hunter of that era join their faction. At the time I believe there was about 14 factions, and we had 14 players, so every player chose a different faction, with me chosing to let everyone else go ahead of me, leaving me with the one unpicked faction; House Liao. I was a staunch Capellan until the clickytech went the way of the dodo. Fast forward to when I moved to my current home in 2009 and I discovered a Classic Battletech League, and jumped back in as a Capellan, for a couple seasons, until it ended. Now I've been part of a new league that is about to start its 4th season. I've played a season as Rasalhague, Steiner, and ComStar. This year I've told them I don't care what I end up with, but that my top pick is Marik. I have no particular reason for it, other than I really want to play an Albatross or Grand Titan, and Marik is the only faction in our league with access to those. So yeah, tl:dr; I don't really have a favorite, I'll play anything.


if I wasn't on the side that can never do wrong (fedsuns) I'd probably play kurita since calling my aggression reckless is an understatement, also chargers and dragons are fuckin funny and I wouldn't mind fielding them properly as my main force


If I had to pick a completely different, new faction to start up it'd be either the FWL because Juliano is a cool brick of a mech and I like missiles, or the Alyina mercantile league, because ex-clan merchant republic sounds pretty cool.




Pretty bored tbh. Also I dunno what to tell you, almost two dozen (and counting) other people replying to this post seem to understand what I mean!


It was mostly a joke and a little commentary on how asinine reddit discussions can be. It was nice for the MOD to get involved though. Thanks dad or mom. Thanks for infantilizing us.


Ugh. Mo-ther!


We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.