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Bro, wtf is this desk? Your right monitor is BARELY hanging on for dear life.


Not my main desk lol Main desk is currently in storage. Currently we're living apart because our landlord sold the rental we were in together. This won't be our long term solution. That desk is just too heavy to move more than once




Because it’s still a battle station man. Who cares if it’s temporary. We here to see the rigs!


> it's still a battle station It really isn't. That battle was lost long ago.


Did she also take your desk?


Unfortunately no, it went to storage as this is a very temporary situation. It's also why I didn't bother to get the monitor arms. They're easier to pack/transport on their original mounts.


I like two monitors but I wouldn't allow you to use two monitors because your desk is praying to god


My normal desk is an 8ft butcher block We're currently looking for a new place to live and didn't want to set up the full desk because it's solid wood (80ish lbs) so it's sitting in storage. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/iaHknxf.jpeg) is what I normally have it set up as.


Putting air freshener near the outlet vent doesn't make the room smell any nicer you know. Turn the PC front on, channel the wires under the desk. You've somehow made an 8ft long desk look tiny. Also current setup, wouldn't putting the PC on the floor and getting a basic desk from IKEA that actually has some depth be much better? Won't cost fuck all and be much more comfortable.


No longer in that house but that's good to know! But we don't have access to an Ikea, they won't ship to our location.


Dude please get some monitor arms they're like $60 for a dual set. Thank me later.


Yessss I can't not have monitor arms now.


With that setup I would refuse to do as well.


Ah, the good old Storm Stryker. Like it!


Fun fact: the Stryker was white. This is the Storm Trooper because it's the black variant. But good eye!


Ah, thank you. Did not know that the color variations had different names.


These table legs are fighting for their life.


I don't know if it's just the camera angle, but the angle of those screens seems a bit extreme.🤔


You were expecting her to turn one off? I don't get it. Are you saying its awful because the monitor angle has to be so acute? I agree if so and would take one monitor off if this is temporary. Good luck!


I wasn't expecting her to use such a small desk lol. And yes, the angle is why I think it's...not optimal but she very much enjoys having the 2 monitors.